Add jerasure EC support (reed_sol_van, others are slower) (not tested yet)

Vitaliy Filippov 2020-11-30 00:08:25 +03:00
parent 5596ad8997
commit a4c46ba745
13 changed files with 669 additions and 254 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ QEMU_PLUGINDIR ?= /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qemu
BLOCKSTORE_OBJS := allocator.o blockstore.o blockstore_impl.o blockstore_init.o blockstore_open.o blockstore_journal.o blockstore_read.o \
blockstore_write.o blockstore_sync.o blockstore_stable.o blockstore_rollback.o blockstore_flush.o crc32c.o ringloop.o
# -fsanitize=address
CXXFLAGS := -g -O3 -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-comment -Wno-parentheses -Wno-pointer-arith -fPIC -fdiagnostics-color=always
CXXFLAGS := -g -O3 -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-comment -Wno-parentheses -Wno-pointer-arith -fPIC -fdiagnostics-color=always -I/usr/include/jerasure
all: osd stub_osd stub_uring_osd stub_bench osd_test dump_journal nbd_proxy rm_inode
rm -f *.o osd stub_osd stub_uring_osd stub_bench osd_test dump_journal nbd_proxy rm_inode
@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ OSD_OBJS := osd.o osd_secondary.o msgr_receive.o msgr_send.o osd_peering.o osd_f
osd_primary.o osd_primary_subops.o etcd_state_client.o messenger.o osd_cluster.o http_client.o osd_ops.o pg_states.o \
osd_rmw.o json11.o base64.o timerfd_manager.o epoll_manager.o
osd: ./ osd_main.cpp osd.h osd_ops.h $(OSD_OBJS)
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -Wl,-rpath,'$(LIBDIR)/vitastor' -o $@ osd_main.cpp $(OSD_OBJS) ./ -ltcmalloc_minimal -luring
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -Wl,-rpath,'$(LIBDIR)/vitastor' -o $@ osd_main.cpp $(OSD_OBJS) ./ -ltcmalloc_minimal -luring -lJerasure
stub_osd: stub_osd.o rw_blocking.o
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ stub_osd.o rw_blocking.o -ltcmalloc_minimal
osd_rmw_test: osd_rmw_test.o
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ osd_rmw_test.o
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ osd_rmw_test.o -lJerasure -fsanitize=address
STUB_URING_OSD_OBJS := stub_uring_osd.o epoll_manager.o messenger.o msgr_send.o msgr_receive.o ringloop.o timerfd_manager.o json11.o
stub_uring_osd: $(STUB_URING_OSD_OBJS)

View File

@ -319,67 +319,98 @@ void etcd_state_client_t::parse_state(const std::string & key, const json11::Jso
for (auto & pool_item: value.object_items())
pool_config_t pc;
// ID
pool_id_t pool_id = stoull_full(pool_item.first);
if (!pool_id || pool_id >= POOL_ID_MAX)
printf("Pool ID %s is invalid (must be a number less than 0x%x), skipping pool\n", pool_item.first.c_str(), POOL_ID_MAX);
if (pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value() < 1 ||
pool_item.second["scheme"] == "xor" && pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value() < 3)
printf("Pool %u has invalid pg_size, skipping pool\n", pool_id);
if (pool_item.second["pg_minsize"].uint64_value() < 1 ||
pool_item.second["pg_minsize"].uint64_value() > pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value() ||
pool_item.second["pg_minsize"].uint64_value() < (pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value() - 1))
printf("Pool %u has invalid pg_minsize, skipping pool\n", pool_id);
if (pool_item.second["pg_count"].uint64_value() < 1)
printf("Pool %u has invalid pg_count, skipping pool\n", pool_id);
if (pool_item.second["name"].string_value() == "") = pool_id;
// Pool Name = pool_item.second["name"].string_value();
if ( == "")
printf("Pool %u has empty name, skipping pool\n", pool_id);
if (pool_item.second["scheme"] != "replicated" && pool_item.second["scheme"] != "xor")
// Failure Domain
pc.failure_domain = pool_item.second["failure_domain"].string_value();
// Coding Scheme
if (pool_item.second["scheme"] == "replicated")
else if (pool_item.second["scheme"] == "xor")
pc.scheme = POOL_SCHEME_XOR;
else if (pool_item.second["scheme"] == "jerasure")
printf("Pool %u has invalid coding scheme (only \"xor\" and \"replicated\" are allowed), skipping pool\n", pool_id);
printf("Pool %u has invalid coding scheme (one of \"xor\", \"replicated\" or \"jerasure\" required), skipping pool\n", pool_id);
if (pool_item.second["max_osd_combinations"].uint64_value() > 0 &&
pool_item.second["max_osd_combinations"].uint64_value() < 100)
// PG Size
pc.pg_size = pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value();
if (pc.pg_size < 1 ||
pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value() < 3 &&
(pc.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_XOR || pc.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_JERASURE) ||
pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value() > 256)
printf("Pool %u has invalid pg_size, skipping pool\n", pool_id);
// Parity Chunks
pc.parity_chunks = pool_item.second["parity_chunks"].uint64_value();
if (pc.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_XOR)
if (pc.parity_chunks > 1)
printf("Pool %u has invalid parity_chunks (must be 1), skipping pool\n", pool_id);
pc.parity_chunks = 1;
if (pc.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_JERASURE &&
(pc.parity_chunks < 1 || pc.parity_chunks > pc.pg_size-2))
printf("Pool %u has invalid parity_chunks (must be between 1 and pg_size-2), skipping pool\n", pool_id);
// PG MinSize
pc.pg_minsize = pool_item.second["pg_minsize"].uint64_value();
if (pc.pg_minsize < 1 || pc.pg_minsize > pc.pg_size ||
(pc.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_XOR || pc.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_JERASURE) &&
pc.pg_minsize < (pc.pg_size-pc.parity_chunks))
printf("Pool %u has invalid pg_minsize, skipping pool\n", pool_id);
// PG Count
pc.pg_count = pool_item.second["pg_count"].uint64_value();
if (pc.pg_count < 1)
printf("Pool %u has invalid pg_count, skipping pool\n", pool_id);
// Max OSD Combinations
pc.max_osd_combinations = pool_item.second["max_osd_combinations"].uint64_value();
if (!pc.max_osd_combinations)
pc.max_osd_combinations = 10000;
if (pc.max_osd_combinations > 0 && pc.max_osd_combinations < 100)
printf("Pool %u has invalid max_osd_combinations (must be at least 100), skipping pool\n", pool_id);
// PG Stripe Size
pc.pg_stripe_size = pool_item.second["pg_stripe_size"].uint64_value();
uint64_t min_stripe_size = bs_block_size * (pc.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? 1 : (pc.pg_size-pc.parity_chunks));
if (pc.pg_stripe_size < min_stripe_size)
pc.pg_stripe_size = min_stripe_size;
// Save
std::swap(pc.pg_config, this->pool_config[pool_id].pg_config);
std::swap(this->pool_config[pool_id], pc);
auto & parsed_cfg = this->pool_config[pool_id];
parsed_cfg.exists = true; = pool_id; = pool_item.second["name"].string_value();
parsed_cfg.scheme = pool_item.second["scheme"] == "replicated" ? POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED : POOL_SCHEME_XOR;
parsed_cfg.pg_size = pool_item.second["pg_size"].uint64_value();
parsed_cfg.pg_minsize = pool_item.second["pg_minsize"].uint64_value();
parsed_cfg.pg_count = pool_item.second["pg_count"].uint64_value();
parsed_cfg.failure_domain = pool_item.second["failure_domain"].string_value();
parsed_cfg.pg_stripe_size = pool_item.second["pg_stripe_size"].uint64_value();
uint64_t min_stripe_size = bs_block_size *
(parsed_cfg.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? 1 : parsed_cfg.pg_minsize);
if (parsed_cfg.pg_stripe_size < min_stripe_size)
parsed_cfg.pg_stripe_size = min_stripe_size;
parsed_cfg.max_osd_combinations = pool_item.second["max_osd_combinations"].uint64_value();
if (!parsed_cfg.max_osd_combinations)
parsed_cfg.max_osd_combinations = 10000;
for (auto & pg_item: parsed_cfg.pg_config)
if (pg_item.second.target_set.size() != parsed_cfg.pg_size)

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ struct pool_config_t
pool_id_t id;
std::string name;
uint64_t scheme;
uint64_t pg_size, pg_minsize;
uint64_t pg_size, pg_minsize, parity_chunks;
uint64_t pg_count;
uint64_t real_pg_count;
std::string failure_domain;

View File

@ -91,9 +91,12 @@ const etcd_tree = {
/* pools: {
<id>: {
name: 'testpool',
scheme: 'xor',
// jerasure uses Reed-Solomon-Vandermonde codes
scheme: 'replicated' | 'xor' | 'jerasure',
pg_size: 3,
pg_minsize: 2,
// number of parity chunks, required for jerasure
parity_chunks?: 1,
pg_count: 100,
failure_domain: 'host',
max_osd_combinations: 10000,
@ -636,6 +639,7 @@ class Mon
pool_cfg.pg_size = Math.floor(pool_cfg.pg_size);
pool_cfg.pg_minsize = Math.floor(pool_cfg.pg_minsize);
pool_cfg.parity_chunks = Math.floor(pool_cfg.parity_chunks) || undefined;
pool_cfg.pg_count = Math.floor(pool_cfg.pg_count);
pool_cfg.failure_domain = pool_cfg.failure_domain || 'host';
pool_cfg.max_osd_combinations = Math.floor(pool_cfg.max_osd_combinations) || 10000;
@ -645,8 +649,14 @@ class Mon
console.log('Pool ID '+pool_id+' is invalid');
return false;
if (!pool_cfg.pg_size || pool_cfg.pg_size < 1 ||
pool_cfg.scheme === 'xor' && pool_cfg.pg_size < 3)
if (pool_cfg.scheme !== 'xor' && pool_cfg.scheme !== 'replicated' && pool_cfg.scheme !== 'jerasure')
if (warn)
console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid coding scheme (one of "xor", "replicated" and "jerasure" required)');
return false;
if (!pool_cfg.pg_size || pool_cfg.pg_size < 1 || pool_cfg.pg_size > 256 ||
(pool_cfg.scheme === 'xor' || pool_cfg.scheme == 'jerasure') && pool_cfg.pg_size < 3)
if (warn)
console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid pg_size');
@ -659,6 +669,18 @@ class Mon
console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid pg_minsize');
return false;
if (pool_cfg.scheme === 'xor' && pool_cfg.parity_chunks != 0 && pool_cfg.parity_chunks != 1)
if (warn)
console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid parity_chunks (must be 1)');
return false;
if (pool_cfg.scheme === 'jerasure' && (pool_cfg.parity_chunks < 1 || pool_cfg.parity_chunks > pool_cfg.pg_size-2))
if (warn)
console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid parity_chunks (must be between 1 and pg_size-2)');
return false;
if (!pool_cfg.pg_count || pool_cfg.pg_count < 1)
if (warn)
@ -671,12 +693,6 @@ class Mon
console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has empty name');
return false;
if (pool_cfg.scheme !== 'xor' && pool_cfg.scheme !== 'replicated')
if (warn)
console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid coding scheme (only "xor" and "replicated" are allowed)');
return false;
if (pool_cfg.max_osd_combinations < 100)
if (warn)

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "osd.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "etcd_state_client.h"
#include "osd_rmw.h"
// Startup sequence:
// Start etcd watcher -> Load global OSD configuration -> Bind socket -> Acquire lease -> Report&lock OSD state
@ -32,12 +33,26 @@ void osd_t::init_cluster()
pgs[{ 1, 1 }] = (pg_t){
.state = PG_PEERING,
.scheme = POOL_SCHEME_XOR,
.pg_cursize = 0,
.pg_size = 3,
.pg_minsize = 2,
.parity_chunks = 1,
.pool_id = 1,
.pg_num = 1,
.target_set = { 1, 2, 3 },
.cur_set = { 0, 0, 0 },
st_cli.pool_config[1] = (pool_config_t){
.exists = true,
.id = 1,
.name = "testpool",
.scheme = POOL_SCHEME_XOR,
.pg_size = 3,
.pg_minsize = 2,
.pg_count = 1,
.real_pg_count = 1,
report_pg_state(pgs[{ 1, 1 }]);
pg_counts[1] = 1;
@ -583,6 +598,7 @@ void osd_t::apply_pg_config()
.pg_cursize = 0,
.pg_size = pool_item.second.pg_size,
.pg_minsize = pool_item.second.pg_minsize,
.parity_chunks = pool_item.second.parity_chunks,
.pool_id = pool_id,
.pg_num = pg_num,
.reported_epoch = pg_cfg.epoch,
@ -590,6 +606,10 @@ void osd_t::apply_pg_config()
.all_peers = std::vector<osd_num_t>(all_peers.begin(), all_peers.end()),
.target_set = pg_cfg.target_set,
if (pg.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_JERASURE)
use_jerasure(pg.pg_size, pg.pg_size-pg.parity_chunks, true);
this->pg_state_dirty.insert({ .pool_id = pool_id, .pg_num = pg_num });
if (pg_cfg.cur_primary == this->osd_num)
@ -778,6 +798,10 @@ void osd_t::report_pg_states()
// Remove offline PGs after reporting their state
if (pg_it->second.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_JERASURE)
use_jerasure(pg_it->second.pg_size, pg_it->second.pg_size-pg_it->second.parity_chunks, false);

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#define POOL_ID_MAX 0x10000
#define POOL_ID_BITS 16
#define INODE_POOL(inode) (pool_id_t)((inode) >> (64 - POOL_ID_BITS))

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ struct pg_t
int state = 0;
uint64_t scheme = 0;
uint64_t pg_cursize = 0, pg_size = 0, pg_minsize = 0;
uint64_t pg_cursize = 0, pg_size = 0, pg_minsize = 0, parity_chunks = 0;
pool_id_t pool_id = 0;
pg_num_t pg_num = 0;
uint64_t clean_count = 0, total_count = 0;

View File

@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ bool osd_t::prepare_primary_rw(osd_op_t *cur_op)
// PG number is calculated from the offset
// Our EC scheme stores data in fixed chunks equal to (K*block size)
// K = pg_minsize in case of EC/XOR, or 1 for replicated pools
// K = (pg_size-parity_chunks) in case of EC/XOR, or 1 for replicated pools
pool_id_t pool_id = INODE_POOL(cur_op->;
// FIXME: We have to access pool config here, so make sure that it doesn't change while its PGs are active...
auto pool_cfg_it = st_cli.pool_config.find(pool_id);
if (pool_cfg_it == st_cli.pool_config.end())
@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ bool osd_t::prepare_primary_rw(osd_op_t *cur_op)
return false;
auto & pool_cfg = pool_cfg_it->second;
uint64_t pg_block_size = bs_block_size * (pool_cfg.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? 1 : pool_cfg.pg_minsize);
uint64_t pg_data_size = (pool_cfg.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? 1 : pool_cfg.pg_size-pool_cfg.parity_chunks);
uint64_t pg_block_size = bs_block_size * pg_data_size;
object_id oid = {
.inode = cur_op->,
// oid.stripe = starting offset of the parity stripe
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ bool osd_t::prepare_primary_rw(osd_op_t *cur_op)
if (pg_it == pgs.end() || !(pg_it->second.state & PG_ACTIVE))
// This OSD is not primary for this PG or the PG is inactive
// FIXME: Allow reads from PGs degraded under pg_minsize, but don't allow writes
finish_op(cur_op, -EPIPE);
return false;
@ -54,9 +57,9 @@ bool osd_t::prepare_primary_rw(osd_op_t *cur_op)
op_data->oid = oid;
op_data->stripes = ((osd_rmw_stripe_t*)(op_data+1));
op_data->scheme = pool_cfg.scheme;
op_data->pg_data_size = pg_data_size;
cur_op->op_data = op_data;
split_stripes((pool_cfg.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? 1 : pg_it->second.pg_minsize),
bs_block_size, (uint32_t)(cur_op-> - oid.stripe), cur_op->, op_data->stripes);
split_stripes(pg_data_size, bs_block_size, (uint32_t)(cur_op-> - oid.stripe), cur_op->, op_data->stripes);
return true;
@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ void osd_t::continue_primary_read(osd_op_t *cur_op)
else if (op_data->st == 2) goto resume_2;
auto & pg = pgs[{ .pool_id = INODE_POOL(op_data->oid.inode), .pg_num = op_data->pg_num }];
for (int role = 0; role < (op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? 1 : pg.pg_minsize); role++)
for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_data_size; role++)
op_data->stripes[role].read_start = op_data->stripes[role].req_start;
op_data->stripes[role].read_end = op_data->stripes[role].req_end;
@ -112,24 +115,23 @@ void osd_t::continue_primary_read(osd_op_t *cur_op)
if (pg.state == PG_ACTIVE || op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED)
// Fast happy-path
cur_op->buf = alloc_read_buffer(op_data->stripes,
(op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? 1 : pg.pg_minsize), 0);
cur_op->buf = alloc_read_buffer(op_data->stripes, op_data->pg_data_size, 0);
submit_primary_subops(SUBMIT_READ, op_data->target_ver,
(op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? pg.pg_size : pg.pg_minsize),, cur_op);
(op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? pg.pg_size : op_data->pg_data_size),, cur_op);
op_data->st = 1;
// PG may be degraded or have misplaced objects
uint64_t* cur_set = get_object_osd_set(pg, op_data->oid,, &op_data->object_state);
if (extend_missing_stripes(op_data->stripes, cur_set, pg.pg_minsize, pg.pg_size) < 0)
if (extend_missing_stripes(op_data->stripes, cur_set, op_data->pg_data_size, pg.pg_size) < 0)
finish_op(cur_op, -EIO);
// Submit reads
op_data->pg_minsize = pg.pg_minsize;
op_data->pg_size = pg.pg_size;
op_data->scheme = pg.scheme;
op_data->degraded = 1;
cur_op->buf = alloc_read_buffer(op_data->stripes, pg.pg_size, 0);
submit_primary_subops(SUBMIT_READ, op_data->target_ver, pg.pg_size, cur_set, cur_op);
@ -147,14 +149,17 @@ resume_2:
if (op_data->degraded)
// Reconstruct missing stripes
// FIXME: Always EC(k+1) by now. Add different coding schemes
osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes = op_data->stripes;
for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_minsize; role++)
if (op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_XOR)
reconstruct_stripes_xor(stripes, op_data->pg_size);
else if (op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_JERASURE)
reconstruct_stripes_jerasure(stripes, op_data->pg_size, op_data->pg_data_size);
for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++)
if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing)
reconstruct_stripe_xor(stripes, op_data->pg_size, role);
if (stripes[role].req_end != 0)
// Send buffer in parts to avoid copying
@ -245,7 +250,7 @@ resume_1:
cur_op->rmw_buf = calc_rmw(cur_op->buf, op_data->stripes, op_data->prev_set,
pg.pg_size, pg.pg_minsize, pg.pg_cursize,, bs_block_size);
pg.pg_size, op_data->pg_data_size, pg.pg_cursize,, bs_block_size);
if (!cur_op->rmw_buf)
// Refuse partial overwrite of an incomplete object
@ -285,7 +290,14 @@ resume_3:
// Recover missing stripes, calculate parity
calc_rmw_parity_xor(op_data->stripes, pg.pg_size, op_data->prev_set,, bs_block_size);
if (pg.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_XOR)
calc_rmw_parity_xor(op_data->stripes, pg.pg_size, op_data->prev_set,, bs_block_size);
else if (pg.scheme == POOL_SCHEME_JERASURE)
calc_rmw_parity_jerasure(op_data->stripes, pg.pg_size, op_data->pg_data_size, op_data->prev_set,, bs_block_size);
// Send writes
if ((op_data->fact_ver >> (64-PG_EPOCH_BITS)) < pg.epoch)

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ struct osd_primary_op_data_t
uint64_t fact_ver = 0;
uint64_t scheme = 0;
int n_subops = 0, done = 0, errors = 0, epipe = 0;
int degraded = 0, pg_size, pg_minsize;
int degraded = 0, pg_size, pg_data_size;
osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes;
osd_op_t *subops = NULL;
uint64_t *prev_set = NULL;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <jerasure/reed_sol.h>
#include <jerasure.h>
#include <map>
#include "xor.h"
#include "osd_rmw.h"
#include "malloc_or_die.h"
@ -75,44 +78,151 @@ void split_stripes(uint64_t pg_minsize, uint32_t bs_block_size, uint32_t start,
void reconstruct_stripe_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int role)
void reconstruct_stripes_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size)
int prev = -2;
for (int other = 0; other < pg_size; other++)
for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++)
if (other != role)
if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing)
if (prev == -2)
// Reconstruct missing stripe (XOR k+1)
int prev = -2;
for (int other = 0; other < pg_size; other++)
prev = other;
else if (prev >= 0)
assert(stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[prev].read_start &&
stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[other].read_start);
stripes[prev].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[prev].read_start),
stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start),
stripes[role].read_buf, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start
prev = -1;
assert(stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[other].read_start);
stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start),
stripes[role].read_buf, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start
if (other != role)
if (prev == -2)
prev = other;
else if (prev >= 0)
assert(stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[prev].read_start &&
stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[other].read_start);
stripes[prev].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[prev].read_start),
stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start),
stripes[role].read_buf, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start
prev = -1;
assert(stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[other].read_start);
stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start),
stripes[role].read_buf, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start
int extend_missing_stripes(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, osd_num_t *osd_set, int minsize, int size)
struct reed_sol_matrix_t
for (int role = 0; role < minsize; role++)
int *data;
int refs = 0;
std::map<uint64_t, reed_sol_matrix_t> matrices;
void use_jerasure(int pg_size, int pg_minsize, bool use)
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)pg_size | ((uint64_t)pg_minsize) << 32;
auto rs_it = matrices.find(key);
if (rs_it == matrices.end())
if (!use)
int *matrix = reed_sol_vandermonde_coding_matrix(pg_minsize, pg_size-pg_minsize, 32);
matrices[key] = (reed_sol_matrix_t){
.data = matrix,
.refs = 0,
rs_it = matrices.find(key);
rs_it->second.refs += (!use ? -1 : 1);
if (rs_it->second.refs <= 0)
int* get_jerasure_matrix(int pg_size, int pg_minsize)
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)pg_size | ((uint64_t)pg_minsize) << 32;
auto rs_it = matrices.find(key);
if (rs_it == matrices.end())
throw std::runtime_error("jerasure matrix not initialized");
return rs_it->;
void reconstruct_stripes_jerasure(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize)
int *matrix = get_jerasure_matrix(pg_size, pg_minsize);
int erasures[pg_size];
char *data_ptrs[pg_size] = { 0 };
int erasure_count = 0;
int res = 0;
for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++)
if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing)
erasures[erasure_count++] = role;
if (erasure_count > 0)
for (int role = erasure_count; role < pg_size; role++)
erasures[role] = -1;
for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++)
if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing)
for (int other = 0; other < role; other++)
if (stripes[other].missing &&
stripes[role].read_start == stripes[other].read_start &&
stripes[role].read_end == stripes[other].read_end)
// We reconstruct multiple ranges
// Skip if the same range was already reconstructed
goto next_missing;
for (int other = 0; other < pg_size; other++)
data_ptrs[other] = (char*)(stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start));
// FIXME jerasure has slightly dumb API and performs extra allocations internally
// also it creates a decoding matrix on every call which could be cached
// sooo :-) we have some room for improvements here :-)
res = jerasure_matrix_decode(
pg_minsize, pg_size-pg_minsize, 32, matrix, 1, erasures,
data_ptrs, data_ptrs+pg_minsize, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start
if (res < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("jerasure_matrix_decode() failed");
int extend_missing_stripes(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, osd_num_t *osd_set, int pg_minsize, int pg_size)
for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++)
if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && osd_set[role] == 0)
@ -121,21 +231,21 @@ int extend_missing_stripes(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, osd_num_t *osd_set, int mi
// We need at least pg_minsize stripes to recover the lost part.
// FIXME: LRC EC and similar don't require to read all other stripes.
int exist = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
for (int j = 0; j < pg_size; j++)
if (osd_set[j] != 0)
extend_read(stripes[role].read_start, stripes[role].read_end, stripes[j]);
if (exist >= minsize)
if (exist >= pg_minsize)
if (exist < minsize)
if (exist < pg_minsize)
// Less than minsize stripes are available for this object
// Less than pg_minsize stripes are available for this object
return -1;
@ -369,19 +479,9 @@ static void xor_multiple_buffers(buf_len_t *xor1, int n1, buf_len_t *xor2, int n
void calc_rmw_parity_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size)
static void calc_rmw_parity_copy_mod(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize,
uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size, uint32_t &start, uint32_t &end)
int pg_minsize = pg_size-1;
for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++)
if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing)
// Reconstruct missing stripe (XOR k+1)
reconstruct_stripe_xor(stripes, pg_size, role);
uint32_t start = 0, end = 0;
if (write_osd_set[pg_minsize] != 0 || write_osd_set != read_osd_set)
// Required for the next two if()s
@ -421,6 +521,53 @@ void calc_rmw_parity_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, uint64_t *read_
static void calc_rmw_parity_copy_parity(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize,
uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size, uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
if (write_osd_set != read_osd_set)
for (int role = pg_minsize; role < pg_size; role++)
if (write_osd_set[role] != read_osd_set[role] && (start != 0 || end != chunk_size))
// Copy new parity into the read buffer to write it back
stripes[role].read_buf + start,
end - start
stripes[role].write_buf = stripes[role].read_buf;
stripes[role].write_start = 0;
stripes[role].write_end = chunk_size;
#ifdef RMW_DEBUG
for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++)
auto & s = stripes[role];
"Tr=%lu Tw=%lu Q=%x-%x R=%x-%x W=%x-%x Rb=%lx Wb=%lx\n",
read_osd_set[role], write_osd_set[role],
s.req_start, s.req_end,
s.read_start, s.read_end,
s.write_start, s.write_end,
void calc_rmw_parity_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size)
int pg_minsize = pg_size-1;
reconstruct_stripes_xor(stripes, pg_size);
uint32_t start = 0, end = 0;
calc_rmw_parity_copy_mod(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, start, end);
if (write_osd_set[pg_minsize] != 0 && end != 0)
// Calculate new parity (XOR k+1)
@ -449,38 +596,67 @@ void calc_rmw_parity_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, uint64_t *read_
if (write_osd_set != read_osd_set)
calc_rmw_parity_copy_parity(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, start, end);
void calc_rmw_parity_jerasure(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize,
uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size)
int *matrix = get_jerasure_matrix(pg_size, pg_minsize);
reconstruct_stripes_jerasure(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize);
uint32_t start = 0, end = 0;
calc_rmw_parity_copy_mod(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, start, end);
if (end != 0)
for (int role = pg_minsize; role < pg_size; role++)
int i;
for (i = pg_minsize; i < pg_size; i++)
if (write_osd_set[role] != read_osd_set[role] && (start != 0 || end != chunk_size))
if (write_osd_set[i] != 0)
if (i < pg_size)
// Calculate new coding chunks
buf_len_t bufs[pg_size][3];
int nbuf[pg_size] = { 0 }, curbuf[pg_size] = { 0 };
uint32_t positions[pg_size];
void *data_ptrs[pg_size] = { 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < pg_minsize; i++)
// Copy new parity into the read buffer to write it back
stripes[role].read_buf + start,
end - start
stripes[role].write_buf = stripes[role].read_buf;
stripes[role].write_start = 0;
stripes[role].write_end = chunk_size;
get_old_new_buffers(stripes[i], start, end, bufs[i], nbuf[i]);
positions[i] = start;
for (int i = pg_minsize; i < pg_size; i++)
bufs[i][nbuf[i]++] = { .buf = stripes[i].write_buf, .len = end-start };
positions[i] = start;
uint32_t pos = start;
while (pos < end)
uint32_t next_end = end;
for (int i = 0; i < pg_size; i++)
assert(curbuf[i] < nbuf[i]);
data_ptrs[i] = bufs[i][curbuf[i]].buf + pos-positions[i];
uint32_t this_end = bufs[i][curbuf[i]].len + positions[i];
if (next_end > this_end)
next_end = this_end;
assert(next_end > pos);
for (int i = 0; i < pg_size; i++)
uint32_t this_end = bufs[i][curbuf[i]].len + positions[i];
if (next_end >= this_end)
positions[i] += bufs[i][curbuf[i]].len;
jerasure_matrix_encode(pg_minsize, pg_size-pg_minsize, 32, matrix, (char**)data_ptrs, (char**)data_ptrs+pg_minsize, next_end-pos);
pos = next_end;
#ifdef RMW_DEBUG
for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++)
auto & s = stripes[role];
"Tr=%lu Tw=%lu Q=%x-%x R=%x-%x W=%x-%x Rb=%lx Wb=%lx\n",
read_osd_set[role], write_osd_set[role],
s.req_start, s.req_end,
s.read_start, s.read_end,
s.write_start, s.write_end,
calc_rmw_parity_copy_parity(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, start, end);

View File

@ -26,11 +26,13 @@ struct osd_rmw_stripe_t
bool missing;
// Here pg_minsize is the number of data chunks, not the minimum number of alive OSDs for the PG to operate
void split_stripes(uint64_t pg_minsize, uint32_t bs_block_size, uint32_t start, uint32_t len, osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes);
void reconstruct_stripe_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int role);
void reconstruct_stripes_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size);
int extend_missing_stripes(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, osd_num_t *osd_set, int minsize, int size);
int extend_missing_stripes(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, osd_num_t *osd_set, int pg_minsize, int pg_size);
void* alloc_read_buffer(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int read_pg_size, uint64_t add_size);
@ -38,3 +40,10 @@ void* calc_rmw(void *request_buf, osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, uint64_t *read_osd_
uint64_t pg_size, uint64_t pg_minsize, uint64_t pg_cursize, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint64_t chunk_size);
void calc_rmw_parity_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size);
void use_jerasure(int pg_size, int pg_minsize, bool use);
void reconstruct_stripes_jerasure(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize);
void calc_rmw_parity_jerasure(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize,
uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size);

View File

@ -18,107 +18,7 @@ void test9();
void test10();
void test11();
void test12();
1. split(offset=128K-4K, len=8K)
= [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 0 ] ]
2. read(offset=128K-4K, len=8K, osd_set=[1,0,3])
= { read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 4K ] ] }
3. cover_read(0, 128K, { req: [ 128K-4K, 4K ] })
= { read: [ 0, 128K-4K ] }
4. write(offset=128K-4K, len=8K, osd_set=[1,0,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 4K, 128K ], [ 4K, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0, read1, read2 ],
+ check write2 buffer
5. write(offset=0, len=128K+64K, osd_set=[1,0,3])
= {
req: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
read: [ [ 64K, 128K ], [ 64K, 128K ], [ 64K, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0, read1, read2 ],
6. write(offset=0, len=128K+64K, osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
req: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
read: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 64K, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read1 ],
7. calc_rmw(offset=128K-4K, len=8K, osd_set=[1,0,3], write_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0, read1, read2 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): {
write: [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
+ check write1 buffer
+ check write2 buffer
8. calc_rmw(offset=0, len=128K+4K, osd_set=[0,2,3], write_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 4K, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read1 ],
+ check write2 buffer
9. object recovery case:
calc_rmw(offset=0, len=0, read_osd_set=[0,2,3], write_osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
input buffer: NULL,
rmw buffer: [ read0, read1, read2 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): {
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
+ check write0 buffer
10. full overwrite/recovery case:
calc_rmw(offset=0, len=256K, read_osd_set=[1,0,0], write_osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): all the same
+ check write2 buffer
10. partial recovery case:
calc_rmw(offset=128K, len=128K, read_osd_set=[1,0,0], write_osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): all the same
+ check write2 buffer
void test13();
int main(int narg, char *args[])
@ -142,6 +42,8 @@ int main(int narg, char *args[])
// Test 12
// Test 13
// End
printf("all ok\n");
return 0;
@ -169,6 +71,19 @@ void dump_stripes(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size)
1. split(offset=128K-4K, len=8K)
= [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 0 ] ]
read(offset=128K-4K, len=8K, osd_set=[1,0,3])
= { read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 4K ] ] }
cover_read(0, 128K, { req: [ 128K-4K, 4K ] })
= { read: [ 0, 128K-4K ] }
void test1()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 0, 3 };
@ -193,6 +108,19 @@ void test1()
assert(stripes[0].read_start == 0 && stripes[0].read_end == 128*1024-4096);
4. write(offset=128K-4K, len=8K, osd_set=[1,0,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 4K, 128K ], [ 4K, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0, read1, read2 ],
+ check write2 buffer
void test4()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 0, 3 };
@ -226,6 +154,19 @@ void test4()
5. write(offset=0, len=128K+64K, osd_set=[1,0,3])
= {
req: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
read: [ [ 64K, 128K ], [ 64K, 128K ], [ 64K, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0, read1, read2 ],
void test5()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 0, 3 };
@ -254,6 +195,19 @@ void test5()
6. write(offset=0, len=128K+64K, osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
req: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
read: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 64K, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 64K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read1 ],
void test6()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
@ -278,6 +232,24 @@ void test6()
7. calc_rmw(offset=128K-4K, len=8K, osd_set=[1,0,3], write_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0, read1, read2 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): {
write: [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
+ check write1 buffer
+ check write2 buffer
void test7()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 0, 3 };
@ -318,6 +290,19 @@ void test7()
8. calc_rmw(offset=0, len=128K+4K, osd_set=[0,2,3], write_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 4K, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read1 ],
+ check write2 buffer
void test8()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 0, 2, 3 };
@ -355,6 +340,24 @@ void test8()
9. object recovery case:
calc_rmw(offset=0, len=0, read_osd_set=[0,2,3], write_osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
input buffer: NULL,
rmw buffer: [ read0, read1, read2 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): {
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
+ check write0 buffer
void test9()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 0, 2, 3 };
@ -395,6 +398,21 @@ void test9()
10. full overwrite/recovery case:
calc_rmw(offset=0, len=256K, read_osd_set=[1,0,0], write_osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): all the same
+ check write2 buffer
void test10()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 0, 0 };
@ -436,6 +454,21 @@ void test10()
11. partial recovery case:
calc_rmw(offset=128K, len=128K, read_osd_set=[1,0,0], write_osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): all the same
+ check write2 buffer
void test11()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 0, 0 };
@ -477,17 +510,32 @@ void test11()
12. parity recovery case:
calc_rmw(offset=0, len=0, read_osd_set=[1,2,0], write_osd_set=[1,2,3])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [],
rmw buffer: [ write2, read0, read1 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_xor(): all the same
+ check write2 buffer
void test12()
osd_num_t osd_set[3] = { 1, 2, 0 };
osd_num_t write_osd_set[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
osd_rmw_stripe_t stripes[3] = { 0 };
// Test 11.0
// Test 12.0
split_stripes(2, 128*1024, 0, 0, stripes);
assert(stripes[0].req_start == 0 && stripes[0].req_end == 0);
assert(stripes[1].req_start == 0 && stripes[1].req_end == 0);
assert(stripes[2].req_start == 0 && stripes[2].req_end == 0);
// Test 11.1
// Test 12.1
void *rmw_buf = calc_rmw(NULL, stripes, osd_set, 3, 2, 3, write_osd_set, 128*1024);
assert(stripes[0].read_start == 0 && stripes[0].read_end == 128*1024);
@ -502,7 +550,7 @@ void test12()
assert(stripes[0].write_buf == NULL);
assert(stripes[1].write_buf == NULL);
assert(stripes[2].write_buf == rmw_buf);
// Test 11.2
// Test 12.2
set_pattern(stripes[0].read_buf, 128*1024, PATTERN1);
set_pattern(stripes[1].read_buf, 128*1024, PATTERN2);
calc_rmw_parity_xor(stripes, 3, osd_set, write_osd_set, 128*1024);
@ -515,3 +563,101 @@ void test12()
check_pattern(stripes[2].write_buf, 128*1024, PATTERN1^PATTERN2);
13. basic jerasure test
calc_rmw(offset=128K-4K, len=8K, osd_set=[1,2,0,0], write_set=[1,2,3,4])
= {
read: [ [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
write: [ [ 128K-4K, 128K ], [ 0, 4K ], [ 0, 128K ], [ 0, 128K ] ],
input buffer: [ write0, write1 ],
rmw buffer: [ write2, write3, read0, read1 ],
then, after calc_rmw_parity_jerasure(): all the same
then simulate read with read_osd_set=[0,0,3,4] and check read0,read1 buffers
void test13()
use_jerasure(4, 2, true);
osd_num_t osd_set[4] = { 1, 2, 0, 0 };
osd_num_t write_osd_set[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
osd_rmw_stripe_t stripes[4] = { 0 };
// Test 13.0
void *write_buf = malloc_or_die(8192);
split_stripes(2, 128*1024, 128*1024-4096, 8192, stripes);
assert(stripes[0].req_start == 128*1024-4096 && stripes[0].req_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[1].req_start == 0 && stripes[1].req_end == 4096);
assert(stripes[2].req_start == 0 && stripes[2].req_end == 0);
assert(stripes[3].req_start == 0 && stripes[3].req_end == 0);
// Test 13.1
void *rmw_buf = calc_rmw(write_buf, stripes, osd_set, 4, 2, 4, write_osd_set, 128*1024);
assert(stripes[0].read_start == 0 && stripes[0].read_end == 128*1024-4096);
assert(stripes[1].read_start == 4096 && stripes[1].read_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[2].read_start == 0 && stripes[2].read_end == 0);
assert(stripes[3].read_start == 0 && stripes[3].read_end == 0);
assert(stripes[0].write_start == 128*1024-4096 && stripes[0].write_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[1].write_start == 0 && stripes[1].write_end == 4096);
assert(stripes[2].write_start == 0 && stripes[2].write_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[3].write_start == 0 && stripes[3].write_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[0].read_buf == rmw_buf+2*128*1024);
assert(stripes[1].read_buf == rmw_buf+3*128*1024-4096);
assert(stripes[2].read_buf == NULL);
assert(stripes[3].read_buf == NULL);
assert(stripes[0].write_buf == write_buf);
assert(stripes[1].write_buf == write_buf+4096);
assert(stripes[2].write_buf == rmw_buf);
assert(stripes[3].write_buf == rmw_buf+128*1024);
// Test 13.2 - encode
set_pattern(write_buf, 8192, PATTERN3);
set_pattern(stripes[0].read_buf, 128*1024-4096, PATTERN1);
set_pattern(stripes[1].read_buf, 128*1024-4096, PATTERN2);
calc_rmw_parity_jerasure(stripes, 4, 2, osd_set, write_osd_set, 128*1024);
assert(stripes[0].write_start == 128*1024-4096 && stripes[0].write_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[1].write_start == 0 && stripes[1].write_end == 4096);
assert(stripes[2].write_start == 0 && stripes[2].write_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[3].write_start == 0 && stripes[3].write_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[0].write_buf == write_buf);
assert(stripes[1].write_buf == write_buf+4096);
assert(stripes[2].write_buf == rmw_buf);
assert(stripes[3].write_buf == rmw_buf+128*1024);
// Test 13.3 - decode and verify
osd_num_t read_osd_set[4] = { 0, 0, 3, 4 };
memset(stripes, 0, sizeof(stripes));
split_stripes(2, 128*1024, 0, 256*1024, stripes);
assert(stripes[0].req_start == 0 && stripes[0].req_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[1].req_start == 0 && stripes[1].req_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[2].req_start == 0 && stripes[2].req_end == 0);
assert(stripes[3].req_start == 0 && stripes[3].req_end == 0);
for (int role = 0; role < 2; role++)
stripes[role].read_start = stripes[role].req_start;
stripes[role].read_end = stripes[role].req_end;
assert(extend_missing_stripes(stripes, read_osd_set, 2, 4) == 0);
assert(stripes[0].read_start == 0 && stripes[0].read_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[1].read_start == 0 && stripes[1].read_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[2].read_start == 0 && stripes[2].read_end == 128*1024);
assert(stripes[3].read_start == 0 && stripes[3].read_end == 128*1024);
void *read_buf = alloc_read_buffer(stripes, 4, 0);
assert(stripes[0].read_buf == read_buf);
assert(stripes[1].read_buf == read_buf+128*1024);
assert(stripes[2].read_buf == read_buf+2*128*1024);
assert(stripes[3].read_buf == read_buf+3*128*1024);
memcpy(read_buf+2*128*1024, rmw_buf, 128*1024);
memcpy(read_buf+3*128*1024, rmw_buf+128*1024, 128*1024);
reconstruct_stripes_jerasure(stripes, 4, 2);
check_pattern(stripes[0].read_buf, 128*1024-4096, PATTERN1);
check_pattern(stripes[0].read_buf+128*1024-4096, 4096, PATTERN3);
check_pattern(stripes[1].read_buf, 4096, PATTERN3);
check_pattern(stripes[1].read_buf+4096, 128*1024-4096, PATTERN2);
// Huh done
use_jerasure(4, 2, false);

View File

@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
#define PATTERN3 0x426bd7854eb08509
#define set_pattern(buf, len, pattern) for (uint64_t i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { *(uint64_t*)((void*)buf + i) = pattern; }
#define check_pattern(buf, len, pattern) for (uint64_t i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { assert(*(uint64_t*)(buf + i) == pattern); }
#define check_pattern(buf, len, pattern) { uint64_t bad = UINT64_MAX; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { if ((*(uint64_t*)(buf + i)) != (pattern)) { bad = i; break; } } if (bad != UINT64_MAX) { printf("mismatch at %lx\n", bad); } assert(bad == UINT64_MAX); }