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<title>ViewVC: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</title>
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<h4>On this page:</h4>
<ul id="bookmarks">
<li><a href="#faq-q">Questions</a></li>
<li><a href="#faq-a">Answers</a></li>
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<div class="notice">
<p>This FAQ is, shall we say, a work in progress. At the moment, it's
pretty bare. Please bare &mdash; er, <strong>bear</strong> with us
as we slowly populate this document.</p>
<div class="section">
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<h2 id="faq-q">Questions</h2>
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<div class="section-body">
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<h3 class="faq-section" id="faq-q-general">General Usage</h3>
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<li><a href="#authz-support">Does ViewVC support path-based
authorization, such as Subversion's authz-file mechanism?</a></li>
<li><a href="#missing-tmpdir">What causes "Error: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file
or directory: '/tmp/tmpGc-Ztj'"?</a></li>
<li><a href="#standalone-only">Why does <em>SOME-FEATURE</em>
work under, but not under Apache (or IIS or
<li><a href="#rss-support">How do I enable ViewVC's RSS feed
<!-- #--------------------------------------------------------------------# -->
<h3 class="faq-section" id="faq-q-cvs">CVS Browsing</h3>
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<li><a href="#rlog-output-ended-early">What causes "Error: Rlog output ended
early. Expected RCS file "/opt/cvs/project/file,v""?</a></li>
<li><a href="#comalformedoutput">What causes "Error: COMalformedOutput: Unable to
find filename in co output stream"?</a></li>
<li><a href="#">What causes "Error: error during rlog: 0x100"?</a></li>
<li><a href="#missing-files">Why do my directories have no files in them?</a></li>
<li><a href="#none-match">ViewVC doesn't show files I'm looking for,
and instead displays the message "NOTE: There are N files, but
none match the current selection criteria". How can I fix this?</a></li>
<!-- #--------------------------------------------------------------------# -->
<h3 class="faq-section" id="faq-q-svn">Subversion Browsing</h3>
<!-- #--------------------------------------------------------------------# -->
<li><a href="#no-module-named-svn">What causes "Error: ImportError: No module named
<li><a href="#remote-svn-access">Can I use ViewVC with remote
Subversion repositories?</a></li>
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<div class="section">
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<h2 id="faq-a">Answers</h2>
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<div class="section-body">
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<h3 class="faq-section" id="faq-a-general">General Usage</h3>
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<div id="authz-support">
<p class="faq-atitle">Does ViewVC support path-based authorization,
such as Subversion's authz-file mechanism?</p>
<p>There are no released versions of ViewVC which have this support
built-in. The feature request is being tracking in <a
#268</a>, and we're working to complete it for release in ViewVC
<p>In the meantime, there are some available workarounds. For
example, if you are running ViewVC under Apache, you can use
regular Apache configuration directives to authz-protect areas of
your repository &mdash; see the <a
>Location</a> and <a
>LocationMatch</a> directives, as well as the <a
>Authentication, Authorization and Access Control</a> portions of
the Apache HTTP Server documentation. This works best when ViewVC
is only serving up a single repository, or when the
<code>root_as_url_component</code> option is enabled otherwise.
And you might have to disable the checkout view, or at least turn
off the use of <code>checkout_magic</code> (see
<code>viewvc.conf</code> for details).</p>
<div id="missing-tmpdir">
<p class="faq-atitle">What causes "Error: OSError: [Errno 2] No such
file or directory: '/tmp/tmpGc-Ztj'"?</p>
<p>This is tracked in <a
#282</a>. While we haven't figured out how to make the error
message more graceful or helpful, the basic problem seems to
generally boil down to a misconfiguration of ViewVC. Make sure
your helper applications are in the program search path
(<code>$PATH</code>, e.g.) on your ViewVC server, or accurately
specified in <code>viewvc.conf</code>.</p>
<div id="standalone-only">
<p class="faq-atitle">Why does <em>SOME-FEATURE</em> work under, but not under Apache (or IIS or &hellip;)?</p>
<p>Most of the time folks run, they do so as a regular
system user, from a shell running with any and all the
environmental customizations present in their shell startup
scripts. But most web server packages (like Apache) run as a
different, often underprivileged, user, whose environment is
stripped down to just the system-wide default state. This can
cause problems for ViewVC's various helper applications, which
might reside in a location that's included as part of your (and
thus's) <code>$PATH</code>, but not that of the user
as whom the web server package runs. The solution might be as
simple explicitly configuring the paths of the helper applications
in <code>viewvc.conf</code>, or as complex as expanding the program
search path used by your web server software.</p>
<div id="rss-support">
<p class="faq-atitle">How do I enable ViewVC's RSS feed capabilities?</p>
<p>ViewVC generates its RSS feeds from repository data mirrored in a
database as part of its MySQL integration. Follow the steps in
ViewVC's <code>INSTALL</code> file to setup and configure the MySQL
integration and begin mirroring your commit metadata in the
database &mdash; the RSS feed feature will then be enabled with no
additional configuration.</p>
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<h3 class="faq-section" id="faq-a-cvs">CVS Browsing</h3>
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<div id="rlog-output-ended-early">
<p class="faq-atitle">What causes "Error: Rlog output ended
early. Expected RCS file "/opt/cvs/project/file,v""?</p>
<p>This error generally occurs when ViewVC is unable to locate the
rlog tool, one of several in the RCS toolchain. If the system
doesn't have the RCS toolchain installed, you'll need to install
it. If the RCS toolchain is installed, but ViewVC simply can't
locate the RCS programs, either ensure that the programs are
in the system <code>$PATH</code>, or specify their location in
the <code>viewvc.conf</code> file &mdash; the option is
<code>utilities/rcs_dir</code> as of ViewVC 1.1,
<code>general/rcs_path</code> in earlier versions.</p>
<div id="comalformedoutput">
<p class="faq-atitle">What causes "Error: COMalformedOutput: Unable to
find filename in co output stream"?</p>
<p>This is another symptom of the basic problem described <a
<div id="">
<p class="faq-atitle">What causes "Error: error during rlog:
<p>### TODO ###</p>
<div id="missing-files">
<p class="faq-atitle">Why do my directories have no files in them?</p>
<p>There are a few reasons why this can happen. Here are some of the
most common ones:</p>
<li>Some folks mistakenly point ViewVC's configuration bits to their
CVS working copies. But ViewVC isn't a working copy browser
&mdash; it's a <em>repository</em> browser.</li>
<li>&hellip; <!-- TODO --></li>
<div id="none-match">
<p class="faq-atitle">ViewVC doesn't show files I'm looking for, and
instead displays the message "NOTE: There are N files, but none
match the current selection criteria". How can I fix this?</p>
<p>From time to time, CVS and CVSNT add support for new keywords to
the RCS backend used to house repository data. If you're running a
version of ViewVC or ViewCVS that hasn't yet learned to handle
those new keywords, you might get the error you're seeing. The
solution is to try to get versions of CVS/CVSNT and ViewVC which
are better aligned, which generally means upgrading ViewVC (which
is probably less disruptive than downgrading your version control
system).</p> </div>
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<h3 class="faq-section" id="faq-a-svn">Subversion Browsing</h3>
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<div id="no-module-named-svn">
<p class="faq-atitle">What causes "Error: ImportError: No module named
<p>ViewVC uses Subversion's Python bindings to interact with and pull
information out of your Subversion repositories. These bindings
are not, however, generally provided as part of the ViewVC
distribution &mdash; you have to install them yourself some other
way. (For more information, contact the <a
href="">Subversion</a> community.) The
error you see is Python being asked to import the Subversion Python
bindings and being unable to do so, typically because the bindings
modules aren't found in the Python library search path.</p>
<div id="remote-svn-access">
<p class="faq-atitle">Can I use ViewVC with remote Subversion
<p>ViewVC prefers to have direct access to the repository (and in
fact, <em>must</em> have that for CVS repositories), but there does
exist experimental support for remote Subversion repositories.
Enabling this is a fairly simple &mdash; just use the URL of the
repository where you would use its path in the
<code>svn_roots</code> configuration options (sorry, you can't use
<code>root_parents</code> for remote repositories because
Subversion doesn't expose a repository-listing repository access
<p>What you should expect:</p>
<li><p>Near parity with local-access Subversion in terms of
<li><p>Known shortcomings:</p>
<li>file sizes aren't reported everywhere</li>
<li>the "revision" view lacks/botches some information</li>
<li>she ain't the fastest horse on the track&hellip;</li>
<li><p>Lack of configury for dealing with the intricacies of remote
access. If the auth credentials and such you need to access
the remote repository aren't cached in
<code>~VIEWVC_USER/.subversion</code> (where
<code>VIEWVC_USER</code> is the system user as whom ViewVC
runs), stuff won't work.</p>
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