
326 lines
9.3 KiB

const TinyRaft = require('./tinyraft.js');
function newNode(id, nodes, partitions, mod)
partitions = partitions || {};
let cfg = {
nodes: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
nodeId: id,
heartbeatTimeout: 100,
electionTimeout: 500,
send: function(to, msg)
if (!partitions[n.nodeId+'-'+to] && !partitions[to+'-'+n.nodeId] && nodes[to])
console.log('received from '+n.nodeId+' to '+to+': '+JSON.stringify(msg));
setImmediate(function() { nodes[to].onReceive(n.nodeId, msg); });
if (mod)
let n = new TinyRaft(cfg);
n.on('change', (st) =>
'node '+n.nodeId+': '+(st.state == TinyRaft.FOLLOWER ? 'following '+st.leader : st.state)+
', term '+st.term+(st.state == TinyRaft.LEADER ? ', followers: '+st.followers.join(', ') : '')
nodes[id] = n;
function newNodes(count, partitions, mod)
partitions = partitions || {};
const nodes = {};
for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++)
newNode(i, nodes, partitions, mod);
for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++)
return nodes;
function checkQuorum(nodes, count)
let leaders = 0;
for (const i in nodes)
if (nodes[i].state == TinyRaft.LEADER)
if (nodes[i].followers.length != count)
throw new Error('leader '+i+' has '+nodes[i].followers.length+' followers, but should have '+count);
else if (nodes[i].state != TinyRaft.FOLLOWER)
throw new Error('node '+i+' is not in quorum: state '+nodes[i].state);
if (leaders != 1)
throw new Error('we have '+leaders+' leaders instead of exactly 1');
console.log('OK: '+count+' nodes in quorum');
function checkNoQuorum(nodes)
const nc = Object.values(nodes).filter(n => n.state != TinyRaft.CANDIDATE);
if (nc.length > 0)
throw new Error('we have non-candidates ('+nc.map(n => n.nodeId).join(', ')+'), but we should not');
console.log('OK: '+Object.keys(nodes).length+' candidates, no quorum');
async function testStartThenRemoveNode()
const nodes = newNodes(5);
let leaderChanges = 0, prevLeader = null;
nodes[2].on('change', (st) =>
if (st.leader && st.leader != prevLeader)
prevLeader = st.leader;
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
if (leaderChanges >= 3)
throw new Error('More than 3 leader changes in 2000ms: '+leaderChanges);
// Stop the leader
let leader = nodes[1].leader;
nodes[leader].onReceive = () => {};
delete nodes[leader];
// Check quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 4);
// Stop the leader again
leader = nodes[Object.keys(nodes)[0]].leader;
nodes[leader].onReceive = () => {};
delete nodes[leader];
// Check quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 3);
// Stop the leader again
leader = nodes[Object.keys(nodes)[0]].leader;
nodes[leader].onReceive = () => {};
delete nodes[leader];
// Check that no quorum exists
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
// Clean up
for (const id in nodes)
console.log('testStartThenRemoveNode: OK');
async function testAddNode()
const nodes = newNodes(5, {}, cfg => cfg.initialTerm = 1000);
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
// Add node
newNode(6, nodes);
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
nodes[i].setNodes([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]);
// Check quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 6);
// Clean up
for (const id in nodes)
console.log('testAddNode: OK');
async function testLeadershipExpiration()
const partitions = {};
const nodes = newNodes(5, partitions, cfg => cfg.leadershipTimeout = 1500);
// Check that 5 nodes are in quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
// Break network on the leader
let leader = nodes[1].leader;
console.log("stopping the leader's ("+leader+") network");
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
partitions[i+'-'+leader] = true;
partitions[leader+'-'+i] = true;
// Check that the leader loses leadership after 2 * leadershipTimeout
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 3000));
if (nodes[leader].state != TinyRaft.CANDIDATE)
throw new Error("leadership expiration doesn't work");
// Clean up
for (const id in nodes)
console.log('testLeadershipExpiration: OK');
async function testRestart()
const nodes = newNodes(5, {}, cfg => cfg.initialTerm = 1000);
let leaderChanges = 0, prevLeader = null;
nodes[2].on('change', (st) =>
const leader = st.state == TinyRaft.CANDIDATE ? null : st.leader;
if (leader != prevLeader)
prevLeader = leader;
// Check that 5 nodes are in quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
if (leaderChanges >= 3)
throw new Error("leaderChanges = "+leaderChanges+" (expected < 3)")
// Stop a follower
let restarted = 1 + (prevLeader % 5);
if (restarted == 2)
restarted = 1 + (prevLeader + 1) % 5;
console.log("stopping a follower (node "+restarted+")");
delete nodes[restarted];
// Wait 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
// Restart a follower
console.log("restarting a follower (node "+restarted+")");
leaderChanges = 0;
newNode(restarted, nodes, {}, null);
// Check quorum and the fact that the leader didn't change after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
if (leaderChanges > 0)
throw new Error("leader changed after restart of a follower");
// Clean up
for (const id in nodes)
console.log('testRestart: OK');
async function testChangeNodes()
console.log('starting nodes 1-5');
const nodes = newNodes(5, {}, cfg => cfg.initialTerm = 1000);
// Check that 5 nodes are in quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
// Stop node 4
console.log('stopping node 4');
delete nodes[4];
// Wait 1000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 1000));
// Change nodes from 1 2 3 4 5 to 1 2 3 5 6
console.log('starting node 6');
newNode(6, nodes);
nodes[1].setNodes([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ]);
nodes[2].setNodes([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ]);
nodes[3].setNodes([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ]);
nodes[5].setNodes([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ]);
nodes[6].setNodes([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ]);
// Check that 5 nodes are in quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
// Clean up
for (const id in nodes)
if (nodes[id])
console.log('testChangeNodes: OK');
async function testLeaderPriority()
console.log('starting nodes 1-5');
const nodes = newNodes(5, {}, cfg => cfg.leaderPriority = cfg.nodeId+1);
// Check that 5 nodes are in quorum after 2000ms
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 5);
if (nodes[1].leader != 5)
throw new Error('leader is not 5');
// Stop node 5
console.log('stopping node 5');
delete nodes[5];
// Wait 2000ms and check that the leader is now 4
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 4);
if (nodes[1].leader != 4)
throw new Error('leader is not 4');
// Stop node 4
console.log('stopping node 4');
delete nodes[4];
// Wait 2000ms and check that the leader is now 3
await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 2000));
checkQuorum(nodes, 3);
if (nodes[1].leader != 3)
throw new Error('leader is not 3');
// Clean up
for (const id in nodes)
if (nodes[id])
console.log('testLeaderPriority: OK');
async function run()
await testStartThenRemoveNode();
await testAddNode();
await testLeadershipExpiration();
await testRestart();
await testChangeNodes();
await testLeaderPriority();
run().catch(err => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); });