
136 lines
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import __ReactToolbox from "../index.d.ts";
export interface InputTheme {
* Used for the bar under the input.
bar?: string;
* Used for the counter element.
counter?: string;
* Added to the root class when input is disabled.
disabled?: string;
* Used for the text error.
error?: string;
* Added to the root class when input is errored.
errored?: string;
* Used when the input is hidden.
hidden?: string;
* Used for the hint text.
hint?: string;
* Used for the icon in case the input has icon.
icon?: string;
* Used as root class for the component.
input?: string;
* Used for the HTML input element.
inputElement?: string;
* Used in case the input is required.
required?: string;
* Added to the root class if the input has icon.
withIcon?: string;
interface InputProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props {
* Children to pass through the component.
children?: __React.ReactNode;
* If true, component will be disabled.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Give an error node to display under the field.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the label is floating in the input field or not.
* @default true
floating?: boolean;
* The text string to use for hint text element.
hint?: string;
* Name of an icon to use as a label for the input.
icon?: __React.ReactNode | string;
* The text string to use for the floating label element.
label?: string;
* Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the component
maxLength?: number;
* If true, a textarea element will be rendered. The textarea also grows and shrinks according to the number of lines.
* @default false
multiLine?: boolean;
* Name for the input field.
name?: string;
* Callback function that is fired when component is blurred.
onBlur?: __React.FocusEventHandler;
* Callback function that is fired when the component's value changes
onChange?: __React.FormEventHandler;
* Callback function that is fired when component is focused.
onFocus?: __React.FocusEventHandler;
* Callback function that is fired when a key is pressed.
onKeyPress?: __React.MouseEventHandler;
* If true, the html input has a required attribute.
* @default false
required?: boolean;
* Classnames object defining the component style.
theme?: InputTheme;
* Type of the input element. It can be a valid HTML5 input type
type?: string;
* Current value of the input element.
value?: any;
export class Input extends __React.Component<InputProps, {}> { }
export default Input;