first draft of updated INSTALL instructions -- comments/spelling fixed

probably needed

git-svn-id: 8cb11bc2-c004-0410-86c3-e597b4017df7
jpaint 2000-05-12 02:57:11 +00:00
parent ee6c5f5da3
commit a19338dd0a
1 changed files with 89 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ INSTALLING VIEWCVS
access to the repository (or a copy of it). Therefore, rsh/ssh or
pserver access doesn't work yet.
2) Copy viewcvs.cgi to the cgi-script location of your web server.
For the checkin database to work, you will need MySQL >= 3.22,
and the Python DBI 2.0 module, MySQLdb. This was tested with
MySQLdb 1.12.
If Python is not located in /usr/local/bin, then you'll need to
edit the first line of viewcvs.cgi.
2) Installation is handled by the ./viewcvs-install script. Run this
script and you will be prompted for a installation root path.
The default is /usr/local/viewcvs. The installer sets the install
path in some of the files, and ViewCVS cannot be moved to a
different path after the install.
3) Copy viewcvs.conf.dist to the same directory and RENAME it to
4) Edit viewcvs.conf for your specific configuration. In particular,
examine the following configuration options:
3) Edit <install-root>viewcvs.conf for your specific configuration.
In particular, examine the following configuration options:
@ -32,12 +34,90 @@ INSTALLING VIEWCVS
There are some other options that are usually nice to change. See
viewcvs.conf for more information.
5) That's it. Try it out.
4) The CGI programs are in <install-root>/cgi. You can symlink to this
directory from somewhere in your published HTTP server path if your
webserver is configured to follow symbolic links. You can also copy
the installed <install-root>/cgi/*.cgi scripts after the install.
5) That's it for repository browsing. Instructions for getting the
SQL checkin database working are below.
Warning: ViewCVS has not been tested on web servers operating on the
Win32 platform.
SQL Checkin Database
This feature is a clone of the Mozilla Project's Bonsai database. It
catalogs every commit in the CVS repository into a SQL database. In fact,
the databases are 100% compatible.
Various queries can be preformed on the database. After installing ViewCVS,
there are some additional steps required to get the database working.
1) You need MySQL >= 3.22, and the Python module MySQLdb >= 1.12 installed.
2) You need to create a MySQL user who has permission to create databases.
Optionally, you can create a second user with read-only access to the
3) Run the <install-root>/make-database script. It will prompt you for
your MySQL user, password, and the name of database you want to
create. The database name defaults to "ViewCVS". This script creates
the database and sets up the empty tables. If you run this on a
existing ViewCVS database, you will loose all your data!
4) Edit your <install-root>/viewcvs.conf file. There is a [cvsdb]
section. You will need to set:
host = # MySQL database server host
database_name = # the name of the database you created with
# make-database
user = # the read/write database user
passwd = # password for read/write database user
readonly_user = # the readonly database user -- it's pretty
# use safe to use the read/write user here
readonly_passwd = # password for the readonly user
5) Two programs are provided for updating the checkin database,
cvsdbadmin and loginfo-handler. They serve two different purposes.
The cvsdbadmin program walks through your CVS repository and adds
every commit in every file. This is commonly used for initalizing
the database from a repository which has been in use. The
loginfo-handler script is executed by the CVS server's CVSROOT/loginfo
system upon each commit. It makes real-time updates to the checkin
database as commits are made to the repository.
To build a database of all the commits in the CVS repository /home/cvs,
invoke: "./cvsdbadmin rebuild /home/cvs". If you want to update
the checkin database, invoke: "./cvsdbadmin update /home/cvs". The
update mode checks to see if a commit is already in the database,
and only adds it if it is abscent.
To get real-time updates, you'll want to checkout the CVSROOT module
from your CVS repository and edit CVSROOT/loginfo. Add the line:
ALL (echo %{sVv}; cat) | <install-root>/loginfo-handler
If you have other scripts invoked by CVSROOT/loginfo, you will want
to make sure to change any running under the "DEFAULT" keyword to
"ALL" like the loginfo handler, and probably carefully read the
execution rules for CVSROOT/loginfo from the CVS manual.
6) You may want to modify the HTML template files:
They're used by the queryform.cgi and query.cgi scripts generate
HTML output. At some point, viewcvs.cgi, query.cgi, and queryform.cgi
will use the same mechanism for HTML generation, but not yet.
7) You should be ready to go. Load up the query.cgi script and give it a