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Here lie TODO items for the authz-dev branch:
* Subversion uses path privelege to determine visibility of revision
metadata. That logic is pretty Subversion-specific, so it feels like it
belongs outside the vcauth library as just a helper function in
or something. The algorithm is something like this (culled from the
CollabNet implementation, and not expected to work as edited):
# Subversion revision access levels
def check_svn_revision_access(request, rev):
# Check our revision access cache first.
if request.rev_access_cache.has_key(rev):
return request.rev_access_cache[rev]
# Check our cached answer to the question "Does the user have
# an all-access or a not-at-all-access pass?"
if request.full_access is not None:
return request.full_access \
# Get a list of paths changed in REV.
### FIXME: There outta be a vclib-complaint way to do this,
### as this won't work for vclib.svn_ra.
import svn.fs
rev_root = svn.fs.revision_root(self.repos.fs_ptr, rev)
changes = svn.fs.paths_changed(rev_root)
# Loop over the list of changed paths, asking the access question
# for each one. We'll track whether we've found any readable paths
# as well as any un-readable (non-authorized) paths, and quit
# checking as soon as we know our revision access level.
found_readable = 0
found_unreadable = 0
for path in changes.keys():
parts = _path_parts(path)
kind = request.repos.itemtype(parts, rev)
if kind == vclib.DIR:
access = request.auth.check_dir_access(parts, rev)
access = request.auth.check_file_access(parts, rev)
if access:
found_readable = 1
found_unreadable = 1
# Optimization: if we've found at least one readable, and one
# unreadable, we needn't ask about any more paths.
if found_readable and found_unreadable:
# If there are paths but we can't read any of them, no access is
# granted.
if len(changes) and not found_readable:
request.rev_access_cache[rev] = REVISION_ACCESS_NONE
# If we found at least one unreadable path, partial access is
# granted.
elif found_unreadable:
request.rev_access_cache[rev] = REVISION_ACCESS_PARTIAL
# Finally, if there were no paths at all, or none of the existing
# ones were unreadable, grant full access.
request.rev_access_cache[rev] = REVISION_ACCESS_FULL
return request.rev_access_cache[rev]
The problems are: where does one hang the revision access cache
so that it doesn't survive a given request? On the request, as
shown in the edited code above?
Can we actually get a good interface into the vcauth layer for
asking the all-access / no-access question? Obviously each vcauth
provider can cache that value for itself and use it as it deems
necessary, but ideally the revision access level question will
want to know if said auth provider was able to answer the question
and, if so, what the answer was.
Another off-the-wall idea -- let's just teach Subversion to do
this calculation as part of a libsvn_repos API.