
181 lines
5.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import time
import string
import profile
from vclib.ccvs import rcsparse
import viewvc
import tparse
except ImportError:
tparse = None
def lines_changed(delta):
idx = 0
added = deleted = 0
while idx < len(delta):
op = delta[idx]
i = string.find(delta, ' ', idx + 1)
j = string.find(delta, '\n', i + 1)
line = int(delta[idx+1:i])
count = int(delta[i+1:j])
idx = j + 1
if op == 'd':
deleted = deleted + count
else: # 'a' for adding text
added = added + count
# skip new text
while count > 0:
nl = string.find(delta, '\n', idx)
assert nl > 0, 'missing a newline in the delta in the RCS file'
idx = nl + 1
count = count - 1
return added, deleted
class FetchSink(rcsparse.Sink):
def __init__(self, which_rev=None):
self.head = self.branch = ''
self.tags = { }
self.meta = { }
self.revs = [ ]
self.base = { }
self.entries = { }
self.which = which_rev
def set_head_revision(self, revision):
self.head = revision
def set_principal_branch(self, branch_name):
self.branch = branch_name
def define_tag(self, name, revision):
self.tags[name] = revision
def define_revision(self, revision, timestamp, author, state,
branches, next):
self.meta[revision] = (timestamp, author, state)
self.base[next] = revision
for b in branches:
self.base[b] = revision
def set_revision_info(self, revision, log, text):
timestamp, author, state = self.meta[revision]
entry = viewvc.LogEntry(revision, int(timestamp) - time.timezone, author,
state, None, log)
# .revs is "order seen" and .entries is for random access
self.entries[revision] = entry
if revision != self.head:
added, deleted = lines_changed(text)
if string.count(revision, '.') == 1:
# on the trunk. reverse delta.
changed = '+%d -%d' % (deleted, added)
self.entries[self.base[revision]].changed = changed
# on a branch. forward delta.
changed = '+%d -%d' % (added, deleted)
self.entries[revision].changed = changed
def parse_completed(self):
if self.which:
self.revs = [ self.entries[self.which] ]
def fetch_log2(full_name, which_rev=None):
sink = FetchSink(which_rev)
rcsparse.parse(open(full_name, 'rb'), sink)
return sink.head, sink.branch, sink.tags, sink.revs
def fetch_log3(full_name, which_rev=None):
sink = FetchSink(which_rev)
tparse.parse(full_name, sink)
return sink.head, sink.branch, sink.tags, sink.revs
def compare_data(d1, d2):
if d1[:3] != d2[:3]:
print 'd1:', d1[:3]
print 'd2:', d2[:3]
if len(d1[3]) != len(d2[3]):
print 'len(d1[3])=%d len(d2[3])=%d' % (len(d1[3]), len(d2[3]))
def sort_func(e, f):
return cmp(e.rev, f.rev)
import pprint
for i in range(len(d1[3])):
if vars(d1[3][i]) != vars(d2[3][i]):
pprint.pprint((i, vars(d1[3][i]), vars(d2[3][i])))
def compare_fetch(full_name, which_rev=None):
# d1 and d2 are:
# ( HEAD revision, branch name, TAGS { name : revision }, [ LogEntry ] )
d1 = viewvc.fetch_log(full_name, which_rev)
d2 = fetch_log2(full_name, which_rev)
print 'comparing external tools vs a parser module:'
compare_data(d1, d2)
if tparse:
d2 = fetch_log3(full_name, which_rev)
print 'comparing external tools vs the tparse module:'
compare_data(d1, d2)
def compare_many(files):
for file in files:
print file, '...'
def time_stream(stream_class, filename, n=10):
d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 0
t = time.time()
for i in range(n):
ts = stream_class(open(filename, 'rb'))
while ts.get() is not None:
t = time.time() - t
print t/n
def time_fetch(full_name, which_rev=None, n=1):
times1 = [ None ] * n
times2 = [ None ] * n
for i in range(n):
t = time.time()
viewvc.fetch_log(full_name, which_rev)
times1[i] = time.time() - t
for i in range(n):
t = time.time()
fetch_log2(full_name, which_rev)
times2[i] = time.time() - t
i1 = int(n*.05)
i2 = int(n*.95)+1
times1 = times1[i1:i2]
times2 = times2[i1:i2]
t1 = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, times1, 0) / len(times1)
t2 = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, times2, 0) / len(times2)
print "t1=%.4f (%.4f .. %.4f) t2=%.4f (%.4f .. %.4f)" % \
(t1, times1[0], times1[-1], t2, times2[0], times2[-1])
def profile_stream(stream_class, filename, n=20):
p = profile.Profile()
def many_calls(filename, n):
for i in xrange(n):
ts = stream_class(open(filename, 'rb'))
while ts.get() is not None:
p.runcall(many_calls, filename, n)
def profile_fetch(full_name, which_rev=None, n=10):
p = profile.Profile()
def many_calls(full_name, which_rev, n):
for i in xrange(n):
fetch_log2(full_name, which_rev)
p.runcall(many_calls, full_name, which_rev, n)