
779 lines
25 KiB

# -*-python-*-
# Copyright (C) 1999-2008 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved.
# By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in
# the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewVC
# distribution or at
# For more information, visit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Version Control lib driver for locally accessible Subversion repositories"
import vclib
import os
import os.path
import stat
import string
import cStringIO
import signal
import shutil
import time
import tempfile
import popen
import re
from svn import fs, repos, core, client, delta
### Require Subversion 1.3.1 or better.
if (core.SVN_VER_MAJOR, core.SVN_VER_MINOR, core.SVN_VER_PATCH) < (1, 3, 1):
raise Exception, "Version requirement not met (needs 1.3.1 or better)"
def _allow_all(root, path, pool):
"""Generic authz_read_func that permits access to all paths"""
return 1
def _path_parts(path):
return filter(None, string.split(path, '/'))
def _cleanup_path(path):
"""Return a cleaned-up Subversion filesystem path"""
return string.join(_path_parts(path), '/')
def _fs_path_join(base, relative):
return _cleanup_path(base + '/' + relative)
def _compare_paths(path1, path2):
path1_len = len (path1);
path2_len = len (path2);
min_len = min(path1_len, path2_len)
i = 0
# Are the paths exactly the same?
if path1 == path2:
return 0
# Skip past common prefix
while (i < min_len) and (path1[i] == path2[i]):
i = i + 1
# Children of paths are greater than their parents, but less than
# greater siblings of their parents
char1 = '\0'
char2 = '\0'
if (i < path1_len):
char1 = path1[i]
if (i < path2_len):
char2 = path2[i]
if (char1 == '/') and (i == path2_len):
return 1
if (char2 == '/') and (i == path1_len):
return -1
if (i < path1_len) and (char1 == '/'):
return -1
if (i < path2_len) and (char2 == '/'):
return 1
# Common prefix was skipped above, next character is compared to
# determine order
return cmp(char1, char2)
def _rev2optrev(rev):
assert type(rev) is int
rt = core.svn_opt_revision_t()
rt.kind = core.svn_opt_revision_number
rt.value.number = rev
return rt
def _rootpath2url(rootpath, path):
rootpath = os.path.abspath(rootpath)
if rootpath and rootpath[0] != '/':
rootpath = '/' + rootpath
if os.sep != '/':
rootpath = string.replace(rootpath, os.sep, '/')
return 'file://' + string.join([rootpath, path], "/")
def _datestr_to_date(datestr):
return core.svn_time_from_cstring(datestr) / 1000000
return None
class Revision(vclib.Revision):
"Hold state for each revision's log entry."
def __init__(self, rev, date, author, msg, size, lockinfo,
filename, copy_path, copy_rev):
vclib.Revision.__init__(self, rev, str(rev), date, author, None,
msg, size, lockinfo)
self.filename = filename
self.copy_path = copy_path
self.copy_rev = copy_rev
class NodeHistory:
"""An iterable object that returns 2-tuples of (revision, path)
locations along a node's change history, ordered from youngest to
def __init__(self, fs_ptr, show_all_logs, limit=0):
self.histories = []
self.fs_ptr = fs_ptr
self.show_all_logs = show_all_logs
self.oldest_rev = None
self.limit = limit
def add_history(self, path, revision, pool):
# If filtering, only add the path and revision to the histories
# list if they were actually changed in this revision (where
# change means the path itself was changed, or one of its parents
# was copied). This is useful for omitting bubble-up directory
# changes.
if not self.oldest_rev:
self.oldest_rev = revision
assert(revision < self.oldest_rev)
if not self.show_all_logs:
rev_root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, revision)
changed_paths = fs.paths_changed(rev_root)
paths = changed_paths.keys()
if path not in paths:
# Look for a copied parent
test_path = path
found = 0
while 1:
off = string.rfind(test_path, '/')
if off < 0:
test_path = test_path[0:off]
if test_path in paths:
copyfrom_rev, copyfrom_path = fs.copied_from(rev_root, test_path)
if copyfrom_rev >= 0 and copyfrom_path:
found = 1
if not found:
self.histories.append([revision, _cleanup_path(path)])
if self.limit and len(self.histories) == self.limit:
raise core.SubversionException("", core.SVN_ERR_CEASE_INVOCATION)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.histories[idx]
def _get_history(svnrepos, path, rev, path_type, limit=0, options={}):
rev_paths = []
fsroot = svnrepos._getroot(rev)
show_all_logs = options.get('svn_show_all_dir_logs', 0)
if not show_all_logs:
# See if the path is a file or directory.
kind = fs.check_path(fsroot, path)
if kind is core.svn_node_file:
show_all_logs = 1
# Instantiate a NodeHistory collector object, and use it to collect
# history items for PATH@REV.
history = NodeHistory(svnrepos.fs_ptr, show_all_logs, limit)
repos.svn_repos_history(svnrepos.fs_ptr, path, history.add_history,
1, rev, options.get('svn_cross_copies', 0))
except core.SubversionException, e:
if e.apr_err != core.SVN_ERR_CEASE_INVOCATION:
# Now, iterate over those history items, checking for changes of
# location, pruning as necessitated by authz rules.
for hist_rev, hist_path in history:
path_parts = _path_parts(hist_path)
if not vclib.check_path_access(svnrepos, path_parts, path_type, hist_rev):
rev_paths.append([hist_rev, hist_path])
return rev_paths
def _log_helper(svnrepos, path, rev, lockinfo):
rev_root = fs.revision_root(svnrepos.fs_ptr, rev)
# Was this path@rev the target of a copy?
copyfrom_rev, copyfrom_path = fs.copied_from(rev_root, path)
# Assemble our LogEntry
date, author, msg, changes = svnrepos.revinfo(rev)
if fs.is_file(rev_root, path):
size = fs.file_length(rev_root, path)
size = None
entry = Revision(rev, date, author, msg, size, lockinfo, path,
copyfrom_path and _cleanup_path(copyfrom_path),
return entry
def _get_last_history_rev(fsroot, path):
history = fs.node_history(fsroot, path)
history = fs.history_prev(history, 0)
history_path, history_rev = fs.history_location(history)
return history_rev
def temp_checkout(svnrepos, path, rev):
"""Check out file revision to temporary file"""
temp = tempfile.mktemp()
fp = open(temp, 'wb')
root = svnrepos._getroot(rev)
stream = fs.file_contents(root, path)
while 1:
chunk = core.svn_stream_read(stream, core.SVN_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE)
if not chunk:
return temp
class FileContentsPipe:
def __init__(self, root, path):
self._stream = fs.file_contents(root, path)
self._eof = 0
def read(self, len=None):
chunk = None
if not self._eof:
if len is None:
buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
while 1:
hunk = core.svn_stream_read(self._stream, 8192)
if not hunk:
chunk = buffer.getvalue()
chunk = core.svn_stream_read(self._stream, len)
if not chunk:
self._eof = 1
return chunk
def readline(self):
chunk = None
if not self._eof:
chunk, self._eof = core.svn_stream_readline(self._stream, '\n')
if not self._eof:
chunk = chunk + '\n'
if not chunk:
self._eof = 1
return chunk
def readlines(self):
lines = []
while True:
line = self.readline()
if not line:
return lines
def close(self):
return core.svn_stream_close(self._stream)
def eof(self):
return self._eof
class BlameSource:
def __init__(self, local_url, rev, first_rev):
self.idx = -1
self.first_rev = first_rev
self.blame_data = []
ctx = client.ctx_t()
ctx.config = core.svn_config_get_config(None)
ctx.auth_baton = core.svn_auth_open([])
### TODO: Is this use of FIRST_REV always what we want? Should we
### pass 1 here instead and do filtering later?
client.blame2(local_url, _rev2optrev(rev), _rev2optrev(first_rev),
_rev2optrev(rev), self._blame_cb, ctx)
except core.SubversionException, e:
if e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_CLIENT_IS_BINARY_FILE:
raise vclib.NonTextualFileContents
def _blame_cb(self, line_no, rev, author, date, text, pool):
prev_rev = None
if rev > self.first_rev:
prev_rev = rev - 1
self.blame_data.append(vclib.Annotation(text, line_no + 1, rev,
prev_rev, author, None))
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if idx != self.idx + 1:
raise BlameSequencingError()
self.idx = idx
return self.blame_data[idx]
class BlameSequencingError(Exception):
class SVNChangedPath(vclib.ChangedPath):
"""Wrapper around vclib.ChangedPath which handles path splitting."""
def __init__(self, path, rev, pathtype, base_path, base_rev,
action, copied, text_changed, props_changed):
path_parts = _path_parts(path or '')
base_path_parts = _path_parts(base_path or '')
vclib.ChangedPath.__init__(self, path_parts, rev, pathtype,
base_path_parts, base_rev, action,
copied, text_changed, props_changed)
class LocalSubversionRepository(vclib.Repository):
def __init__(self, name, rootpath, authorizer, utilities, config_dir):
if not (os.path.isdir(rootpath) \
and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rootpath, 'format'))):
raise vclib.ReposNotFound(name)
# Initialize some stuff.
self.rootpath = rootpath = name
self.auth = authorizer
self.svn_client_path = utilities.svn or 'svn'
self.diff_cmd = utilities.diff or 'diff'
self.config_dir = config_dir
# See if this repository is even viewable, authz-wise.
if not vclib.check_root_access(self):
raise vclib.ReposNotFound(name)
def open(self):
# Register a handler for SIGTERM so we can have a chance to
# cleanup. If ViewVC takes too long to start generating CGI
# output, Apache will grow impatient and SIGTERM it. While we
# don't mind getting told to bail, we want to gracefully close the
# repository before we bail.
def _sigterm_handler(signum, frame, self=self):
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _sigterm_handler)
except ValueError:
# This is probably "ValueError: signal only works in main
# thread", which will get thrown by the likes of mod_python
# when trying to install a signal handler from a thread that
# isn't the main one. We'll just not care.
# Open the repository and init some other variables.
self.repos = repos.svn_repos_open(self.rootpath)
self.fs_ptr = repos.svn_repos_fs(self.repos)
self.youngest = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr)
self._fsroots = {}
self._revinfo_cache = {}
def rootname(self):
def rootpath(self):
return self.rootpath
def roottype(self):
return vclib.SVN
def authorizer(self):
return self.auth
def itemtype(self, path_parts, rev):
rev = self._getrev(rev)
basepath = self._getpath(path_parts)
kind = fs.check_path(self._getroot(rev), basepath)
pathtype = None
if kind == core.svn_node_dir:
pathtype = vclib.DIR
elif kind == core.svn_node_file:
pathtype = vclib.FILE
raise vclib.ItemNotFound(path_parts)
if not vclib.check_path_access(self, path_parts, pathtype, rev):
raise vclib.ItemNotFound(path_parts)
return pathtype
def openfile(self, path_parts, rev):
path = self._getpath(path_parts)
if self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) != vclib.FILE: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a file." % path)
rev = self._getrev(rev)
fsroot = self._getroot(rev)
revision = str(_get_last_history_rev(fsroot, path))
fp = FileContentsPipe(fsroot, path)
return fp, revision
def listdir(self, path_parts, rev, options):
path = self._getpath(path_parts)
if self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) != vclib.DIR: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a directory." % path)
rev = self._getrev(rev)
fsroot = self._getroot(rev)
dirents = fs.dir_entries(fsroot, path)
entries = [ ]
for entry in dirents.values():
if entry.kind == core.svn_node_dir:
kind = vclib.DIR
elif entry.kind == core.svn_node_file:
kind = vclib.FILE
if vclib.check_path_access(self, path_parts + [], kind, rev):
entries.append(vclib.DirEntry(, kind))
return entries
def dirlogs(self, path_parts, rev, entries, options):
path = self._getpath(path_parts)
if self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) != vclib.DIR: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a directory." % path)
fsroot = self._getroot(self._getrev(rev))
rev = self._getrev(rev)
for entry in entries:
entry_path_parts = path_parts + []
if not vclib.check_path_access(self, entry_path_parts, entry.kind, rev):
path = self._getpath(entry_path_parts)
entry_rev = _get_last_history_rev(fsroot, path)
date, author, msg, changes = self.revinfo(entry_rev)
entry.rev = str(entry_rev) = date = author
entry.log = msg
if entry.kind == vclib.FILE:
entry.size = fs.file_length(fsroot, path)
lock = fs.get_lock(self.fs_ptr, path)
entry.lockinfo = lock and lock.owner or None
def itemlog(self, path_parts, rev, sortby, first, limit, options):
"""see vclib.Repository.itemlog docstring
Option values recognized by this implementation
boolean, default false. if set for a directory path, will include
revisions where files underneath the directory have changed
boolean, default false. if set for a path created by a copy, will
include revisions from before the copy
boolean, default false. if set will return only newest single log
assert sortby == vclib.SORTBY_DEFAULT or sortby == vclib.SORTBY_REV
path = self._getpath(path_parts)
path_type = self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) # does auth-check
rev = self._getrev(rev)
revs = []
lockinfo = None
# See if this path is locked.
lock = fs.get_lock(self.fs_ptr, path)
if lock:
lockinfo = lock.owner
except NameError:
# If our caller only wants the latest log, we'll invoke
# _log_helper for just the one revision. Otherwise, we go off
# into history-fetching mode. ### TODO: we could stand to have a
# 'limit' parameter here as numeric cut-off for the depth of our
# history search.
if options.get('svn_latest_log', 0):
revision = _log_helper(self, path, rev, lockinfo)
if revision:
revision.prev = None
history = _get_history(self, path, rev, path_type,
first + limit, options)
if len(history) < first:
history = []
if limit:
history = history[first:first+limit]
for hist_rev, hist_path in history:
revision = _log_helper(self, hist_path, hist_rev, lockinfo)
if revision:
# If we have unreadable copyfrom data, obscure it.
if revision.copy_path is not None:
cp_parts = _path_parts(revision.copy_path)
if not vclib.check_path_access(self, cp_parts, path_type,
revision.copy_path = revision.copy_rev = None
revision.prev = None
if len(revs):
revs[-1].prev = revision
return revs
def itemprops(self, path_parts, rev):
path = self._getpath(path_parts)
path_type = self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) # does auth-check
rev = self._getrev(rev)
fsroot = self._getroot(rev)
return fs.node_proplist(fsroot, path)
def annotate(self, path_parts, rev):
path = self._getpath(path_parts)
path_type = self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) # does auth-check
if path_type != vclib.FILE:
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a file." % path)
rev = self._getrev(rev)
fsroot = self._getroot(rev)
history = _get_history(self, path, rev, path_type, 0,
{'svn_cross_copies': 1})
youngest_rev, youngest_path = history[0]
oldest_rev, oldest_path = history[-1]
source = BlameSource(_rootpath2url(self.rootpath, path),
youngest_rev, oldest_rev)
return source, youngest_rev
def _revinfo_raw(self, rev):
fsroot = self._getroot(rev)
# Get the changes for the revision
editor = repos.ChangeCollector(self.fs_ptr, fsroot)
e_ptr, e_baton = delta.make_editor(editor)
repos.svn_repos_replay(fsroot, e_ptr, e_baton)
changes = editor.get_changes()
changedpaths = {}
# Now get the revision property info. Would use
# editor.get_root_props(), but something is broken there...
revprops = fs.revision_proplist(self.fs_ptr, rev)
msg = revprops.get(core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_LOG)
author = revprops.get(core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_AUTHOR)
datestr = revprops.get(core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE)
# Copy the Subversion changes into a new hash, converting them into
# ChangedPath objects.
found_readable = found_unreadable = 0
for path in changes.keys():
change = changes[path]
if change.path:
change.path = _cleanup_path(change.path)
if change.base_path:
change.base_path = _cleanup_path(change.base_path)
is_copy = 0
if not hasattr(change, 'action'): # new to subversion 1.4.0
action = vclib.MODIFIED
if not change.path:
action = vclib.DELETED
elif change.added:
action = vclib.ADDED
replace_check_path = path
if change.base_path and change.base_rev:
replace_check_path = change.base_path
if changedpaths.has_key(replace_check_path) \
and changedpaths[replace_check_path].action == vclib.DELETED:
action = vclib.REPLACED
if change.action == repos.CHANGE_ACTION_ADD:
action = vclib.ADDED
elif change.action == repos.CHANGE_ACTION_DELETE:
action = vclib.DELETED
elif change.action == repos.CHANGE_ACTION_REPLACE:
action = vclib.REPLACED
action = vclib.MODIFIED
if (action == vclib.ADDED or action == vclib.REPLACED) \
and change.base_path \
and change.base_rev:
is_copy = 1
if change.item_kind == core.svn_node_dir:
pathtype = vclib.DIR
elif change.item_kind == core.svn_node_file:
pathtype = vclib.FILE
pathtype = None
parts = _path_parts(path)
if vclib.check_path_access(self, parts, pathtype, rev):
if is_copy and change.base_path and (change.base_path != path):
parts = _path_parts(change.base_path)
if not vclib.check_path_access(self, parts, pathtype, change.base_rev):
is_copy = 0
change.base_path = None
change.base_rev = None
changedpaths[path] = SVNChangedPath(path, rev, pathtype,
change.base_rev, action,
is_copy, change.text_changed,
found_readable = 1
found_unreadable = 1
# Return our tuple, auth-filtered: date, author, msg, changes
if found_unreadable:
msg = None
if not found_readable:
author = None
datestr = None
date = _datestr_to_date(datestr)
return date, author, msg, changedpaths.values()
def revinfo(self, rev):
rev = self._getrev(rev)
cached_info = self._revinfo_cache.get(rev)
if not cached_info:
cached_info = self._revinfo_raw(rev)
self._revinfo_cache[rev] = cached_info
return cached_info[0], cached_info[1], cached_info[2], cached_info[3]
def rawdiff(self, path_parts1, rev1, path_parts2, rev2, type, options={}):
p1 = self._getpath(path_parts1)
p2 = self._getpath(path_parts2)
r1 = self._getrev(rev1)
r2 = self._getrev(rev2)
if not vclib.check_path_access(self, path_parts1, vclib.FILE, rev1):
raise vclib.ItemNotFound(path_parts1)
if not vclib.check_path_access(self, path_parts2, vclib.FILE, rev2):
raise vclib.ItemNotFound(path_parts2)
args = vclib._diff_args(type, options)
def _date_from_rev(rev):
date, author, msg, changes = self.revinfo(rev)
return date
temp1 = temp_checkout(self, p1, r1)
temp2 = temp_checkout(self, p2, r2)
info1 = p1, _date_from_rev(r1), r1
info2 = p2, _date_from_rev(r2), r2
return vclib._diff_fp(temp1, temp2, info1, info2, self.diff_cmd, args)
except core.SubversionException, e:
if e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND:
raise vclib.InvalidRevision
def isexecutable(self, path_parts, rev):
props = self.itemprops(path_parts, rev) # does authz-check
return props.has_key(core.SVN_PROP_EXECUTABLE)
def _getpath(self, path_parts):
return string.join(path_parts, '/')
def _getrev(self, rev):
if rev is None or rev == 'HEAD':
return self.youngest
rev = int(rev)
except ValueError:
raise vclib.InvalidRevision(rev)
if (rev < 0) or (rev > self.youngest):
raise vclib.InvalidRevision(rev)
return rev
def _getroot(self, rev):
return self._fsroots[rev]
except KeyError:
r = self._fsroots[rev] = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, rev)
return r
##--- custom --##
def get_youngest_revision(self):
return self.youngest
def get_location(self, path, rev, old_rev):
results = repos.svn_repos_trace_node_locations(self.fs_ptr, path,
rev, [old_rev], _allow_all)
except core.SubversionException, e:
if e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND:
raise vclib.ItemNotFound(path)
old_path = results[old_rev]
except KeyError:
raise vclib.ItemNotFound(path)
return _cleanup_path(old_path)
def created_rev(self, full_name, rev):
return fs.node_created_rev(self._getroot(rev), full_name)
def last_rev(self, path, peg_revision, limit_revision=None):
"""Given PATH, known to exist in PEG_REVISION, find the youngest
revision older than, or equal to, LIMIT_REVISION in which path
exists. Return that revision, and the path at which PATH exists in
that revision."""
# Here's the plan, man. In the trivial case (where PEG_REVISION is
# the same as LIMIT_REVISION), this is a no-brainer. If
# LIMIT_REVISION is older than PEG_REVISION, we can use Subversion's
# history tracing code to find the right location. If, however,
# LIMIT_REVISION is younger than PEG_REVISION, we suffer from
# Subversion's lack of forward history searching. Our workaround,
# ugly as it may be, involves a binary search through the revisions
# between PEG_REVISION and LIMIT_REVISION to find our last live
# revision.
peg_revision = self._getrev(peg_revision)
limit_revision = self._getrev(limit_revision)
if peg_revision == limit_revision:
return peg_revision, path
elif peg_revision > limit_revision:
fsroot = self._getroot(peg_revision)
history = fs.node_history(fsroot, path)
while history:
path, peg_revision = fs.history_location(history)
if peg_revision <= limit_revision:
return max(peg_revision, limit_revision), _cleanup_path(path)
history = fs.history_prev(history, 1)
return peg_revision, _cleanup_path(path)
orig_id = fs.node_id(self._getroot(peg_revision), path)
while peg_revision != limit_revision:
mid = (peg_revision + 1 + limit_revision) / 2
mid_id = fs.node_id(self._getroot(mid), path)
except core.SubversionException, e:
if e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND:
cmp = -1
### Not quite right. Need a comparison function that only returns
### true when the two nodes are the same copy, not just related.
cmp = fs.compare_ids(orig_id, mid_id)
if cmp in (0, 1):
peg_revision = mid
limit_revision = mid - 1
return peg_revision, path