
299 lines
11 KiB

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { themr } from 'react-css-themr';
import dissoc from 'ramda/src/dissoc';
import { RIPPLE } from '../identifiers';
import events from '../utils/events';
import prefixer from '../utils/prefixer';
const defaults = {
centered: false,
className: '',
multiple: true,
passthrough: true,
spread: 2,
theme: {},
const rippleFactory = (options = {}) => {
const {
centered: defaultCentered,
className: defaultClassName,
multiple: defaultMultiple,
passthrough: defaultPassthrough,
spread: defaultSpread,
theme: defaultTheme,
} = { ...defaults, ...options };
return (ComposedComponent) => {
class RippledComponent extends Component {
static propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
onMouseDown: PropTypes.func,
onRippleEnded: PropTypes.func,
onTouchStart: PropTypes.func,
ripple: PropTypes.bool,
rippleCentered: PropTypes.bool,
rippleClassName: PropTypes.string,
rippleMultiple: PropTypes.bool,
rippleSpread: PropTypes.number,
theme: PropTypes.shape({
ripple: PropTypes.string,
rippleActive: PropTypes.string,
rippleRestarting: PropTypes.string,
rippleWrapper: PropTypes.string,
static defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
ripple: true,
rippleCentered: defaultCentered,
rippleClassName: defaultClassName,
rippleMultiple: defaultMultiple,
rippleSpread: defaultSpread,
state = {
ripples: {},
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
// If a new ripple was just added, add a remove event listener to its animation
if (Object.keys(prevState.ripples).length < Object.keys(this.state.ripples).length) {
componentWillUnmount() {
// Remove document event listeners for ripple if they still exists
Object.keys(this.state.ripples).forEach((key) => {
* Find out a descriptor object for the ripple element being created depending on
* the position where the it was triggered and the component's dimensions.
* @param {Number} x Coordinate x in the viewport where ripple was triggered
* @param {Number} y Coordinate y in the viewport where ripple was triggered
* @return {Object} Descriptor element including position and size of the element
getDescriptor(x, y) {
const { left, top, height, width } = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).getBoundingClientRect();
const { rippleCentered: centered, rippleSpread: spread } = this.props;
return {
left: centered ? 0 : x - left - (width / 2),
top: centered ? 0 : y - top - (height / 2),
width: width * spread,
* Increments and internal counter and returns the next value as a string. It
* is used to assign key references to new ripple elements.
* @return {String} Key to be assigned to a ripple.
getNextKey() {
this.currentCount = this.currentCount ? this.currentCount + 1 : 1;
return `ripple${this.currentCount}`;
* Return the last generated key for a ripple element. When there is only one ripple
* and to get the reference when a ripple was just created.
* @return {String} The last generated ripple key.
getLastKey() {
return `ripple${this.currentCount}`;
* Variable to store the ripple references
rippleNodes = {};
* Determine if a ripple should start depending if its a touch event. For mobile both
* touchStart and mouseDown are launched so in case is touch we should always trigger
* but if its not we should check if a touch was already triggered to decide.
* @param {Boolean} isTouch True in case a touch event triggered the ripple false otherwise.
* @return {Boolean} True in case the ripple should trigger or false if it shouldn't.
rippleShouldTrigger(isTouch) {
const shouldStart = isTouch ? true : !this.touchCache;
this.touchCache = isTouch;
return shouldStart;
* Start a ripple animation on an specific point with touch or mouse events. First
* decides if the animation should trigger. If the ripple is multiple or there is no
* ripple present, it creates a new key. If it's a simple ripple and already exists,
* it just restarts the current ripple. The animation happens in two state changes
* to allow triggering via css.
* @param {Number} x Coordinate X on the screen where animation should start
* @param {Number} y Coordinate Y on the screen where animation should start
* @param {Boolean} isTouch Use events from touch or mouse.
animateRipple(x, y, isTouch) {
if (this.rippleShouldTrigger(isTouch)) {
const { top, left, width } = this.getDescriptor(x, y);
const noRipplesActive = Object.keys(this.state.ripples).length === 0;
const key = (this.props.rippleMultiple || noRipplesActive)
? this.getNextKey()
: this.getLastKey();
const endRipple = this.addRippleDeactivateEventListener(isTouch, key);
const initialState = { active: false, restarting: true, top, left, width, endRipple };
const runningState = { active: true, restarting: false };
const ripples = { ...this.state.ripples, [key]: initialState };
this.setState({ ripples }, () => {
if (this.rippleNodes[key]) this.rippleNodes[key].offsetWidth; // eslint-disable-line
this.setState({ ripples: {
[key]: Object.assign({}, this.state.ripples[key], runningState),
} });
* Add an event listener to the reference with given key so when the animation transition
* ends we can be sure that it finished and it can be safely removed from the state.
* This function is called whenever a new ripple is added to the component.
* @param {String} rippleKey Is the key of the ripple to add the event.
addRippleRemoveEventListener(rippleKey) {
const self = this;
const rippleNode = this.rippleNodes[rippleKey];
events.addEventListenerOnTransitionEnded(rippleNode, function onOpacityEnd(e) {
if (e.propertyName === 'opacity') {
if (self.props.onRippleEnded) self.props.onRippleEnded(e);
events.removeEventListenerOnTransitionEnded(self.rippleNodes[rippleKey], onOpacityEnd);
// self.rippleNodes = dissoc(rippleKey, self.rippleNodes);
delete self.rippleNodes[rippleKey];
self.setState({ ripples: dissoc(rippleKey, self.state.ripples) });
* Add an event listener to the document needed to deactivate a ripple and make it dissappear.
* Deactivation can happen with a touchend or mouseup depending on the trigger type. The
* ending function is created from a factory function and returned.
* @param {Boolean} isTouch True in case the trigger was a touch event false otherwise.
* @param {String} rippleKey It's a key to identify the ripple that should be deactivated.
* @return {Function} Callback function that deactivates the ripple and removes the listener
addRippleDeactivateEventListener(isTouch, rippleKey) {
const eventType = isTouch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
const endRipple = this.createRippleDeactivateCallback(eventType, rippleKey);
document.addEventListener(eventType, endRipple);
return endRipple;
* Generates a function that can be called to deactivate a ripple and remove its finishing
* event listener. If is generated because we need to store it to be called on unmount in case
* the ripple is still running.
* @param {String} eventType Is the event type that can be touchend or mouseup
* @param {String} rippleKey Is the key representing the ripple
* @return {Function} Callback function that deactivates the ripple and removes the listener
createRippleDeactivateCallback(eventType, rippleKey) {
const self = this;
return function endRipple() {
document.removeEventListener(eventType, endRipple);
self.setState({ ripples: {
[rippleKey]: Object.assign({}, self.state.ripples[rippleKey], { active: false }),
} });
doRipple = () => (!this.props.disabled && this.props.ripple)
handleMouseDown = (event) => {
if (this.props.onMouseDown) this.props.onMouseDown(event);
if (this.doRipple()) {
const { x, y } = events.getMousePosition(event);
this.animateRipple(x, y, false);
handleTouchStart = (event) => {
if (this.props.onTouchStart) this.props.onTouchStart(event);
if (this.doRipple()) {
const { x, y } = events.getTouchPosition(event);
this.animateRipple(x, y, true);
renderRipple(key, className, { active, left, restarting, top, width }) {
const scale = restarting ? 0 : 1;
const transform = `translate3d(${(-width / 2) + left}px, ${(-width / 2) + top}px, 0) scale(${scale})`;
const _className = classnames(this.props.theme.ripple, {
[this.props.theme.rippleActive]: active,
[this.props.theme.rippleRestarting]: restarting,
}, className);
return (
<span key={key} data-react-toolbox="ripple" className={this.props.theme.rippleWrapper} {...props}>
ref={(node) => { if (node) this.rippleNodes[key] = node; }}
style={prefixer({ transform }, { width, height: width })}
render() {
const {
onRippleEnded, // eslint-disable-line
rippleCentered, // eslint-disable-line
rippleClassName, // eslint-disable-line
rippleMultiple, // eslint-disable-line
rippleSpread, // eslint-disable-line
} = this.props;
const { ripples } = this.state;
const childRipples = Object.keys(ripples).map(key =>
this.renderRipple(key, rippleClassName, ripples[key]),
const childProps = {
onMouseDown: this.handleMouseDown,
onTouchStart: this.handleTouchStart,
const finalProps = defaultPassthrough
? { ...childProps, theme, disabled }
: childProps;
return !ripple
? React.createElement(ComposedComponent, finalProps, children)
: React.createElement(ComposedComponent, finalProps, [children, childRipples]);
return themr(RIPPLE, defaultTheme)(RippledComponent);
export default rippleFactory;