import React from 'react'; import expect from 'expect'; import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'; import ProgressBar, { ProgressBar as RawProgressBar } from '../ProgressBar'; import theme from '../theme.scss'; import utils from '../../utils/testing'; describe('ProgressBar', function () { let progressBar; describe('#calculateRatio', function () { before(function () { const tree = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(); progressBar = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(tree, RawProgressBar); }); it('calculates the right ratio', function () { expect(progressBar.calculateRatio(150)).toEqual(0.25); }); it('gets 0 when value is less than min', function () { expect(progressBar.calculateRatio(10)).toEqual(0); }); it('gets 1 when value is more than max', function () { expect(progressBar.calculateRatio(400)).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('#render', function () { let buffer, value, wrapper, circle, strokeLength; it('renders the value and buffer bars when it is linear', function () { wrapper = utils.shallowRenderComponent(RawProgressBar, {theme}).props.children; expect(wrapper.props.children.length).toEqual(2); expect(wrapper.props.children[0].ref).toEqual('buffer'); expect(wrapper.props.children[1].ref).toEqual('value'); }); it('renders the value and buffer bars when it is linear', function () { progressBar = utils.shallowRenderComponent(RawProgressBar, {mode: 'determinate', value: 30, buffer: 60, theme}); buffer = (progressBar.props.children.props.children[0]); value = (progressBar.props.children.props.children[1]); expect(`scaleX(${0.6})`); expect(`scaleX(${0.3})`); }); it('renders the svg circle when it is circular', function () { progressBar = utils.shallowRenderComponent(RawProgressBar, {type: 'circular', theme}); expect(progressBar.props.children.type).toEqual('svg'); expect(progressBar.props.children.props.children.type).toEqual('circle'); }); it('renders the proper circle length style when it is circular and determinate', function () { progressBar = utils.shallowRenderComponent(RawProgressBar, {type: 'circular', mode: 'determinate', value: 30, theme}); circle = progressBar.props.children.props.children; strokeLength = 2 * Math.PI * circle.props.r * 0.3; expect(`${strokeLength}, 400`); }); it('contains mode and className in its className', function () { progressBar = utils.shallowRenderComponent(RawProgressBar, {mode: 'determinate', className: 'tight', theme}); expect(progressBar.props.className).toContain(theme.determinate); expect(progressBar.props.className).toContain(theme.tight); }); }); });