
733 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*-python-*-
# Copyright (C) 2000 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Curt Hagenlocher <>
# By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in
# the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewCVS
# distribution or at
# Contact information:
# Greg Stein, PO Box 760, Palo Alto, CA, 94302
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Annotate each line of a CVS file with its author,
# revision #, date, etc.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is being maintained as part of the ViewCVS project.
# Information is available at:
# This file is based on the portion of the Bonsai CVS tool,
# developed by Steve Lamm for Netscape Communications Corporation. More
# information about Bonsai can be found at
#, in turn, was based on Scott Furman's cvsblame script
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import string
import sys
import os
import re
import time
import math
import cgi
path_sep = os.path.normpath('/')[-1]
class CVSParser:
# Precompiled regular expressions
nonws_token = re.compile('^([^;@][^;\\s]*)\\s*')
semic_token = re.compile('^;\\s*')
rcsen_token = re.compile('^@([^@]*)')
undo_escape = re.compile('@@')
single_at = re.compile('([^@]|^)@([^@]|$)')
rcs_tree = re.compile('^\\d')
trunk_rev = re.compile('^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$')
last_branch = re.compile('(.*)\\.[0-9]+')
is_branch = re.compile('(.*)\\.0\\.([0-9]+)')
d_command = re.compile('^d(\d+)\\s(\\d+)')
a_command = re.compile('^a(\d+)\\s(\\d+)')
def __init__(self):
def Reset(self):
self.line_buffer = ''
self.rcsfile = None
self.debug = 0
self.last_revision = {}
self.prev_revision = {}
self.revision_date = {}
self.revision_author = {}
self.revision_branches = {}
self.next_delta = {}
self.prev_delta = {}
self.feof = 0
self.tag_revision = {}
self.revision_symbolic_name = {}
self.timestamp = {}
self.revision_ctime = {}
self.revision_age = {}
self.revision_log = {}
self.revision_deltatext = {}
self.revision_map = []
self.lines_added = {}
self.lines_removed = {}
# Get the next token from the RCS file
def get_token(self):
# Erase all-whitespace lines
while len(self.line_buffer) == 0:
self.line_buffer = self.rcsfile.readline()
if self.line_buffer == '':
raise RuntimeError, 'EOF'
self.line_buffer = string.lstrip(self.line_buffer)
# A string of non-whitespace characters is a token
match = self.nonws_token.match(self.line_buffer)
if match:
self.line_buffer = self.nonws_token.sub('', self.line_buffer)
# ...and so is a single semicolon
if self.semic_token.match(self.line_buffer):
self.line_buffer = self.semic_token.sub('', self.line_buffer)
return ';'
# ...or an RCS-encoded string that starts with an @ character
match = self.rcsen_token.match(self.line_buffer)
self.line_buffer = self.rcsen_token.sub('', self.line_buffer)
token =
# Detect single @ character used to close RCS-encoded string
while string.find(self.line_buffer, '@') < 0 or not
token = token + self.line_buffer
self.line_buffer = self.rcsfile.readline()
if self.line_buffer == '':
raise RuntimeError, 'EOF'
# Retain the remainder of the line after the terminating @ character
i = string.rindex(self.line_buffer, '@')
token = token + self.line_buffer[:i]
self.line_buffer = self.line_buffer[i+1:]
# Undo escape-coding of @ characters.
token = self.undo_escape.sub('@', token)
# Digest any extra blank lines
while len(self.line_buffer) == 0 or self.line_buffer == '\n':
self.line_buffer = self.rcsfile.readline()
if self.line_buffer == '':
self.feof = 1
if token[-1:] == '\n':
token = token[:-1]
return token
# Try to match the next token from the input buffer
def match_token(self, match):
token = self.get_token()
if token != match:
raise RuntimeError, ('Unexpected parsing error in RCS file.\n' +
'Expected token: %s, but saw: %s' % (match, token))
# Push RCS token back into the input buffer.
def unget_token(self, token):
self.line_buffer = token + " " + self.line_buffer
# Map a tag to a numerical revision number. The tag can be a symbolic
# branch tag, a symbolic revision tag, or an ordinary numerical
# revision number.
def map_tag_to_revision(self, tag_or_revision):
revision = self.tag_revision[tag_or_revision]
match = self.is_branch.match(revision)
if match:
branch = + '.' +
if self.last_revision.get(branch):
return self.last_revision[branch]
return revision
return ''
# Construct an ordered list of ancestor revisions to the given
# revision, starting with the immediate ancestor and going back
# to the primordial revision (1.1).
# Note: The generated path does not traverse the tree the same way
# that the individual revision deltas do. In particular,
# the path traverses the tree "backwards" on branches.
def ancestor_revisions(self, revision):
ancestors = []
revision = self.prev_revision.get(revision)
while revision:
revision = self.prev_revision.get(revision)
return ancestors
# Extract the given revision from the digested RCS file.
# (Essentially the equivalent of cvs up -rXXX)
def extract_revision(self, revision):
path = []
add_lines_remaining = 0
start_line = 0
count = 0
while revision:
revision = self.prev_delta.get(revision)
path = path[1:] # Get rid of head revision
text = string.split(self.revision_deltatext[self.head_revision], '\n')
# Iterate, applying deltas to previous revision
for revision in path:
adjust = 0
diffs = string.split(self.revision_deltatext[revision], '\n')
self.lines_added[revision] = 0
self.lines_removed[revision] = 0
lines_added_now = 0
lines_removed_now = 0
for command in diffs:
dmatch = self.d_command.match(command)
amatch = self.a_command.match(command)
if add_lines_remaining > 0:
# Insertion lines from a prior "a" command
text.insert(start_line + adjust, command)
add_lines_remaining = add_lines_remaining - 1
adjust = adjust + 1
elif dmatch:
# "d" - Delete command
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
begin = start_line + adjust - 1
del text[begin:begin + count]
adjust = adjust - count
lines_removed_now = lines_removed_now + count
elif amatch:
# "a" - Add command
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
add_lines_remaining = count
lines_added_now = lines_added_now + count
raise RuntimeError, 'Error parsing diff commands'
self.lines_added[revision] = self.lines_added[revision] + lines_added_now
self.lines_removed[revision] = self.lines_removed[revision] + lines_removed_now
return text
def parse_rcs_admin(self):
while 1:
# Read initial token at beginning of line
token = self.get_token()
# We're done once we reach the description of the RCS tree
if self.rcs_tree.match(token):
# print "token:", token
if token == "head":
self.head_revision = self.get_token()
self.get_token() # Eat semicolon
elif token == "branch":
self.principal_branch = self.get_token()
self.get_token() # Eat semicolon
elif token == "symbols":
# Create an associate array that maps from tag name to
# revision number and vice-versa.
while 1:
tag = self.get_token()
if tag == ';':
(tag_name, tag_rev) = string.split(tag, ':')
self.tag_revision[tag_name] = tag_rev
self.revision_symbolic_name[tag_rev] = tag_name
elif token == "comment":
self.file_description = self.get_token()
self.get_token() # Eat semicolon
# Ignore all these other fields - We don't care about them.
elif token in ("locks", "strict", "expand", "access"):
while 1:
tag = self.get_token()
if tag == ';':
# warn("Unexpected RCS token: $token\n")
raise RuntimeError, "Unexpected EOF";
# Construct dicts that represent the topology of the RCS tree
# and other arrays that contain info about individual revisions.
# The following dicts are created, keyed by revision number:
# self.revision_date -- e.g. ""
# self.timestamp -- seconds since 12:00 AM, Jan 1, 1970 GMT
# self.revision_author -- e.g. "tom"
# self.revision_branches -- descendant branch revisions, separated by spaces,
# e.g. ""
# self.prev_revision -- revision number of previous *ancestor* in RCS tree.
# Traversal of this array occurs in the direction
# of the primordial (1.1) revision.
# self.prev_delta -- revision number of previous revision which forms
# the basis for the edit commands in this revision.
# This causes the tree to be traversed towards the
# trunk when on a branch, and towards the latest trunk
# revision when on the trunk.
# self.next_delta -- revision number of next "delta". Inverts prev_delta.
# Also creates self.last_revision, keyed by a branch revision number, which
# indicates the latest revision on a given branch,
# e.g. self.last_revision{"1.2.8"} ==
def parse_rcs_tree(self):
while 1:
revision = self.get_token()
# End of RCS tree description ?
if revision == 'desc':
is_trunk_revision = self.trunk_rev.match(revision) is not None
self.tag_revision[revision] = revision
branch = self.last_branch.match(revision).group(1)
self.last_revision[branch] = revision
# Parse date
date = self.get_token()
self.revision_date[revision] = date
# Convert date into timestamp
date_fields = string.split(date, '.') + ['0', '0', '0']
date_fields = map(string.atoi, date_fields)
if date_fields[0] < 100:
date_fields[0] = date_fields[0] + 1900
self.timestamp[revision] = time.mktime(date_fields)
# Pretty print the date string
ltime = time.localtime(self.timestamp[revision])
formatted_date = time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M", ltime)
self.revision_ctime[revision] = formatted_date
# Save age
self.revision_age[revision] = (
(time.time() - self.timestamp[revision]) / self.SECONDS_PER_DAY)
# Parse author
author = self.get_token()
self.revision_author[revision] = author
# Parse state
while self.get_token() != ';':
# Parse branches
branches = ''
while 1:
token = self.get_token()
if token == ';':
self.prev_revision[token] = revision
self.prev_delta[token] = revision
branches = branches + token + ' '
self.revision_branches[revision] = branches
# Parse revision of next delta in chain
next = ''
token = self.get_token()
if token != ';':
next = token
self.get_token() # Eat semicolon
self.next_delta[revision] = next
self.prev_delta[next] = revision
if is_trunk_revision:
self.prev_revision[revision] = next
self.prev_revision[next] = revision
if self.debug >= 3:
print "<pre>revision =", revision
print "date = ", date
print "author = ", author
print "branches = ", branches
print "next = ", next + "</pre>\n"
def parse_rcs_description(self):
self.rcs_file_description = self.get_token()
# Construct associative arrays containing info about individual revisions.
# The following associative arrays are created, keyed by revision number:
# revision_log -- log message
# revision_deltatext -- Either the complete text of the revision,
# in the case of the head revision, or the
# encoded delta between this revision and another.
# The delta is either with respect to the successor
# revision if this revision is on the trunk or
# relative to its immediate predecessor if this
# revision is on a branch.
def parse_rcs_deltatext(self):
while not self.feof:
revision = self.get_token()
if self.debug >= 3:
print "Reading delta for revision:", revision
self.revision_log[revision] = self.get_token()
self.revision_deltatext[revision] = self.get_token()
def parse_rcs_file(self):
if self.debug >= 2:
print "Reading RCS admin..."
if self.debug >= 2:
print "Reading RCS revision tree topology..."
if self.debug >= 3:
print "<pre>Keys:\n"
for i in self.tag_revision.keys():
print "yoyuo %s: %s" % (i, self.tag_revision[i])
print "</pre>"
if self.debug >= 2:
print "Reading RCS revision deltas..."
if self.debug >= 2:
print "Done reading RCS file..."
def parse_cvs_file(self, rcs_pathname, opt_rev = None, opt_m_timestamp = None):
# Args in: opt_rev - requested revision
# opt_m - time since modified
# Args out: revision_map
# timestamp
# revision_deltatext
# CheckHidden(rcs_pathname);
self.rcsfile = open(rcs_pathname, 'r')
raise RuntimeError, ('error: %s appeared to be under CVS control, ' +
'but the RCS file is inaccessible.') % rcs_pathname
if opt_rev in [None, '', 'HEAD']:
# Explicitly specified topmost revision in tree
revision = self.head_revision
# Symbolic tag or specific revision number specified.
revision = self.map_tag_to_revision(opt_rev)
if revision == '':
raise RuntimeError, 'error: -r: No such revision: ' + opt_rev
# The primordial revision is not always 1.1! Go find it.
primordial = revision
while self.prev_revision.get(primordial):
primordial = self.prev_revision[primordial]
# Don't display file at all, if -m option is specified and no
# changes have been made in the specified file.
if opt_m_timestamp and self.timestamp[revision] < opt_m_timestamp:
return ''
# Figure out how many lines were in the primordial, i.e. version 1.1,
# check-in by moving backward in time from the head revision to the
# first revision.
line_count = 0
if self.revision_deltatext.get(self.head_revision):
tmp_array = string.split(self.revision_deltatext[self.head_revision], '\n')
line_count = len(tmp_array)
skip = 0
rev = self.prev_revision.get(self.head_revision)
while rev:
diffs = string.split(self.revision_deltatext[rev], '\n')
for command in diffs:
dmatch = self.d_command.match(command)
amatch = self.a_command.match(command)
if skip > 0:
# Skip insertion lines from a prior "a" command
skip = skip - 1
elif dmatch:
# "d" - Delete command
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
line_count = line_count - count
elif amatch:
# "a" - Add command
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
skip = count;
line_count = line_count + count
raise RuntimeError, 'error: illegal RCS file'
rev = self.prev_revision.get(rev)
# Now, play the delta edit commands *backwards* from the primordial
# revision forward, but rather than applying the deltas to the text of
# each revision, apply the changes to an array of revision numbers.
# This creates a "revision map" -- an array where each element
# represents a line of text in the given revision but contains only
# the revision number in which the line was introduced rather than
# the line text itself.
# Note: These are backward deltas for revisions on the trunk and
# forward deltas for branch revisions.
# Create initial revision map for primordial version.
self.revision_map = [primordial] * line_count
ancestors = [revision, ] + self.ancestor_revisions(revision)
ancestors = ancestors[:-1] # Remove "1.1"
last_revision = primordial
for revision in ancestors:
is_trunk_revision = self.trunk_rev.match(revision) is not None
if is_trunk_revision:
diffs = string.split(self.revision_deltatext[last_revision], '\n')
# Revisions on the trunk specify deltas that transform a
# revision into an earlier revision, so invert the translation
# of the 'diff' commands.
for command in diffs:
if skip > 0:
skip = skip - 1
dmatch = self.d_command.match(command)
amatch = self.a_command.match(command)
if dmatch:
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
temp = []
while count > 0:
count = count - 1
self.revision_map = (self.revision_map[:start_line - 1] +
temp + self.revision_map[start_line - 1:])
elif amatch:
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
del self.revision_map[start_line:start_line + count]
skip = count
raise RuntimeError, 'Error parsing diff commands'
# Revisions on a branch are arranged backwards from those on
# the trunk. They specify deltas that transform a revision
# into a later revision.
adjust = 0
diffs = string.split(self.revision_deltatext[revision], '\n')
for command in diffs:
if skip > 0:
skip = skip - 1
dmatch = self.d_command.match(command)
amatch = self.a_command.match(command)
if dmatch:
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
del self.revision_map[start_line + adjust - 1:start_line + adjust - 1 + count]
adjust = adjust - count
elif amatch:
start_line = string.atoi(
count = string.atoi(
skip = count
temp = []
while count > 0:
count = count - 1
self.revision_map = (self.revision_map[:start_line + adjust] +
temp + self.revision_map[start_line + adjust:])
adjust = adjust + skip
raise RuntimeError, 'Error parsing diff commands'
last_revision = revision
return revision
re_includes = re.compile('\\#(\\s*)include(\\s*)"(.*?)"')
re_filename = re.compile('(.*[\\\\/])?(.+)')
def link_includes(text, root, rcs_path, browse_revtag = 'HEAD'):
match = re_includes.match(text)
if match:
incfile =
use_html = 0
for trial_root in (rcs_path, rcs_path + path_sep + "Attic", rcs_path + path_sep + ".."):
file = os.path.normpath('%s%s%s%s%s,v' % (root, path_sep, trial_root, path_sep, incfile))
if os.access(file, os.F_OK):
file = os.path.normpath('%s%s%s,v' % (trial_root, path_sep, incfile))
return '#%sinclude%s"<a href=\'%s?root=%s&file=%s&rev=%s&use_html=%d\'>%s</a>"' % (,, "", root, file, browse_revtag, use_html, incfile)
return text
def make_html(root, rcs_path, opt_rev = None):
filename = root + path_sep + rcs_path
parser = CVSParser()
revision = parser.parse_cvs_file(filename, opt_rev)
count = len(parser.revision_map)
text = parser.extract_revision(revision)
if len(text) != count:
raise RuntimeError, 'Internal consistency error'
match = re_filename.match(rcs_path)
if not match:
raise RuntimeError, 'Unable to parse filename'
file_head =
file_tail =
open_table_tag = '<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%">'
startOfRow = '<tr><td colspan=3%s><pre>'
endOfRow = '</td></tr>'
print open_table_tag + (startOfRow % '')
if count == 0:
count = 1
line_num_width = int(math.log10(count)) + 1
revision_width = 3
author_width = 5
line = 0
usedlog = {}
usedlog[revision] = 1
old_revision = 0
row_color = ''
lines_in_table = 0
inMark = 0
rev_count = 0
for revision in parser.revision_map:
thisline = text[line]
line = line + 1
usedlog[revision] = 1
line_in_table = lines_in_table + 1
# Escape HTML meta-characters
thisline = cgi.escape(thisline)
# Add a link to traverse to included files
if 1: # opt_includes
thisline = link_includes(thisline, root, file_head)
output = ''
# Highlight lines
#if (defined($mark_cmd = $mark_line{$line}) and mark_cmd != 'end':
# output = output + endOfRow + '<tr><td bgcolor=LIGHTGREEN width="100%"><pre>'
# inMark = 1
if old_revision != revision and line != 1:
if row_color == '':
row_color = ' bgcolor="#e7e7e7"'
row_color = ''
if not inMark:
if lines_in_table > 100:
output = output + endOfRow + '</table>' + open_table_tag + (startOfRow % row_color)
lines_in_table = 0
output = output + endOfRow + (startOfRow % row_color)
elif lines_in_table > 200 and not inMark:
output = output + endOfRow + '</table>' + open_table_tag + (startOfRow % row_color)
lines_in_table = 0
output = output + "<a name=%d></a>" % (line, )
if 1: # opt_line_nums
output = output + ('%%%dd' % (line_num_width, )) % (line, )
if old_revision != revision or rev_count > 20:
revision_width = max(revision_width, len(revision))
# output = output + "<a href=\"cvsblame.cgi?file=$filename&rev=$revision&root=$root\""
if parser.prev_revision.has_key(revision):
output = output + " <a href=\"\"" % (
root, file_head, file_tail, revision, parser.prev_revision[revision])
output = output + " <a href=\"\"" % (
root, file_head, file_tail)
parser.prev_revision[revision] = ''
if 0: # use_layers
output = output + " onmouseover='return log(event,\"%s\",\"%s\");'" % (
parser.prev_revision[revision], revision)
output = output + ">"
author = parser.revision_author[revision]
# $author =~ s/%.*$//;
author_width = max(author_width, len(author))
output = output + ('%%-%ds ' % (author_width, )) % (author, )
output = output + revision + '</a> '
output = output + (' ' * (revision_width - len(revision)))
old_revision = revision
rev_count = 0
output = output + ' ' + (' ' * (author_width + revision_width))
rev_count = rev_count + 1
output = output + thisline
# Close the highlighted section
#if (defined $mark_cmd and mark_cmd != 'begin'):
# chop($output)
# output = output + endOfRow + (startOfRow % row_color)
# inMark = 0
print output
print endOfRow + '</table>'
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print 'USAGE: %s cvsroot rcs-file' % sys.argv[0]
make_html(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
if __name__ == '__main__':