import __ReactToolbox from "../index.d.ts"; export interface TimePickerTheme { /** * Added to the number which is active in clock face. */ active?: string; /** * AM label in dialog header when mode is AM/PM. */ am?: string; /** * Added to the dialog when the selected format is AM. */ amFormat?: string; /** * Wrapper for AM and PM labels in header when mode is AM/PM. */ ampm?: string; /** * Used for buttons inside the dialog of the picker. */ button?: string; /** * Clock root class element. */ clock?: string; /** * Wrapper for the proper positioning of the clock. */ clockWrapper?: string; /** * Used for the dialog component. */ dialog?: string; /** * Used to style the clock face. */ face?: string; /** * Used for the clock's hand. */ hand?: string; /** * Dialog header wrapper class. */ header?: string; /** * Used for hours in dialog header. */ hours?: string; /** * Added to the dialog hours are displayed. */ hoursDisplay?: string; /** * Used for Input element that opens the picker. */ input?: string; /** * Used for the knob of the hand. */ knob?: string; /** * Used for minutes in dialog header. */ minutes?: string; /** * Added to the dialog minutes are displayed. */ minutesDisplay?: string; /** * Each of the numbers in the clock's face. */ number?: string; /** * Placeholder for the clock inside the dialog (inner wrapper). */ placeholder?: string; /** * PM label in dialog header when mode is AM/PM. */ pm?: string; /** * Added to the dialog when the selected format is PM. */ pmFormat?: string; /** * Is the : separator between hours and minutes in dialog header. */ separator?: string; /** * Added to the knob when no round number is selected. */ small?: string; } interface TimePickerProps { /** * Provide error text which will be displayed under the field. */ error?: string; /** * This class will be applied to Input component of TimePicker. */ inputClassName?: string; /** * Format to display the clock. It can be 24hr or ampm. * @default false */ format?: "24hr" | "ampm"; /** * The text string to use for the floating label element in the input component. */ label?: string; /** * Callback called when the picker value is changed. */ onChange?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TimePickerTheme; /** * Datetime object with currrently selected time. */ value?: Date; } export class TimePicker extends __React.Component { } export default TimePicker;