
107 lines
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import * as React from "react";
import ReactToolbox from "../index";
export interface AutocompleteTheme {
* Used for a suggestion when it's active.
active?: string;
* Used for the root element.
autocomplete?: string;
* Used when the input is focused.
focus?: string;
* Used to style the Input component.
input?: string;
* Used for the label.
label?: string;
* Used to style each suggestion.
suggestion?: string;
* Used to style the suggestions container.
suggestions?: string;
* Used for the suggestions when it's opening to the top.
up?: string;
* Classname used for a single value.
value?: string;
* Classname used for the values container.
values?: string;
interface AutocompleteProps extends ReactToolbox.Props {
* Determines the opening direction. It can be auto, up or down.
* @default auto
direction?: "auto" | "up" | "down";
* If true, component will be disabled.
disabled?: boolean;
* Sets the error string for the internal input element.
* @default false
error?: string;
* The text string to use for the floating label element.
label?: string;
* If true, component can hold multiple values.
multiple?: boolean;
* Callback function that is fired when the components's value changes.
* @default auto
onChange?: Function;
* Determines if the selected list is shown above or below input. It can be above or below.
* @default above
selectedPosition?: "above" | "below";
* If true, the list of suggestions will not be filtered when a value is selected.
* @default false
showSuggestionsWHenValueIsSet?: boolean;
* Object of key/values or array representing all items suggested.
source?: any;
* Determines how suggestions are supplied.
* @default start
suggestionMatch?: "start" | "anywhere" | "word";
* Classnames object defining the component style.
theme?: AutocompleteTheme;
* Value or array of values currently selected component.
value?: any;
export class Autocomplete extends React.Component<AutocompleteProps, {}> { }
export default Autocomplete;