I want to make mini-etcd out of it

Vitaliy Filippov 2023-07-08 02:05:23 +03:00
parent a6893ea494
commit 899c06faed
2 changed files with 452 additions and 0 deletions

etctree.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
const crypto = require('crypto');
/*type TreeNode = {
value?: any,
create_revision?: number,
mod_revision?: number,
version?: number,
lease?: string,
children: { [string]: TreeNode },
watchers?: number[],
key_watchers?: number[],
class EtcTree
this.state = {};
this.leases = {};
this.watchers = {};
this.watcher_id = 0;
this.mod_revision = 0;
const parts = this.key_parts(chk.key);
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, false);
let check_value, ref_value;
if (chk.target === 'MOD')
check_value = cur.mod_revision || 0;
ref_value = chk.mod_revision || 0;
else if (chk.target === 'CREATE')
check_value = cur.create_revision || 0;
ref_value = chk.create_revision || 0;
else if (chk.target === 'VERSION')
check_value = cur.version || 0;
ref_value = chk.version || 0;
else if (chk.target === 'LEASE')
check_value = cur.lease;
ref_value = chk.lease;
throw new Error('Unsupported comparison target: '+chk.target);
if (chk.result === 'LESS')
return check_value < ref_value;
else if (chk.result)
throw new Error('Unsupported comparison result: '+chk.result);
return check_value == ref_value;
const parts = key.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/').replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '');
return parts === '' ? [] : parts.split('/');
const key = req.key;
const end = req.range_end;
if (end != null && (key[key.length-1] != '/' || end[end.length-1] != '0' ||
end.substr(0, end.length-1) !== key.substr(0, key.length-1)))
throw new Error('Non-directory range queries are unsupported');
const parts = this.key_parts(key);
return { parts, all: end != null };
get_subtree(parts, create, notify)
let cur = this.state;
let watchers = notify ? [] : null;
for (let k of parts)
if (notify && cur.watchers)
watchers.push.apply(watchers, cur.watchers);
if (!cur.children)
if (!create)
return {};
cur.children = {};
if (!cur.children[k])
if (!create)
return {};
cur.children[k] = {};
cur = cur.children[k];
if (notify && cur.watchers)
watchers.push.apply(watchers, cur.watchers);
if (notify && cur.key_watchers)
watchers.push.apply(watchers, cur.key_watchers);
return { watchers, cur };
let id;
while (!id || this.leases[id])
id = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('base64');
const timer_id = setTimeout(() => this.api_revoke_lease({ ID: id }), req.TTL*1000);
this.leases[id] = { ttl: req.TTL, timer_id, keys: {} };
return { ID: id };
const id = req.ID;
if (!this.leases[id])
throw new Error('unknown lease');
const ttl = this.leases[id].TTL;
this.leases[id].timer_id = setTimeout(() => this.api_revoke_lease({ ID: id }), ttl*1000);
return { TTL: ttl };
if (!this.leases[req.ID])
throw new Error('unknown lease');
const next_revision = this.mod_revision + 1;
const notifications = [];
for (const key in this.leases[req.ID].keys)
this.txn_action({ request_delete_range: { key } }, next_revision, notifications);
api_create_watch(req, send)
const { parts, all } = this.get_range(req);
if (req.start_revision && req.start_revision < this.mod_revision)
throw new Error('history storage is not implemented');
let watch_id = req.watch_id;
if (watch_id instanceof Object)
throw new Error('invalid watch_id');
if (!watch_id)
watch_id = ++this.watcher_id;
if (!this.watchers[watch_id])
this.watchers[watch_id] = {
paths: [],
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, true, false);
if (all)
cur.watchers = cur.watchers || [];
cur.key_watchers = cur.key_watchers || [];
return { watch_id, created: true };
if (this.watchers[watch_id])
for (const parts of this.watchers[watch_id].paths)
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, false);
if (cur)
if (cur.watchers)
cur.watchers = cur.watchers.filter(id => id != watch_id);
if (!cur.watchers.length)
cur.watchers = null;
if (cur.key_watchers)
cur.key_watchers = cur.key_watchers.filter(id => id != watch_id);
if (!cur.key_watchers.length)
cur.key_watchers = null;
// FIXME: cleanup deleted tree paths
delete this.watchers[watch_id];
api_txn({ compare, success, failure })
const failed = (compare || []).filter(chk => !this.check(chk)).length > 0;
const responses = [];
const notifications = [];
const next_revision = this.mod_revision + 1;
for (const req of (failed ? failure : success) || [])
responses.push(this.txn_action(req, next_revision, notifications));
return { revision: this.mod_revision, succeeded: !failed, responses };
if (!notifications.length)
const by_watcher = {};
for (const notif of notifications)
const watchers = notif.watchers;
delete notif.watchers;
for (const wid of watchers)
if (this.watchers[wid])
by_watcher[wid] = by_watcher[wid] || { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, events: {} };
by_watcher[wid].events[notif.key] = notif;
for (const wid in by_watcher)
by_watcher[wid].events = Object.values(by_watcher[wid].events);
txn_action(req, cur_revision, notifications)
if (req.request_range)
// FIXME: limit, revision(-), sort_order, sort_target, serializable(-), keys_only,
// count_only, min_mod_revision, max_mod_revision, min_create_revision, max_create_revision
const { parts, all } = this.get_range(req.request_range);
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, false);
const kvs = [];
if (cur)
this.get_all(kvs, cur, all, parts.join('/'), req.request_range);
return { kvs };
else if (req.request_put)
// FIXME: prev_kv, ignore_value(?), ignore_lease(?)
const parts = this.key_parts(req.request_put.key);
const key = parts.join('/');
const value = req.request_put.value;
const { cur, watchers } = this.get_subtree(parts, true, true);
if (!eq(cur.value, value) || cur.lease != req.request_put.lease)
if (cur.lease && this.leases[cur.lease])
delete this.leases[cur.lease].keys[key];
if (req.request_put.lease)
if (!this.leases[req.request_put.lease])
throw new Error('unknown lease: '+req.request_put.lease);
cur.lease = req.request_put.lease;
this.leases[req.request_put.lease].keys[key] = true;
this.mod_revision = cur_revision;
cur.version = (cur.version||0) + 1;
cur.mod_revision = cur_revision;
if (cur.value == null)
cur.create_revision = cur_revision;
cur.value = value;
const notify = { watchers, key, value, mod_revision: cur.mod_revision };
if (cur.lease)
notify.lease = cur.lease;
return {};
else if (req.request_delete_range)
// FIXME: prev_kv
const { parts, all } = this.get_range(req.request_delete_range);
const { cur, watchers } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, true);
if (cur)
this.delete_all(notifications, watchers, cur, all, parts.join('/'), cur_revision);
get_all(kvs, cur, all, prefix, req)
if (req.limit && kvs.length > req.limit)
if (cur.value != null)
if (req.keys_only)
kvs.push({ key: prefix, mod_revision: cur.mod_revision });
kvs.push({ key: prefix, value: cur.value, mod_revision: cur.mod_revision });
if (all && cur.children)
for (let k in cur.children)
this.get_all(kvs, cur.children[k], true, prefix === '' ? k : prefix+'/'+k, req);
delete_all(notifications, watchers, cur, all, prefix, cur_revision)
if (cur.value != null)
// Do not actually forget the key until the deletion is confirmed by all replicas
cur.value = null;
cur.create_revision = null;
cur.mod_revision = cur_revision;
this.mod_revision = cur_revision;
notifications.push({ watchers, key: prefix, mod_revision: cur_revision });
if (all && cur.children)
for (let k in cur.children)
const subw = cur.children[k].watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...cur.children[k].watchers ] : watchers;
this.delete_all(notifications, subw, cur.children[k], true, prefix === '' ? k : prefix+'/'+k, cur_revision);
function eq(a, b)
if (a instanceof Object || b instanceof Object)
return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b);
return a == b;
module.exports = EtcTree;

etctree.spec.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
const EtcTree = require('./etctree.js');
describe('EtcTree', () =>
it('should return the inserted value', () =>
const t = new EtcTree();
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 1, responses: [ {} ] });
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/global' } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 1, responses: [ { kvs: [ { key: 'vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 1, value: { hello: 'world' } } ] } ] });
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/', range_end: '/vitastor/config0' } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 1, responses: [ { kvs: [ { key: 'vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 1, value: { hello: 'world' } } ] } ] });
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitasto/', range_end: '/vitasto0' } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 1, responses: [ { kvs: [] } ] });
compare: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', target: 'MOD', mod_revision: 1, result: 'LESS' } ],
success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ],
failure: [ { request_range: { key: 'vitastor/config/global' } } ],
})).toEqual({ succeeded: false, revision: 1, responses: [ { kvs: [ { key: 'vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 1, value: { hello: 'world' } } ] } ] });
compare: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', target: 'MOD', mod_revision: 2, result: 'LESS' } ],
success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world2' } } } ]
})).toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 2, responses: [ {} ] });
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/', range_end: '/vitastor/config0' } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 2, responses: [ { kvs: [ { key: 'vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 2, value: { hello: 'world2' } } ] } ] });
it('should watch', () =>
const t = new EtcTree();
const sent = [];
const send = (event) => sent.push(event);
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 1, responses: [ {} ] });
expect(t.api_create_watch({ watch_id: 1, key: '/vitastor/', range_end: '/vitastor0' }, send))
.toEqual({ watch_id: 1, created: true });
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', value: { ip: '' } } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 2, responses: [ {} ] });
expect(sent).toEqual([ { header: { revision: 2 }, events: [ { key: 'vitastor/osd/state/1', mod_revision: 2, value: { ip: '' } } ] } ]);
it('should lease', async () =>
const t = new EtcTree();
const sent = [];
const send = (event) => sent.push(event);
const leaseID = t.api_grant_lease({ TTL: 0.5 }).ID;
expect(t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', lease: leaseID, value: { ip: '' } } } ] }))
.toEqual({ succeeded: true, revision: 1, responses: [ {} ] });
expect(t.api_create_watch({ watch_id: 1, key: '/vitastor/', range_end: '/vitastor0' }, send))
.toEqual({ watch_id: 1, created: true });
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 600));
expect(sent).toEqual([ { header: { revision: 2 }, events: [ { key: 'vitastor/osd/state/1', mod_revision: 2 } ] } ]);