
222 lines
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import * as React from "react";
import ReactToolbox from "../index";
export interface DatePickerTheme {
* Used for the active day and year.
active?: string;
* Used for the buttons in the dialog.
button?: string;
* Used for the calendar root element.
calendar?: string;
* Used as wrapper for the calendar component inside dialog.
calendarWrapper?: string;
* Used for the date element inside header.
date?: string;
* Used for the day element inside the calendar.
day?: string;
* Used for the list of days inside a month.
days?: string;
* Used for the dialog component.
dialog?: string;
* Added to day element when day is disabled.
disabled?: string;
* Used for the dialog header,.
header?: string;
* Used for Input element that opens the picker.
input?: string;
* Used for the month root element.
month?: string;
* Added to the root dialog when months are displayed.
monthsDisplay?: string;
* Used for the next month icon.
next?: string;
* Used for the prev month icon.
prev?: string;
* Used for the month title element.
title?: string;
* Used for the weekdays wrapper.
week?: string;
* Used for the year element inside header.
year?: string;
* Used for the years list in years view.
years?: string;
* Added to the root dialog when years are displayed.
yearsDisplay?: string;
export interface DatePickerProps extends ReactToolbox.Props {
* Allows to control if the picker should be shown from outside. Beware you should update the prop when the Dialog is closed.
* @default false
active?: boolean;
* Automatically selects a date upon clicking on a day
* @default false
autoOk?: boolean;
* Label used for cancel button on Dialog.
* @default "Cancel"
cancelLabel?: string;
* An array of date objects which will be disabled in the calendar. All other dates will be enabled.
disabledDates?: Date[];
* An array of date objects which will be enabled in the calendar. All other dates will be disabled.
enabledDates?: Date[];
* Give an error node to display under the field.
error?: string;
* A key to identify an Icon from Material Design Icons or a custom Icon Element.
icon?: React.ReactNode;
* This class will be applied to Input component of DatePicker.
inputClassName?: string;
* Function to format the date displayed on the input.
inputFormat?: Function;
* The text string to use for the floating label element in the input component.
label?: string;
* Sets locale for the Dialog.
* @default "en"
locale?: "de" | "no" | "en" | "es" | "af" | "ar" | "be" | "bg" | "bn" | "bo" | "br" | "bs" | "ca" | "gl" | "eu" | "pt" | "it" | "fr" | "ru" | "ua" | DatePickerLocale;
* Date object with the maximum selectable date.
maxDate?: Date;
* Date object with the minimum selectable date.
minDate?: Date;
* Name for the input field.
name?: string;
* Label used for 'OK' button on Dialog.
* @default "Ok"
okLabel?: string;
* Callback called when the picker value is changed.
onChange?: Function;
* Callback fired on Input click.
onClick?: Function;
* Callback fired after dismissing the Dialog.
onDismiss?: Function;
* Callback called when the ESC key is pressed with the overlay active.
onEscKeyDown?: Function;
* Callback invoked on Input key press.
onKeyPress?: Function;
* Callback to be invoked when the dialog overlay is clicked.
onOverlayClick?: Function;
* The input element will be readonly and look like disabled.
readonly?: boolean;
* Set week's first day to Sunday. Default week's first day is Monday.
* @default false
sundayFirstDayOfWeek?: boolean;
* Classnames object defining the component style.
theme?: DatePickerTheme;
* Date object with the currently selected date.
value?: Date | string;
export interface DatePickerLocale {
* Month names.
months?: string[];
* Month short names.
monthsShort?: string[];
* Day names starting from Sunday.
weekdays?: string[];
* Day short names starting from Sunday.
weekdaysShort?: string[];
* Day letters starting from Sunday.
weekdaysLetter?: string[];
export class DatePicker extends React.Component<DatePickerProps, {}> { }
export default DatePicker;