
1265 lines
43 KiB

# Copyright (C) 1999-2009 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved.
# By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in
# the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewVC
# distribution or at
# For more information, visit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import sys
import string
import time
import re
import cgi
import vclib
import dbi
## Current commits database schema version number.
## Version 0 was the original Bonsai-compatible version.
## Version 1 added the 'metadata' table (which holds the 'version' key)
## and renamed all the 'repository'-related stuff to be 'root'-
## error
error = "cvsdb error"
## CheckinDatabase provides all interfaces needed to the SQL database
## back-end; it needs to be subclassed, and have its "Connect" method
## defined to actually be complete; it should run well off of any DBI 2.0
## complient database interface
class CheckinDatabase:
def __init__(self, cfg, guesser, readonly, request = None):
self.cfg = cfg
self.guesser = guesser
self.readonly = readonly
self.request = request
self._host =
self._port = cfg.port
self._socket = cfg.socket
self._user = readonly and cfg.user or cfg.readonly_user
self._passwd = readonly and cfg.passwd or cfg.readonly_passwd
self._database = cfg.database_name
self._row_limit = cfg.row_limit
self._version = None
self._min_relevance = cfg.fulltext_min_relevance
# Sphinx settings
self.index_content = cfg.index_content
self.content_max_size = cfg.content_max_size
if self.content_max_size > 4*1024*1024 or self.content_max_size <= 0:
self.content_max_size = 4*1024*1024
self.enable_snippets = cfg.enable_snippets
self.sphinx_host = cfg.sphinx_host
self.sphinx_port = cfg.sphinx_port
self.sphinx_socket = cfg.sphinx_socket
self.sphinx_index = cfg.sphinx_index
# Snippet settings
self.snippet_options = {}
for i in cfg.sphinx_snippet_options.split('\n'):
i = i.split(':', 1)
if len(i) == 2:
(a, b) = i
if b[0] == ' ':
b = b[1:]
b = b.replace('\\n', '\n')
if re.match('\d+', b):
b = int(b)
self.snippet_options[a] = b
self.snippet_options_str = ''.join(', %s AS '+i for i in self.snippet_options)
self.preformatted_mime = cfg.sphinx_preformatted_mime
if 'before_match' in self.snippet_options:
self.snippet_beforematch_html = cgi.escape(self.snippet_options['before_match'])
if 'after_match' in self.snippet_options:
self.snippet_aftermatch_html = cgi.escape(self.snippet_options['after_match'])
## database lookup caches
self._get_cache = {}
self._get_id_cache = {}
self._desc_id_cache = {}
# Sphinx connection None by default
self.sphinx = None
def Connect(self):
self.db = dbi.connect(
self._host, self._port, self._socket, self._user, self._passwd, self._database)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=1")
table_list = self.GetTableList()
if 'metadata' in table_list:
version = self.GetMetadataValue("version")
if version is None:
self._version = 0
self._version = int(version)
self._version = 0
if self._version > CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION:
raise DatabaseVersionError("Database version %d is newer than the "
"last version supported by this "
"software." % (self._version))
if self.index_content:
self.sphinx = dbi.connect(self.sphinx_host, self.sphinx_port, self.sphinx_socket, '', '', '')
def utf8(self, value):
return self.guesser.utf8(value)
def sql_get_id(self, table, column, value, auto_set):
value = self.utf8(value)
sql = "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (table, column)
sql_args = (value, )
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
(id, ) = cursor.fetchone()
except TypeError:
if not auto_set:
return None
return str(int(id))
## insert the new identifier
sql = "INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES(%%s)" % (table, column)
sql_args = (value, )
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
return self.sql_get_id(table, column, value, 0)
def get_id(self, table, column, value, auto_set):
## attempt to retrieve from cache
return self._get_id_cache[table][column][value]
except KeyError:
id = self.sql_get_id(table, column, value, auto_set)
if id == None:
return None
## add to cache
temp = self._get_id_cache[table]
except KeyError:
temp = self._get_id_cache[table] = {}
temp2 = temp[column]
except KeyError:
temp2 = temp[column] = {}
temp2[value] = id
return id
def sql_get(self, table, column, id):
sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id=%%s" % (column, table)
sql_args = (id, )
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
(value, ) = cursor.fetchone()
except TypeError:
return None
return value
def get(self, table, column, id):
## attempt to retrieve from cache
return self._get_cache[table][column][id]
except KeyError:
value = self.sql_get(table, column, id)
if value == None:
return None
## add to cache
temp = self._get_cache[table]
except KeyError:
temp = self._get_cache[table] = {}
temp2 = temp[column]
except KeyError:
temp2 = temp[column] = {}
temp2[id] = value
return value
def get_list(self, table, field_index):
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" % (table)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
list = []
while 1:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row == None:
return list
def GetTableList(self):
cursor = self.db.cursor()
list = []
while 1:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row == None:
return list
def GetMetadataValue(self, name):
sql = "SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE name=%s"
sql_args = (name)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
(value,) = cursor.fetchone()
except TypeError:
return None
return value
def SetMetadataValue(self, name, value):
assert(self._version > 0)
sql = "REPLACE INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES (%s, %s)"
sql_args = (name, value)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("Error setting metadata: '%s'\n"
"\tname = %s\n"
"\tvalue = %s\n"
% (str(e), name, value))
def GetBranchID(self, branch, auto_set = 1):
return self.get_id("branches", "branch", branch, auto_set)
def GetBranch(self, id):
return self.get("branches", "branch", id)
def GetDirectoryID(self, dir, auto_set = 1):
return self.get_id("dirs", "dir", dir, auto_set)
def GetDirectory(self, id):
return self.get("dirs", "dir", id)
def GetFileID(self, file, auto_set = 1):
return self.get_id("files", "file", file, auto_set)
def GetFile(self, id):
return self.get("files", "file", id)
def GetAuthorID(self, author, auto_set = 1):
return self.get_id("people", "who", author, auto_set)
def GetAuthor(self, id):
return self.get("people", "who", id)
def GetRepositoryID(self, repository, auto_set = 1):
return self.get_id("repositories", "repository", repository, auto_set)
def GetRepository(self, id):
return self.get("repositories", "repository", id)
def GetRepositoryList(self):
return self.get_list("repositories", repository)
def SQLGetDescriptionID(self, description, auto_set = 1):
description = self.utf8(description)
## lame string hash, blame Netscape -JMP
hash = len(description)
sql = "SELECT id FROM descs WHERE hash=%s AND description=%s"
sql_args = (hash, description)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
(id, ) = cursor.fetchone()
except TypeError:
if not auto_set:
return None
return str(int(id))
sql = "INSERT INTO descs (hash,description) values (%s,%s)"
sql_args = (hash, description)
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
return self.GetDescriptionID(description, 0)
def GetDescriptionID(self, description, auto_set = 1):
## attempt to retrieve from cache
hash = len(description)
return self._desc_id_cache[hash][description]
except KeyError:
id = self.SQLGetDescriptionID(description, auto_set)
if id == None:
return None
## add to cache
temp = self._desc_id_cache[hash]
except KeyError:
temp = self._desc_id_cache[hash] = {}
temp[description] = id
return id
def GetDescription(self, id):
return self.get("descs", "description", id)
def GetRepositoryList(self):
return self.get_list("repositories", 1)
def GetBranchList(self):
return self.get_list("branches", 1)
def GetAuthorList(self):
return self.get_list("people", 1)
def GetLatestCheckinTime(self, repository):
repository_id = self.GetRepositoryID(repository.rootpath, 0)
if repository_id is None:
return None
commits_table = self._version >= 1 and 'commits' or 'checkins'
sql = "SELECT ci_when FROM %s WHERE "\
"repositoryid = %%s ORDER BY ci_when DESC LIMIT 1" % (commits_table)
sql_args = (repository_id)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
ci_when = None
ci_when = cursor.fetchone()[0]
except TypeError:
return None
return dbi.TicksFromDateTime(ci_when)
def AddCommitList(self, commit_list):
for commit in commit_list:
def AddCommit(self, commit):
props = {
'type' : commit.GetTypeString(),
'ci_when' : dbi.DateTimeFromTicks(commit.GetTime() or 0.0),
'whoid' : self.GetAuthorID(commit.GetAuthor()),
'repositoryid' : self.GetRepositoryID(commit.GetRepository()),
'dirid' : self.GetDirectoryID(commit.GetDirectory()),
'fileid' : self.GetFileID(commit.GetFile()),
'revision' : commit.GetRevision(),
'branchid' : self.GetBranchID(commit.GetBranch()),
'addedlines' : commit.GetPlusCount() or '0',
'removedlines' : commit.GetMinusCount() or '0',
'descid' : self.GetDescriptionID(commit.GetDescription()),
commits_table = self._version >= 1 and 'commits' or 'checkins'
cursor = self.db.cursor()
# MySQL-specific INSERT-or-UPDATE with ID retrieval
'INSERT INTO '+commits_table+'('+','.join(i for i in props)+') VALUES ('+
', '.join('%s' for i in props)+') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id), '+
', '.join(i+'=VALUES('+i+')' for i in props),
tuple(props[i] for i in props)
commit_id = cursor.lastrowid
if self.index_content:
sphcur = self.sphinx.cursor()
content = commit.GetContent()
props['ci_when'] = str(int(commit.GetTime() or 0))
if len(content):
# Maximum field size limit for Sphinx is 4MB
if len(content) > self.content_max_size:
content = content[0:self.content_max_size]
props['content'] = content
# Stored MIME type is only needed for snippet display
# It is re-guessed when the file is displayed
props['mimetype'] = commit.GetMimeType()
props['id'] = str(commit_id)
del props['addedlines']
del props['removedlines']
del props['descid']
del props['type']
'INSERT INTO '+self.sphinx_index+'('+','.join(i for i in props)+') VALUES ('+
','.join('%s' for i in props)+')',
tuple(props[i] for i in props)
# Sphinx (at least 2.0.1) still caches all string attributes
# inside RAM, so we'll store contents in MySQL
if self.enable_snippets:
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO contents SET id=%s, content=%s', (commit_id, content))
except Exception, e:
print ("Error adding commit: '"+str(e)+"'\nValues were:\n"+
"\n".join(i+'='+str(props[i]) for i in props))
def SQLQueryListString(self, field, query_entry_list):
sqlList = []
for query_entry in query_entry_list:
data =
## figure out the correct match type
if query_entry.match == "exact":
match = "="
elif query_entry.match == "like":
match = " LIKE "
elif query_entry.match == "glob":
# check if the match is exact
if not re.match(r'(\*|\?|\[.*\])', data):
match = "="
data = data.replace('%', '\\%')
data = data.replace('_', '\\_')
data = data.replace('*', '%')
data = data.replace('?', '_')
match = " LIKE "
elif query_entry.match == "regex":
match = " REGEXP "
elif query_entry.match == "notregex":
match = " NOT REGEXP "
elif query_entry.match == "in":
# now used only for repository type selection (
match = ''
sqlList.append(field+' IN ('+string.join(map(lambda x: self.db.literal(x), data), ',')+')')
if match != '':
sqlList.append("%s%s%s" % (field, match, self.db.literal(data)))
return "(%s)" % (string.join(sqlList, " OR "))
def query_ids(self, in_field, table, id_field, name_field, lst):
if not len(lst):
return None
cond = self.SQLQueryListString(name_field, lst)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s' % (id_field, table, cond))
ids = list(str(row[0]) for row in cursor)
if not len(ids):
return None
return "%s IN (%s)" % (in_field, ','.join(ids))
def CreateSphinxQueryString(self, query):
condList = [
'MATCH(%s)' % (self.db.literal(query.content_query), ),
self.query_ids('repositoryid', 'repositories', 'id', 'repository', query.repository_list),
self.query_ids('branchid', 'branches', 'id', 'branch', query.branch_list),
self.query_ids('dirid', 'dirs', 'id', 'dir', query.directory_list),
self.query_ids('fileid', 'files', 'id', 'file', query.file_list),
self.query_ids('authorid', 'people', 'id', 'who', query.author_list),
self.query_ids('descid', 'descs', 'id', 'description', query.comment_list),
if len(query.revision_list):
condList.append("revision IN ("+','.join(self.db.literal(s) for s in query.revision_list)+")")
if query.from_date:
if query.to_date:
if query.sort == 'date':
order_by = 'ORDER BY `ci_when` DESC, `relevance` DESC'
elif query.sort == 'date_rev':
order_by = 'ORDER BY `ci_when` ASC, `relevance` DESC'
else: # /* if query.sort == 'relevance' */
order_by = 'ORDER BY `relevance` DESC, `ci_when` DESC'
conditions = string.join((i for i in condList if i), " AND ")
conditions = conditions and "WHERE %s" % conditions
## limit the number of rows requested or we could really slam
## a server with a large database
limit = ""
if query.limit:
limit = "LIMIT %s" % (str(query.limit))
elif self._row_limit:
limit = "LIMIT %s" % (str(self._row_limit))
fields = "id, `mimetype`, WEIGHT() `relevance`"
return "SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s %s" % (fields, self.sphinx_index, conditions, order_by, limit)
# Get commits by their IDs
def CreateIdQueryString(self, ids):
commits_table = self._version >= 1 and 'commits' or 'checkins'
return (
'SELECT %s.*, repositories.repository AS repository_name, dirs.dir AS dir_name, files.file AS file_name, "" AS snippet'
' FROM %s, repositories, dirs, files'
' WHERE IN (%s) AND'
' AND AND' % (commits_table, commits_table, commits_table, ','.join(ids))
def CreateSQLQueryString(self, query):
commits_table = self._version >= 1 and 'commits' or 'checkins'
fields = [
"repositories.repository AS repository_name",
"dirs.dir AS dir_name",
"files.file AS file_name"]
tableList = [
(commits_table, None),
("repositories", "(" % (commits_table)),
("dirs", "(" % (commits_table)),
("files", "(" % (commits_table))]
condList = []
if len(query.text_query):
tableList.append(("descs", "(" % (commits_table)))
temp = "MATCH (descs.description) AGAINST (%s" % (self.db.literal(query.text_query))
condList.append("%s IN BOOLEAN MODE) > %s" % (temp, self._min_relevance))
fields.append("%s) AS relevance" % temp)
fields.append("'' AS relevance")
fields.append("'' AS snippet")
if len(query.repository_list):
temp = self.SQLQueryListString("repositories.repository",
if len(query.branch_list):
tableList.append(("branches", "(" % (commits_table)))
temp = self.SQLQueryListString("branches.branch",
if len(query.directory_list):
temp = self.SQLQueryListString("dirs.dir", query.directory_list)
if len(query.file_list):
tableList.append(("files", "(" % (commits_table)))
temp = self.SQLQueryListString("files.file", query.file_list)
if len(query.revision_list):
condList.append("(%s.revision IN (" % (commits_table) + ','.join(map(lambda s: self.db.literal(s), query.revision_list)) + "))")
if len(query.author_list):
tableList.append(("people", "(" % (commits_table)))
temp = self.SQLQueryListString("people.who", query.author_list)
if len(query.comment_list):
tableList.append(("descs", "(" % (commits_table)))
temp = self.SQLQueryListString("descs.description",
if query.from_date:
temp = "(%s.ci_when>=\"%s\")" % (commits_table, str(query.from_date))
if query.to_date:
temp = "(%s.ci_when<=\"%s\")" % (commits_table, str(query.to_date))
if query.sort == "relevance" and len(query.text_query):
order_by = "ORDER BY relevance DESC,%s.ci_when DESC,descid,%s.repositoryid" % (commits_table, commits_table)
elif query.sort == "date_rev":
order_by = "ORDER BY %s.ci_when ASC,descid,%s.repositoryid" % (commits_table, commits_table)
elif query.sort == "author":
tableList.append(("people", "(" % (commits_table)))
order_by = "ORDER BY people.who,descid,%s.repositoryid" % (commits_table)
elif query.sort == "file":
tableList.append(("files", "(" % (commits_table)))
order_by = "ORDER BY files.file,descid,%s.repositoryid" % (commits_table)
else: # /* if query.sort == "date": */
order_by = "ORDER BY %s.ci_when DESC,descid,%s.repositoryid" % (commits_table, commits_table)
## exclude duplicates from the table list, and split out join
## conditions from table names. In future, the join conditions
## might be handled by INNER JOIN statements instead of WHERE
## clauses, but MySQL 3.22 apparently doesn't support them well.
tables = []
joinConds = []
for (table, cond) in tableList:
if table not in tables:
if cond is not None: joinConds.append(cond)
fields = string.join(fields, ",")
tables = string.join(tables, ",")
conditions = string.join(joinConds + condList, " AND ")
conditions = conditions and "WHERE %s" % conditions
## limit the number of rows requested or we could really slam
## a server with a large database
limit = ""
if query.limit:
limit = "LIMIT %s" % (str(query.limit))
elif self._row_limit:
limit = "LIMIT %s" % (str(self._row_limit))
sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s %s" % (
fields, tables, conditions, order_by, limit)
return sql
def check_commit_access(self, repos, dir, file, rev):
r = self.request.get_repo(repos)
if r.auth:
rootname = repos.split('/')
rootname = rootname.pop()
path_parts = dir.split('/')
return r.auth.check_path_access(rootname, path_parts, vclib.FILE, rev)
return True
# Build a snippet using Sphinx
def get_snippet(self, sph, content, query, mimetype):
'CALL SNIPPETS(%s, %s, %s'+self.snippet_options_str+')',
(content, self.sphinx_index, query) + tuple(self.snippet_options.values())
s, = sph.fetchone()
s = cgi.escape(s)
if re.match(self.preformatted_mime, mimetype):
s = s.replace('\n', '<br />')
if 'before_match' in self.snippet_options:
s = s.replace(self.snippet_beforematch_html, self.snippet_options['before_match'])
if 'after_match' in self.snippet_options:
s = s.replace(self.snippet_aftermatch_html, self.snippet_options['after_match'])
return s
# Fetch snippets for a query result
def fetch_snippets(self, query, rows):
if not len(rows):
cursor = self.db.cursor()
sph = self.sphinx.cursor()
# Fetch binary file contents, stored in MySQL
'SELECT id, content FROM contents WHERE id IN (' +
','.join(rows.keys()) + ')'
# Build snippets
for (docid, content) in cursor:
rows[str(docid)]['snippet'] = self.get_snippet(sph, content, query.content_query, rows[str(docid)]['mimetype'])
for docid in rows:
mime = rows[docid]['mimetype']
if (not rows[docid]['snippet'] and mime and
(mime.startswith('text/') or (mime.startswith('application/') and mime.endswith('xml')))):
# Fetch text file contents directly from SVN
repo = rows[docid]['repository_name']
path = rows[docid]['dir_name'].split('/') + [rows[docid]['file_name']]
revision = rows[docid]['revision']
fp = None
fp, _ = self.request.get_repo(repo).repos.openfile(path, revision)
content =
content = self.guesser.utf8(content)
if fp: fp.close()
content = None
# Build snippet
if content:
rows[docid]['snippet'] = self.get_snippet(sph, content, query.content_query, rows[docid]['mimetype'])
# Run query and return all rows as dictionaries
def selectall(self, db, sql, args = (), key = None):
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, args)
desc = list(r[0] for r in cursor.description)
if key:
rows = {}
for i in cursor:
r = dict(zip(desc, i))
rows[str(r[key])] = r
rows = []
for i in cursor:
rows.append(dict(zip(desc, i)))
return rows
# Run content query
def RunSphinxQuery(self, query):
cursor = self.db.cursor()
rows = self.selectall(self.sphinx, self.CreateSphinxQueryString(query))
if len(rows):
for r in rows:
r['id'] = str(r['id'])
m_rows = self.selectall(self.db, self.CreateIdQueryString((r['id'] for r in rows)), (), 'id')
new_rows = []
# Check rights BEFORE fetching snippets
for i in rows:
if i['id'] in m_rows:
if not self.check_commit_access(
del m_rows[i['id']]
# Fetch snippets
if self.enable_snippets:
self.fetch_snippets(query, m_rows)
for i in rows:
if i['id'] in m_rows:
rows = new_rows
rows = []
return rows
def RunQuery(self, query):
if len(query.content_query) and self.sphinx:
# Use Sphinx to search on document content
rows = self.RunSphinxQuery(query)
# Use regular queries when document content is not searched
rows = self.selectall(self.db, self.CreateSQLQueryString(query))
# Check rights
rows = (r for r in rows if self.check_commit_access(
# Convert rows to commit objects
for row in rows:
commit = LazyCommit(self)
if row['type'] == 'Add':
elif row['type'] == 'Remove':
def CheckCommit(self, commit):
repository_id = self.GetRepositoryID(commit.GetRepository(), 0)
if repository_id == None:
return None
dir_id = self.GetDirectoryID(commit.GetDirectory(), 0)
if dir_id == None:
return None
file_id = self.GetFileID(commit.GetFile(), 0)
if file_id == None:
return None
commits_table = self._version >= 1 and 'commits' or 'checkins'
sql = "SELECT whoid FROM %s WHERE "\
" repositoryid=%%s "\
" AND dirid=%%s"\
" AND fileid=%%s"\
" AND revision=%%s"\
% (commits_table)
sql_args = (repository_id, dir_id, file_id, commit.GetRevision())
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
who_id, = cursor.fetchone()
except TypeError:
return None
return commit
# Now unused
def sql_delete(self, table, key, value, keep_fkey = None):
sql = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (table, key)
sql_args = (value, )
commits_table = self._version >= 1 and 'commits' or 'checkins'
if keep_fkey:
sql += " AND %s NOT IN (SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = %%s)" \
% (key, keep_fkey, commits_table, keep_fkey)
sql_args = (value, value)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, sql_args)
def sql_purge(self, table, key, fkey, ftable):
sql = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s NOT IN (SELECT %s FROM %s)" \
% (table, key, fkey, ftable)
cursor = self.db.cursor()
# Purge a repository fully or partially
def PurgeRepository(self, repository, path_prefix = None):
rep_id = self.GetRepositoryID(repository, auto_set=0)
if not rep_id:
raise UnknownRepositoryError("Unknown repository '%s'"
% (repository))
checkins_table = self._version >= 1 and 'commits' or 'checkins'
# Purge checkins
cursor = self.db.cursor()
tables = "DELETE FROM c USING %s c" % (checkins_table, )
where = " WHERE c.repositoryid=%s"
args = (rep_id, )
if path_prefix is not None:
tables = tables + ", dirs d"
where = where + " AND AND (d.dir=%s OR d.dir LIKE %s)"
args = args + (path_prefix, path_prefix+'/%')
cursor.execute(tables+where, args)
# Purge unreferenced items
self.sql_purge('repositories', 'id', 'repositoryid', checkins_table)
self.sql_purge('files', 'id', 'fileid', checkins_table)
self.sql_purge('dirs', 'id', 'dirid', checkins_table)
self.sql_purge('branches', 'id', 'branchid', checkins_table)
self.sql_purge('descs', 'id', 'descid', checkins_table)
self.sql_purge('people', 'id', 'whoid', checkins_table)
self.sql_purge('contents', 'id', 'id', checkins_table)
# Reset all internal id caches. We could be choosier here,
# but let's just be as safe as possible.
self._get_cache = {}
self._get_id_cache = {}
self._desc_id_cache = {}
class DatabaseVersionError(Exception):
class UnknownRepositoryError(Exception):
## the Commit class holds data on one commit, the representation is as
## close as possible to how it should be committed and retrieved to the
## database engine
class Commit:
## static constants for type of commit
ADD = 1
def __init__(self):
self.__directory = ''
self.__file = ''
self.__repository = ''
self.__revision = ''
self.__author = ''
self.__branch = ''
self.__pluscount = ''
self.__minuscount = ''
self.__description = ''
self.__relevance = ''
self.__snippet = ''
self.__gmt_time = 0.0
self.__type = Commit.CHANGE
self.__content = ''
self.__mimetype = ''
self.__base_path = ''
self.__base_rev = ''
def SetRepository(self, repository):
self.__repository = repository
def GetRepository(self):
return self.__repository
def SetDirectory(self, dir):
self.__directory = dir
def GetDirectory(self):
return self.__directory
def SetFile(self, file):
self.__file = file
def GetFile(self):
return self.__file
def SetRevision(self, revision):
self.__revision = revision
def GetRevision(self):
return self.__revision
def SetTime(self, gmt_time):
if gmt_time is None:
### We're just going to assume that a datestamp of The Epoch
### ain't real.
self.__gmt_time = 0.0
self.__gmt_time = float(gmt_time)
def GetTime(self):
return self.__gmt_time and self.__gmt_time or None
def SetAuthor(self, author):
self.__author = author
def GetAuthor(self):
return self.__author
def SetBranch(self, branch):
self.__branch = branch or ''
def GetBranch(self):
return self.__branch
def SetPlusCount(self, pluscount):
self.__pluscount = pluscount
def GetPlusCount(self):
return self.__pluscount
def SetMinusCount(self, minuscount):
self.__minuscount = minuscount
def GetMinusCount(self):
return self.__minuscount
def SetDescription(self, description):
self.__description = description
def GetDescription(self):
return self.__description
# Relevance and snippet are used when querying commit database
def SetRelevance(self, relevance):
self.__relevance = relevance
def GetRelevance(self):
return self.__relevance
def SetSnippet(self, snippet):
self.__snippet = snippet
def GetSnippet(self):
return self.__snippet
def SetTypeChange(self):
self.__type = Commit.CHANGE
def SetTypeAdd(self):
self.__type = Commit.ADD
def SetTypeRemove(self):
self.__type = Commit.REMOVE
def GetType(self):
return self.__type
def GetTypeString(self):
if self.__type == Commit.CHANGE:
return 'Change'
elif self.__type == Commit.ADD:
return 'Add'
elif self.__type == Commit.REMOVE:
return 'Remove'
# File content (extracted text), optional, indexed with Sphinx
def SetContent(self, content):
self.__content = content
def GetContent(self):
return self.__content
# MIME type, optional, now only stored in Sphinx
def SetMimeType(self, mimetype):
self.__mimetype = mimetype
def GetMimeType(self):
return self.__mimetype
## LazyCommit overrides a few methods of Commit to only retrieve
## it's properties as they are needed
class LazyCommit(Commit):
def __init__(self, db):
self.__db = db
def SetFileID(self, dbFileID):
self.__dbFileID = dbFileID
def GetFileID(self):
return self.__dbFileID
def GetFile(self):
return self.__db.GetFile(self.__dbFileID)
def SetDirectoryID(self, dbDirID):
self.__dbDirID = dbDirID
def GetDirectoryID(self):
return self.__dbDirID
def GetDirectory(self):
return self.__db.GetDirectory(self.__dbDirID)
def SetRepositoryID(self, dbRepositoryID):
self.__dbRepositoryID = dbRepositoryID
def GetRepositoryID(self):
return self.__dbRepositoryID
def GetRepository(self):
return self.__db.GetRepository(self.__dbRepositoryID)
def SetAuthorID(self, dbAuthorID):
self.__dbAuthorID = dbAuthorID
def GetAuthorID(self):
return self.__dbAuthorID
def GetAuthor(self):
return self.__db.GetAuthor(self.__dbAuthorID)
def SetBranchID(self, dbBranchID):
self.__dbBranchID = dbBranchID
def GetBranchID(self):
return self.__dbBranchID
def GetBranch(self):
return self.__db.GetBranch(self.__dbBranchID)
def SetDescriptionID(self, dbDescID):
self.__dbDescID = dbDescID
def GetDescriptionID(self):
return self.__dbDescID
def GetDescription(self):
return self.__db.GetDescription(self.__dbDescID)
## QueryEntry holds data on one match-type in the SQL database
## match is: "exact", "like", or "regex"
class QueryEntry:
def __init__(self, data, match): = data
self.match = match
## CheckinDatabaseQueryData is a object which contains the search parameters
## for a query to the CheckinDatabase
class CheckinDatabaseQuery:
def __init__(self):
## sorting
self.sort = "date"
## repository, branch, etc to query
self.repository_list = []
self.branch_list = []
self.directory_list = []
self.file_list = []
self.revision_list = []
self.author_list = []
self.comment_list = []
## text_query = Fulltext query on comments
## content_query = Fulltext query on content
self.text_query = ""
self.content_query = ""
## date range in DBI 2.0 timedate objects
self.from_date = None
self.to_date = None
## limit on number of rows to return
self.limit = None
## list of commits -- filled in by CVS query
self.commit_list = []
## commit_cb provides a callback for commits as they
## are added
self.commit_cb = None
def SetTextQuery(self, query):
self.text_query = query
def SetContentQuery(self, query):
self.content_query = query
def SetRepository(self, repository, match = "exact"):
self.repository_list.append(QueryEntry(repository, match))
def SetBranch(self, branch, match = "exact"):
self.branch_list.append(QueryEntry(branch, match))
def SetDirectory(self, directory, match = "exact"):
self.directory_list.append(QueryEntry(directory, match))
def SetFile(self, file, match = "exact"):
self.file_list.append(QueryEntry(file, match))
def SetRevision(self, revision):
r = re.compile('\s*[,;]+\s*')
for i in r.split(revision):
def SetAuthor(self, author, match = "exact"):
self.author_list.append(QueryEntry(author, match))
def SetComment(self, comment, match = "fulltext"):
self.comment_list.append(QueryEntry(comment, match))
def SetSortMethod(self, sort):
self.sort = sort
def SetFromDateObject(self, ticks):
self.from_date = dbi.DateTimeFromTicks(ticks)
def SetToDateObject(self, ticks):
self.to_date = dbi.DateTimeFromTicks(ticks)
def SetFromDateHoursAgo(self, hours_ago):
ticks = time.time() - (3600 * hours_ago)
self.from_date = dbi.DateTimeFromTicks(ticks)
def SetFromDateDaysAgo(self, days_ago):
ticks = time.time() - (86400 * days_ago)
self.from_date = dbi.DateTimeFromTicks(ticks)
def SetToDateDaysAgo(self, days_ago):
ticks = time.time() - (86400 * days_ago)
self.to_date = dbi.DateTimeFromTicks(ticks)
def SetLimit(self, limit):
self.limit = limit;
def AddCommit(self, commit):
## entrypoints
def CreateCommit():
return Commit()
def CreateCheckinQuery():
return CheckinDatabaseQuery()
def ConnectDatabase(cfg, request=None, readonly=0):
db = CheckinDatabase(
readonly = readonly,
request = request,
cfg = cfg.cvsdb,
guesser = cfg.guesser(),
return db
def ConnectDatabaseReadOnly(cfg, request):
return ConnectDatabase(cfg, request, 1)
def GetCommitListFromRCSFile(repository, path_parts, revision=None):
commit_list = []
directory = string.join(path_parts[:-1], "/")
file = path_parts[-1]
revs = repository.itemlog(path_parts, revision, vclib.SORTBY_DEFAULT,
0, 0, {"cvs_pass_rev": 1})
for rev in revs:
commit = CreateCommit()
if rev.changed:
# extract the plus/minus and drop the sign
plus, minus = string.split(rev.changed)
if rev.dead:
# if revision is on a branch which has at least one tag
if len(rev.number) > 2 and rev.branches:
return commit_list
def GetUnrecordedCommitList(repository, path_parts, db):
commit_list = GetCommitListFromRCSFile(repository, path_parts)
unrecorded_commit_list = []
for commit in commit_list:
result = db.CheckCommit(commit)
if not result:
return unrecorded_commit_list
_re_likechars = re.compile(r"([_%\\])")
def EscapeLike(literal):
"""Escape literal string for use in a MySQL LIKE pattern"""
return re.sub(_re_likechars, r"\\\1", literal)
def FindRepository(db, path):
"""Find repository path in database given path to subdirectory
Returns normalized repository path and relative directory path"""
path = os.path.normpath(path)
dirs = []
while path:
rep = os.path.normcase(path)
if db.GetRepositoryID(rep, 0) is None:
path, pdir = os.path.split(path)
if not pdir:
return None, None
return rep, dirs
def CleanRepository(path):
"""Return normalized top-level repository path"""
return os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(path))