Version 1.0.1 (released 20-Jul-2006) * fix exception on log page when use_pagesize is enabled * fix an XHTML validation bug in the footer template (issue #239) * fix handling of single-component CVS revision numbers (issue #237) * fix bug in download-as-text URL link generation (issue #241) * fix query.cgi bug, missing 'rss_href' template data item (issue #249) * no longer omit empty Subversion directories from tarballs (issue #250) * use actual modification time for Subversion directories in tarballs Version 1.0 (released 01-May-2006) * add support for viewing Subversion repositories * add support for running on MS Windows * generate strict XHTML output * add support for caching by sending "Last-Modified", "Expires", "ETag", and "Cache-Control" headers * add support for Mod_Python on Apache 2.x and ASP on IIS * Several changes to - -h commandline option to specify hostname for non local use. - -r commandline option may be repeated to use more than repository before actually installing ViewCVS. - New GUI field to test paging. * add new, better-integrated query interface * add integrated RSS feeds * add new "root_as_url_component" option to embed root names as path components in ViewCVS URLs for a more natural URL scheme in ViewCVS configurations with multiple repositories. * add new "use_localtime" option to display local times instead of UTC times * add new "root_parents" option to make it possible to add and remove repositories without modifying the ViewCVS configuration * add new "template_dir" option to facilitate switching between sets of templates * add new "sort_group_dirs" option to disable grouping of directories in directory listings * add new "port" option to connect to a MySQL database on a nonstandard port * make "default_root" option optional. When no root is specified, show a page listing all available repositories * add "default_file_view" option to make it possible for relative links and image paths in checked out HTML files to work without the need for special /*checkout*/ prefixes in URLs. Deprecate "checkout_magic" option and disable by default * add "limit_changes" option to limit number of changed files shown per commit by default in query results and in the Subversion revision view * hide CVS "Attic" directories and add simple toggle for showing dead files in directory listings * show Unified, Context and Side-by-side diffs in HTML instead of in bare text pages * make View/Download links work the same for all file types * add links to tip of selected branch on log page * allow use of "Highlight" program for colorizing * enable enscript colorizing for more file types * add sorting arrows for directory views * get rid of popup windows for checkout links * obfuscate email addresses in html output by encoding @ symbol with an HTML character reference * add paging capability * Improvements to templates - add new template authoring guide - increase coverage, use templates to produce HTML for diff pages, markup pages, annotate pages, and error pages - move more common page elements into includes - add new template variables providing ViewCVS URLs for more links between related pages and less URL generation inside templates * add new [define] EZT directive for assigning variables within templates * add command line argument parsing to install script to allow non-interactive installs * add stricter parameter validation to lower likelihood of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities * add support for cvsweb's "mime_type=text/x-cvsweb-markup" URLs * fix incompatibility with enscript 1.6.3 * fix bug in parsing FreeBSD rlog output * work around rlog assumption all two digit years in RCS files are relative to the year 1900. * change loginfo-handler to cope with spaces in filenames and support a simpler command line invocation from CVS * make cvsdbadmin work properly when invoked on CVS subdirectory paths instead of top-level CVS root paths * show diff error when comparing two binary files * make regular expression search skip binary files * make regular expression search skip nonversioned files in CVS directories instead of choking on them * fix tarball generator so it doesn't include forbidden modules * output "404 Not Found" errors instead of "403 Forbidden" errors to not reveal whether forbidden paths exist * fix sorting bug in directory view * reset log and directory page numbers when leaving those pages * reset sort direction in directory listing when clicking new columns * fix "Accept-Language" handling for Netscape 4.x browsers * fix file descriptor leak in standalone server * clean up zombie processes from running enscript * fix mysql "Too many connections" error in cvsdbadmin * get rid of mxDateTime dependency for query database * store query database times in UTC instead of local time * fix daylight saving time bugs in various parts of the code Version 0.9.4 (released 17-Aug-2005) * security fix: omit forbidden/hidden modules from query results. Version 0.9.3 (released 17-May-2005) * security fix: disallow bad "content-type" input [CAN-2004-1062] * security fix: disallow bad "sortby" and "cvsroot" input [CAN-2002-0771] * security fix: omit forbidden/hidden modules from tarballs [CAN-2004-0915] Version 0.9.2 (released 15-Jan-2002) * fix redirects to Attic for diffs * fix diffs that have no changes (causing an infinite loop) Version 0.9.1 (released 26-Dec-2001) * fix a problem with some syntax in which isn't compatible with Python 1.5.2 (causing problems at install time) * remove a debug statement left in the code which continues to append lines to /tmp/log Version 0.9 (released 23-Dec-2001) * create templates for the rest of the pages: markup pages, graphs, annotation, and diff. * add multiple language support and dynamic selection based on the Accept-Language request header * add support for key/value files to provide a way for user-defined variables within templates * add optional regex searching for file contents * add new templates for the navigation header and the footer * EZT changes: - add formatting into print directives - add parameters to [include] directives - relax what can go in double quotes - [include] directives are now relative to the current template - throw an exception for unclosed blocks * changes to add flag for regex search * add more help pages * change installer to optionally show diffs * fix to log.ezt and log_table.ezt to select "Side by Side" properly * create dir_alternate.ezt for the flipped rev/name links * various UI tweaks for the directory pages Version 0.8 (released 10-Dec-2001) * add EZT templating mechanism for generating output pages * big update of cvs commit database - updated MySQL support - new CGI - better database caching - switch from old templates to new EZT templates (and integration of look-and-feel) * optional usage of CVSGraph is now builtin * standalone server (for testing) is now provided * shifted some options from viewcvs.conf to the templates * the help at the top of the pages has been shifted to separate help pages, so experienced users don't have to keep seeing it * paths in viewcvs.conf don't require trailing slashes any more * tweak the colorizing for Pascal and Fortran files * fix file readability problem where the user had access via the group, but the process' group did not match that group * some Daylight Savings Time fixes in the CVS commit database * fix tarball generation (the file name) for the root dir * changed default human-readable-diff colors to "stoplight" metaphor * web site and doc revamps * fix the mime types on the download, view, etc links * improved error response when the cvs root is missing * don't try to process vhosts if the config section is not present * various bug fixes and UI tweaks