
395 lines
12 KiB

# CvsGraph configuration
# - Empty lines and whitespace are ignored.
# - Comments start with '#' and everything until
# end of line is ignored.
# - Strings are C-style strings in which characters
# may be escaped with '\' and written in octal
# and hex escapes. Note that '\' must be escaped
# if it is to be entered as a character.
# - Some strings are expanded with printf like
# conversions which start with '%'. Not all
# are applicable at all times, in which case they
# will expand to nothing.
# %c = cvsroot (with trailing '/')
# %C = cvsroot (*without* trailing '/')
# %m = module (with trailing '/')
# %M = module (*without* trailing '/')
# %f = filename without path
# %F = filename without path and with ",v" stripped
# %p = path part of filename (with trailing '/')
# %r = number of revisions
# %b = number of branches
# %% = '%'
# %R = the revision number (e.g. '')
# %P = previous revision number
# %B = the branch number (e.g. '1.2.4')
# %d = date of revision
# %a = author of revision
# %s = state of revision
# %t = current tag of branch or revision
# %0..%9 = command-line argument -0 .. -9
# %l = HTMLized log entry of the revision
# NOTE: %l is obsolete. See %(%) and cvsgraph.conf(5) for
# more details.
# %L = log entry of revision
# The log entry expansion takes an optional argument to
# specify maximum length of the expansion like %L[25].
# %(...%) = HTMLize the string within the parenthesis.
# ViewCVS currently uses the following four command-line arguments to
# pass URL information to cvsgraph:
# -3 link to current file's log page
# -4 link to current file's checkout page minus "rev" parameter
# -5 link to current file's diff page minus "r1" and "r2" parameters
# -6 link to current directory page minus "only_with_tag" parameter
# - Numbers may be entered as octal, decimal or
# hex as in 0117, 79 and 0x4f respectively.
# - Fonts are numbered 0..4 (defined as in libgd)
# 0 = tiny
# 1 = small
# 2 = medium (bold)
# 3 = large
# 4 = giant
# - Colors are a string like HTML type colors in
# the form "#rrggbb" with parts written in hex
# rr = red (00..ff)
# gg = green (00-ff)
# bb = blue (00-ff)
# - There are several reserved words besides of the
# feature-keywords. These additional reserved words
# expand to numerical values:
# * false = 0
# * true = 1
# * not = -1
# * left = 0
# * center = 1
# * right = 2
# * gif = 0
# * png = 1
# * jpeg = 2
# * tiny = 0
# * small = 1
# * medium = 2
# * large = 3
# * giant = 4
# - Booleans have three possible arguments: true, false
# and not. `Not' means inverse of what it was (logical
# negation) and is represented by the value -1.
# For the configuration file that means that the default
# value is negated.
# cvsroot <string>
# The *absolute* base directory where the
# CVS/RCS repository can be found
# cvsmodule <string>
cvsroot = "--unused--"; # unused with ViewCVS, will be overridden
cvsmodule = ""; # unused with ViewCVS -- please leave it blank
# color_bg <color>
# The background color of the image
# transparent_bg <boolean>
# Make color_bg the transparent color (only useful with PNG)
color_bg = "#ffffff";
transparent_bg = false;
# date_format <string>
# The strftime(3) format string for date and time
date_format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S";
# box_shadow <boolean>
# Add a shadow around the boxes
# upside_down <boolean>
# Reverse the order of the revisions
# left_right <boolean>
# Draw the image left to right instead of top down,
# or right to left is upside_down is set simultaneously.
# strip_untagged <boolean>
# Remove all untagged revisions except the first, last and tagged ones
# strip_first_rev <boolean>
# Also remove the first revision if untagged
# auto_stretch <boolean>
# Try to reformat the tree to minimize image size
# use_ttf <boolean>
# Use TrueType fonts for text
# anti_alias <boolean>
# Enable pretty TrueType anti-alias drawing
# thick_lines <number>
# Draw all connector lines thicker (range: 1..11)
box_shadow = true;
upside_down = false;
left_right = false;
strip_untagged = false;
strip_first_rev = false;
#auto_stretch = true; # not yet stable.
use_ttf = false;
anti_alias = true;
thick_lines = 1;
# msg_color <color>
# Sets the error/warning message color
# msg_font <number>
# msg_ttfont <string>
# msg_ttsize <float>
# Sets the error/warning message font
msg_color = "#800000";
msg_font = medium;
msg_ttfont = "/dos/windows/fonts/ariali.ttf";
msg_ttsize = 11.0;
# parse_logs <boolean>
# Enable the parsing of the *entire* ,v file to read the
# log-entries between revisions. This is necessary for
# the %L expansion to work, but slows down parsing by
# a very large factor. You're warned.
parse_logs = false;
# tag_font <number>
# The font of the tag text
# tag_color <color>
# The color of the tag text
# tag_ignore <string>
# A extended regular expression to exclude certain tags from view.
# See regex(7) for details on the format.
# Note 1: tags matched in merge_from/merge_to are always displayed unless
# tag_ignore_merge is set to true.
# Note 2: normal string rules apply and special characters must be
# escaped.
# tag_ignore_merge <boolean>
# If set to true, allows tag_ignore to also hide merge_from and merge_to
# tags.
# tag_nocase <boolean>
# Ignore the case is tag_ignore expressions
# tag_negate <boolean>
# Negate the matching criteria of tag_ignore. When true, only matching
# tags will be shown.
# Note: tags matched with merge_from/merge_to will still be displayed.
tag_font = medium;
#tag_ttfont = "/dos/windows/fonts/ariali.ttf";
#tag_ttsize = 11.0;
tag_color = "#007000";
#tag_ignore = "(test|alpha)_release";
#tag_ignore_merge = false;
#tag_nocase = false;
#tag_negate = false;
# rev_hidenumber <boolean>
# If set to true no revision numbers will be printed in the graph.
#rev_hidenumber = false;
rev_font = giant;
#rev_ttfont = "/dos/windows/fonts/arial.ttf";
#rev_ttsize = 12.0;
rev_color = "#000000";
rev_bgcolor = "#f0f0f0";
rev_separator = 1;
rev_minline = 15;
rev_maxline = 75;
rev_lspace = 5;
rev_rspace = 5;
rev_tspace = 3;
rev_bspace = 3;
rev_text = "%d"; # or "%d\n%a, %s" for author and state too
rev_text_font = tiny;
#rev_text_ttfont = "/dos/windows/fonts/times.ttf";
#rev_text_ttsize = 9.0;
rev_text_color = "#500020";
rev_maxtags = 25;
# merge_color <color>
# The color of the line connecting merges
# merge_front <boolean>
# If true, draw the merge-lines on top if the image
# merge_nocase <boolean>
# Ignore case in regular expressions
# merge_from <string>
# A regex describing a tag that is used as the merge source
# merge_to <string>
# A regex describing a tag that is the target of the merge
# merge_findall <boolean>
# Try to match all merge_to targets possible. This can result in
# multiple lines originating from one tag.
# merge_arrows <boolean>
# Use arrows to point to the merge destination. Default is true.
# merge_cvsnt <boolean>
# Use CVSNT's mergepoint registration for merges
# merge_cvsnt_color <color>
# The color of the line connecting merges from/to registered
# mergepoints.
# arrow_width <number>
# arrow_length <number>
# Specify the size of the arrows. Default is 3 wide and 12 long.
# - The merge_from is an extended regular expression as described in
# regex(7) and POSIX 1003.2 (see also Single Unix Specification at
# - The merge_to is an extended regular expression with a twist. All
# subexpressions from the merge_from are expanded into merge_to
# using %[1-9] (in contrast to \[1-9] for backreferences). Care is
# taken to escape the constructed expression.
# - A '$' at the end of the merge_to expression can be important to
# prevent 'near match' references. Normally, you want the destination
# to be a good representation of the source. However, this depends
# on how well you defined the tags in the first place.
# Example:
# merge_from = "^f_(.*)";
# merge_to = "^t_%1$";
# tags: f_foo, f_bar, f_foobar, t_foo, t_bar
# result:
# f_foo -> "^t_foo$" -> t_foo
# f_bar -> "^t_bar$" -> t_bar
# f_foobar-> "^t_foobar$" -> <no match>
merge_color = "#a000a0";
merge_front = false;
merge_nocase = false;
merge_from = "^f_(.*)";
merge_to = "^t_%1$";
merge_findall = false;
#merge_arrows = true;
#arrow_width = 3;
#arrow_length = 12;
merge_cvsnt = true;
merge_cvsnt_color = "#606000";
# branch_font <number>
# The font of the number and tags
# branch_color <color>
# All branch element's color
# branch_[lrtb]space <number>
# Interior spacing (margin)
# branch_margin <number>
# Exterior spacing
# branch_connect <number>
# Length of the vertical connector
# branch_dupbox <boolean>
# Add the branch-tag also at the bottom/top of the trunk
# branch_fold <boolean>
# Fold empty branches in one box to save space
# branch_foldall <boolean>
# Put all empty branches in one box, even if they
# were interspaced with branches with revisions.
# branch_resort <boolean>
# Resort the branches by the number of revisions to save space
# branch_subtree <string>
# Only show the branch denoted or all branches that sprout
# from the denoted revision. The argument may be a symbolic
# tag. This option you would normally want to set from the
# command line with the -O option.
branch_font = medium;
#branch_ttfont = "/dos/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf";
#branch_ttsize = 18.0;
branch_tag_color= "#000080";
branch_tag_font = medium;
#branch_tag_ttfont = "/dos/windows/fonts/arialbi.ttf";
#branch_tag_ttsize = 14.0;
branch_color = "#0000c0";
branch_bgcolor = "#ffffc0";
branch_lspace = 5;
branch_rspace = 5;
branch_tspace = 3;
branch_bspace = 3;
branch_margin = 15;
branch_connect = 8;
branch_dupbox = false;
branch_fold = true;
branch_foldall = false;
branch_resort = false;
#branch_subtree = "1.2.4";
# title <string>
# The title string is expanded (see above for details)
# title_[xy] <number>
# Position of title
# title_font <number>
# The font
# title_align <number>
# 0 = left
# 1 = center
# 2 = right
# title_color <color>
title = "%c%p%f\nRevisions: %r, Branches: %b";
title_x = 10;
title_y = 5;
title_font = small;
#title_ttfont = "/dos/windows/fonts/times.ttf";
#title_ttsize = 10.0;
title_align = left;
title_color = "#800000";
# Margins of the image
# Note: the title is outside the margin
margin_top = 35;
margin_bottom = 10;
margin_left = 10;
margin_right = 10;
# Image format(s)
# image_type <number|{gif,jpeg,png}>
# gif (0) = Create gif image
# png (1) = Create png image
# jpeg (2) = Create jpeg image
# Image types are available if they can be found in
# the gd library. Newer versions of gd do not have
# gif anymore. CvsGraph will automatically generate
# png images instead.
# image_quality <number>
# The quality of a jpeg image (1..100)
# image_compress <number>
# Set the compression of a PNG image (gd version >= 2.0.12).
# Values range from -1 to 9 where:
# - -1 default compression (usually 3)
# - 0 no compression
# - 1 lowest level compression
# - ... ...
# - 9 highest level of compression
# image_interlace <boolean>
# Write interlaces PNG/JPEG images for progressive loading.
image_type = png;
image_quality = 75;
image_compress = 3;
image_interlace = true;
# HTML image map generation
# map_name <string>
# The name= attribute in <map name="mapname">...</map>
# map_branch_href <string>
# map_branch_alt <string>
# map_rev_href <string>
# map_rev_alt <string>
# map_diff_href <string>
# map_diff_alt <string>
# map_merge_href <string>
# map_merge_alt <string>
# These are the href= and alt= attributes in the <area>
# tags of HTML. The strings are expanded (see above).
map_name = "MyMapName\" name=\"MyMapName";
map_branch_href = "href=\"%6only_with_tag=%(%t%)\"";
map_branch_alt = "alt=\"%0 %(%t%) (%B)\"";
# You might want to experiment with the following setting:
# 1. The default setting will take you to a ViewCVS generated page displaying
# that revision of the file, if you click into a revision box:
map_rev_href = "href=\"%4rev=%R\"";
# 2. This alternative setting will take you to the anchor representing this
# revision on a ViewCVS generated Log page for that file:
# map_rev_href = "href=\"%3#rev%R\"";
map_rev_alt = "alt=\"%1 %(%t%) (%R)\"";
map_diff_href = "href=\"%5r1=%P&amp;r2=%R\"";
map_diff_alt = "alt=\"%2 %P &lt;-&gt; %R\"";
map_merge_href = "href=\"%5r1=%P&amp;r2=%R\"";
map_merge_alt = "alt=\"%2 %P &lt;-&gt; %R\"";