Update README.md

Klaus Post 2015-06-22 12:00:36 +02:00
parent c2ac7bc8d8
commit c7a0c49be7
1 changed files with 83 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -30,33 +30,110 @@ First of all, you need to choose your distribution of data and parity shards. A
To create an encoder with 10 data shards and 3 parity shards:
encoder, err := reedsolomon.New(10, 3)
enc, err := reedsolomon.New(10, 3)
This encoder will work for all parity sets with this distribution of data and parity shards. The error will only be set if you specify 0 or negative values in any of the parameters.
The you send and receive data is a simple slice of byte slices; `[][]byte`. In the example above, the top slice must have a length of 13.
input := make([][]byte, 13)
data := make([][]byte, 13)
You should then fill the 10 first slices with *equally sized* data.
You should then fill the 10 first slices with *equally sized* data, and create parity shards that will be populated with parity data. In this case we create the data in memory, but you could for instance also use [mmap](https://github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go) to map files.
// Create all shards, size them at 50000 each
for i := range input {
input[i] := make([]byte, 50000)
data[i] := make([]byte, 50000)
// Fill some data into the data shards
for i, in := range input[:10] {
for i, in := range data[:10] {
for j:= range in {
data[j] = byte((i+j)&0xff)
in[j] = byte((i+j)&0xff)
To populate the parity shards, you simply call `Encode()` with your data.
err = enc.Encode(data)
The only cases where you should get an error is, if the data shards aren't of equal size. The last 3 shards now contain parity data. You can verify this by calling `Verify()`:
ok, err = enc.Verify(data)
The final (and important) part is to be able to reconstruct missing shards. For this to work, you need to know which parts of your data is missing. The encoder *does not know which parts are invalid*, so if data corruption is a likely scenario, you need to implement a hash check for each shard. If a byte has changed in your set, and you don't know which it is, there is no way to reconstruct the data set.
To indicate missing data, you set the shard to nil before calling `Reconstruct()`:
// Delete two data shards
data[3] = nil
data[7] = nil
err := enc.Reconstruct(data)
The missing data and parity shards will be recreated. If more than 3 shards are missing, the reconstruction will fail.
# Splitting/Joining Data
You might have a large slice of data. To help you split this, there are some helper functions that can split and join a single byte slice.
bigfile, _ := ioutil.Readfile("myfile.data")
// Split the file
split, err := enc.Split(bigfile)
This will split the file into the number of data shards set when creating the encoder and create empty parity shards.
An important thing to note is that you have to *keep track of the exact input size*. If the size of the input isn't diviable by the number of data shards, extra zeros will be inserted in the last shard.
To join a data set, use the `Join()` function, which will join the shards and write it to the `io.Writer` you supply:
// Join a data set and write it to io.Discard.
err = enc.Join(io.Discard, data, len(bigfile))
# Streaming/Merging
It might seem like a limitation that all data should be in memory, but an important property is that *as long as the number of data/parity shards are the same, you can merge/split data sets*, and they will remain valid.
// Split the data set of 50000 elements into two of 25000
splitA := make([][]byte, 13)
splitB := make([][]byte, 13)
// Merge into a 100000 element set
merged := make([][]byte, 13)
for i := range data {
splitA[i] = data[:25000]
splitB[i] = data[25000:]
merged[i] = append(data, data...)
// Each part should still verify as ok.
ok, err := enc.Verify(splitA)
if ok && err == nil {
log.Println("splitA ok")
ok, err = enc.Verify(splitB)
if ok && err == nil {
log.Println("splitB ok")
ok, err = enc.Verify(merge)
if ok && err == nil {
log.Println("merge ok")
This means that if you have a data set that may not fit into memory, you can split processing into smaller blocks. For the best throughput, don't use too small blocks.
# Performance
Performance depends mainly on the number of parity shards. In rough terms, doubling the number of parity shards will double the encoding time.