masakij f00687564b refactor propTypes more descriptive 2016-12-14 11:42:24 +09:00
Autocomplete.js refactor propTypes more descriptive 2016-12-14 11:42:24 +09:00
_config.scss Merge branch 'dev' into add-chip-component 2016-04-04 11:41:04 +02:00
index.d.ts refactor propTypes more descriptive 2016-12-14 11:42:24 +09:00
index.js Autoinject Autocomplete, Avatar, Chip and Input 2016-05-28 17:44:29 +02:00 refactor propTypes more descriptive 2016-12-14 11:42:24 +09:00
theme.scss Fix #877 2016-11-06 12:36:31 +01:00


An input field with a set of predeterminated labeled values. When it's focused it shows a list of options that are filtered by label as the user types. They can be simple or multiple depending on the amount of values that can be selected. The opening direction is determined by its current position at opening time.

import Autocomplete from 'react-toolbox/lib/autocomplete';

const source = {
  'ES-es': 'Spain',
  'TH-th': 'Thailand',
  'EN-gb': 'England',
  'EN-en': 'USA'

class AutocompleteTest extends React.Component {
  state = {
    countries: ['ES-es', 'TH-th']

  handleChange = (value) => {
    this.setState({countries: value});

  render () {
    return (
        label="Choose countries"

If you want to provide a theme via context, the component key is RTAutocomplete.


Name Type Default Description
allowCreate Bool false Determines if user can create a new option with the current typed value
className String '' Sets a class to style of the Component.
direction String auto Determines the opening direction. It can be auto, top or down.
disabled Bool false If true, component will be disabled.
error String or Node Sets the error string for the internal input element.
label String or Node The text string to use for the floating label element.
multiple Bool true If true, component can hold multiple values.
onBlur Function Callback function that is fired when component is blurred.
onChange Function Callback function that is fired when the components's value changes.
onQueryChange Function Callback function that is fired when the components's query input value changes.
onFocus Function Callback function that is fired when component is focused.
source Object or Array Object of key/values or array representing all items suggested.
selectedPosition String above Determines if the selected list is shown above or below input. It can be above, below or none.
showSelectedWhenNotInSource Bool false Determines if the selected list is shown if the value keys don't exist in the source. Only works if passing the value prop as an Object.
showSuggestionsWhenValueIsSet Bool false If true, the list of suggestions will not be filtered when a value is selected, until the query is modified.
suggestionMatch String start Determines how suggestions are supplied. It can be start (query matches the start of a suggestion), anywhere (query matches anywhere inside the suggestion), or word (query matches the start of a word in the suggestion).
value String, Array or Object Value or array of values currently selected component.

Additional properties will be passed to the Input Component so you can use hint, name ... etc.


This component uses an Input under the covers. The theme object is passed down namespaced under input keyword. This means you can use the same theme classNames from Input component but namespaced with input. For example, to style the label you have to use inputLabel className.

Name Description
active Used for a suggestion when it's active.
autocomplete Used for the root element.
focus Used when the input is focused.
input Used to style the Input component.
suggestion Used to style each suggestion.
suggestions Used to style the suggestions container.
up Used for the suggestions when it's opening to the top.
value Classname used for a single value.
values Classname used for the values container.