Clean up the mess in directory.ezt

* rather than using [headers] to determine the columns, just display
  them explicitly. use the new [have_logs] to determine whether the
  additional columns are needed.

* fix a bunch of problems in directory.ezt relating to unreadable
  files or errors while reading CVS information (lining up columns and

* remove the "show_author" config option, favoring removal from the
  templates instead.

* remove the unused "hide_non_readable" option. remove the
  "use_java_script" and "open_extern_window" options; these were
  removed recently, but accidentally left in the .conf file.

* remove the "flip_links_in_dirview" option, favoring a new template
  instead. added a copy of directory.ezt as dir_alternate.ezt. changes
  to actually make the columns flipped are coming in a future commit.

* remove the [rev_in_front], [rows.span], and [rows.cols] options;
  these are now obsolete given the above changes

* add documentation to upgrading.html

git-svn-id: 8cb11bc2-c004-0410-86c3-e597b4017df7
gstein 2001-12-21 04:50:33 +00:00
parent e88fcaebce
commit 70db664ec6
6 changed files with 437 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -220,7 +220,6 @@ languages = en-us
# header.
directory = templates/directory.ezt
query = templates/query.ezt
footer = templates/footer.ezt
diff = templates/diff.ezt
@ -228,9 +227,15 @@ graph = templates/graph.ezt
annotate = templates/annotate.ezt
markup = templates/annotate.ezt
directory = templates/directory.ezt
# For an alternate form, where the first column displays a revision number
# and brings you to the log view (and the filename displays the HEAD), then
# you may use this template:
# directory = templates/dir_alternate.ezt
log = templates/log.ezt
# There is also a new style table based alternative template available.
# You might want to try it out:
# For a log view where the revisions are displayed in a table, you may
# want to try this template:
# log = templates/log_table.ezt
@ -280,14 +285,6 @@ diff_format = h
# 0 Show CVSROOT directory
hide_cvsroot = 1
# hide_non_readable: Don't show entries which cannot be read
# 1 Hide non-readable entries
# 0 Show non-readble entries
hide_non_readable = 1
# Show author of last change
show_author = 1
# set to 1 to make lines break at spaces,
# set to 0 to make no-break lines,
# set to a positive integer to make the lines cut at that length
@ -320,14 +317,6 @@ allow_markup = 1
# [make sure to have gzip in the path]
allow_compress = 1
# Make use of javascript functions to skip the need for submitting a form.
# For example, this way you can select one of your CVS roots without
# pressing 'Go' (... if you have more than one CVSROOT defined)
use_java_script = 1
# open Download-Links in another window
open_extern_window = 1
# If you have files which automatically refers to other files
# (such as HTML) then this allows you to browse the checked
# out files as if outside CVS.
@ -343,15 +332,6 @@ checkout_magic = 1
# Enable this if you like the feature, but don't rely on correct results.
show_subdir_lastmod = 0
# The next flag defines the meaning of clicking on either a filename or
# the revision number of that file in the directory view. if 0 then
# the traditional behavior applies: clicking on the name takes you to the
# CVS log page, where clicking on the revision number displays that revision.
# If the flag is set to 1 then both columns will be swapped and the meaning
# of clicking is also exchanged. This should be more intuitive to new users.
# The classic setting is default:
flip_links_in_dirview = 0
# show a portion of the most recent log entry in directory listings
show_logs = 1

View File

@ -177,8 +177,6 @@ class Config:
self.options.log_sort = 'date'
self.options.diff_format = 'h'
self.options.hide_cvsroot = 1
self.options.hide_non_readable = 1
self.options.show_author = 1
self.options.hr_breakable = 1
self.options.hr_funout = 1
self.options.hr_ignore_white = 1
@ -188,7 +186,6 @@ class Config:
self.options.allow_compress = 1
self.options.checkout_magic = 1
self.options.show_subdir_lastmod = 0
self.options.flip_links_in_dirview = 0
self.options.show_logs = 1
self.options.show_log_in_markup = 1
self.options.py2html_path = '.'

View File

@ -1140,18 +1140,21 @@ def view_directory(request):
'current_root' : request.cvsrep,
'view_tag' : view_tag,
'sortby' : sortby,
'headers' : [ ],
'no_match' : None,
'unreadable' : None,
'has_tags' : None,
'tarball_href' : None,
'address' : cfg.general.address,
'vsn' : __version__,
# fileinfo will be len==0 if we only have dirs and !show_subdir_lastmod
# in that case, we don't need the extra columns
'rev_in_front' : len(fileinfo) and cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview,
'search_re' : search_re,
'have_logs' : None,
'sortby_file_href' : toggle_query(query_dict, 'sortby', 'file'),
'sortby_rev_href' : toggle_query(query_dict, 'sortby', 'rev'),
'sortby_date_href' : toggle_query(query_dict, 'sortby', 'date'),
'sortby_author_href' : toggle_query(query_dict, 'sortby', 'author'),
'sortby_log_href' : toggle_query(query_dict, 'sortby', 'log'),
# add in the CVS roots for the selection
if len(cfg.general.cvs_roots) < 2:
@ -1167,33 +1170,10 @@ def view_directory(request):
### a variety of schemes.
data['nav_path'] = clickable_path(request, where, 0, 0, 0)
def add_header(title, which, data=data, query_dict=query_dict, colspan=1):
href = './' + toggle_query(query_dict, 'sortby', which) + '#dirlist'
data['headers'].append(_item(title=title, which=which, href=href,
if cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview and len(fileinfo):
add_header('Rev.', 'rev')
if cfg.options.use_cvsgraph:
add_header('File', 'file', colspan=2)
add_header('File', 'file')
if not cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview and len(fileinfo):
add_header('Rev.', 'rev')
# fileinfo will be len==0 if we only have dirs and !show_subdir_lastmod
# fileinfo will be len==0 if we only have dirs and !show_subdir_lastmod.
# in that case, we don't need the extra columns
if len(fileinfo):
add_header('Age', 'date')
if cfg.options.show_author:
add_header('Author', 'author')
if cfg.options.show_logs:
add_header('Last log entry', 'log')
num_cols = len(data['headers']) + cfg.options.use_cvsgraph
# remaining columns to span:
span = num_cols - 1 - cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview
data['have_logs'] = 'yes'
def file_sort_cmp(data1, data2, sortby=sortby, fileinfo=fileinfo):
if data1[2]: # is_directory
@ -1274,7 +1254,6 @@ def view_directory(request):
num_displayed = num_displayed + 1
row.anchor = file = file + slash
row.span = span
row.type = 'unreadable'
@ -1305,17 +1284,15 @@ def view_directory(request):
info = fileinfo.get(file)
if info == _FILE_HAD_ERROR:
row.cvs = 'error'
row.span = span
unreadable = 1
elif info:
row.cvs = 'data'
row.time = html_time(info[1]) = info[3]
if cfg.options.use_cvsgraph:
row.graph_href = '&nbsp;'
if cfg.options.show_author: = info[3]
if cfg.options.show_logs:
row.show_log = 'yes'
subfile = info[4]
@ -1326,7 +1303,6 @@ def view_directory(request):
row.log = format_log(info[2])
row.cvs = 'none'
row.cols = [ '' ] * (span)
@ -1342,7 +1318,6 @@ def view_directory(request):
info = fileinfo.get(file)
if info == _FILE_HAD_ERROR:
row.cvs = 'error'
row.span = span
num_displayed = num_displayed + 1
@ -1374,6 +1349,7 @@ def view_directory(request):
row.cvs = 'data'
row.href = url
row.rev = info[0] = info[3]
### it would be good to break this out into bits so the .ezt can
### format this info however it likes
@ -1386,9 +1362,6 @@ def view_directory(request):
if cfg.options.use_cvsgraph:
row.graph_href = file_url + '?graph=' + row.rev + request.amp_query
if cfg.options.show_author: = info[3]
if cfg.options.show_logs:
row.show_log = 'yes'
row.log = format_log(info[2])
@ -2564,7 +2537,6 @@ def handle_config():
"logsort" : cfg.options.log_sort,
"diff_format" : cfg.options.diff_format,
"hidecvsroot" : cfg.options.hide_cvsroot,
"hidenonreadable" : cfg.options.hide_non_readable,
"search": None,

templates/dir_alternate.ezt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
<!-- ViewCVS --
by Greg Stein --
<title>[if-any where][where][else][cfg.general.main_title][end]</title>
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td rowspan=2><h1>[if-any where][where][else][cfg.general.main_title][end]</h1></td>
<td align=right><img src="/icons/apache_pb.gif" alt="(logo)" border=0
width=259 height=32></td>
<td align=right><h3><b><a target="_blank"
href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.html">ViewCVS and CVS Help</a></b></h3></td>
[if-any where][else]
<!-- you may insert repository access instructions here -->
[if-any roots]
<h3>Project Root</h3>
<form method=GET action="./">
<select name=cvsroot onchange="submit()">
[for roots]
[is roots current_root]
<option selected>[roots]</option>
<input type=submit value="Go">
<p><a name="dirlist"></a></p>
[if-any where]
<p>Current directory: <b>[nav_path]</b></p>
[if-any view_tag]
<p>Current tag: <b>[view_tag]</b></p>
[is num_files "0"]
<form action="./" name="reset">
<input type="submit" value="Show all files">
[is cfg.options.use_re_search "1"]
<form action="./" name="search_form">
<input type="submit" value="Show files containing the regular expression string:">
<input type="text" name="search" value="[search_re]">
[if-any has_tags]
<form method=GET action="./">
[for params]
<input type=hidden name="[]" value="[params.value]">
<input type=submit value="Show files with tag:">
<select name=only_with_tag onchange="submit()">
[if-any branch_tags]
<option value="">- Branches -</option>
[for branch_tags]
[is branch_tags view_tag]
<option selected>[branch_tags]</option>
<option value="">- Non-branch tags -</option>
[for plain_tags]
[is plain_tags view_tag]
<option selected>[plain_tags]</option>
[is num_files "0"]
[is num_files "1"]
<b>1 file
<b>[num_files] files
[if-any search_re]
with contents matching regular expression: '[search_re]'</b>
[if-any view_tag]
with tag: '[view_tag]'</b>
<hr noshade>
[# if you want a colored border around the table of directory
information, then add this additional table tag:
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"><tr>
<td bgcolor="#999999">
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>
[if-any have_logs]
[is sortby "file"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88"
[is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end]
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
[is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end]
><a href="./[sortby_file_href]#dirlist">File</a></th>
[is sortby "rev"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Rev.</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_rev_href]"#dirlist>Rev.</a></th>
[is sortby "date"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Age</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_date_href]#dirlist">Age</a></th>
[is sortby "author"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Author</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_author_href]#dirlist">Author</a></th>
[is sortby "log"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Last log entry</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_log_href]#dirlist">Last log entry</a></th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc">File</th>
[for rows]
<tr bgcolor="[if-index rows even]#ffffff[else]#ccccee[end]">
[is rows.type "unreadable"]
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]">[]</a>
[if-any have_logs]
<td colspan=[is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]5[else]4[end]>
<i>this entry is unreadable</i>
- <i>this entry is unreadable</i>
[is rows.type "dir"]
<td [if-any have_logs][is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end][end]>
<a name="[rows.anchor]" href="[rows.href]">
<img src="/icons/small/dir.gif" alt="(dir)" border=0 width=16 height=16>
[if-any rows.hide_attic_href]
&nbsp; <a href="[rows.hide_attic_href]">[[]Don't hide]</a>
[is rows.cvs "error"]
[# for an error to occur, we must have some logs. always use colspan]
<td colspan=4>
<i>Last modification unavailable - could not read CVS information</i>
[if-any have_logs]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# revision ]
[is rows.cvs "none"]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# age ]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# author ]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# log ]
[if-any rows.show_log]
&nbsp;<font size="-1">[rows.log]</font></td>
[is rows.cvs "error"]
<td [is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end]>
<a name="[rows.anchor]">[]</a>
<td colspan=4><i>CVS information is unreadable</i></td>
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]" href="[rows.href]">
<img src="/icons/small/text.gif" alt="(file)" border=0
width=16 height=16>
[if-any rows.graph_href]
<td width="1%"><a href="[rows.graph_href]"><img
alt="(graph)" width=16 height=16 border=0>
<a href="[rows.rev_href]&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup">
[# to display the revision in a separate window, you could use:
<a href="{rows.rev_href}" target="cvs_checkout"
onClick="'{rows.rev_href}', 'cvs_checkout',
(substitute brackets for the braces)
[if-any rows.show_log]
[# if you are using a table border (see above), then add:
[if-any no_match]
<p><b>NOTE:</b> There are [num_files] files, but none match the
current tag ([view_tag])
[if-any unreadable]
<hr size=1 noshade>
<b>NOTE:</b> One or more files were unreadable. The files in the CVS
repository should be readable by the web server process. Please
report this condition to the administrator of this CVS repository.
[# if you want to disable tarball generation remove the following: ]
[if-any tarball_href]
<a href="[tarball_href]">Download tarball</a>
[include "footer.ezt"]

View File

@ -90,10 +90,9 @@ href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.
[is num_files "0"]
[is num_files "1"]
<b>1 file
@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.
<hr noshade>
[# if you want a colored border around the table of directory
@ -121,27 +119,62 @@ href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>
[for headers]
[is headers.which sortby]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88" colspan=[headers.colspan]>[headers.title]</th>
[if-any have_logs]
[is sortby "file"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88"
[is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end]
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc" colspan=[headers.colspan]>
<a href="[headers.href]">[headers.title]</a>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
[is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end]
><a href="./[sortby_file_href]#dirlist">File</a></th>
[is sortby "rev"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Rev.</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_rev_href]"#dirlist>Rev.</a></th>
[is sortby "date"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Age</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_date_href]#dirlist">Age</a></th>
[is sortby "author"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Author</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_author_href]#dirlist">Author</a></th>
[is sortby "log"]
<th align=left bgcolor="#88ff88">Last log entry</th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc"
><a href="./[sortby_log_href]#dirlist">Last log entry</a></th>
<th align=left bgcolor="#cccccc">File</th>
[for rows]
<tr bgcolor="[if-index rows even]#ffffff[else]#ccccee[end]">
[is rows.type "unreadable"]
[is rev_in_front "1"]<td width="0%">&nbsp;</td>[end]
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]">[]</a></td>
<td colspan=[rows.span]><i>this entry is unreadable</i></td>
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]">[]</a>
[if-any have_logs]
<td colspan=[is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]5[else]4[end]>
<i>this entry is unreadable</i>
- <i>this entry is unreadable</i>
[is rows.type "dir"]
[is rev_in_front "1"]<td width="0%">&nbsp;</td>[end]
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]" href="[rows.href]">
<td [if-any have_logs][is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end][end]>
<a name="[rows.anchor]" href="[rows.href]">
<img src="/icons/small/dir.gif" alt="(dir)" border=0 width=16 height=16>
@ -150,15 +183,18 @@ href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.
[is rows.cvs "error"]
<td colspan=[rows.span]><i>CVS information is unreadable</i></td>
[# for an error to occur, we must have some logs. always use colspan]
<td colspan=4>
<i>Last modification unavailable - could not read CVS information</i>
[if-any have_logs]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# revision ]
[is rows.cvs "none"]
[for rows.cols]<td>&nbsp;</td>[end]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# age ]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# author ]
<td>&nbsp;</td> [# log ]
[if-any rows.graph_href]
<td width="1%">&nbsp;</td>
[is cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview "0"]<td>&nbsp;</td>[end]
@ -169,30 +205,17 @@ href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.
[is rows.cvs "error"]
[is rev_in_front "1"]<td>&nbsp;</td>[end]
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]">[]</a></td>
<td colspan=[rows.span]><i>CVS information is unreadable</i></td>
[is cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview "1"]
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]" href="[rows.href]"><b>[rows.rev]</b></a>
<td [is cfg.options.use_cvsgraph "1"]colspan=2[end]>
<a name="[rows.anchor]">[]</a>
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]"
[is cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview "0"]
[# to display the revision in a separate window, you could use:
href="{rows.rev_href}" target="cvs_checkout"
onClick="'{rows.rev_href}', 'cvs_checkout',
(substitute brackets for the braces)
] [end]<img src="/icons/small/text.gif" alt="(file)" border=0
<td colspan=4><i>CVS information is unreadable</i></td>
<td><a name="[rows.anchor]" href="[rows.href]">
<img src="/icons/small/text.gif" alt="(file)" border=0
width=16 height=16>
@ -204,7 +227,7 @@ href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.
alt="(graph)" width=16 height=16 border=0>
[is cfg.options.flip_links_in_dirview "0"]
<a href="[rows.rev_href]&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup">
@ -218,7 +241,6 @@ href="[request.script_name]/*docroot*/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.
(substitute brackets for the braces)

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
0.9 or a later version of the software.
<h3>Configuration Options</h3>
More templates were introduced in version 0.8 of the software,
which made many of the configuration options obsolete. This
@ -122,9 +122,77 @@
Changing this option would be quite strange and rare. If you
do not want to show the author for the revisions, then you
should remove it from the various templates.
This option was never used, so it has been removed.
This option is no longer available. If you want the links in
your directory view flipped, then you may use the
<code>dir_alternate.ezt</code> template.
<h3>Template Variables</h3>
Some template variables that were available in 0.8 have been
removed in 0.9. If you have custom templates that refer to these
variables, then you will need to modify your templates.
<dt><code>directory.ezt</code>: <var>headers</var></dt>
The headers are now listed explicitly in the template,
rather than made available through a list.
and <var>rows.span</var>
These variables were used in conjunction with the
<var>headers</var> variable to control the column
displays. This is now controlled explicitly within the
This was used to indicate that revision links should
be used in the first column, rather than in their
standard place in the second column. Changing the
links should now be done in the template, rather than
according to this variable. You may want to look at
the <code>dir_alternate.ezt</code> template, which has
the revision in front.
<h2><a name="from7">Upgrading from ViewCVS 0.7 or earlier</a></h2>
@ -138,7 +206,7 @@
for <a href="#from8">upgrading from 0.8</a>.
<h3>Configuration Options</h3>
The largest change from 0.7 to 0.8, that you will need to deal
with, is the introduction of templates. This shifted many
@ -276,7 +344,7 @@
<address><a href="">ViewCVS Users Group</a></address>
<!-- Created: Mon Sep 24 04:23:53 PDT 2001 -->
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Mon Dec 17 00:54:43 PST 2001
Last modified: Thu Dec 20 20:30:43 PST 2001
<!-- hhmts end -->