# Progress Bar Minimize visual changes that occur while your app loads content by representing each operation with a single [activity indicator](https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/progress-activity.html). For example, a refresh operation should display either a refresh bar or an activity circle, but not both. ```jsx import ProgressBar from 'react-toolbox/lib/progress_bar'; const ProgressTest = () => (
); ``` ## Properties | Name | Type | Default | Description| |:-----|:-----|:-----|:-----| | `buffer` | `Number` | `0` | Value of a secondary progress bar useful for buffering.| | `className` | `String` | `''` | Additional class name to provide custom styling.| | `max` | `Number` | `100` | Maximum value permitted.| | `min` | `Number` | `0` | Minimum value permitted.| | `mode` | `String` | `indeterminate` | Mode of the progress bar, it can be *determinate* or *indeterminate*.| | `multicolor` | `Boolean` | `false` | If true, the circular progress bar will be changing its color.| | `type` | `String` | `linear` | Type of the progress bar, it can be *circular* or *linear*.| | `value` | `Number` | `0` | Value of the current progress.|