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10 Commits

9 changed files with 1494 additions and 265 deletions

anticli.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
const fsp = require('fs').promises;
const http = require('http');
const https = require('https');
class AntiEtcdCli
static parse(args)
const cmd = [];
const options = {};
for (let i = 2; i < args.length; i++)
const arg = args[i].toLowerCase().replace(/^--(.+)$/, (m, m1) => '--'+m1.replace(/-/g, '_'));
if (arg === '-h' || arg === '--help')
' anticli.js [OPTIONS] put <key> [<value>]\n'+
' anticli.js [OPTIONS] get <key> [-p|--prefix] [-v|--print-value-only] [-k|--keys-only]\n'+
' anticli.js [OPTIONS] del <key> [-p|--prefix]\n'+
' [--endpoints|-e http://node1:2379,http://node2:2379,http://node3:2379]\n'+
' [--timeout 1000]'
else if (arg == '-e' || arg == '--endpoints')
options['endpoints'] = args[++i].split(/\s*[,\s]+\s*/);
else if (arg == '-p' || arg == '--prefix')
options['prefix'] = true;
else if (arg == '-v' || arg == '--print_value_only')
options['print_value_only'] = true;
else if (arg == '-k' || arg == '--keys_only')
options['keys_only'] = true;
else if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] !== '-')
console.error('Unknown option '+arg);
else if (arg.substr(0, 2) == '--')
options[arg.substr(2)] = args[++i];
if (!cmd.length || cmd[0] != 'get' && cmd[0] != 'put' && cmd[0] != 'del')
console.log('Supported commands: get, put, del. Use --help to see details');
return [ cmd, options ];
async run(cmd, options)
this.options = options;
if (!this.options.endpoints)
this.options.endpoints = [ 'http://localhost:2379' ];
if (cmd[0] == 'get')
await this.get(cmd.slice(1));
else if (cmd[0] == 'put')
await this.put(cmd[1], cmd.length > 2 ? cmd[2] : undefined);
else if (cmd[0] == 'del')
await this.del(cmd.slice(1));
async get(keys)
if (this.options.prefix)
keys = => k.replace(/\/+$/, ''));
const txn = { success: => ({ request_range: this.options.prefix ? { key: b64(key+'/'), range_end: b64(key+'0') } : { key: b64(key) } })) };
const res = await this.request('/v3/kv/txn', txn);
for (const r of (res||{}).responses||[])
if (r.response_range)
for (const kv of r.response_range.kvs)
if (!this.options.print_value_only)
if (!this.options.keys_only)
async put(key, value)
if (value === undefined)
value = await fsp.readFile(0, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const res = await this.request('/v3/kv/put', { key: b64(key), value: b64(value) });
if (res && res.header)
async del(keys)
if (this.options.prefix)
keys = => k.replace(/\/+$/, ''));
const txn = { success: => ({ request_delete_range: this.options.prefix ? { key: b64(key+'/'), range_end: b64(key+'0') } : { key: b64(key) } })) };
const res = await this.request('/v3/kv/txn', txn);
for (const r of (res||{}).responses||[])
if (r.response_delete_range)
async request(path, body)
for (const url of this.options.endpoints)
const cur_url = url.replace(/\/+$/, '')+path;
return (await POST(cur_url, body, this.options.timeout||1000)).json;
catch (e)
console.error(cur_url+': '+e.message);
return null;
function POST(url, body, timeout)
return new Promise(ok =>
const body_text = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body));
let timer_id = timeout > 0 ? setTimeout(() =>
if (req)
req = null;
ok({ error: 'timeout' });
}, timeout) : null;
let req = (url.substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() == 'https://' ? https : http).request(url, { method: 'POST', headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Length': body_text.length,
} }, (res) =>
if (!req)
let res_body = '';
res.on('error', (error) => ok({ error }));
res.on('data', chunk => { res_body += chunk; });
res.on('end', () =>
if (res.statusCode != 200)
ok({ error: res_body, code: res.statusCode });
res_body = JSON.parse(res_body);
ok({ response: res, json: res_body });
catch (e)
ok({ error: e, response: res, body: res_body });
req.on('error', (error) => ok({ error }));
req.on('close', () => ok({ error: new Error('Connection closed prematurely') }));
function b64(str)
return Buffer.from(str).toString('base64');
function de64(str)
return Buffer.from(str, 'base64').toString();
new AntiEtcdCli().run(...AntiEtcdCli.parse(process.argv)).catch(console.error);

anticluster.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
const ws = require('ws');
const TinyRaft = require('./tinyraft.js');
const { runCallbacks, RequestError } = require('./common.js');
const LEADER_MISMATCH = 'raft leader/term mismatch';
class AntiCluster
this.antietcd = antietcd;
this.cfg = antietcd.cfg;
this.cluster_connections = {};
this.last_request_id = 1;
this.subrequests = {};
this.synced = false;
this.wait_sync = [];
if (!this.cfg.node_id || !this.cfg.cluster_key)
throw new Error('node_id and cluster_key are required in configuration if cluster is set');
if (!(this.cfg.cluster instanceof Object))
this.cfg.cluster = (''+this.cfg.cluster).trim().split(/[\s,]*,[\s,]*/)
.reduce((a, c) => { c = c.split(/\s*=\s*/); a[c[0]] = c[1]; return a; }, {});
this.raft = new TinyRaft({
nodes: Object.keys(this.cfg.cluster),
nodeId: this.cfg.node_id,
heartbeatTimeout: this.cfg.heartbeat_timeout,
electionTimeout: this.cfg.election_timeout,
initialTerm: this.antietcd.stored_term,
send: (to, msg) => this._sendRaftMessage(to, msg),
this.raft.on('change', (event) => this._handleRaftChange(event));
// Connect to all nodes and reconnect forever
for (const node_id in this.cfg.cluster)
if (node_id != this.cfg.node_id && this.cfg.cluster[node_id] &&
(!this.cluster_connections[node_id] || !this.antietcd.clients[this.cluster_connections[node_id]]))
const socket = new ws.WebSocket(this.cfg.cluster[node_id].replace(/^http/, 'ws'));
const client_id = this.antietcd.startWebsocket(socket, () => setTimeout(() => this.connectToNode(node_id), this.cfg.reconnect_interval||1000));
this.cluster_connections[node_id] = client_id;
socket.on('open', () =>
if (this.antietcd.clients[client_id])
this.antietcd.clients[client_id].ready = true;
this.antietcd.clients[client_id].raft_node_id = node_id;
this.antietcd.clients[client_id].addr = socket._socket.remoteAddress+':'+socket._socket.remotePort;
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ identify: { key: this.cfg.cluster_key, node_id: this.cfg.node_id } }));
_peerRequest(client, request, timeout)
const request_id = this.last_request_id++;
request.request_id = request_id;
const req = this.subrequests[request_id] = { client_id: };
const promise = new Promise(ok => req.cb = ok);
req.timer_id = setTimeout(() => this._completeRequest(null, request_id, { error: 'timeout' }), timeout);
return promise;
async replicateChange(msg)
if (this.raft.state !== TinyRaft.LEADER)
for (const follower of this.raft.followers)
if (follower != this.cfg.node_id)
const client = this._getPeer(follower);
if (!client)
// One of peers is unavailable - immediate failure, request should be retried
console.log('Lost peer connection during replication - restarting election');
throw new Error('Replication failed');
const promises = [];
for (const follower of this.raft.followers)
if (follower != this.cfg.node_id)
const client = this._getPeer(follower);
const promise = this._peerRequest(client, { replicate: msg, term: this.raft.term }, this.cfg.replication_timeout||1000);
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
for (const result of results)
if (!result)
// One of peers is unavailable - immediate failure, request should be retried
console.log('Lost peer connection during replication - restarting election');
throw new Error('Replication failed');
_completeRequest(client_id, request_id, result)
const req = this.subrequests[request_id];
if (!req || client_id && req.client_id != client_id)
delete this.subrequests[request_id];
if (req.timer_id && result !== null)
'Raft '+this.cfg.node_id+': '+(event.state == TinyRaft.FOLLOWER ? 'following '+event.leader : event.state)+
', term '+event.term+(event.state == TinyRaft.LEADER ? ', followers: '+event.followers.join(', ') : '')
if (event.state == TinyRaft.LEADER)
// (Re)sync with the new set of followers
this.synced = false;
this.synced = false;
if (!this.resync_state)
this.resync_state = {
dumps: {},
loads: {},
this.resync_state.dumps[this.cfg.node_id] = { ...this.antietcd.etctree.dump(), term: this.antietcd.stored_term };
const seen = {};
for (const f of followers)
seen[f] = true;
if (f != this.cfg.node_id && !(f in this.resync_state.dumps))
const client = this._getPeer(f);
if (client)
this.resync_state.dumps[f] = null;
this._peerRequest(client, { request: {}, handler: 'dump' }, this.cfg.dump_timeout||5000).then(res =>
if (this.resync_state && client.raft_node_id &&
(client.raft_node_id in this.resync_state.dumps))
if (res.error)
console.error(client.raft_node_id+' dump failed with error: '+res.error);
console.log('Got dump from '+client.raft_node_id+' with stored term '+res.term);
this.resync_state.dumps[client.raft_node_id] = res.error ? null : res;
for (const f in this.resync_state.dumps)
if (!seen[f])
delete this.resync_state.dumps[f];
let max_term = -1, with_max = [];
for (const follower in this.resync_state.dumps)
const dump = this.resync_state.dumps[follower];
if (!dump)
// Some dump(s) are still pending
if (dump.term > max_term)
max_term = dump.term;
with_max = [ follower ];
else if (dump.term == max_term)
if (max_term < 0 || with_max.length == 0)
throw new Error('BUG: no max term during resync');
with_max = with_max.filter(w => w != this.cfg.node_id);
// Merge databases of all nodes with maximum term
// Force other nodes to replicate the merged DB, throwing away their own states
for (let i = 0; i < with_max.length; i++)
const update_only = !(i == 0 && this.antietcd.stored_term != max_term);
console.log(update_only ? 'Updating database from node '+with_max[i]+' state' : 'Copying node '+with_max[i]+' state');
this.antietcd.etctree.load(this.resync_state.dumps[with_max[i]], update_only);
let wait = 0;
const load_request = { term: this.raft.term, load: this.antietcd.etctree.dump() };
for (const follower in this.resync_state.dumps)
if (follower != this.cfg.node_id)
const dump = this.resync_state.dumps[follower];
if (dump.term <= max_term)
const client = this._getPeer(follower);
if (!client)
console.log('Lost peer connection during resync - restarting election');
console.log('Copying state to '+follower);
const loadstate = this.resync_state.loads[follower] = {};
this._peerRequest(client, load_request, this.cfg.load_timeout||5000).then(res =>
loadstate.result = res;
if (!wait)
if (Object.values(this.resync_state.dumps).filter(d => !d).length > 0 ||
Object.values(this.resync_state.loads).filter(d => !d.result).length > 0)
// All current peers have copied the database, we can proceed
this.antietcd.stored_term = this.raft.term;
this.synced = true;
runCallbacks(this, 'wait_sync', []);
console.log('Synchronized with followers, new term is '+this.raft.term);
_isWrite(path, data)
if (path == 'kv_txn')
return ((! || ! &&
(!data.success || !data.success.filter(f => f.request_put || f.requestPut || f.request_delete_range || f.requestDeleteRange).length) &&
(!data.failure || !data.failure.filter(f => f.request_put || f.requestPut || f.request_delete_range || f.requestDeleteRange).length));
return path != 'kv_range';
async checkRaftState(path, requestUrl, data)
if (!this.raft)
return null;
if (requestUrl.searchParams.get('leaderonly') &&
this.raft.state != TinyRaft.LEADER)
throw new RequestError(503, 'Not leader');
if (this.raft.state == TinyRaft.CANDIDATE)
throw new RequestError(503, 'Quorum not available');
else if (this.raft.state == TinyRaft.FOLLOWER &&
(!this.cfg.stale_read || this._isWrite(path, data)))
// Forward to leader
return await this._forwardToLeader(path, data);
else if (!this.synced)
// Wait for initial sync for read-only requests
await new Promise(ok => this.wait_sync.push(ok));
return null;
async _forwardToLeader(handler, data)
const client = this._getPeer(this.raft.leader);
if (!client)
throw new RequestError(503, 'Leader is unavailable');
return await this._peerRequest(client, { handler, request: data }, this.cfg.forward_timeout||1000);
handleWsMsg(client, msg)
if (msg.raft)
if (client.raft_node_id)
this.raft.onReceive(client.raft_node_id, msg.raft);
else if (msg.identify)
if (msg.identify.key === this.cfg.cluster_key &&
msg.identify.node_id != this.cfg.node_id)
client.raft_node_id = msg.identify.node_id;
console.log('Got a connection from '+client.raft_node_id);
else if (msg.load)
this._handleLoadMsg(client, msg);
else if (msg.replicate)
this._handleReplicateMsg(client, msg).catch(console.error);
else if (msg.request)
this._handleRequestMsg(client, msg).catch(console.error);
else if (msg.reply)
this._completeRequest(, msg.request_id, msg.reply);
async _handleRequestMsg(client, msg)
const cb = this.antietcd['handle_'+msg.handler];
if (cb)
let res =, msg.request);
if (res instanceof Promise)
res = await res;
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request_id: msg.request_id, reply: res }));
catch (e)
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request_id: msg.request_id, reply: { error: e.message } }));
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request_id: msg.request_id, reply: { error: 'unknown handler' } }));
_handleLoadMsg(client, msg)
if (client.raft_node_id && this.raft.state == TinyRaft.FOLLOWER &&
this.raft.leader === client.raft_node_id && this.raft.term == msg.term)
this.antietcd.stored_term = msg.term;
this.synced = true;
runCallbacks(this, 'wait_sync', []);
console.log('Synchronized with leader, new term is '+msg.term);
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request_id: msg.request_id, reply: {} }));
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request_id: msg.request_id, reply: { error: LEADER_MISMATCH } }));
async _handleReplicateMsg(client, msg)
if (client.raft_node_id && this.raft.state == TinyRaft.FOLLOWER &&
this.raft.leader === client.raft_node_id && this.raft.term == msg.term)
await this.antietcd.etctree.apply_replication(msg.replicate);
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request_id: msg.request_id, reply: {} }));
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ request_id: msg.request_id, reply: { error: LEADER_MISMATCH } }));
if (to == this.cfg.node_id)
throw new Error('BUG: attempt to get connection to self');
const client_id = this.cluster_connections[to];
if (!client_id)
return null;
const client = this.antietcd.clients[client_id];
if (!client || !client.ready)
return null;
return client;
_sendRaftMessage(to, msg)
const client = this._getPeer(to);
if (client)
client.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ raft: msg }));
module.exports = AntiCluster;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
const fs = require('fs'); #!/usr/bin/node
const fsp = require('fs').promises;
const { URL } = require('url'); const { URL } = require('url');
const http = require('http'); const http = require('http');
const https = require('https'); const https = require('https');
@ -6,53 +8,101 @@ const https = require('https');
const ws = require('ws'); const ws = require('ws');
const EtcTree = require('./etctree.js'); const EtcTree = require('./etctree.js');
const AntiPersistence = require('./antipersistence.js');
class RequestError const AntiCluster = require('./anticluster.js');
{ const { runCallbacks, RequestError } = require('./common.js');
constructor(code, text)
this.code = code;
this.message = text;
class AntiEtcd class AntiEtcd
{ {
constructor(cfg) constructor(cfg)
this.cfg = cfg;
{ {
this.clients = {}; this.clients = {};
this.client_id = 1; this.client_id = 1;
this.etctree = new EtcTree(true); this.etctree = new EtcTree(true);
this.persistence = null;
this.cluster = null;
this.stored_term = 0;
this.cfg = cfg;
this.loading = false;
this.stopped = false;
this.inflight = 0;
this.wait_inflight = [];
async run()
if (this.cfg.filename || this.cfg.cluster)
this.etctree.set_replicate_watcher(msg => this.persistAndReplicate(msg));
if (this.cfg.filename)
this.persistence = new AntiPersistence(this);
// Load data from disk
await this.persistence.load();
// Set exit hook
const on_stop_cb = () => this.onStop();
process.on('SIGINT', on_stop_cb);
process.on('SIGTERM', on_stop_cb);
process.on('SIGQUIT', on_stop_cb);
if (this.cfg.cluster)
this.cluster = new AntiCluster(this);
if (this.cfg.cert) if (this.cfg.cert)
{ {
this.tls = { key: fs.readFileSync(this.cfg.key), cert: fs.readFileSync(this.cfg.cert) }; this.tls = { key: await fsp.readFile(this.cfg.key), cert: await fsp.readFile(this.cfg.cert) };
this.server = https.createServer(this.tls, (req, res) => this.handleRequest(req, res)); this.server = https.createServer(this.tls, (req, res) => this.handleRequest(req, res));
} }
else else
this.server = http.createServer((req, res) => this.handleRequest(req, res)); this.server = http.createServer((req, res) => this.handleRequest(req, res));
this.wss = new ws.WebSocketServer({ server: this.server }); this.wss = new ws.WebSocketServer({ server: this.server });
this.wss.on('connection', (conn, req) => this.startWebsocket(conn, req)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
this.wss.on('connection', (conn, req) => this.startWebsocket(conn, null));
this.server.listen(this.cfg.port || 2379); this.server.listen(this.cfg.port || 2379);
} }
fail(res, code, text) async onStop()
{ {
res.writeHead(code); if (this.stopped)
res.write(text); {
res.end(); return;
this.stopped = true;
// Wait until all requests complete
while (this.inflight > 0)
await new Promise(ok => this.wait_inflight.push(ok));
if (this.persistence)
await this.persistence.persist();
async persistAndReplicate(msg)
if (this.persistence)
await this.persistence.persistChange(msg);
if (this.cluster)
await this.cluster.replicateChange(msg);
} }
handleRequest(req, res) handleRequest(req, res)
{ {
let data = []; let data = [];
req.on('data', (chunk) => data.push(chunk)); req.on('data', (chunk) => data.push(chunk));
req.on('end', () => req.on('end', async () =>
{ {
data = Buffer.concat(data); data = Buffer.concat(data);
let body = ''; let body = '';
let code = 200; let code = 200;
@ -76,7 +126,7 @@ class AntiEtcd
{ {
throw new RequestError(400, 'body should be JSON object'); throw new RequestError(400, 'body should be JSON object');
} }
reply = this.runHandler(req, data, res); reply = await this.runHandler(req, data, res);
reply = JSON.stringify(reply); reply = JSON.stringify(reply);
} }
catch (e) catch (e)
@ -93,34 +143,47 @@ class AntiEtcd
reply = 'Internal error: '+e.message; reply = 'Internal error: '+e.message;
} }
} }
// Access log try
console.log( {
new Date().toISOString()+ // Access log
' '+(req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.socket.remoteAddress)+ console.log(
' '+req.method+' '+req.url+' '+code+'\n '+body.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')+ new Date().toISOString()+
'\n '+reply.replace(/\n/g, '\\n') ' '+(req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || (req.socket.remoteAddress + ':' + req.socket.remotePort))+
); ' '+req.method+' '+req.url+' '+code+'\n '+body.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')+
// FIXME: Access log :req[X-Forwarded-For] [:date[clf]] pid=:pid ":method :url HTTP/:http-version" :status :res[content-length] ":referrer" ":user-agent" - :response-time ms '\n '+reply.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
reply = Buffer.from(reply); );
res.writeHead(200, { reply = Buffer.from(reply);
'Content-Type': 'application/json', res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Length': reply.length, 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}); 'Content-Length': reply.length,
res.write(reply); });
res.end(); res.write(reply);
catch (e)
if (!this.inflight)
runCallbacks(this, 'wait_inflight', []);
}); });
} }
startWebsocket(socket, req) startWebsocket(socket, reconnect)
{ {
const client_id = this.client_id++; const client_id = this.client_id++;
this.clients[client_id] = { this.clients[client_id] = {
id: client_id,
addr: socket._socket ? socket._socket.remoteAddress+':'+socket._socket.remotePort : '',
socket, socket,
alive: true, alive: true,
watches: {}, watches: {},
}; };
socket.on('pong', () => this.clients[client_id].alive = true); socket.on('pong', () => this.clients[client_id].alive = true);
socket.on('error', console.error); socket.on('error', e => console.error(e.syscall === 'connect' ? e.message : e));
const pinger = setInterval(() => const pinger = setInterval(() =>
{ {
if (!this.clients[client_id]) if (!this.clients[client_id])
@ -160,10 +223,16 @@ class AntiEtcd
clearInterval(pinger); clearInterval(pinger);
delete this.clients[client_id]; delete this.clients[client_id];
socket.terminate(); socket.terminate();
if (reconnect)
}); });
return client_id;
} }
runHandler(req, data, res) // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async runHandler(req, data, res)
{ {
// v3/kv/txn // v3/kv/txn
// v3/kv/range // v3/kv/range
@ -173,10 +242,22 @@ class AntiEtcd
// v3/lease/keepalive // v3/lease/keepalive
// v3/lease/revoke O_o // v3/lease/revoke O_o
// v3/kv/lease/revoke O_o // v3/kv/lease/revoke O_o
if (this.stopped)
throw new RequestError(502, 'Server is stopping');
const requestUrl = new URL(req.url, 'http://'+( || 'localhost')); const requestUrl = new URL(req.url, 'http://'+( || 'localhost'));
if (requestUrl.pathname.substr(0, 4) == '/v3/') if (requestUrl.pathname.substr(0, 4) == '/v3/')
{ {
const path = requestUrl.pathname.substr(4).replace(/\/+$/, '').replace(/\/+/g, '_'); const path = requestUrl.pathname.substr(4).replace(/\/+$/, '').replace(/\/+/g, '_');
if (this.cluster)
const res = await this.cluster.checkRaftState(path, requestUrl, data);
if (res)
return res;
const cb = this['handle_'+path]; const cb = this['handle_'+path];
if (cb) if (cb)
{ {
@ -184,33 +265,42 @@ class AntiEtcd
{ {
throw new RequestError(405, 'Please use POST method'); throw new RequestError(405, 'Please use POST method');
} }
return, data); const res =, data);
if (res instanceof Promise)
return await res;
return res;
} }
} }
else if (requestUrl.pathname == '/dump')
return this.handle_dump(data);
throw new RequestError(404, 'Supported APIs: /v3/kv/txn, /v3/kv/range, /v3/kv/put, /v3/kv/deleterange, '+ throw new RequestError(404, 'Supported APIs: /v3/kv/txn, /v3/kv/range, /v3/kv/put, /v3/kv/deleterange, '+
'/v3/lease/grant, /v3/lease/revoke, /v3/kv/lease/revoke, /v3/lease/keepalive'); '/v3/lease/grant, /v3/lease/revoke, /v3/kv/lease/revoke, /v3/lease/keepalive');
} }
handle_kv_txn(data) async handle_kv_txn(data)
{ {
return this.etctree.api_txn(data); return await this.etctree.api_txn(data);
} }
handle_kv_range(data) async handle_kv_range(data)
{ {
const r = this.etctree.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: data } ] }); const r = await this.etctree.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: data } ] });
return { header: r.header, ...r.responses[0].response_range }; return { header: r.header, ...r.responses[0].response_range };
} }
handle_kv_put(data) async handle_kv_put(data)
{ {
const r = this.etctree.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: data } ] }); const r = await this.etctree.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: data } ] });
return { header: r.header, ...r.responses[0].response_put }; return { header: r.header, ...r.responses[0].response_put };
} }
handle_kv_deleterange(data) async handle_kv_deleterange(data)
{ {
const r = this.etctree.api_txn({ success: [ { request_delete_range: data } ] }); const r = await this.etctree.api_txn({ success: [ { request_delete_range: data } ] });
return { header: r.header, ...r.responses[0].response_delete_range }; return { header: r.header, ...r.responses[0].response_delete_range };
} }
@ -234,13 +324,20 @@ class AntiEtcd
return this.etctree.api_keepalive_lease(data); return this.etctree.api_keepalive_lease(data);
} }
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
return { ...this.etctree.dump(), term: this.stored_term };
handleMessage(client_id, msg, socket) handleMessage(client_id, msg, socket)
{ {
const client = this.clients[client_id];
console.log(new Date().toISOString()+' '+client.addr+' '+(client.raft_node_id || '-')+' -> '+JSON.stringify(msg));
if (msg.create_request) if (msg.create_request)
{ {
// FIXME progress_notify, filters, prev_kv
const create_request = msg.create_request; const create_request = msg.create_request;
if (!create_request.watch_id || !this.clients[client_id].watches[create_request.watch_id]) if (!create_request.watch_id || ![create_request.watch_id])
{ {
const watch = this.etctree.api_create_watch( const watch = this.etctree.api_create_watch(
{ ...create_request, watch_id: null }, (msg) => socket.send(JSON.stringify(msg)) { ...create_request, watch_id: null }, (msg) => socket.send(JSON.stringify(msg))
@ -251,19 +348,19 @@ class AntiEtcd
} }
else else
{ {
create_request.watch_id ||= watch.watch_id; create_request.watch_id = create_request.watch_id || watch.watch_id;
this.clients[client_id].watches[create_request.watch_id] = watch.watch_id;[create_request.watch_id] = watch.watch_id;
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ result: { header: { revision: this.etctree.mod_revision }, watch_id: create_request.watch_id, created: true } })); socket.send(JSON.stringify({ result: { header: { revision: this.etctree.mod_revision }, watch_id: create_request.watch_id, created: true } }));
} }
} }
} }
else if (msg.cancel_request) else if (msg.cancel_request)
{ {
const mapped_id = this.clients[client_id].watches[msg.cancel_request.watch_id]; const mapped_id =[msg.cancel_request.watch_id];
if (mapped_id) if (mapped_id)
{ {
this.etctree.api_cancel_watch({ watch_id: mapped_id }); this.etctree.api_cancel_watch({ watch_id: mapped_id });
delete this.clients[client_id].watches[msg.cancel_request.watch_id]; delete[msg.cancel_request.watch_id];
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ result: { header: { revision: this.etctree.mod_revision }, watch_id: msg.cancel_request.watch_id, canceled: true } })); socket.send(JSON.stringify({ result: { header: { revision: this.etctree.mod_revision }, watch_id: msg.cancel_request.watch_id, canceled: true } }));
} }
} }
@ -271,12 +368,22 @@ class AntiEtcd
{ {
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ result: { header: { revision: this.etctree.mod_revision } } })); socket.send(JSON.stringify({ result: { header: { revision: this.etctree.mod_revision } } }));
} }
if (!this.cluster)
this.cluster.handleWsMsg(client, msg);
} }
unsubscribeClient(client_id) unsubscribeClient(client_id)
{ {
if (!this.clients[client_id]) if (!this.clients[client_id])
return; return;
for (const watch_id in this.clients[client_id].watches) for (const watch_id in this.clients[client_id].watches)
{ {
const mapped_id = this.clients[client_id].watches[watch_id]; const mapped_id = this.clients[client_id].watches[watch_id];
@ -285,4 +392,81 @@ class AntiEtcd
} }
} }
new AntiEtcd({ port: 12379 }).run(); function vitastor_persist_filter(prefix)
return (key, value) =>
if (key.substr(0, prefix.length+'/osd/stats/'.length) == prefix+'/osd/stats/')
if (value)
value = JSON.parse(value);
value = JSON.stringify({
bitmap_granularity: value.bitmap_granularity || undefined,
data_block_size: value.data_block_size || undefined,
host: || undefined,
immediate_commit: value.immediate_commit || undefined,
catch (e)
console.error('invalid JSON in '+key+' = '+value+': '+e);
value = {};
value = undefined;
return value;
else if (key.substr(0, prefix.length+'/osd/'.length) == prefix+'/osd/' ||
key.substr(0, prefix.length+'/inode/stats/'.length) == prefix+'/inode/stats/' ||
key.substr(0, prefix.length+'/pg/stats/'.length) == prefix+'/pg/stats/' ||
key.substr(0, prefix.length+'/pool/stats/'.length) == prefix+'/pool/stats/' ||
key == prefix+'/stats')
return undefined;
return value;
function parse()
const options = {
persist_filter: vitastor_persist_filter('/vitastor'),
for (let i = 2; i < process.argv.length; i++)
const arg = process.argv[i].toLowerCase().replace(/^--(.+)$/, (m, m1) => '--'+m1.replace(/-/g, '_'));
if (arg === '-h' || arg === '--help')
'USAGE:\n '+process.argv[0]+' '+process.argv[1]+' [OPTIONS]\n'+
' [--cert ssl.crt] [--key ssl.key] [--port 12379]\n'+
' [--filename data.gz] [--vitastor-persist-filter /vitastor] [--no-persist-filter] [--persist_interval 500]\n'+
' [--node_id node1 --cluster_key abcdef --cluster node1=http://localhost:12379,node2=http://localhost:12380,node3=http://localhost:12381]'
else if (arg == '--no_persist_filter')
options['persist_filter'] = null;
else if (arg == '--vitastor_persist_filter')
options['persist_filter'] = vitastor_persist_filter(process.argv[++i]||'');
else if (arg.substr(0, 2) == '--' && arg != '--persist_filter')
options[arg.substr(2)] = process.argv[++i];
return options;
new AntiEtcd(parse()).run().catch(console.error);

antipersistence.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
const fs = require('fs');
const fsp = require('fs').promises;
const zlib = require('zlib');
const EtcTree = require('./etctree.js');
const { de64, runCallbacks } = require('./common.js');
class AntiPersistence
this.cfg = antietcd.cfg;
this.antietcd = antietcd;
this.prev_value = {};
this.persist_timer = null;
this.wait_persist = null;
async load()
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [ err, stat ] = await new Promise(ok => fs.stat(this.cfg.filename, (err, stat) => ok([ err, stat ])));
if (!err)
let data = await fsp.readFile(this.cfg.filename);
data = await new Promise((ok, no) => zlib.gunzip(data, (err, res) => err ? no(err) : ok(res)));
data = JSON.parse(data);
this.loading = true;
this.loading = false;
this.antietcd.stored_term = data['term'];
else if (err.code != 'ENOENT')
throw err;
async persistChange(msg)
if (this.loading)
if (! || !
// lease-only changes don't need to be persisted
if (this.cfg.persist_filter)
let changed = false;
for (const ev of
if (
// Values with lease are never persisted
const key = de64(ev.kv.key);
if (this.prev_value[key] !== undefined)
delete this.prev_value[key];
changed = true;
const key = de64(ev.kv.key);
const filtered = this.cfg.persist_filter(key, ev.type === 'DELETE' ? undefined : de64(ev.kv.value));
if (!EtcTree.eq(filtered, this.prev_value[key]))
this.prev_value[key] = filtered;
changed = true;
changed = true;
if (!changed)
await this.schedulePersist();
async schedulePersist()
if (!this.cfg.persist_interval)
await this.persist();
if (!this.persist_timer)
this.persist_timer = setTimeout(() =>
this.persist_timer = null;
}, this.cfg.persist_interval);
async persist()
if (!this.cfg.filename)
while (this.wait_persist)
await new Promise(ok => this.wait_persist.push(ok));
this.wait_persist = [];
let dump = this.antietcd.etctree.dump(true);
dump['term'] = this.antietcd.stored_term;
dump = JSON.stringify(dump);
dump = await new Promise((ok, no) => zlib.gzip(dump, (err, res) => err ? no(err) : ok(res)));
const fh = await'.tmp', 'w');
await fh.writeFile(dump);
await fh.sync();
await fh.close();
await fsp.rename(this.cfg.filename+'.tmp', this.cfg.filename);
catch (e)
runCallbacks(this, 'wait_persist', null);
module.exports = AntiPersistence;

common.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
class RequestError
constructor(code, text)
this.code = code;
this.message = text;
function de64(k)
if (k == null) // null or undefined
return k;
return Buffer.from(k, 'base64').toString();
function runCallbacks(obj, key, new_value)
const cbs = obj[key];
obj[key] = new_value;
if (cbs)
for (const cb of cbs)
module.exports = {

View File

@ -22,8 +22,27 @@ class EtcTree
this.watcher_id = 0; this.watcher_id = 0;
this.mod_revision = 0; this.mod_revision = 0;
this.use_base64 = use_base64; this.use_base64 = use_base64;
this.replicate = null;
this.paused = false; this.paused = false;
this.on_expire_lease = null; this.active_immediate = [];
for (const imm of this.active_immediate)
// Replication watcher is special:
// It should be an async function and it is called BEFORE notifying all
// other watchers about any change.
// It may also throw to prevent notifying at all if replication fails.
this.replicate = replicate;
} }
de64(k) de64(k)
@ -40,10 +59,10 @@ class EtcTree
return this.use_base64 ? Buffer.from(k).toString('base64') : k; return this.use_base64 ? Buffer.from(k).toString('base64') : k;
} }
check(chk) _check(chk)
{ {
const parts = this.key_parts(this.de64(chk.key)); const parts = this._key_parts(this.de64(chk.key));
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, false); const { cur } = this._get_subtree(parts, false, false);
let check_value, ref_value; let check_value, ref_value;
if ( === 'MOD') if ( === 'MOD')
{ {
@ -80,13 +99,13 @@ class EtcTree
return check_value == ref_value; return check_value == ref_value;
} }
key_parts(key) _key_parts(key)
{ {
const parts = key.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/').replace(/\/$/g, ''); // trim beginning? const parts = key.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/').replace(/\/$/g, ''); // trim beginning?
return parts === '' ? [] : parts.split('/'); return parts === '' ? [] : parts.split('/');
} }
get_range(req) _get_range(req)
{ {
const key = this.de64(req.key); const key = this.de64(req.key);
const end = this.de64(req.range_end); const end = this.de64(req.range_end);
@ -95,11 +114,11 @@ class EtcTree
{ {
throw new Error('Non-directory range queries are unsupported'); throw new Error('Non-directory range queries are unsupported');
} }
const parts = this.key_parts(key); const parts = this._key_parts(key);
return { parts, all: end != null }; return { parts, all: end != null };
} }
get_subtree(parts, create, notify) _get_subtree(parts, create, notify)
{ {
let cur = this.state; let cur = this.state;
let watchers = notify ? [] : null; let watchers = notify ? [] : null;
@ -135,10 +154,10 @@ class EtcTree
} }
// create a snapshot of all data including leases // create a snapshot of all data including leases
dump(persistent_only) dump(persistent_only, value_filter)
{ {
const snapshot = { const snapshot = {
state: this._copy_tree(this.state, persistent_only) || {}, state: this._copy_tree(this.state, persistent_only, value_filter) || {},
mod_revision: this.mod_revision, mod_revision: this.mod_revision,
}; };
if (!persistent_only) if (!persistent_only)
@ -153,17 +172,27 @@ class EtcTree
return snapshot; return snapshot;
} }
_copy_tree(cur, no_lease) _copy_tree(cur, no_lease, value_filter)
{ {
const nonempty = cur.value != null && (!no_lease || !; let nonempty = cur.value != null && (!no_lease || !;
let filtered;
if (nonempty && value_filter)
filtered = value_filter(cur.value);
nonempty = nonempty && filtered != null;
const copy = (nonempty ? { ...cur } : {}); const copy = (nonempty ? { ...cur } : {});
copy.children = {}; copy.children = {};
if (nonempty && value_filter)
copy.value = filtered;
delete copy.watchers; delete copy.watchers;
delete copy.key_watchers; delete copy.key_watchers;
let has_children = false; let has_children = false;
for (const k in cur.children) for (const k in cur.children)
{ {
const child = this._copy_tree(cur.children[k]); const child = this._copy_tree(cur.children[k], no_lease, value_filter);
if (child) if (child)
{ {
copy.children[k] = child; copy.children[k] = child;
@ -182,73 +211,59 @@ class EtcTree
} }
// load snapshot of all data including leases // load snapshot of all data including leases
load(snapshot) load(snapshot, update_only)
{ {
this.mod_revision = snapshot.mod_revision; if (!update_only || this.mod_revision < snapshot.mod_revision)
// First apply leases
for (const id in this.leases)
{ {
if (!snapshot.leases[id]) this.mod_revision = snapshot.mod_revision;
// First apply leases
const notifications = [];
if (!update_only && snapshot.leases)
for (const id in this.leases)
{ {
this.api_revoke_lease(id); if (!snapshot.leases[id])
// Revoke without replicating and notifying
this._sync_revoke_lease(id, notifications);
} }
} }
for (const id in snapshot.leases) for (const id in snapshot.leases||{})
{ {
if (!this.leases[id]) this.load_lease({ id, ...snapshot.leases[id] });
this.leases[id] = { ...snapshot.leases[id], timer_id: null, keys: {} };
else if (this.leases[id].ttl != snapshot.leases[id].ttl ||
this.leases[id].expires != snapshot.leases[id].expires)
this.leases[id].ttl = snapshot.leases[id].ttl;
this.leases[id].expires = snapshot.leases[id].expires;
if (this.leases[id].timer_id)
this.leases[id].timer_id = null;
if (!this.paused)
this.leases[id].timer_id = setTimeout(() => this.expire_lease(id), this.leases[id].expires -;
} }
// Then find and apply the difference in data // Then find and apply the difference in data
const notifications = []; this._restore_diff(update_only, this.state, snapshot.state, null, this.state.watchers || [], notifications);
this._restore_diff(this.state, snapshot.state, null, this.state.watchers || [], notifications); this._notify(notifications);
} }
_restore_diff(cur_old, cur_new, prefix, watchers, notifications) _restore_diff(update_only, cur_old, cur_new, prefix, watchers, notifications)
{ {
const key = prefix === null ? '' : prefix; if (!update_only || !cur_old.mod_revision || cur_old.mod_revision < cur_new.mod_revision)
if (!eq(,
{ {
if ( && this.leases[]) const key = prefix === null ? '' : prefix;
if (!eq(,
{ {
delete this.leases[].keys[key]; if ( && this.leases[])
delete this.leases[].keys[key];
} =;
if ( && this.leases[])
this.leases[].keys[key] = true;
} } =; cur_old.mod_revision = cur_new.mod_revision;
if ( && this.leases[]) cur_old.create_revision = cur_new.create_revision;
cur_old.version = cur_new.version;
if (!eq(cur_old.value, cur_new.value))
{ {
this.leases[].keys[key] = true; cur_old.value = cur_new.value;
} const key_watchers = (cur_old.key_watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...(cur_old.key_watchers||[]) ] : watchers);
} const notify = { watchers: key_watchers, key, value: cur_old.value, mod_revision: cur_old.mod_revision };
cur_old.mod_revision = cur_new.mod_revision;
cur_old.create_revision = cur_new.create_revision;
cur_old.version = cur_new.version;
if (!eq(cur_old.value, cur_new.value))
cur_old.value = cur_new.value;
for (const w of (cur_old.key_watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...(cur_old.key_watchers||[]) ] : watchers))
const notify = { watchers, key, value: cur_old.value, mod_revision: cur_old.mod_revision };
if ( if (
{ { =; =;
@ -256,7 +271,7 @@ class EtcTree
notifications.push(notify); notifications.push(notify);
} }
} }
cur_old.children ||= {}; cur_old.children = cur_old.children || {};
for (const k in cur_new.children) for (const k in cur_new.children)
{ {
if (!cur_old.children[k]) if (!cur_old.children[k])
@ -266,25 +281,28 @@ class EtcTree
else else
{ {
this._restore_diff( this._restore_diff(
cur_old.children[k], cur_new.children[k], update_only, cur_old.children[k], cur_new.children[k],
prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k,
cur_old.children[k].watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...cur_old.children[k].watchers ] : watchers, cur_old.children[k].watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...cur_old.children[k].watchers ] : watchers,
notifications notifications
); );
} }
} }
for (const k in cur_old.children) if (!update_only)
{ {
if (!cur_new.children[k]) for (const k in cur_old.children)
{ {
// Delete subtree if (!cur_new.children[k])
this.delete_all( {
notifications, // Delete subtree
cur_old.children[k].watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...cur_old.children[k].watchers ] : watchers, this._delete_all(
cur_old.children[k], true, notifications,
prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, cur_old.children[k].watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...cur_old.children[k].watchers ] : watchers,
this.mod_revision cur_old.children[k], true,
); prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k,
} }
} }
} }
@ -292,6 +310,10 @@ class EtcTree
// slave/follower nodes don't expire leases themselves, they listen for the leader instead // slave/follower nodes don't expire leases themselves, they listen for the leader instead
pause_leases() pause_leases()
{ {
if (this.paused)
this.paused = true; this.paused = true;
for (const id in this.leases) for (const id in this.leases)
{ {
@ -306,23 +328,30 @@ class EtcTree
resume_leases() resume_leases()
{ {
if (!this.paused)
this.paused = false; this.paused = false;
for (const id in this.leases) for (const id in this.leases)
if (!this.paused)
{ {
const lease = this.leases[id]; const lease = this.leases[id];
if (!lease.timer_id) if (!lease.timer_id)
{ {
lease.timer_id = setTimeout(() => this.expire_lease(id), lease.expires -; lease.timer_id = setTimeout(() => this.api_revoke_lease({ ID: id }).catch(console.error), lease.expires -;
} }
} }
} }
set_on_expire_lease(cb) async api_grant_lease(req)
this.on_expire_lease = cb;
{ {
let id; let id;
while (!id || this.leases[id]) while (!id || this.leases[id])
@ -330,12 +359,16 @@ class EtcTree
id = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'); id = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex');
} }
const expires = + req.TTL*1000; const expires = + req.TTL*1000;
const timer_id = this.paused ? null : setTimeout(() => this.expire_lease(id), req.TTL*1000); this.leases[id] = { ttl: req.TTL, expires, timer_id: null, keys: {} };
this.leases[id] = { ttl: req.TTL, expires, timer_id, keys: {} }; this._set_expire(id);
if (this.replicate)
await this.replicate({ header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, leases: [ { id, ttl: req.TTL, expires } ] });
return { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, ID: id, TTL: req.TTL }; return { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, ID: id, TTL: req.TTL };
} }
api_keepalive_lease(req) async api_keepalive_lease(req)
{ {
const id = req.ID; const id = req.ID;
if (!this.leases[id]) if (!this.leases[id])
@ -350,42 +383,126 @@ class EtcTree
} }
const ttl = this.leases[id].ttl; const ttl = this.leases[id].ttl;
lease.expires = + ttl*1000; lease.expires = + ttl*1000;
if (!this.paused) this._set_expire(id);
if (this.replicate)
{ {
lease.timer_id = setTimeout(() => this.expire_lease(id), ttl*1000); await this.replicate({ header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, leases: [ { id, ttl, expires: lease.expires } ] });
} }
// extra wrapping in { result: ... } // extra wrapping in { result: ... }
return { result: { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, ID: id, TTL: ''+ttl } }; return { result: { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, ID: id, TTL: ''+ttl } };
} }
expire_lease(id) load_lease(lease)
{ {
this.api_revoke_lease({ ID: id }) const id =;
if (this.on_expire_lease) if (!this.leases[id])
{ {
this.on_expire_lease(id); this.leases[id] = {, timer_id: null, keys: {} };
} }
else if (this.leases[id].ttl != lease.ttl ||
this.leases[id].expires != lease.expires)
this.leases[id].ttl = lease.ttl;
this.leases[id].expires = lease.expires;
return false;
if (this.leases[id].timer_id)
this.leases[id].timer_id = null;
return true;
} }
api_revoke_lease(req) _sync_revoke_lease(id, notifications)
{ {
if (!this.leases[req.ID]) if (!this.leases[id])
{ {
throw new Error('unknown lease'); throw new Error('unknown lease');
} }
const next_revision = this.mod_revision + 1; const next_revision = this.mod_revision + 1;
const notifications = []; for (const key in this.leases[id].keys)
for (const key in this.leases[req.ID].keys)
{ {
this.txn_action({ request_delete_range: { key } }, next_revision, notifications); this._delete_range({ key }, next_revision, notifications);
} }
this.notify(notifications); delete this.leases[id];
async api_revoke_lease(req, no_throw)
const notifications = [];
if (!this.leases[req.ID])
if (no_throw)
return null;
throw new Error('unknown lease');
this._sync_revoke_lease(req.ID, notifications);
if (this.replicate)
await this.notify_replicator(notifications, [ { id: req.ID } ]);
return { header: { revision: this.mod_revision } }; return { header: { revision: this.mod_revision } };
} }
async notify_replicator(notifications, leases)
// First replicate the change and then notify watchers about it
const all_changes = {};
for (const chg of notifications)
all_changes[chg.key] = { ...chg };
delete all_changes[chg.key].watchers;
await this.replicate({ header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, events: Object.values(all_changes), leases });
async apply_replication(msg)
const notifications = [];
if ((msg.leases||[]).length)
for (const lease of msg.leases)
if (lease.ttl)
this._sync_revoke_lease(, notifications);
if ((||[]).length)
for (const ev of
if (ev.value == null)
this._delete_range({ key: ev.key }, ev.mod_revision, notifications);
this._put({ key: ev.key, value: ev.value }, ev.mod_revision, notifications);
if (this.replicate)
await this.notify_replicator(notifications, msg.leases);
api_create_watch(req, send) api_create_watch(req, send)
{ {
const { parts, all } = this.get_range(req); const { parts, all } = this._get_range(req);
if (req.start_revision && this.compact_revision && this.compact_revision > req.start_revision) if (req.start_revision && this.compact_revision && this.compact_revision > req.start_revision)
{ {
// Deletions up to this.compact_revision are forgotten // Deletions up to this.compact_revision are forgotten
@ -408,7 +525,7 @@ class EtcTree
}; };
} }
this.watchers[watch_id].paths.push(parts); this.watchers[watch_id].paths.push(parts);
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, true, false); const { cur } = this._get_subtree(parts, true, false);
if (all) if (all)
{ {
cur.watchers = cur.watchers || []; cur.watchers = cur.watchers || [];
@ -422,34 +539,42 @@ class EtcTree
if (req.start_revision && req.start_revision < this.mod_revision) if (req.start_revision && req.start_revision < this.mod_revision)
{ {
// Send initial changes // Send initial changes
setImmediate(() => const imm = setImmediate(() =>
{ {
this.active_immediate = this.active_immediate.filter(i => i !== imm);
const events = []; const events = [];
const { cur } = this.get_subtree([], false, false); const { cur } = this._get_subtree([], false, false);
this.get_modified(events, cur, null, req.start_revision); this._get_modified(events, cur, null, req.start_revision);
send({ result: { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, events } }); send({ result: { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, events } });
}); });
} }
return { watch_id, created: true }; return { watch_id, created: true };
} }
get_modified(events, cur, prefix, min_rev) _get_modified(events, cur, prefix, min_rev)
{ {
if (cur.mod_revision >= min_rev) if (cur.mod_revision >= min_rev)
{ {
events.push({ const ev = {
type: cur.value == null ? 'DELETE' : 'PUT', type: cur.value == null ? 'DELETE' : 'PUT',
kv: cur.value == null ? { key: this.b64(prefix === null ? '' : prefix) } : { kv: cur.value == null ? { key: this.b64(prefix === null ? '' : prefix) } : {
key: this.b64(prefix), key: this.b64(prefix),
value: this.b64(cur.value), value: this.b64(cur.value),
mod_revision: cur.mod_revision,
}, },
}); };
if (
{ =;
} }
if (cur.children) if (cur.children)
{ {
for (const k in cur.children) for (const k in cur.children)
{ {
this.get_modified(events, cur.children[k], prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, min_rev); this._get_modified(events, cur.children[k], prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, min_rev);
} }
} }
} }
@ -460,7 +585,7 @@ class EtcTree
{ {
for (const parts of this.watchers[watch_id].paths) for (const parts of this.watchers[watch_id].paths)
{ {
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, false); const { cur } = this._get_subtree(parts, false, false);
if (cur) if (cur)
{ {
if (cur.watchers) if (cur.watchers)
@ -483,21 +608,7 @@ class EtcTree
return { canceled: true }; return { canceled: true };
} }
api_txn({ compare, success, failure }) _notify(notifications)
const failed = (compare || []).filter(chk => !this.check(chk)).length > 0;
const responses = [];
const notifications = [];
const next_revision = this.mod_revision + 1;
for (const req of (failed ? failure : success) || [])
responses.push(this.txn_action(req, next_revision, notifications));
return { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, succeeded: !failed, responses };
{ {
if (!notifications.length) if (!notifications.length)
{ {
@ -525,87 +636,118 @@ class EtcTree
} }
} }
txn_action(req, cur_revision, notifications) async api_txn({ compare, success, failure })
const failed = (compare || []).filter(chk => !this._check(chk)).length > 0;
const responses = [];
const notifications = [];
const next_revision = this.mod_revision + 1;
for (const req of (failed ? failure : success) || [])
responses.push(this._txn_action(req, next_revision, notifications));
if (this.replicate && notifications.length)
// First replicate the change and then notify watchers about it
await this.notify_replicator(notifications);
return { header: { revision: this.mod_revision }, succeeded: !failed, responses };
_txn_action(req, cur_revision, notifications)
{ {
if (req.request_range || req.requestRange) if (req.request_range || req.requestRange)
{ {
const request_range = req.request_range || req.requestRange; return { response_range: this._range(req.request_range || req.requestRange) };
// FIXME: limit, revision(-), sort_order, sort_target, serializable(-),
// count_only, min_mod_revision, max_mod_revision, min_create_revision, max_create_revision
const { parts, all } = this.get_range(request_range);
const { cur } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, false);
const kvs = [];
if (cur)
this.get_all(kvs, cur, all, parts.join('/') || null, request_range);
return { response_range: { kvs } };
} }
else if (req.request_put || req.requestPut) else if (req.request_put || req.requestPut)
{ {
const request_put = req.request_put || req.requestPut; return { response_put: this._put(req.request_put || req.requestPut, cur_revision, notifications) };
// FIXME: prev_kv, ignore_value(?), ignore_lease(?)
const parts = this.key_parts(this.de64(request_put.key));
const key = parts.join('/');
const value = this.de64(request_put.value);
const { cur, watchers } = this.get_subtree(parts, true, true);
if (cur.key_watchers)
watchers.push.apply(watchers, cur.key_watchers);
if (!eq(cur.value, value) || !=
if ( && this.leases[])
delete this.leases[].keys[key];
if (
if (!this.leases[])
throw new Error('unknown lease: ';
} =;
this.leases[].keys[key] = true;
else if (
{ = null;
this.mod_revision = cur_revision;
cur.version = (cur.version||0) + 1;
cur.mod_revision = cur_revision;
if (cur.value == null)
cur.create_revision = cur_revision;
cur.value = value;
const notify = { watchers, key: this.b64(key), value: this.b64(value), mod_revision: cur.mod_revision };
if (
{ =;
return { response_put: {} };
} }
else if (req.request_delete_range || req.requestDeleteRange) else if (req.request_delete_range || req.requestDeleteRange)
{ {
const request_delete_range = req.request_delete_range || req.requestDeleteRange; return { response_delete_range: this._delete_range(req.request_delete_range || req.requestDeleteRange, cur_revision, notifications) };
// FIXME: prev_kv
const { parts, all } = this.get_range(request_delete_range);
const { cur, watchers } = this.get_subtree(parts, false, true);
const prevcount = notifications.length;
if (cur)
this.delete_all(notifications, watchers, cur, all, parts.join('/') || null, cur_revision);
return { response_delete_range: { deleted: notifications.length-prevcount } };
} }
return {}; return {};
} }
get_all(kvs, cur, all, prefix, req) _range(request_range)
// FIXME: limit, revision(-), sort_order, sort_target, serializable(-),
// count_only, min_mod_revision, max_mod_revision, min_create_revision, max_create_revision
const { parts, all } = this._get_range(request_range);
const { cur } = this._get_subtree(parts, false, false);
const kvs = [];
if (cur)
this._get_all(kvs, cur, all, parts.join('/') || null, request_range);
return { kvs };
_put(request_put, cur_revision, notifications)
// FIXME: prev_kv, ignore_value(?), ignore_lease(?)
const parts = this._key_parts(this.de64(request_put.key));
const key = parts.join('/');
const value = this.de64(request_put.value);
const { cur, watchers } = this._get_subtree(parts, true, true);
if (cur.key_watchers)
watchers.push.apply(watchers, cur.key_watchers);
if (!eq(cur.value, value) || !=
if ( && this.leases[])
delete this.leases[].keys[key];
if (
if (!this.leases[])
throw new Error('unknown lease: ';
} =;
this.leases[].keys[key] = true;
else if (
{ = null;
this.mod_revision = cur_revision;
cur.version = (cur.version||0) + 1;
cur.mod_revision = cur_revision;
if (cur.value == null)
cur.create_revision = cur_revision;
cur.value = value;
const notify = { watchers, key: this.b64(key), value: this.b64(value), mod_revision: cur.mod_revision };
if (
{ =;
return {};
_delete_range(request_delete_range, cur_revision, notifications)
// FIXME: prev_kv
const { parts, all } = this._get_range(request_delete_range);
const { cur, watchers } = this._get_subtree(parts, false, true);
const prevcount = notifications.length;
if (cur)
this._delete_all(notifications, watchers, cur, all, parts.join('/') || null, cur_revision);
return { deleted: notifications.length-prevcount };
_get_all(kvs, cur, all, prefix, req)
{ {
if (req.limit && kvs.length > req.limit) if (req.limit && kvs.length > req.limit)
{ {
@ -631,12 +773,12 @@ class EtcTree
{ {
for (let k in cur.children) for (let k in cur.children)
{ {
this.get_all(kvs, cur.children[k], true, prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, req); this._get_all(kvs, cur.children[k], true, prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, req);
} }
} }
} }
delete_all(notifications, watchers, cur, all, prefix, cur_revision) _delete_all(notifications, watchers, cur, all, prefix, cur_revision)
{ {
if (cur.value != null) if (cur.value != null)
{ {
@ -662,7 +804,7 @@ class EtcTree
for (let k in cur.children) for (let k in cur.children)
{ {
const subw = cur.children[k].watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...cur.children[k].watchers ] : watchers; const subw = cur.children[k].watchers ? [ ...watchers, ...cur.children[k].watchers ] : watchers;
this.delete_all(notifications, subw, cur.children[k], true, prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, cur_revision); this._delete_all(notifications, subw, cur.children[k], true, prefix === null ? k : prefix+'/'+k, cur_revision);
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -17,27 +17,27 @@ tests['read/write'] = async () =>
{ {
const t = new EtcTree(); const t = new EtcTree();
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] } { header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/global' } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/global' } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: { { header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: {
kvs: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 1, value: { hello: 'world' } } ], kvs: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 1, value: { hello: 'world' } } ],
} } ] } } } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/', range_end: '/vitastor/config0' } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/', range_end: '/vitastor/config0' } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: { { header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: {
kvs: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 1, value: { hello: 'world' } } ], kvs: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 1, value: { hello: 'world' } } ],
} } ] } } } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitasto/', range_end: '/vitasto0' } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitasto/', range_end: '/vitasto0' } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: { kvs: [] } } ] } { header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: { kvs: [] } } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ await t.api_txn({
compare: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', target: 'MOD', mod_revision: 1, result: 'LESS' } ], compare: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', target: 'MOD', mod_revision: 1, result: 'LESS' } ],
success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ], success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ],
failure: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/global' } } ], failure: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/global' } } ],
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ tests['read/write'] = async () =>
} } ] } } } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ await t.api_txn({
compare: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', target: 'MOD', mod_revision: 2, result: 'LESS' } ], compare: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', target: 'MOD', mod_revision: 2, result: 'LESS' } ],
success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world2' } } } ] success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world2' } } } ]
}), }),
{ header: { revision: 2 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] } { header: { revision: 2 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/', range_end: '/vitastor/config0' } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_range: { key: '/vitastor/config/', range_end: '/vitastor/config0' } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 2 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: { { header: { revision: 2 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_range: {
kvs: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 2, value: { hello: 'world2' } } ], kvs: [ { key: '/vitastor/config/global', mod_revision: 2, value: { hello: 'world2' } } ],
} } ] } } } ] }
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ tests['read/write'] = async () =>
t.dump(false), t.dump(false),
{"state":{"children":{"":{"children":{"vitastor":{"children":{"config":{"children":{"global":{"version":2,"mod_revision":2,"create_revision":1,"value":{"hello":"world2"}}}}}}}}}},"mod_revision":2,"leases":{}} {"state":{"children":{"":{"children":{"vitastor":{"children":{"config":{"children":{"global":{"version":2,"mod_revision":2,"create_revision":1,"value":{"hello":"world2"}}}}}}}}}},"mod_revision":2,"leases":{}}
); );
}; };
tests['watch'] = async () => tests['watch'] = async () =>
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ tests['watch'] = async () =>
const sent = []; const sent = [];
const send = (event) => sent.push(event); const send = (event) => sent.push(event);
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor//config/global', value: { hello: 'world' } } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] } { header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
@ -80,10 +81,11 @@ tests['watch'] = async () =>
); );
expect(sent, []); expect(sent, []);
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', value: { ip: '' } } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', value: { ip: '' } } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 2 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] } { header: { revision: 2 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
); );
expect(sent, [ { result: { header: { revision: 2 }, events: [ { type: 'PUT', kv: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', value: { ip: '' }, mod_revision: 2 } } ] } } ]); expect(sent, [ { result: { header: { revision: 2 }, events: [ { type: 'PUT', kv: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', value: { ip: '' }, mod_revision: 2 } } ] } } ]);
}; };
tests['lease'] = async () => tests['lease'] = async () =>
@ -91,10 +93,10 @@ tests['lease'] = async () =>
const t = new EtcTree(); const t = new EtcTree();
const sent = []; const sent = [];
const send = (event) => sent.push(event); const send = (event) => sent.push(event);
const leaseID = t.api_grant_lease({ TTL: 0.5 }).ID; const leaseID = (await t.api_grant_lease({ TTL: 0.5 })).ID;
expect(leaseID != null, true); expect(leaseID != null, true);
expect( expect(
t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', lease: leaseID, value: { ip: '' } } } ] }), await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', lease: leaseID, value: { ip: '' } } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] } { header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
); );
expect( expect(
@ -114,6 +116,57 @@ tests['lease'] = async () =>
t2.pause_leases(); t2.pause_leases();
t2.load(dump); t2.load(dump);
expect(t2.dump(false), dump); expect(t2.dump(false), dump);
tests['update'] = async () =>
const t1 = new EtcTree();
const t2 = new EtcTree();
const leaseID = (await t1.api_grant_lease({ TTL: 0.5 })).ID;
expect(leaseID != null, true);
await t1.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', lease: leaseID, value: { ip: '' } } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
await t2.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', value: { ip: '' } } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 1 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
await t1.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', lease: leaseID, value: { ip: '' } } } ] }),
{ header: { revision: 2 }, succeeded: true, responses: [ { response_put: {} } ] }
let dump2 = t2.dump();
t2.load(t1.dump(), true);
t1.load(dump2, true);
let dump = t2.dump(false);
let expires = dump.leases[leaseID].expires;
expect(dump, {"state":{"children":{"":{"children":{"vitastor":{"children":{"osd":{"children":{"state":{"children":{"1":{"lease":leaseID,"version":2,"mod_revision":2,"create_revision":1,"value":{"ip":""}}}}}}}}}}}},"mod_revision":2,"leases":{[leaseID]:{"ttl":0.5,"expires":expires}}});
expect(t1.dump(false), {"state":{"children":{"":{"children":{"vitastor":{"children":{"osd":{"children":{"state":{"children":{"1":{"lease":leaseID,"version":2,"mod_revision":2,"create_revision":1,"value":{"ip":""}}}}}}}}}}}},"mod_revision":2,"leases":{[leaseID]:{"ttl":0.5,"expires":expires}}});
tests['replicate watcher'] = async () =>
const t = new EtcTree();
t.set_replicate_watcher(async () =>
throw new Error('replication failed');
let thrown = false;
await t.api_txn({ success: [ { request_put: { key: '/vitastor/osd/state/1', value: { ip: '' } } } ] });
catch (e)
thrown = e;
expect(thrown && thrown.message == 'replication failed', true);
}; };
(async function() (async function()

View File

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class TinyRaft extends EventEmitter
if (this.state == CANDIDATE && this.term == msg.term && from == this.leader) if (this.state == CANDIDATE && this.term == msg.term && from == this.leader)
{ {
this.state = FOLLOWER; this.state = FOLLOWER;
this.emit('change', { state: this.state, term: this.term, leader: this.nodeId }); this.emit('change', { state: this.state, term: this.term, leader: this.leader });
} }
if (this.state == FOLLOWER && from == this.leader) if (this.state == FOLLOWER && from == this.leader)
{ {

View File

@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ async function testRestart()
checkQuorum(nodes, 5); checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
if (leaderChanges >= 3) if (leaderChanges >= 3)
{ {
throw new Error("leaderChanges = "+leaderChanges+" (expected < 3)") throw new Error("leaderChanges = "+leaderChanges+" (expected < 3)");
} }
// Stop a follower // Stop a follower
let restarted = 1 + (prevLeader % 5); let restarted = 1 + (prevLeader % 5);