# -*-python-*- # # Copyright (C) 1999-2007 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved. # # By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in # the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewVC # distribution or at http://viewvc.org/license-1.html. # # For more information, visit http://viewvc.org/ # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- """common.py: common classes and functions for the RCS parsing tools.""" import calendar import string class Sink: def set_head_revision(self, revision): pass def set_principal_branch(self, branch_name): pass def set_access(self, accessors): pass def define_tag(self, name, revision): pass def set_locker(self, revision, locker): pass def set_locking(self, mode): """Used to signal locking mode. Called with mode argument 'strict' if strict locking Not called when no locking used.""" pass def set_comment(self, comment): pass def set_expansion(self, mode): pass def admin_completed(self): pass def define_revision(self, revision, timestamp, author, state, branches, next): pass def tree_completed(self): pass def set_description(self, description): pass def set_revision_info(self, revision, log, text): pass def parse_completed(self): pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # EXCEPTIONS USED BY RCSPARSE # class RCSParseError(Exception): pass class RCSIllegalCharacter(RCSParseError): pass class RCSExpected(RCSParseError): def __init__(self, got, wanted): RCSParseError.__init__( self, 'Unexpected parsing error in RCS file.\n' 'Expected token: %s, but saw: %s' % (wanted, got) ) class RCSStopParser(Exception): pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # STANDARD TOKEN STREAM-BASED PARSER # class _Parser: stream_class = None # subclasses need to define this def _read_until_semicolon(self): """Read all tokens up to and including the next semicolon token. Return the tokens (not including the semicolon) as a list.""" tokens = [] while 1: token = self.ts.get() if token == ';': break tokens.append(token) return tokens def _parse_admin_head(self, token): rev = self.ts.get() if rev == ';': # The head revision is not specified. Just drop the semicolon # on the floor. pass else: self.sink.set_head_revision(rev) self.ts.match(';') def _parse_admin_branch(self, token): branch = self.ts.get() if branch != ';': self.sink.set_principal_branch(branch) self.ts.match(';') def _parse_admin_access(self, token): accessors = self._read_until_semicolon() if accessors: self.sink.set_access(accessors) def _parse_admin_symbols(self, token): while 1: tag_name = self.ts.get() if tag_name == ';': break self.ts.match(':') tag_rev = self.ts.get() self.sink.define_tag(tag_name, tag_rev) def _parse_admin_locks(self, token): while 1: locker = self.ts.get() if locker == ';': break self.ts.match(':') rev = self.ts.get() self.sink.set_locker(rev, locker) def _parse_admin_strict(self, token): self.sink.set_locking("strict") self.ts.match(';') def _parse_admin_comment(self, token): self.sink.set_comment(self.ts.get()) self.ts.match(';') def _parse_admin_expand(self, token): expand_mode = self.ts.get() self.sink.set_expansion(expand_mode) self.ts.match(';') admin_token_map = { 'head' : _parse_admin_head, 'branch' : _parse_admin_branch, 'access' : _parse_admin_access, 'symbols' : _parse_admin_symbols, 'locks' : _parse_admin_locks, 'strict' : _parse_admin_strict, 'comment' : _parse_admin_comment, 'expand' : _parse_admin_expand, 'desc' : None, } def parse_rcs_admin(self): while 1: # Read initial token at beginning of line token = self.ts.get() try: f = self.admin_token_map[token] except KeyError: # We're done once we reach the description of the RCS tree if token[0] in string.digits: self.ts.unget(token) return else: # Chew up "newphrase" # warn("Unexpected RCS token: $token\n") pass else: if f is None: self.ts.unget(token) return else: f(self, token) def _parse_rcs_tree_entry(self, revision): # Parse date self.ts.match('date') date = self.ts.get() self.ts.match(';') # Convert date into timestamp date_fields = string.split(date, '.') # According to rcsfile(5): the year "contains just the last two # digits of the year for years from 1900 through 1999, and all the # digits of years thereafter". if len(date_fields[0]) == 2: date_fields[0] = '19' + date_fields[0] date_fields = map(string.atoi, date_fields) EPOCH = 1970 if date_fields[0] < EPOCH: raise ValueError, 'invalid year' timestamp = calendar.timegm(tuple(date_fields) + (0, 0, 0,)) # Parse author ### NOTE: authors containing whitespace are violations of the ### RCS specification. We are making an allowance here because ### CVSNT is known to produce these sorts of authors. self.ts.match('author') author = ' '.join(self._read_until_semicolon()) # Parse state self.ts.match('state') state = '' while 1: token = self.ts.get() if token == ';': break state = state + token + ' ' state = state[:-1] # toss the trailing space # Parse branches self.ts.match('branches') branches = self._read_until_semicolon() # Parse revision of next delta in chain self.ts.match('next') next = self.ts.get() if next == ';': next = None else: self.ts.match(';') # there are some files with extra tags in them. for example: # owner 640; # group 15; # permissions 644; # hardlinks @configure.in@; # this is "newphrase" in RCSFILE(5). we just want to skip over these. while 1: token = self.ts.get() if token == 'desc' or token[0] in string.digits: self.ts.unget(token) break # consume everything up to the semicolon self._read_until_semicolon() self.sink.define_revision(revision, timestamp, author, state, branches, next) def parse_rcs_tree(self): while 1: revision = self.ts.get() # End of RCS tree description ? if revision == 'desc': self.ts.unget(revision) return self._parse_rcs_tree_entry(revision) def parse_rcs_description(self): self.ts.match('desc') self.sink.set_description(self.ts.get()) def parse_rcs_deltatext(self): while 1: revision = self.ts.get() if revision is None: # EOF break text, sym2, log, sym1 = self.ts.mget(4) if sym1 != 'log': print `text[:100], sym2[:100], log[:100], sym1[:100]` raise RCSExpected(sym1, 'log') if sym2 != 'text': raise RCSExpected(sym2, 'text') ### need to add code to chew up "newphrase" self.sink.set_revision_info(revision, log, text) def parse(self, file, sink): self.ts = self.stream_class(file) self.sink = sink self.parse_rcs_admin() # let sink know when the admin section has been completed self.sink.admin_completed() self.parse_rcs_tree() # many sinks want to know when the tree has been completed so they can # do some work to prep for the arrival of the deltatext self.sink.tree_completed() self.parse_rcs_description() self.parse_rcs_deltatext() # easiest for us to tell the sink it is done, rather than worry about # higher level software doing it. self.sink.parse_completed() self.ts = self.sink = None # --------------------------------------------------------------------------