
398 lines
13 KiB

# -*-python-*-
# Copyright (C) 1999-2009 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved.
# By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in
# the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewVC
# distribution or at
# For more information, visit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# configuration utilities
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import os
import string
import ConfigParser
import fnmatch
import vclib
import vclib.ccvs
import vclib.svn
import cvsdb
import viewvc
from viewvcmagic import ContentMagic
# There are three forms of configuration:
# 1) edit the viewvc.conf created by the viewvc-install(er)
# 2) as (1), but delete all unchanged entries from viewvc.conf
# 3) do not use viewvc.conf and just edit the defaults in this file
# Most users will want to use (1), but there are slight speed advantages
# to the other two options. Note that viewvc.conf values are a bit easier
# to work with since it is raw text, rather than python literal values.
class Config:
_sections = ('general', 'utilities', 'options', 'cvsdb', 'templates', 'rewritehtml')
_force_multi_value = ('cvs_roots', 'svn_roots', 'languages', 'kv_files',
'root_parents', 'allowed_views', 'mime_types_files')
def __init__(self):
self.__guesser = None
for section in self._sections:
setattr(self, section, _sub_config())
def load_config(self, pathname, vhost=None, rootname=None):
self.conf_path = os.path.isfile(pathname) and pathname or None
self.base = os.path.dirname(pathname)
self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() or [])
for section in self._sections:
if self.parser.has_section(section):
self._process_section(self.parser, section, section)
if vhost and self.parser.has_section('vhosts'):
self._process_vhost(self.parser, vhost)
if rootname:
self._process_root_options(self.parser, rootname)
r = {}
for i in self.rewritehtml.__dict__.keys():
if i[-8:] == '.replace':
if r.get(i[:-8], None) is None:
r[i[:-8]] = ['','']
r[i[:-8]][1] = self.rewritehtml.__dict__[i]
if i[-5:] == '.find':
if r.get(i[:-5], None) is None:
r[i[:-5]] = ['','']
r[i[:-5]][0] = self.rewritehtml.__dict__[i]
for i in r.keys():
if r[i][0] != '':
viewvc.add_rewrite_html(r[i][0], r[i][1])
def expand_root_parents(self):
"""Expand the configured root parents into individual roots."""
# Each item in root_parents is a "directory : repo_type" string.
for pp in self.general.root_parents:
pos = string.rfind(pp, ':')
if pos < 0:
raise debug.ViewVCException(
"The path '%s' in 'root_parents' does not include a "
"repository type." % (pp))
repo_type = string.strip(pp[pos+1:])
pp = os.path.normpath(string.strip(pp[:pos]))
if repo_type == 'cvs':
roots = vclib.ccvs.expand_root_parent(pp)
if self.options.hide_cvsroot and roots.has_key('CVSROOT'):
del roots['CVSROOT']
elif repo_type == 'svn':
roots = vclib.svn.expand_root_parent(pp)
raise debug.ViewVCException(
"The path '%s' in 'root_parents' has an unrecognized "
"repository type." % (pp))
def load_kv_files(self, language):
kv = _sub_config()
for fname in self.general.kv_files:
if fname[0] == '[':
idx = string.index(fname, ']')
parts = string.split(fname[1:idx], '.')
fname = string.strip(fname[idx+1:])
parts = [ ]
fname = string.replace(fname, '%lang%', language)
parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(), fname))
for section in parser.sections():
for option in parser.options(section):
full_name = parts + [section]
ob = kv
for name in full_name:
ob = getattr(ob, name)
except AttributeError:
c = _sub_config()
setattr(ob, name, c)
ob = c
setattr(ob, option, parser.get(section, option))
return kv
def path(self, path):
"""Return path relative to the config file directory"""
return os.path.join(self.base, path)
def _process_section(self, parser, section, subcfg_name):
sc = getattr(self, subcfg_name)
for opt in parser.options(section):
value = parser.get(section, opt)
if opt in self._force_multi_value:
value = map(string.strip, filter(None, string.split(value, ',')))
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
if opt == 'cvs_roots' or opt == 'svn_roots':
value = _parse_roots(opt, value)
setattr(sc, opt, value)
def _process_vhost(self, parser, vhost):
# find a vhost name for this vhost, if any (if not, we've nothing to do)
canon_vhost = self._find_canon_vhost(parser, vhost)
if not canon_vhost:
# overlay any option sections associated with this vhost name
cv = 'vhost-%s/' % (canon_vhost)
lcv = len(cv)
for section in parser.sections():
if section[:lcv] == cv:
base_section = section[lcv:]
if base_section not in self._sections:
raise IllegalOverrideSection('vhost', section)
self._process_section(parser, section, base_section)
def _find_canon_vhost(self, parser, vhost):
vhost = string.split(string.lower(vhost), ':')[0] # lower-case, no port
for canon_vhost in parser.options('vhosts'):
value = parser.get('vhosts', canon_vhost)
patterns = map(string.lower, map(string.strip,
filter(None, string.split(value, ','))))
for pat in patterns:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(vhost, pat):
return canon_vhost
return None
def _process_root_options(self, parser, rootname):
rn = 'root-%s/' % (rootname)
lrn = len(rn)
for section in parser.sections():
if section[:lrn] == rn:
base_section = section[lrn:]
if base_section in self._sections:
if base_section == 'general':
raise IllegalOverrideSection('root', section)
self._process_section(parser, section, base_section)
elif _startswith(base_section, 'authz-'):
raise IllegalOverrideSection('root', section)
def overlay_root_options(self, rootname):
"Overly per-root options atop the existing option set."
if not self.conf_path:
self._process_root_options(self.parser, rootname)
def _get_parser_items(self, parser, section):
"""Basically implement ConfigParser.items() for pre-Python-2.3 versions."""
return self.parser.items(section)
except AttributeError:
d = {}
for option in parser.options(section):
d[option] = parser.get(section, option)
return d.items()
def get_authorizer_params(self, authorizer, rootname=None):
if not self.conf_path:
return {}
params = {}
authz_section = 'authz-%s' % (authorizer)
for section in self.parser.sections():
if section == authz_section:
for key, value in self._get_parser_items(self.parser, section):
params[key] = value
if rootname:
root_authz_section = 'root-%s/authz-%s' % (rootname, authorizer)
for section in self.parser.sections():
if section == root_authz_section:
for key, value in self._get_parser_items(self.parser, section):
params[key] = value
params['__config'] = self
return params
def guesser(self):
if not self.__guesser:
self.__guesser = ContentMagic(self.options.encodings)
return self.__guesser
def set_defaults(self):
"Set some default values in the configuration."
self.general.cvs_roots = { }
self.general.svn_roots = { }
self.general.root_parents = []
self.general.default_root = ''
self.general.mime_types_files = ["mimetypes.conf"]
self.general.address = ''
self.general.kv_files = [ ]
self.general.languages = ['en-us']
self.utilities.rcs_dir = ''
if sys.platform == "win32":
self.utilities.cvsnt = 'cvs'
self.utilities.cvsnt = None
self.utilities.rcsfile_socket = ''
self.utilities.svn = ''
self.utilities.diff = ''
self.utilities.cvsgraph = ''
self.utilities.tika_server = ''
self.utilities.tika_mime_types = ''
self.options.root_as_url_component = 1
self.options.checkout_magic = 0
self.options.allowed_views = ['annotate', 'diff', 'markup', 'roots']
self.options.authorizer = None
self.options.mangle_email_addresses = 0
self.options.default_file_view = "log"
self.options.http_expiration_time = 600
self.options.generate_etags = 1
self.options.svn_ignore_mimetype = 0
self.options.svn_config_dir = None
self.options.use_rcsparse = 0
self.options.sort_by = 'file'
self.options.sort_group_dirs = 1
self.options.hide_attic = 1
self.options.hide_errorful_entries = 0
self.options.log_sort = 'date'
self.options.diff_format = 'h'
self.options.hide_cvsroot = 1
self.options.hr_breakable = 1
self.options.hr_funout = 1
self.options.hr_ignore_white = 0
self.options.hr_ignore_keyword_subst = 1
self.options.hr_intraline = 0
self.options.allow_compress = 0
self.options.template_dir = "templates"
self.options.docroot = None
self.options.show_subdir_lastmod = 0
self.options.show_logs = 1
self.options.show_log_in_markup = 1
self.options.cross_copies = 0
self.options.use_localtime = 0
self.options.short_log_len = 80
self.options.enable_syntax_coloration = 1
self.options.detect_encoding = 0
self.options.use_cvsgraph = 0
self.options.cvsgraph_conf = "cvsgraph.conf"
self.options.allowed_cvsgraph_useropts = []
self.options.use_re_search = 0
self.options.dir_pagesize = 0
self.options.log_pagesize = 0
self.options.limit_changes = 100
self.options.cvs_ondisk_charset = 'cp1251'
self.options.binary_mime_re = '^(?!text/|.*\Wxml)'
self.options.encodings = 'cp1251:iso-8859-1'
self.templates.diff = None = None
self.templates.error = None
self.templates.file = None
self.templates.graph = None
self.templates.log = None
self.templates.query = None
self.templates.query_form = None
self.templates.query_results = None
self.templates.roots = None
self.cvsdb.enabled = 0
self.cvsdb.index_content = 0
self.cvsdb.enable_snippets = 1
self.cvsdb.content_max_size = 0 = ''
self.cvsdb.port = 3306
self.cvsdb.socket = ''
self.cvsdb.database_name = ''
self.cvsdb.user = ''
self.cvsdb.passwd = ''
self.cvsdb.readonly_user = ''
self.cvsdb.readonly_passwd = ''
self.cvsdb.row_limit = 1000
self.cvsdb.rss_row_limit = 100
self.cvsdb.check_database_for_root = 0
self.cvsdb.fulltext_min_relevance = 0.2
self.cvsdb.sphinx_host = ''
self.cvsdb.sphinx_port = 3307
self.cvsdb.sphinx_socket = ''
self.cvsdb.sphinx_index = ''
self.cvsdb.sphinx_preformatted_mime = 'text/(?!html|xml).*'
self.cvsdb.sphinx_snippet_options =
'around: 15\n'\
'limit: 200\n'\
'before_match: <span style="color:red">\n'\
'after_match: </span>\n'\
'chunk_separator: ... \n\n'
def _startswith(somestr, substr):
return somestr[:len(substr)] == substr
def _parse_roots(config_name, config_value):
roots = { }
for root in config_value:
pos = string.find(root, ':')
if pos < 0:
raise MalformedRoot(config_name, root)
name, path = map(string.strip, (root[:pos], root[pos+1:]))
roots[name] = path
return roots
class ViewVCConfigurationError(Exception):
class IllegalOverrideSection(ViewVCConfigurationError):
def __init__(self, override_type, section_name):
self.section_name = section_name
self.override_type = override_type
def __str__(self):
return "malformed configuration: illegal %s override section: %s" \
% (self.override_type, self.section_name)
class MalformedRoot(ViewVCConfigurationError):
def __init__(self, config_name, value_given):
Exception.__init__(self, config_name, value_given)
self.config_name = config_name
self.value_given = value_given
def __str__(self):
return "malformed configuration: '%s' uses invalid syntax: %s" \
% (self.config_name, self.value_given)
class _sub_config:
if not hasattr(sys, 'hexversion'):
# Python 1.5 or 1.5.1. fix the syntax for ConfigParser options.
import regex
ConfigParser.option_cre = regex.compile('^\([-A-Za-z0-9._]+\)\(:\|['
+ string.whitespace
+ ']*=\)\(.*\)$')