
394 lines
13 KiB

# -*-python-*-
# Copyright (C) 1999-2013 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved.
# By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in
# the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewVC
# distribution or at
# For more information, visit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import re
import cStringIO
import tempfile
import vclib
import rcsparse
import blame
### The functionality shared with bincvs should probably be moved to a
### separate module
from bincvs import BaseCVSRepository, Revision, Tag, _file_log, _log_path, _logsort_date_cmp, _logsort_rev_cmp, _path_join
class CCVSRepository(BaseCVSRepository):
def dirlogs(self, path_parts, rev, entries, options):
"""see vclib.Repository.dirlogs docstring
rev can be a tag name or None. if set only information from revisions
matching the tag will be retrieved
Option values recognized by this implementation:
boolean. true to fetch logs of the most recently modified file in each
Option values returned by this implementation:
cvs_tags, cvs_branches
lists of tag and branch names encountered in the directory
if self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) != vclib.DIR: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a directory."
% (part2path(path_parts)))
entries_to_fetch = []
for entry in entries:
if vclib.check_path_access(self, path_parts + [], None, rev):
subdirs = options.get('cvs_subdirs', 0)
dirpath = self._getpath(path_parts)
alltags = { # all the tags seen in the files of this dir
'MAIN' : '',
'HEAD' : '1.1'
for entry in entries_to_fetch:
entry.rev = = = None
entry.dead = entry.absent = entry.log = entry.lockinfo = None
path = _log_path(entry, dirpath, subdirs)
if path:
entry.path = path
rcsparse.parse(open(path, 'rb'), InfoSink(entry, rev, alltags))
except IOError, e:
entry.errors.append("rcsparse error: %s" % e)
except RuntimeError, e:
entry.errors.append("rcsparse error: %s" % e)
except rcsparse.RCSStopParser:
branches = options['cvs_branches'] = []
tags = options['cvs_tags'] = []
for name, rev in alltags.items():
if Tag(None, rev).is_branch:
def itemlog(self, path_parts, rev, sortby, first, limit, options):
"""see vclib.Repository.itemlog docstring
rev parameter can be a revision number, a branch number, a tag name,
or None. If None, will return information about all revisions, otherwise,
will only return information about the specified revision or branch.
Option values returned by this implementation:
dictionary of Tag objects for all tags encountered
if self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) != vclib.FILE: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a file." % (_path_join(path_parts)))
path = self.rcsfile(path_parts, 1)
sink = TreeSink()
rcsparse.parse(open(path, 'rb'), sink)
filtered_revs = _file_log(sink.revs.values(), sink.tags, sink.lockinfo,
sink.default_branch, rev)
for rev in filtered_revs:
if rev.prev and len(rev.number) == 2:
rev.changed = rev.prev.next_changed
options['cvs_tags'] = sink.tags
if sortby == vclib.SORTBY_DATE:
elif sortby == vclib.SORTBY_REV:
if len(filtered_revs) < first:
return []
if limit:
return filtered_revs[first:first+limit]
return filtered_revs
def rawdiff(self, path_parts1, rev1, path_parts2, rev2, type, options={}):
if self.itemtype(path_parts1, rev1) != vclib.FILE: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a file." % (_path_join(path_parts1)))
if self.itemtype(path_parts2, rev2) != vclib.FILE: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a file." % (_path_join(path_parts2)))
temp1 = tempfile.mktemp()
open(temp1, 'wb').write(self.openfile(path_parts1, rev1, {})[0].getvalue())
temp2 = tempfile.mktemp()
open(temp2, 'wb').write(self.openfile(path_parts2, rev2, {})[0].getvalue())
r1 = self.itemlog(path_parts1, rev1, vclib.SORTBY_DEFAULT, 0, 0, {})[-1]
r2 = self.itemlog(path_parts2, rev2, vclib.SORTBY_DEFAULT, 0, 0, {})[-1]
info1 = (self.rcsfile(path_parts1, root=1, v=0),, r1.string)
info2 = (self.rcsfile(path_parts2, root=1, v=0),, r2.string)
diff_args = vclib._diff_args(type, options)
return vclib._diff_fp(temp1, temp2, info1, info2,
self.utilities.diff or 'diff', diff_args)
def annotate(self, path_parts, rev=None, include_text=False):
if self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) != vclib.FILE: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a file." % (_path_join(path_parts)))
source = blame.BlameSource(self.rcsfile(path_parts, 1), rev, include_text)
return source, source.revision
def revinfo(self, rev):
raise vclib.UnsupportedFeature
def openfile(self, path_parts, rev, options):
if self.itemtype(path_parts, rev) != vclib.FILE: # does auth-check
raise vclib.Error("Path '%s' is not a file." % (_path_join(path_parts)))
path = self.rcsfile(path_parts, 1)
sink = COSink(rev)
rcsparse.parse(open(path, 'rb'), sink)
revision = sink.last and sink.last.string
return cStringIO.StringIO('\n'.join(sink.sstext.text)), revision
class MatchingSink(rcsparse.Sink):
"""Superclass for sinks that search for revisions based on tag or number"""
def __init__(self, find):
"""Initialize with tag name or revision number string to match against"""
if not find or find == 'MAIN' or find == 'HEAD':
self.find = None
self.find = find
self.find_tag = None
def set_principal_branch(self, branch_number):
if self.find is None:
self.find_tag = Tag(None, branch_number)
def define_tag(self, name, revision):
if name == self.find:
self.find_tag = Tag(None, revision)
def admin_completed(self):
if self.find_tag is None:
if self.find is None:
self.find_tag = Tag(None, '')
self.find_tag = Tag(None, self.find)
except ValueError:
class InfoSink(MatchingSink):
def __init__(self, entry, tag, alltags):
MatchingSink.__init__(self, tag)
self.entry = entry
self.alltags = alltags
self.matching_rev = None
self.perfect_match = 0
self.lockinfo = { }
def define_tag(self, name, revision):
MatchingSink.define_tag(self, name, revision)
self.alltags[name] = revision
def admin_completed(self):
if self.find_tag is None:
# tag we're looking for doesn't exist
if self.entry.kind == vclib.FILE:
self.entry.absent = 1
raise rcsparse.RCSStopParser
def set_locker(self, rev, locker):
self.lockinfo[rev] = locker
def define_revision(self, revision, date, author, state, branches, next):
if self.perfect_match:
tag = self.find_tag
rev = Revision(revision, date, author, state == "dead")
rev.lockinfo = self.lockinfo.get(revision)
# perfect match if revision number matches tag number or if revision is on
# trunk and tag points to trunk. imperfect match if tag refers to a branch
# and this revision is the highest revision so far found on that branch
perfect = ((rev.number == tag.number) or
(not tag.number and len(rev.number) == 2))
if perfect or (tag.is_branch and tag.number == rev.number[:-1] and
(not self.matching_rev or
rev.number > self.matching_rev.number)):
self.matching_rev = rev
self.perfect_match = perfect
def set_revision_info(self, revision, log, text):
if self.matching_rev:
if revision == self.matching_rev.string:
self.entry.rev = self.matching_rev.string = =
self.entry.dead = self.matching_rev.dead
self.entry.lockinfo = self.matching_rev.lockinfo
self.entry.absent = 0
self.entry.log = log
raise rcsparse.RCSStopParser
raise rcsparse.RCSStopParser
class TreeSink(rcsparse.Sink):
d_command = re.compile('^d(\d+)\\s(\\d+)')
a_command = re.compile('^a(\d+)\\s(\\d+)')
def __init__(self):
self.revs = { }
self.tags = { }
self.head = None
self.default_branch = None
self.lockinfo = { }
def set_head_revision(self, revision):
self.head = revision
def set_principal_branch(self, branch_number):
self.default_branch = branch_number
def set_locker(self, rev, locker):
self.lockinfo[rev] = locker
def define_tag(self, name, revision):
# check !tags.has_key(tag_name)
self.tags[name] = revision
def define_revision(self, revision, date, author, state, branches, next):
# check !revs.has_key(revision)
self.revs[revision] = Revision(revision, date, author, state == "dead")
def set_revision_info(self, revision, log, text):
# check revs.has_key(revision)
rev = self.revs[revision]
rev.log = log
changed = None
added = 0
deled = 0
if self.head != revision:
changed = 1
lines = text.split('\n')
idx = 0
while idx < len(lines):
command = lines[idx]
dmatch = self.d_command.match(command)
idx = idx + 1
if dmatch:
deled = deled + int(
amatch = self.a_command.match(command)
if amatch:
count = int(
added = added + count
idx = idx + count
elif command:
raise "error while parsing deltatext: %s" % command
if len(rev.number) == 2:
rev.next_changed = changed and "+%i -%i" % (deled, added)
rev.changed = changed and "+%i -%i" % (added, deled)
class StreamText:
d_command = re.compile('^d(\d+)\\s(\\d+)')
a_command = re.compile('^a(\d+)\\s(\\d+)')
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text.split('\n')
def command(self, cmd):
adjust = 0
add_lines_remaining = 0
diffs = cmd.split('\n')
if diffs[-1] == "":
del diffs[-1]
if len(diffs) == 0:
if diffs[0] == "":
del diffs[0]
for command in diffs:
if add_lines_remaining > 0:
# Insertion lines from a prior "a" command
self.text.insert(start_line + adjust, command)
add_lines_remaining = add_lines_remaining - 1
adjust = adjust + 1
dmatch = self.d_command.match(command)
amatch = self.a_command.match(command)
if dmatch:
# "d" - Delete command
start_line = int(
count = int(
begin = start_line + adjust - 1
del self.text[begin:begin + count]
adjust = adjust - count
elif amatch:
# "a" - Add command
start_line = int(
count = int(
add_lines_remaining = count
raise RuntimeError, 'Error parsing diff commands'
def secondnextdot(s, start):
# find the position the second dot after the start index.
return s.find('.', s.find('.', start) + 1)
class COSink(MatchingSink):
def __init__(self, rev):
MatchingSink.__init__(self, rev)
def set_head_revision(self, revision):
self.head = Revision(revision)
self.last = None
self.sstext = None
def admin_completed(self):
if self.find_tag is None:
raise vclib.InvalidRevision(self.find)
def set_revision_info(self, revision, log, text):
tag = self.find_tag
rev = Revision(revision)
if rev.number == tag.number:
self.log = log
depth = len(rev.number)
if rev.number == self.head.number:
assert self.sstext is None
self.sstext = StreamText(text)
elif (depth == 2 and tag.number and rev.number >= tag.number[:depth]):
assert len(self.last.number) == 2
assert rev.number < self.last.number
elif (depth > 2 and rev.number[:depth-1] == tag.number[:depth-1] and
(rev.number <= tag.number or len(tag.number) == depth-1)):
assert len(rev.number) - len(self.last.number) in (0, 2)
assert rev.number > self.last.number
rev = None
if rev:
#print "tag =", tag.number, "rev =", rev.number, "<br>"
self.last = rev