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# Vitastor Driver for OpenStack Cinder
# --------------------------------------------
# Install as cinder/volume/drivers/
# --------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2020 Vitaliy Filippov
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Cinder Vitastor Driver"""
import binascii
import base64
import errno
import json
import math
import os
import tempfile
from castellan import key_manager
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from oslo_utils import units
import six
from six.moves.urllib import request
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder.image import image_utils
from cinder import interface
from cinder import objects
from cinder.objects import fields
from cinder import utils
from cinder.volume import configuration
from cinder.volume import driver
from cinder.volume import volume_utils
Release 0.8.4 New features: - Implement QCOW2 image/snapshot export via qemu-img (bdrv_co_block_status in the driver) - Remove OSDs from PG history during `vitastor-cli rm-osd` to prevent `left_on_dead` PG states after deletion - Add a new recovery_pg_switch setting to mix all PGs during recovery, to almost fully reduce the probability of ENOSPC during rebalance - Introduce partial ENOSPC ("OSD is full") handling - now ENOSPC doesn't turn into cascades of crashes - Add migration support to Proxmox VE Vitastor driver - Track last_clean_pgs on a per-pool basis thus reducing data movement in a cluster with pools remaining unclean/degraded for a long time Bug fixes: - Fix a bug where monitor could generate degraded PGs if one of the hosts had no OSDs - Fix a bug where monitor could skip PG redistribution with a lot of OSDs in cluster - Report PG history synchronously on the first write, which improves PG consistency and availability at the same time, because history now gets reported correctly and doesn't get reported without the need for it - Fix possible write and recovery stalls which could happen in a cluster with both EC and replicated pools - Make OSD and monitors sanitize & deduplicate PG history items in etcd - Fix non-working OSD peer config safety check - Fix a rare journal flush stall where flushing wasn't activated with full journal, but with empty flush queue - Fix builds without ISA-L (jerasure-only) crashing with EC N+K, K>=2 due to the lack of 16-byte buffer alignment - Fix a possible crash for EC N+K, K>=2 when calculating a parity chunk with previous parity chunk missing - Fix a bug where vitastor-disk purge with suppressed warnings didn't work
2023-01-13 19:41:34 +03:00
VERSION = '0.8.4'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
help='Vitastor configuration file path'
help='Vitastor etcd address(es)'),
help='Vitastor etcd prefix'
help='Vitastor pool ID to use for volumes'
# FIXME exclusive_cinder_pool ?
CONF.register_opts(VITASTOR_OPTS, group = configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
class VitastorDriverException(exception.VolumeDriverException):
message = _("Vitastor Cinder driver failure: %(reason)s")
class VitastorDriver(driver.CloneableImageVD,
driver.ManageableVD, driver.ManageableSnapshotsVD,
"""Implements Vitastor volume commands."""
cfg = {}
_etcd_urls = []
def __init__(self, active_backend_id = None, *args, **kwargs):
super(VitastorDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_driver_options(cls):
additional_opts = cls._get_oslo_driver_opts(
return VITASTOR_OPTS + additional_opts
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Performs initialization steps that could raise exceptions."""
super(VitastorDriver, self).do_setup(context)
# Make sure configuration is in UTF-8
for attr in [ 'config_path', 'etcd_address', 'etcd_prefix', 'pool_id' ]:
val = self.configuration.safe_get('vitastor_'+attr)
if val is not None:
self.cfg[attr] = utils.convert_str(val)
self.cfg = self._load_config(self.cfg)
def _load_config(self, cfg):
# Try to load configuration file
f = open(cfg['config_path'] or '/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf')
conf = json.loads(
for k in conf:
cfg[k] = cfg.get(k, conf[k])
if isinstance(cfg['etcd_address'], str):
cfg['etcd_address'] = cfg['etcd_address'].split(',')
# Sanitize etcd URLs
for i, etcd_url in enumerate(cfg['etcd_address']):
ssl = False
if etcd_url.lower().startswith('http://'):
etcd_url = etcd_url[7:]
elif etcd_url.lower().startswith('https://'):
etcd_url = etcd_url[8:]
ssl = True
if etcd_url.find('/') < 0:
etcd_url += '/v3'
if ssl:
etcd_url = 'https://'+etcd_url
etcd_url = 'http://'+etcd_url
cfg['etcd_address'][i] = etcd_url
return cfg
def check_for_setup_error(self):
"""Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
def _encode_etcd_key(self, key):
if not isinstance(key, bytes):
key = str(key).encode('utf-8')
return base64.b64encode(self.cfg['etcd_prefix'].encode('utf-8')+b'/'+key).decode('utf-8')
def _encode_etcd_value(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, bytes):
value = str(value).encode('utf-8')
return base64.b64encode(value).decode('utf-8')
def _encode_etcd_requests(self, obj):
for v in obj:
for rt in v:
if 'key' in v[rt]:
v[rt]['key'] = self._encode_etcd_key(v[rt]['key'])
if 'range_end' in v[rt]:
v[rt]['range_end'] = self._encode_etcd_key(v[rt]['range_end'])
if 'value' in v[rt]:
v[rt]['value'] = self._encode_etcd_value(v[rt]['value'])
def _etcd_txn(self, params):
if 'compare' in params:
for v in params['compare']:
if 'key' in v:
v['key'] = self._encode_etcd_key(v['key'])
if 'failure' in params:
if 'success' in params:
body = json.dumps(params).encode('utf-8')
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
err = None
for etcd_url in self.cfg['etcd_address']:
resp = request.urlopen(request.Request(etcd_url+'/kv/txn', body, headers), timeout = 5)
data = json.loads(
if 'responses' not in data:
data['responses'] = []
for i, resp in enumerate(data['responses']):
if 'response_range' in resp:
if 'kvs' not in resp['response_range']:
resp['response_range']['kvs'] = []
for kv in resp['response_range']['kvs']:
kv['key'] = base64.b64decode(kv['key'].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
if kv['key'].startswith(self.cfg['etcd_prefix']+'/'):
kv['key'] = kv['key'][len(self.cfg['etcd_prefix'])+1 : ]
kv['value'] = json.loads(base64.b64decode(kv['value'].encode('utf-8')))
if len(resp.keys()) != 1:
LOG.exception('unknown responses['+str(i)+'] format: '+json.dumps(resp))
resp = data['responses'][i] = resp[list(resp.keys())[0]]
return data
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception('error calling etcd transaction: '+body.decode('utf-8')+'\nerror: '+str(e))
err = e
raise err
def _etcd_foreach(self, prefix, add_fn):
total = 0
batch = 1000
begin = prefix+'/'
while True:
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': {
'key': begin,
'range_end': prefix+'0',
'limit': batch+1,
} },
] })
i = 0
while i < batch and i < len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']):
kv = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][i]
i += 1
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) <= batch:
begin = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][batch]['key']
return total
def _update_volume_stats(self):
location_info = json.dumps({
'config': self.configuration.vitastor_config_path,
'etcd_address': self.configuration.vitastor_etcd_address,
'etcd_prefix': self.configuration.vitastor_etcd_prefix,
'pool_id': self.configuration.vitastor_pool_id,
stats = {
'vendor_name': 'Vitastor',
'driver_version': self.VERSION,
'storage_protocol': 'vitastor',
'total_capacity_gb': 'unknown',
'free_capacity_gb': 'unknown',
# FIXME check if safe_get is required
'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.safe_get('reserved_percentage'),
'multiattach': True,
'thin_provisioning_support': True,
'max_over_subscription_ratio': self.configuration.safe_get('max_over_subscription_ratio'),
'location_info': location_info,
'backend_state': 'down',
'volume_backend_name': self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') or 'vitastor',
'replication_enabled': False,
pool_stats = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'pool/stats/'+str(self.cfg['pool_id']) } }
] })
total_provisioned = 0
def add_total(kv):
nonlocal total_provisioned
if kv['key'].find('@') >= 0:
total_provisioned += kv['value']['size']
self._etcd_foreach('config/inode/'+str(self.cfg['pool_id']), lambda kv: add_total(kv))
stats['provisioned_capacity_gb'] = round(total_provisioned/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0, 2)
pool_stats = pool_stats['responses'][0]['kvs']
if len(pool_stats):
pool_stats = pool_stats[0]['value']
stats['free_capacity_gb'] = round(1024.0*(pool_stats['total_raw_tb']-pool_stats['used_raw_tb'])/pool_stats['raw_to_usable'], 2)
stats['total_capacity_gb'] = round(1024.0*pool_stats['total_raw_tb'], 2)
stats['backend_state'] = 'up'
except Exception as e:
# just log and return unknown capacities
LOG.exception('error getting vitastor pool stats: '+str(e))
self._stats = stats
2021-11-10 06:27:01 +03:00
def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
"""Get volume stats.
If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first.
if not self._stats or refresh:
return self._stats
def _next_id(self, resp):
if len(resp['kvs']) == 0:
return (1, 0)
return (1 + resp['kvs'][0]['value'], resp['kvs'][0]['mod_revision'])
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Creates a logical volume."""
size = int(volume.size) * units.Gi
# FIXME: Check if convert_str is really required
vol_name = utils.convert_str(
if vol_name.find('@') >= 0 or vol_name.find('/') >= 0:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = '@ and / are forbidden in volume and snapshot names')
LOG.debug("creating volume '%s'", vol_name)
self._create_image(vol_name, { 'size': size })
if volume.encryption_key_id:
self._create_encrypted_volume(volume, volume.obj_context)
volume_update = {}
return volume_update
def _create_encrypted_volume(self, volume, context):
"""Create a new LUKS encrypted image directly in Vitastor."""
vol_name = utils.convert_str(
f, opts = self._encrypt_opts(volume, context)
# FIXME: Check if it works at all :-)
'qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'luks', *opts,
'vitastor:image='+vol_name.replace(':', '\\:')+self._qemu_args(),
'%sM' % (volume.size * 1024)
def _encrypt_opts(self, volume, context):
encryption = volume_utils.check_encryption_provider(self.db, volume, context)
# Fetch the key associated with the volume and decode the passphrase
keymgr = key_manager.API(CONF)
key = keymgr.get(context, encryption['encryption_key_id'])
passphrase = binascii.hexlify(key.get_encoded()).decode('utf-8')
# Decode the dm-crypt style cipher spec into something qemu-img can use
cipher_spec = image_utils.decode_cipher(encryption['cipher'], encryption['key_size'])
tmp_dir = volume_utils.image_conversion_dir()
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = 'luks_', dir = tmp_dir)
return (f, [
'--object', 'secret,id=luks_sec,format=raw,file=%(passfile)s' % {'passfile':},
'-o', 'key-secret=luks_sec,cipher-alg=%(cipher_alg)s,cipher-mode=%(cipher_mode)s,ivgen-alg=%(ivgen_alg)s' % cipher_spec,
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Creates a volume snapshot."""
vol_name = utils.convert_str(snapshot.volume_name)
snap_name = utils.convert_str(
if snap_name.find('@') >= 0 or snap_name.find('/') >= 0:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = '@ and / are forbidden in volume and snapshot names')
self._create_snapshot(vol_name, vol_name+'@'+snap_name)
def snapshot_revert_use_temp_snapshot(self):
"""Disable the use of a temporary snapshot on revert."""
return False
def revert_to_snapshot(self, context, volume, snapshot):
"""Revert a volume to a given snapshot."""
vol_name = utils.convert_str(snapshot.volume_name)
snap_name = utils.convert_str(
# Delete the image and recreate it from the snapshot
args = [ 'vitastor-cli', 'rm', vol_name, *(self._vitastor_args()) ]
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.error("Failed to delete image "+vol_name+": "+exc)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = exc.stderr)
args = [
'vitastor-cli', 'create', '--parent', vol_name+'@'+snap_name,
vol_name, *(self._vitastor_args())
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.error("Failed to recreate image "+vol_name+" from "+vol_name+"@"+snap_name+": "+exc)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = exc.stderr)
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Deletes a snapshot."""
vol_name = utils.convert_str(snapshot.volume_name)
snap_name = utils.convert_str(
args = [
'vitastor-cli', 'rm', vol_name+'@'+snap_name,
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.error("Failed to remove snapshot "+vol_name+'@'+snap_name+": "+exc)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = exc.stderr)
def _child_count(self, parents):
children = 0
def add_child(kv):
nonlocal children
children += self._check_parent(kv, parents)
self._etcd_foreach('config/inode', lambda kv: add_child(kv))
return children
def _check_parent(self, kv, parents):
if 'parent_id' not in kv['value']:
return 0
parent_id = kv['value']['parent_id']
_, _, pool_id, inode_id = kv['key'].split('/')
parent_pool_id = pool_id
if 'parent_pool_id' in kv['value'] and kv['value']['parent_pool_id']:
parent_pool_id = kv['value']['parent_pool_id']
inode = (int(pool_id) << 48) | (int(inode_id) & 0xffffffffffff)
parent = (int(parent_pool_id) << 48) | (int(parent_id) & 0xffffffffffff)
if parent in parents and inode not in parents:
return 1
return 0
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
"""Create a cloned volume from another volume."""
size = int(volume.size) * units.Gi
src_name = utils.convert_str(
dest_name = utils.convert_str(
if dest_name.find('@') >= 0 or dest_name.find('/') >= 0:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = '@ and / are forbidden in volume and snapshot names')
# FIXME Do full copy if requested (cfg.disable_clone)
if src_vref.admin_metadata.get('readonly') == 'True':
# source volume is a volume-image cache entry or other readonly volume
# clone without intermediate snapshot
src = self._get_image(src_name)
LOG.debug("creating image '%s' from '%s'", dest_name, src_name)
new_cfg = self._create_image(dest_name, {
'size': size,
'parent_id': src['idx']['id'],
'parent_pool_id': src['idx']['pool_id'],
return {}
clone_snap = "%s@%s.clone_snap" % (src_name, dest_name)
make_img = True
if (volume.display_name and
volume.display_name.startswith('image-') and
src_vref.project_id != volume.project_id):
# idiotic openstack creates image-volume cache entries
# as clones of normal VM volumes... :-X prevent it :-D
clone_snap = dest_name
make_img = False
LOG.debug("creating layer '%s' under '%s'", clone_snap, src_name)
new_cfg = self._create_snapshot(src_name, clone_snap, True)
if make_img:
# Then create a clone from it
new_cfg = self._create_image(dest_name, {
'size': size,
'parent_id': new_cfg['parent_id'],
'parent_pool_id': new_cfg['parent_pool_id'],
return {}
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Creates a cloned volume from an existing snapshot."""
vol_name = utils.convert_str(
snap_name = utils.convert_str(
snap = self._get_image('volume-'+snapshot.volume_id+'@'+snap_name)
if not snap:
raise exception.SnapshotNotFound(snapshot_id = snap_name)
snap_inode_id = int(resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['value']['id'])
snap_pool_id = int(resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['value']['pool_id'])
size = snap['cfg']['size']
if int(volume.size):
size = int(volume.size) * units.Gi
new_cfg = self._create_image(vol_name, {
'size': size,
'parent_id': snap['idx']['id'],
'parent_pool_id': snap['idx']['pool_id'],
return {}
def _vitastor_args(self):
args = []
for k in [ 'config_path', 'etcd_address', 'etcd_prefix' ]:
v = self.configuration.safe_get('vitastor_'+k)
if v:
args.extend(['--'+k, v])
return args
def _qemu_args(self):
args = ''
for k in [ 'config_path', 'etcd_address', 'etcd_prefix' ]:
v = self.configuration.safe_get('vitastor_'+k)
kk = k
if kk == 'etcd_address':
# FIXME use etcd_address in qemu driver
kk = 'etcd_host'
if v:
args += ':'+kk.replace('_', '-')+'='+v.replace(':', '\\:')
return args
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Deletes a logical volume."""
vol_name = utils.convert_str(
# Find the volume and all its snapshots
range_end = b'index/image/' + vol_name.encode('utf-8')
range_end = range_end[0 : len(range_end)-1] + six.int2byte(range_end[len(range_end)-1] + 1)
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name, 'range_end': range_end } },
] })
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) == 0:
# already deleted"volume %s no longer exists in backend", vol_name)
layers = resp['responses'][0]['kvs']
layer_ids = {}
for kv in layers:
inode_id = int(kv['value']['id'])
pool_id = int(kv['value']['pool_id'])
inode_pool_id = (pool_id << 48) | (inode_id & 0xffffffffffff)
layer_ids[inode_pool_id] = True
# Check if the volume has clones and raise 'busy' if so
children = self._child_count(layer_ids)
if children > 0:
raise exception.VolumeIsBusy(volume_name = vol_name)
# Clear data
for kv in layers:
args = [
2021-10-23 10:37:48 +03:00
'vitastor-cli', 'rm-data', '--pool', str(kv['value']['pool_id']),
'--inode', str(kv['value']['id']), '--progress', '0',
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.error("Failed to remove layer "+kv['key']+": "+exc)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = exc.stderr)
# Delete all layers from etcd
requests = []
for kv in layers:
requests.append({ 'request_delete_range': { 'key': kv['key'] } })
requests.append({ 'request_delete_range': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(kv['value']['pool_id'])+'/'+str(kv['value']['id']) } })
self._etcd_txn({ 'success': requests })
def retype(self, context, volume, new_type, diff, host):
"""Change extra type specifications for a volume."""
# FIXME Maybe (in the future) support multiple pools as different types
return True, {}
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
"""Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
def create_export(self, context, volume, connector):
"""Exports the volume."""
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Removes an export for a logical volume."""
def _create_image(self, vol_name, cfg):
pool_s = str(self.cfg['pool_id'])
image_id = 0
while image_id == 0:
# check if the image already exists and find a free ID
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name } },
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'index/maxid/'+pool_s } },
] })
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) > 0:
# already exists
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = 'Volume '+vol_name+' already exists')
image_id, id_mod = self._next_id(resp['responses'][1])
# try to create the image
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'compare': [
{ 'target': 'MOD', 'mod_revision': id_mod, 'key': 'index/maxid/'+pool_s },
{ 'target': 'VERSION', 'version': 0, 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name },
{ 'target': 'VERSION', 'version': 0, 'key': 'config/inode/'+pool_s+'/'+str(image_id) },
], 'success': [
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'index/maxid/'+pool_s, 'value': image_id } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name, 'value': json.dumps({
'id': image_id, 'pool_id': self.cfg['pool_id']
}) } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+pool_s+'/'+str(image_id), 'value': json.dumps({
**cfg, 'name': vol_name,
}) } },
] })
if not resp.get('succeeded'):
# repeat
image_id = 0
def _create_snapshot(self, vol_name, snap_vol_name, allow_existing = False):
while True:
# check if the image already exists and snapshot doesn't
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name } },
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'index/image/'+snap_vol_name } },
] })
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) == 0:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = 'Volume '+vol_name+' does not exist')
if len(resp['responses'][1]['kvs']) > 0:
if allow_existing:
snap_idx = resp['responses'][1]['kvs'][0]['value']
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(snap_idx['pool_id'])+'/'+str(snap_idx['id']) } },
] })
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) == 0:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data =
'Volume '+snap_vol_name+' is already indexed, but does not exist'
return resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['value']
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
data = 'Volume '+snap_vol_name+' already exists'
vol_idx = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['value']
vol_idx_mod = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['mod_revision']
# get image inode config and find a new ID
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol_idx['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol_idx['id']) } },
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'index/maxid/'+str(self.cfg['pool_id']) } },
] })
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) == 0:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = 'Volume '+vol_name+' does not exist')
vol_cfg = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['value']
vol_mod = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['mod_revision']
new_id, id_mod = self._next_id(resp['responses'][1])
# try to redirect image to the new inode
new_cfg = {
**vol_cfg, 'name': vol_name, 'parent_id': vol_idx['id'], 'parent_pool_id': vol_idx['pool_id']
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'compare': [
{ 'target': 'MOD', 'mod_revision': vol_idx_mod, 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name },
{ 'target': 'MOD', 'mod_revision': vol_mod, 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol_idx['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol_idx['id']) },
{ 'target': 'MOD', 'mod_revision': id_mod, 'key': 'index/maxid/'+str(self.cfg['pool_id']) },
{ 'target': 'VERSION', 'version': 0, 'key': 'index/image/'+snap_vol_name },
{ 'target': 'VERSION', 'version': 0, 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(self.cfg['pool_id'])+'/'+str(new_id) },
], 'success': [
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'index/maxid/'+str(self.cfg['pool_id']), 'value': new_id } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name, 'value': json.dumps({
'id': new_id, 'pool_id': self.cfg['pool_id']
}) } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(self.cfg['pool_id'])+'/'+str(new_id), 'value': json.dumps(new_cfg) } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'index/image/'+snap_vol_name, 'value': json.dumps({
'id': vol_idx['id'], 'pool_id': vol_idx['pool_id']
}) } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol_idx['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol_idx['id']), 'value': json.dumps({
**vol_cfg, 'name': snap_vol_name, 'readonly': True
}) } }
] })
if resp.get('succeeded'):
return new_cfg
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
data = {
'driver_volume_type': 'vitastor',
'data': {
'config_path': self.configuration.vitastor_config_path,
'etcd_address': self.configuration.vitastor_etcd_address,
'etcd_prefix': self.configuration.vitastor_etcd_prefix,
'logical_block_size': '512',
'physical_block_size': '4096',
LOG.debug('connection data: %s', data)
return data
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
def clone_image(self, context, volume, image_location, image_meta, image_service):
if image_location:
# Note: image_location[0] is glance image direct_url.
# image_location[1] contains the list of all locations (including
# direct_url) or None if show_multiple_locations is False in
# glance configuration.
if image_location[1]:
url_locations = [location['url'] for location in image_location[1]]
url_locations = [image_location[0]]
# iterate all locations to look for a cloneable one.
for url_location in url_locations:
if url_location and url_location.startswith('cinder://'):
# The idea is to use cinder://<volume-id> Glance volumes as base images
base_vol = self.db.volume_get(context, url_location[len('cinder://') : ])
if not base_vol or base_vol.volume_type_id != volume.volume_type_id:
size = int(volume.size) * units.Gi
dest_name = utils.convert_str(
# Find or create the base snapshot
snap_cfg = self._create_snapshot(,'@.clone_snap', True)
# Then create a clone from it
new_cfg = self._create_image(dest_name, {
'size': size,
'parent_id': snap_cfg['parent_id'],
'parent_pool_id': snap_cfg['parent_pool_id'],
return ({}, True)
return ({}, False)
def copy_image_to_encrypted_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id):
self.copy_image_to_volume(context, volume, image_service, image_id, encrypted = True)
def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id, encrypted = False):
tmp_dir = volume_utils.image_conversion_dir()
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir = tmp_dir) as tmp:
context, image_service, image_id,,
self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize, size = volume.size
out_format = [ '-O', 'raw' ]
if encrypted:
key_file, opts = self._encrypt_opts(volume, context)
out_format = [ '-O', 'luks', *opts ]
dest_name = utils.convert_str(
'qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw',, *out_format,
'vitastor:image='+dest_name.replace(':', '\\:')+self._qemu_args()
if encrypted:
def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta):
tmp_dir = volume_utils.image_conversion_dir()
tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, + '-' + image_meta['id'])
with fileutils.remove_path_on_error(tmp_file):
vol_name = utils.convert_str(
'qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw',
'vitastor:image='+vol_name.replace(':', '\\:')+self._qemu_args(),
'-O', 'raw', tmp_file
# FIXME: Copy directly if the destination image is also in Vitastor
volume_utils.upload_volume(context, image_service, image_meta, tmp_file, volume)
def _get_image(self, vol_name):
# find the image
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'index/image/'+vol_name } },
] })
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) == 0:
return None
vol_idx = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['value']
vol_idx_mod = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['mod_revision']
# get image inode config
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'success': [
{ 'request_range': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol_idx['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol_idx['id']) } },
] })
if len(resp['responses'][0]['kvs']) == 0:
return None
vol_cfg = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['value']
vol_cfg_mod = resp['responses'][0]['kvs'][0]['mod_revision']
return {
'cfg': vol_cfg,
'cfg_mod': vol_cfg_mod,
'idx': vol_idx,
'idx_mod': vol_idx_mod,
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend an existing volume."""
vol_name = utils.convert_str(
while True:
vol = self._get_image(vol_name)
if not vol:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = 'Volume '+vol_name+' does not exist')
# change size
size = int(new_size) * units.Gi
if size == vol['cfg']['size']:
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'compare': [ {
'target': 'MOD',
'mod_revision': vol['cfg_mod'],
'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol['idx']['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol['idx']['id']),
} ], 'success': [
{ 'request_put': {
'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol['idx']['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol['idx']['id']),
'value': json.dumps({ **vol['cfg'], 'size': size }),
} },
] })
if resp.get('succeeded'):
"Extend volume from %(old_size)s GB to %(new_size)s GB.",
{'old_size': volume.size, 'new_size': new_size}
def _add_manageable_volume(self, kv, manageable_volumes, cinder_ids):
cfg = kv['value']
if kv['key'].find('@') >= 0:
# snapshot
image_id = volume_utils.extract_id_from_volume_name(cfg['name'])
image_info = {
'reference': {'source-name': image_name},
'size': int(math.ceil(float(cfg['size']) / units.Gi)),
'cinder_id': None,
'extra_info': None,
if image_id in cinder_ids:
image_info['cinder_id'] = image_id
image_info['safe_to_manage'] = False
image_info['reason_not_safe'] = 'already managed'
image_info['safe_to_manage'] = True
image_info['reason_not_safe'] = None
def get_manageable_volumes(self, cinder_volumes, marker, limit, offset, sort_keys, sort_dirs):
manageable_volumes = []
cinder_ids = [resource['id'] for resource in cinder_volumes]
# List all volumes
# FIXME: It's possible to use pagination in our case, but.. do we want it?
lambda kv: self._add_manageable_volume(kv, manageable_volumes, cinder_ids))
return volume_utils.paginate_entries_list(
manageable_volumes, marker, limit, offset, sort_keys, sort_dirs)
def _get_existing_name(existing_ref):
if not isinstance(existing_ref, dict):
existing_ref = {"source-name": existing_ref}
if 'source-name' not in existing_ref:
reason = _('Reference must contain source-name element.')
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason)
src_name = utils.convert_str(existing_ref['source-name'])
if not src_name:
reason = _('Reference must contain source-name element.')
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason)
return src_name
def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Return size of an existing image for manage_existing.
2021-11-10 06:47:58 +03:00
:param volume: volume ref info to be set
:param existing_ref: {'source-name': <image name>}
src_name = self._get_existing_name(existing_ref)
vol = self._get_image(src_name)
if not vol:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = 'Volume '+src_name+' does not exist')
return int(math.ceil(float(vol['cfg']['size']) / units.Gi))
def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Manages an existing image.
2021-11-10 06:47:58 +03:00
Renames the image name to match the expected name for the volume.
2021-11-10 06:47:58 +03:00
:param volume: volume ref info to be set
:param existing_ref: {'source-name': <image name>}
from_name = self._get_existing_name(existing_ref)
to_name = utils.convert_str(
self._rename(from_name, to_name)
def _rename(self, from_name, to_name):
while True:
vol = self._get_image(from_name)
if not vol:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = 'Volume '+from_name+' does not exist')
to = self._get_image(to_name)
if to:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data = 'Volume '+to_name+' already exists')
resp = self._etcd_txn({ 'compare': [
{ 'target': 'MOD', 'mod_revision': vol['idx_mod'], 'key': 'index/image/'+vol['cfg']['name'] },
{ 'target': 'MOD', 'mod_revision': vol['cfg_mod'], 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol['idx']['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol['idx']['id']) },
{ 'target': 'VERSION', 'version': 0, 'key': 'index/image/'+to_name },
], 'success': [
{ 'request_delete_range': { 'key': 'index/image/'+vol['cfg']['name'] } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'index/image/'+to_name, 'value': json.dumps(vol['idx']) } },
{ 'request_put': { 'key': 'config/inode/'+str(vol['idx']['pool_id'])+'/'+str(vol['idx']['id']),
'value': json.dumps({ **vol['cfg'], 'name': to_name }) } },
] })
if resp.get('succeeded'):
def unmanage(self, volume):
def _add_manageable_snapshot(self, kv, manageable_snapshots, cinder_ids):
cfg = kv['value']
dog = kv['key'].find('@')
if dog < 0:
# snapshot
image_name = kv['key'][0 : dog]
snap_name = kv['key'][dog+1 : ]
snapshot_id = volume_utils.extract_id_from_snapshot_name(snap_name)
snapshot_info = {
'reference': {'source-name': snap_name},
'size': int(math.ceil(float(cfg['size']) / units.Gi)),
'cinder_id': None,
'extra_info': None,
'safe_to_manage': False,
'reason_not_safe': None,
'source_reference': {'source-name': image_name}
if snapshot_id in cinder_ids:
# Exclude snapshots already managed.
snapshot_info['reason_not_safe'] = ('already managed')
snapshot_info['cinder_id'] = snapshot_id
elif snap_name.endswith('.clone_snap'):
# Exclude clone snapshot.
snapshot_info['reason_not_safe'] = ('used for clone snap')
snapshot_info['safe_to_manage'] = True
def get_manageable_snapshots(self, cinder_snapshots, marker, limit, offset, sort_keys, sort_dirs):
"""List manageable snapshots in Vitastor."""
manageable_snapshots = []
cinder_snapshot_ids = [resource['id'] for resource in cinder_snapshots]
# List all volumes
# FIXME: It's possible to use pagination in our case, but.. do we want it?
lambda kv: self._add_manageable_volume(kv, manageable_snapshots, cinder_snapshot_ids))
return volume_utils.paginate_entries_list(
manageable_snapshots, marker, limit, offset, sort_keys, sort_dirs)
def manage_existing_snapshot_get_size(self, snapshot, existing_ref):
"""Return size of an existing image for manage_existing.
2021-11-10 06:47:58 +03:00
:param snapshot: snapshot ref info to be set
:param existing_ref: {'source-name': <name of snapshot>}
vol_name = utils.convert_str(snapshot.volume_name)
snap_name = self._get_existing_name(existing_ref)
vol = self._get_image(vol_name+'@'+snap_name)
if not vol:
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
existing_ref=snapshot_name, reason='Specified snapshot does not exist.'
return int(math.ceil(float(vol['cfg']['size']) / units.Gi))
def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot, existing_ref):
"""Manages an existing snapshot.
2021-11-10 06:47:58 +03:00
Renames the snapshot name to match the expected name for the snapshot.
Error checking done by manage_existing_get_size is not repeated.
2021-11-10 06:47:58 +03:00
:param snapshot: snapshot ref info to be set
:param existing_ref: {'source-name': <name of snapshot>}
vol_name = utils.convert_str(snapshot.volume_name)
snap_name = self._get_existing_name(existing_ref)
from_name = vol_name+'@'+snap_name
to_name = vol_name+'@'+utils.convert_str(
self._rename(from_name, to_name)
def unmanage_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Removes the specified snapshot from Cinder management."""
def _dumps(self, obj):
return json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True)