import __ReactToolbox from "../index.d.ts"; export interface CardTheme { card?: string; raised?: string; } interface CardProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; raised?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardTheme; } export class Card extends __React.Component { } export interface CardActionsTheme { cardActions?: string; } interface CardActionsProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardActionsTheme; } export class CardActions extends __React.Component { } export interface CardMediaTheme { cardMedia?: string; content?: string; contentOverlay?: string; square?: string; wide?: string; } interface CardMediaProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { aspectRatio?: "wide" | "square"; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; color?: string; contentOverlay?: boolean; image?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardMediaTheme; } export class CardMedia extends __React.Component { } export interface CardTextTheme { cardText?: string; } interface CardTextProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardTextTheme; } export class CardText extends __React.Component { } export interface CardTitleTheme { large?: string; title?: string; small?: string; subtitle?: string; } interface CardTitleProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { avatar?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; subtitle?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardTitleTheme; title?: __React.ReactNode | string; } export class CardTitle extends __React.Component { }