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This file contains special instructions for setting up ViewVC on
Windows. It will take you through a basic installation and tell you
how to set up optional features like code colorizing and the MySQL
commit database.
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ViewVC requires the Python interpreter which you can download from
and the Python for Windows Extensions which are at
For CVS support, ViewVC also requires that the CVSNT client (cvs.exe)
OR the RCS tools (rlog.exe, rcsdiff.exe, and co.exe) be installed on
your computer. CVSNT is available from
and RCS can be obtained from:
For Subversion support, you'll need to have the Subversion Python
bindings installed. Binaries are available from the Subversion website
Note that if you use binaries, you have to be running the same version
of python as the binaries were built for. For example, you cannot use
Subversion bindings built for Python 2.3 with Python 2.4. Instructions
for building the binaries from source are available here:
The Subversion bindings also require you to have diff.exe installed in
a directory on your system PATH. diff.exe is available as part of the
GnuWin32 project's DiffUtils package at
Once you've got Python and CVSNT or RCS or the Subversion bindings
installed, you can test out ViewVC before you install it by running:
python bin\ -r <PATH_TO_REPOSITORY>
The standalone server has a number of features (including a GUI
interface) which you can find out about by running
python bin\ --help
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Run the ViewVC install script with
python viewvc-install
The script will copy the source files into an installation directory
that you specify, store some path information, and compile the ViewVC
library files into Python bytecode.
After the installation is finished you will need to edit the
viewvc.conf file in the folder you installed to. The comments in that
file tell you exactly what to do.
With the config file set up you should be able to double-click and access your repository with a web browser.
See the sections below for information on setting up optional features
and troubleshooting. From here on <PY_DIR> will stand for the Python
root directory (usually something like C:\Python22) and
<VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR> will represent the directory where ViewVC has
been installed to (default is C:\Program Files\viewvc-VERSION).
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If you want to make ViewVC available to a network (rather than using
it on a standalone machine), you will need to configure a web server
to host it. This section includes instructions for setting up ViewVC
on two commonly used Windows web servers, IIS and Apache.
With IIS, you can run ViewVC in CGI mode or ASP mode (or both
modes). ASP mode gives better performance (faster page loads), but is
harder to set up and may be less stable. CGI mode is stable and easy
to set up but slower.
On Apache, you can use CGI mode or Mod_Python mode or both modes at
once. Mod_Python mode is faster than CGI mode.
1) Copy viewvc.cgi and query.cgi from <VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\cgi to a
folder that is accessible through your web server.
2) Start up the IIS "Internet Services Manager" and right click a
virtual server or virtual directory that contains the files you
just copied. Choose "Properties" from the context menu that
3) On the properties dialog that appears, navigate to [Home |
Virtual] Directory -> Application Settings ->
Configuration. This will bring up another dialog box called
"Application Configuration".
4) On the "App Mappings" tab choose "Add". Fill in the following
Executable: <PY_DIR>\python.exe "%s"
Extension: cgi
Script Engine: checked
Check that file exists: unchecked
That is all. Assuming you've set up viewvc.conf to point to your
repositories, the CGI pages should run. See the Troubleshooting
section below if there are any problems.
In order to run ViewVC with ASP, you will need to enable Python
ActiveX scripting and to install the included Aspfool ISAPI filter
on whatever virtual server is being used to serve the viewvc
pages. Step by step instructions follow below. Aspfool is located
in the windows\aspfool folder.
To set up ASP mode, follow these steps:
1) Run <PY_DIR>\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\client\
to register Python as an ASP scripting language. (More
documentation on this is at
2) Copy the viewvc.asp and query.asp files from
<VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\asp to a folder that is accessible
through your web server.
3) Start up the IIS "Internet Services Manager" and right click on
the virtual server that contains the files you just
copied. Choose "Properties" from the context menu that appears.
4) On the properties dialog that appears, click the "ISAPI Filters"
tab. Click the "add" button and enter the following
Filter Name: aspfool
Executable: aspfool.dll
After you save these changes, the ViewVC ASP pages should begin to
CGI Mode on Apache
Follow the instructions under "Apache Configuration" in the ViewVC
Mod_Python Mode on Apache
There are probably ten thousand different ways to set up Apache,
mod_python, and ViewVC together. Here are some instructions that
work for me using Mod_Python 3.0.3 and Apache 2.0.46. If any Apache
gurus want to contribute better instructions, I'd be happy to
include them here.
1) Run the win32 mod_python installer from
2) Add the following line to the "Global Environment" section of
LoadModule python_module modules/
3) Copy,,, and .htaccess from
<VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\mod_python to a folder being served by
apache. Make sure overrides are allowed in this folder. The
relevant parent directory in httpd.conf should have
"AllowOverride All" set, or at least "AllowOverride FileInfo
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To use enscript, you'll have to install the enscript, libintl,
libiconv, and sed packages from the gnuwin32 project
( Detailed instructions are on
their site, but here is the basic procedure.
1) Extract all packages to a folder on your hard drive, for example
2) Add "c:\gnuwin32\bin" to the system "PATH" environment variable. If
ViewVC is running as part of a system service like IIS you will
need to reboot the computer so it is able to see the value. See the
"Troubleshooting" section below for specific information on when a
reboot is neccessary.
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To use the checkin database, you'll need to install MySQL and the
MySQL-Python interface. MySQL can be downloaded from The MySql-Python adapter is available from Make sure to grab the the latest
version from the "Files" section. (The "Home Page" link takes you to
an outdated page that only links to very old versions.) Both packages
come with GUI installers. Once you have MySQL running and set up with
a username and password, follow these instructions to set up ViewVC.
1) Open a command prompt and type these commands:
python bin\make-database
The script that comes up will prompt you for the MySQL username and
password (you should have created these during the MySQL
installation), and the name of the database to create. The default
database name "ViewVC" should be fine unless for some reason a
database with that name already exists.
2) Enter the username, password, and database name into the [cvsdb]
section of the <VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\viewvc.conf file.
3) At the command prompt run
python bin\cvsdbadmin rebuild <REPOSITORY>
where <REPOSITORY> is the path to your CVS repository.
4) If you want the checkin database to be dynamically updated with
every checkin, add the following line to your CVSROOT/loginfo file:
ALL python "<VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\loginfo-handler" %{sVv}
If you decide not to enable dynamic updates, you can periodically
refresh the database with "python bin\cvsdbadmin update <REPOSITORY>"
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To use CvsGraph with ViewVC, just put cvsgraph.exe in a directory on
your system PATH and set the use_cvsgraph option to 1 in your
viewvc.conf file.
The CvsGraph home page is
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By default ViewVC serves up image and stylesheet files in
<VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\templates\docroot\ on its own instead of relying
on the webserver to deliver them. This simplifies web server
configuration, but is inefficient because it means the Python
interpreter has to run each time one of these files is
downloaded. This causes ViewVC pages to load more slowly, especially
when ViewVC is running under CGI on Windows.
To make things more efficient, you can make the
<VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\templates\docroot directory available on your web
server and then set the "docroot" value in viewvc.conf to point to the
web address of the directory.
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- By far the most common cause of errors in ViewVC is failure to
successfully execute the programs it depends on (cvs, rlog, rcsdiff,
co, enscript, sed, and cvsgraph). To help deal with this problem,
ViewVC includes a special debugging mode that displays output from
the programs it executes on every web page. This allows you to see
error messages and other information that isn't normally visible. To
enable the debugging mode, change line 23 of
Important: You may need to restart your web server before this
change takes effect. See "Changes made to..." later in this section.
- If you see the following error:
error: (2, 'CreateProcess', The system cannot find the file specified.')
it means that a program ViewVC has tried to execute could not be
found by Windows. The fix to this is usually to install the program
if it isn't already installed or to update the path to the program
in viewvc.conf. Enabling the SHOW_CHILD_PROCESSES mode as described
above can provide helpful diagnostic information such as the command
line ViewVC is using to invoke the program and the value of the PATH
environment variable in the environment ViewVC is running under.
- A common cause of server errors under IIS is permissions
problems. You need to make sure that the virtual directory
containing the CGI or ASP files has script execution enabled. You
also need to make sure that the web server user accounts
(IUSR_machine_name and IWAM_machine_name, where machine_name is your
computer name) have read and execute access to the .asp or .cgi stub
scripts, the ViewVC lib/ folder, the paths where external tools like
cvs, rcs, enscript, sed, and cvsgraph live, and the CVS
repositories. NTFS auditing makes it very easy to track down
permissions problems. Also look for IIS messages in the event log.
- Certain Apache configurations may hide some environment variables
from the ViewVC CGI scripts and the programs they launch. You can
see whether an environment variable is visible from the CGI
environment by enabling the SHOW_CHILD_PROCESSES debug mode
described above. You can force Apache to let variables through with
the PassEnv directive
- Changes made to environment variables, ViewVC source files and the
ViewVC configuration file do not always take effect immediately. The
table below shows what actions you need to take after changing any
of these things before they will have an effect.
| | Environment | ViewVC | ViewVC |
| | Variables | Source | Configuration |
| Standalone | restart | restart | restart |
| Server |* | | |
| CGI mode under | reboot | nothing | nothing |
| apache or IIS | computer | | |
| mod_python or | reboot | restart Apache | restart Apache |
| under apache | computer | | OR |
| | | | reload(viewvc) in stub |
| asp mode under | reboot | restart IIS | restart IIS |
| IIS | computer | OR | OR |
| | | Unload ASP App | Unload ASP App |
| | | | OR |
| | | | reload(viewvc) in stub |
* If was launched from a command prompt and you set
the environment variable through the control panel, you'll need to
open a new command prompt.
Under ASP, changes made to the stub scripts inside the web root do
take effect immediately, you only need to take additional action
when you make changes to the main source files in <VIEWVC_INSTALL_DIR>\lib
To "Unload ASP App", go to the IIS properties dialog for the
application directory containing the ViewVC .asp files (in Internet
Services Manager). Switch to the [Home] | [Virtual] Directory tab
and click the "Unload" button under "Application Settings".
To "reload(viewvc) in stub", put these lines in one of the ASP or
Mod_Python stub scripts:
import viewvc
reload (viewvc)
then load the page in a web browser.
- If you have problems getting ViewVC to work with mod_python, you can
first make sure mod_python works standalone with the testing
instructions at
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- If you see ViewVC errors like
Error parsing rlog output. Expected RCS file
"c:\cvsroot\dir\file,v", found "c:\cvsroot\dir\RCS/file,v"
it's because your RCS utilities don't recognize the RCS file suffix
and are treating all files specified on the command line like
working copies even when they end in ",v". You can fix this by
including the following string in your RCSINIT environment variable:
Important: You may need to reboot your computer before the
environment variable has an effect. See "Changes made to..." in the
- The GNU RCS utilities won't work with repository files that use
CVSNT's unicode expansion mode (-ku). Files that use this mode will
show up with an "rlog error: unknown expand mode u" error message in
ViewVC directory listings. To work around this, you can set up
ViewVC to use the CVSNT executable (cvs.exe) or CVSNT RCS tools
(co.exe, rlog.exe, and rcsdiff.exe) instead of the GNU tools.
- The standalone server will not run under Cygwin Python because it
does not support threads. ASP pages can't be run with Cygwin Python
because it does not support ActiveX. To use either of these features
you should install a native Python interpreter.
- On Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server under IIS, enscript might give
an error like:
enscript: couldn't open input filter "states -f
"K:/gnuwin32/share/enscript/hl/" -p
"C://.enscript;K:/gnuwin32/share/enscript/hl" -shtml -Dcolor=1
-Dstyle=emacs -Dlanguage=html -Dnum_input_files=1
-Ddocument_title="Enscript Output" -Dtoc=0 -" for file "": No error
no output generated
The solution is to give read & execute permissions on cmd.exe to the
IUSR_computername and IWAM_computername user accounts. (Enscript
uses cmd.exe internally to launch its little helper program,
- By default, ASP will set session cookies at each page load. ViewVC
does not use these cookies and they can be safely disabled. You can
do this by opening the IIS properties dialog for the application
directory containing the ViewVC .asp files. Go to the [Home] |
[Virtual] Directory tab and click the "Configuration" button under
"Application Settings". On the dialog that comes up, uncheck "Enable
Session State" under "App Options" -> "Application Configuration".
- Python support for ASP can be a little flaky. If you get strange
errors, it can sometimes help to uninstall and reinstall it with A number of people have also encountered a problem in
ActivePython 2.2 where the first loads of any Python ASP page would
work, but subsequent loads of the same page would always return
nothing (leaving the screen blank). There were a number of
workarounds for this problem, but the fix is to download and install
the latest python win32 extensions from
- ViewVC can't convert timestamps on diff pages to local time when it
is used with CVSNT. This is caused by a CVSNT bug, which is
described at
- Old versions of CVSNT (2.0.11 and earlier) have a bug in their rlog
emulation which causes them to output truncated paths to RCS
files. In ViewVC, this causes errors like
Error parsing rlog output. Expected RCS file
"c:\cvsroot\dir\file,v", found "file,v"
- Old versions of CVSNT (2.0.11 and earlier) have a bug in their
standalone RCS tools (rlog.exe, co.exe, and rcsdiff.exe) which
causes them not to properly interpret arguments with spaces. This
can result in ViewVC errors in repositories that have spaces in file
or directory names. This bug only occurs when ViewVC is configured
to use the standalone utilities, not when it uses cvs.exe directly
as it does by default.
- Old versions of CVSNT ( and earlier) don't have any RCS
emulation, so they can't be used as RCS parsers for ViewVC.
- Very old versions of CVSNT ( and earlier) won't work
reliably with our loginfo handler because they have a bug which
makes them escape spaces and other special characters in filenames
twice. This bug can result in loginfo errors or invalid data being
inserted into the database.
- Old versions of Highlight (2.4.3 and earlier) will not show line
numbers for .txt files or files of unknown type even when the
"highlight_line_numbers" option is enabled.
- Highlight versions 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 start line numbering for all file
types at 0 instead of 1 by default. A workaround is to make ViewVC
pass an explicit --line-number-start=1 option to Highlight
- Highlight version 2.4.4 starts line numbering for .txt files at 0
instead of 1. It also misinterprets the --line-number-start option
for those files, starting numbering one number before whatever
number is specified. Since this behavior does not affect unknown
file types, a simple workaround is just to not pass a --syntax
option to Highlight for plain text files (instead of passing
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- Bryan T. Vold for improving the original ViewCVS patch by adding
support for enscript and tarball generation.
- David Resnick for tracking down the cause of re_search failures in
repositories with non-rcs files and for bringing a bug in
sapi.AspFile.header() to my attention
- Matt Bunch for finding a better way to address the ASP blank page
problem, and Keith D. Zimmerman for finding another workaround.
- R<>diger Koch for reporting a bug in viewvc PATH_INFO parsing code
with Apache for Windows as well as Jelle Ouwerkerk and Steffen Yount
for providing fixes.
- Nick Minutello and R<>diger Koch for providing workarounds for
setting enscript_library environment variable with apache. David
Duminy for providing the first bug report on this.
- Gyula Faller and Tony Cook for independently coming up with CVSNT
loginfo handlers that accept spaces and don't rely on unix-style
echo commands. Tony Cook's patch also eliminated the dependency on
- Mathieu Mazerolle for making the unix loginfo handler handle spaces
in filenames.
- Paul Russell for analyzing problems with new fields in CVSNT RCS
files. for coming up with a partial solution
- Bo Berglund for tracking down the cause of a case-sensitivity issue
that could lead to problems in the commit database and for patiently
working with me to finally fix the CVSNT RCS fields problem and
another problem with enscript.
- Ivo Roessling for finding and fixing a bug in the query page's
commit grouping code.
- Keith D. Zimmerman for experimenting with enscript and finding some
new ways to make it work.