Move NBD netlink map&unmap to separate commands, add "netlink-revive" command
Test / buildenv (push) Successful in 11s Details
Test / build (push) Successful in 3m31s Details
Test / test_cas (push) Successful in 11s Details
Test / make_test (push) Successful in 38s Details
Test / test_change_pg_count (push) Successful in 36s Details
Test / test_change_pg_size (push) Successful in 7s Details
Test / test_change_pg_count_ec (push) Successful in 33s Details
Test / test_create_nomaxid (push) Successful in 7s Details
Test / test_etcd_fail (push) Successful in 1m27s Details
Test / test_add_osd (push) Successful in 2m46s Details
Test / test_interrupted_rebalance (push) Successful in 3m3s Details
Test / test_interrupted_rebalance_imm (push) Successful in 3m7s Details
Test / test_failure_domain (push) Successful in 11s Details
Test / test_interrupted_rebalance_ec (push) Successful in 2m10s Details
Test / test_snapshot (push) Successful in 42s Details
Test / test_minsize_1 (push) Successful in 17s Details
Test / test_snapshot_ec (push) Successful in 40s Details
Test / test_rm (push) Successful in 16s Details
Test / test_move_reappear (push) Successful in 22s Details
Test / test_interrupted_rebalance_ec_imm (push) Successful in 2m19s Details
Test / test_snapshot_down (push) Successful in 26s Details
Test / test_snapshot_down_ec (push) Successful in 32s Details
Test / test_splitbrain (push) Successful in 21s Details
Test / test_snapshot_chain (push) Successful in 2m57s Details
Test / test_snapshot_chain_ec (push) Successful in 3m18s Details
Test / test_rebalance_verify_imm (push) Successful in 3m40s Details
Test / test_rebalance_verify (push) Successful in 4m19s Details
Test / test_switch_primary (push) Successful in 33s Details
Test / test_write (push) Successful in 53s Details
Test / test_write_xor (push) Successful in 58s Details
Test / test_write_no_same (push) Successful in 13s Details
Test / test_rebalance_verify_ec_imm (push) Successful in 4m29s Details
Test / test_rebalance_verify_ec (push) Successful in 5m12s Details
Test / test_heal_pg_size_2 (push) Successful in 3m50s Details
Test / test_heal_ec (push) Successful in 3m46s Details
Test / test_heal_csum_32k_dmj (push) Successful in 6m12s Details
Test / test_heal_csum_32k_dj (push) Successful in 6m40s Details
Test / test_heal_csum_32k (push) Successful in 6m52s Details
Test / test_heal_csum_4k_dmj (push) Successful in 6m51s Details
Test / test_enospc (push) Successful in 1m42s Details
Test / test_enospc_xor (push) Successful in 2m23s Details
Test / test_enospc_imm (push) Successful in 1m42s Details
Test / test_heal_csum_4k_dj (push) Successful in 6m12s Details
Test / test_heal_csum_4k (push) Successful in 5m40s Details
Test / test_enospc_imm_xor (push) Successful in 1m26s Details
Test / test_scrub_zero_osd_2 (push) Successful in 32s Details
Test / test_scrub (push) Successful in 35s Details
Test / test_scrub_xor (push) Successful in 27s Details
Test / test_nfs (push) Successful in 23s Details
Test / test_scrub_pg_size_6_pg_minsize_4_osd_count_6_ec (push) Successful in 32s Details
Test / test_scrub_ec (push) Successful in 30s Details
Test / test_scrub_pg_size_3 (push) Successful in 43s Details

Vitaliy Filippov 2024-04-08 15:32:12 +03:00
parent b7a3275af3
commit af9a853db6
4 changed files with 271 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -15,12 +15,21 @@ See also [VDUSE]( as a better alternative to NBD.
Vitastor Kubernetes CSI driver uses NBD when VDUSE is unavailable.
## Map image
Supports the following commands:
- [map](#map)
- [unmap](#unmap)
- [ls](#ls)
- [netlink-map](#netlink-map)
- [netlink-unmap](#netlink-unmap)
- [netlink-revive](#netlink-revive)
## map
To create a local block device for a Vitastor image run:
vitastor-nbd map --image testimg
vitastor-nbd map [/dev/nbdN] --image testimg
It will output a block device name like /dev/nbd0 which you can then use as a normal disk.
@ -29,25 +38,25 @@ You can also use `--pool <POOL> --inode <INODE> --size <SIZE>` instead of `--ima
vitastor-nbd supports all usual Vitastor configuration options like `--config_file <path_to_config>` plus NBD-specific:
* `--nbd_timeout 300` \
Timeout for I/O operations in seconds after exceeding which the kernel stops
the device. You can set it to 0 to disable the timeout, but beware that you
won't be able to stop the device at all if vitastor-nbd process dies.
* `--nbd_timeout 0` \
Timeout for I/O operations in seconds after exceeding which the kernel stops the device.
Before Linux 5.19, if nbd_timeout is 0, a dead NBD device can't be removed from
the system at all without rebooting.
* `--nbd_max_devices 64 --nbd_max_part 3` \
Options for the `nbd` kernel module when modprobing it (`nbds_max` and `max_part`).
note that maximum allowed (nbds_max)*(1+max_part) is 256.
* `--logfile /path/to/log/file.txt` \
Write log messages to the specified file instead of dropping them (in background mode)
or printing them to the standard output (in foreground mode).
* `--dev_num N` \
Use the specified device /dev/nbdN instead of automatic selection.
Use the specified device /dev/nbdN instead of automatic selection (alternative syntax
to /dev/nbdN positional parameter).
* `--foreground 1` \
Stay in foreground, do not daemonize.
Note that `nbd_timeout`, `nbd_max_devices` and `nbd_max_part` options may also be specified
in `/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf` or in other configuration file specified with `--config_file`.
## Unmap image
## unmap
To unmap the device run:
@ -55,12 +64,14 @@ To unmap the device run:
vitastor-nbd unmap /dev/nbd0
## List mapped images
## ls
vitastor-nbd ls [--json]
List mapped images.
Example output (normal format):
@ -78,3 +89,45 @@ Example output (JSON format):
{"/dev/nbd0": {"image": "bench", "pid": 584536}, "/dev/nbd1": {"image": "bench1", "pid": 584546}}
## netlink-map
vitastor-nbd netlink-map [/dev/nbdN] (--image <image> | --pool <pool> --inode <inode> --size <size in bytes>)
On recent kernel versions it's also possinle to map NBD devices using netlink interface.
This is an experimental feature because it doesn't solve all issues of NBD. Differences from regular ioctl-based 'map':
1. netlink-map can create new `/dev/nbdN` devices (those not present in /dev/).
2. netlink-mapped devices can be unmapped only using `netlink-unmap` command.
3. netlink-mapped devices don't show up `ls` output (yet).
4. Dead netlink-mapped devices can be 'revived' using `netlink-revive`.
However, old I/O requests will hang forever if `nbd_timeout` is not specified.
5. netlink-map supports additional options:
* `--nbd_conn_timeout 0` \
Disconnect a dead device automatically after this number of seconds.
* `--nbd_destroy_on_disconnect 1` \
Delete the nbd device on disconnect.
* `--nbd_disconnect_on_close 1` \
Disconnect the nbd device on close by last opener.
* `--nbd_ro 1` \
Set device into read only mode.
## netlink-unmap
vitastor-nbd netlink-unmap /dev/nbdN
Unmap a device using netlink interface. Works with both netlink and ioctl mapped devices.
## netlink-revive
vitastor-nbd netlink-revive /dev/nbdX (--image <image> | --pool <pool> --inode <inode> --size <size in bytes>)
Restart a dead NBD netlink-mapped device without removing it. Supports the same options as `netlink-map`.

View File

@ -18,12 +18,21 @@ NBD немного снижает производительность из-за
CSI-драйвер Kubernetes Vitastor использует NBD, когда VDUSE недоступен.
## Подключить устройство
Поддерживаются следующие команды:
- [map](#map)
- [unmap](#unmap)
- [ls](#ls)
- [netlink-map](#netlink-map)
- [netlink-unmap](#netlink-unmap)
- [netlink-revive](#netlink-revive)
## map
Чтобы создать локальное блочное устройство для образа, выполните команду:
vitastor-nbd map --image testimg
vitastor-nbd map [/dev/nbdN] --image testimg
Команда напечатает название блочного устройства вида /dev/nbd0, которое потом можно
@ -35,16 +44,13 @@ vitastor-nbd map --image testimg
vitastor-nbd поддерживает все обычные опции Vitastor, например, `--config_file <path_to_config>`,
плюс специфичные для NBD:
* `--nbd_timeout 30` \
* `--nbd_timeout 0` \
Максимальное время выполнения любой операции чтения/записи в секундах, при
превышении которого ядро остановит NBD-устройство. Вы можете установить опцию
в 0, чтобы отключить ограничение времени, но имейте в виду, что в этом случае
вы вообще не сможете отключить NBD-устройство при нештатном завершении процесса
превышении которого ядро остановит NBD-устройство. На ядрах Linux старее 5.19,
если таймаут установлен в 0, NBD-устройство вообще невозможно отключить из системы
при нештатном завершении процесса.
* `--nbd_max_devices 64 --nbd_max_part 3` \
Опции, передаваемые модулю ядра nbd, если его загружает vitastor-nbd
(`nbds_max` и `max_part`). Имейте в виду, что (nbds_max)*(1+max_part)
обычно не должно превышать 256.
Опции, передаваемые модулю ядра nbd, если его загружает vitastor-nbd (`nbds_max` и `max_part`).
* `--logfile /path/to/log/file.txt` \
Писать сообщения о процессе работы в заданный файл, вместо пропуска их
при фоновом режиме запуска или печати на стандартный вывод при запуске
@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ vitastor-nbd поддерживает все обычные опции Vitastor,
также задавать в `/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf` или в другом файле конфигурации,
заданном опцией `--config_file`.
## Отключить устройство
## unmap
Для отключения устройства выполните:
@ -66,12 +72,14 @@ vitastor-nbd поддерживает все обычные опции Vitastor,
vitastor-nbd unmap /dev/nbd0
## Вывести подключённые устройства
## ls
vitastor-nbd ls [--json]
Вывести подключённые устройства.
Пример вывода в обычном формате:
@ -89,3 +97,46 @@ pid: 584546
{"/dev/nbd0": {"image": "bench", "pid": 584536}, "/dev/nbd1": {"image": "bench1", "pid": 584546}}
## netlink-map
vitastor-nbd netlink-map [/dev/nbdN] (--image <image> | --pool <POOL> --inode <INODE> --size <SIZE>)
На свежих версиях ядра Linux также возможно подключать NBD-устройства через интерфейс netlink.
Это экспериментальная функция, так как она не решает всех проблем NBD. Отличия от обычного 'map':
1. Можно создавать новые `/dev/nbdN` устройства (отсутствующие в /dev/).
2. Отключать netlink-устройства можно только командой `netlink-unmap`.
3. netlink-устройства не видно в выводе `ls` (пока что).
4. Мёртвые netlink-устройства можно "оживить" командой `netlink-revive`. Правда, предыдущие
запросы ввода-вывода всё равно зависнут навсегда, если `nbd_timeout` не задан.
5. Поддерживаются дополнительные опции:
* `--nbd_conn_timeout 0` \
Отключать мёртвое устройство автоматически через данное число секунд.
* `--nbd_destroy_on_disconnect 1` \
Удалять NBD-устройство при отключении.
* `--nbd_disconnect_on_close 1` \
Отключать NBD-устройство автоматически, когда его все закроют.
* `--nbd_ro 1` \
Установить для NBD-устройства режим "только для чтения".
## netlink-unmap
vitastor-nbd netlink-unmap /dev/nbdN
Отключить устройство через интерфейс netlink. Работает и с обычными, и с netlink-устройствами.
## netlink-revive
vitastor-nbd netlink-revive /dev/nbdX (--image <image> | --pool <pool> --inode <inode> --size <size in bytes>)
Оживить мёртвое NBD-устройство, ранее подключённое через netlink, без удаления. Поддерживает
те же опции, что и `netlink-map`.

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "cluster_client.h"
#include "epoll_manager.h"
#include "str_util.h"
#include <netlink/attr.h>
@ -108,18 +109,27 @@ static int netlink_status_cb(struct nl_msg *sk_msg, void *devnum)
static int netlink_configure(const int *sockfd, int sock_size, int dev_num, uint64_t size,
uint64_t blocksize, uint64_t flags, uint64_t cflags, uint64_t timeout, uint64_t conn_timeout)
uint64_t blocksize, uint64_t flags, uint64_t cflags, uint64_t timeout, uint64_t conn_timeout,
const char *backend, bool reconfigure)
struct netlink_ctx ctx;
struct nlattr *msg_attr, *msg_opt_attr;
struct nl_msg *msg;
int i, err, sock;
uint32_t devnum;
uint32_t devnum = dev_num;
if (reconfigure && dev_num < 0)
return -NLE_INVAL;
// A callback we set for a response we get on send
nl_socket_modify_cb(, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, netlink_status_cb, &devnum);
if (!reconfigure)
// A callback we set for a response we get on send
nl_socket_modify_cb(, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, netlink_status_cb, &devnum);
msg = nlmsg_alloc();
if (!msg)
@ -128,7 +138,8 @@ static int netlink_configure(const int *sockfd, int sock_size, int dev_num, uint
fail("Failed to allocate netlink message\n");
genlmsg_put(msg, NL_AUTO_PORT, NL_AUTO_SEQ, ctx.driver_id, 0, 0, NBD_CMD_CONNECT, 0);
genlmsg_put(msg, NL_AUTO_PORT, NL_AUTO_SEQ, ctx.driver_id, 0, 0,
if (dev_num >= 0)
@ -150,6 +161,13 @@ static int netlink_configure(const int *sockfd, int sock_size, int dev_num, uint
NLA_PUT_U64(msg, NBD_ATTR_DEAD_CONN_TIMEOUT, conn_timeout);
if (backend)
// Backend is an attribute useful for identication of the device
// Also it prevents reconfiguration of the device with a different backend string
msg_attr = nla_nest_start(msg, NBD_ATTR_SOCKETS);
if (!msg_attr)
@ -172,7 +190,7 @@ static int netlink_configure(const int *sockfd, int sock_size, int dev_num, uint
nla_nest_end(msg, msg_attr);
if ((err = nl_send_sync(, msg)) < 0)
if ((err = nl_send_sync(, msg)) != 0)
return err;
@ -232,14 +250,78 @@ nla_put_failure:
const char *exe_name = NULL;
const char *help_text =
"Vitastor NBD proxy " VERSION "\n"
"(c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2020+ (VNPL-1.1)\n"
"vitastor-nbd map [OPTIONS] [/dev/nbdN] (--image <image> | --pool <pool> --inode <inode> --size <size in bytes>)\n"
" Map an NBD device using ioctl interface. Options:\n"
" --nbd_timeout 0\n"
" Timeout for I/O operations in seconds after exceeding which the kernel stops the device.\n"
" Before Linux 5.19, if nbd_timeout is 0, a dead NBD device can't be removed from\n"
" the system at all without rebooting.\n"
" --nbd_max_devices 64 --nbd_max_part 3\n"
" Options for the \"nbd\" kernel module when modprobing it (nbds_max and max_part).\n"
" --logfile /path/to/log/file.txt\n"
" Write log messages to the specified file instead of dropping them (in background mode)\n"
" or printing them to the standard output (in foreground mode).\n"
" --dev_num N\n"
" Use the specified device /dev/nbdN instead of automatic selection (alternative syntax\n"
" to /dev/nbdN positional parameter).\n"
" --foreground 1\n"
" Stay in foreground, do not daemonize.\n"
"vitastor-nbd unmap /dev/nbdN\n"
" Unmap an ioctl-mapped NBD device.\n"
"vitastor-nbd ls [--json]\n"
" List ioctl-mapped Vitastor NBD devices, optionally in JSON format.\n"
"vitastor-nbd netlink-map [/dev/nbd<number>] (--image <image> | --pool <pool> --inode <inode> --size <size in bytes>)\n"
" Map a device using netlink interface. Experimental mode. Differences from 'map':\n"
" 1) netlink-map can create new /dev/nbdN devices.\n"
" 2) netlink-mapped devices can be unmapped only using netlink-unmap command.\n"
" 3) netlink-mapped devices don't show up `ls` output (yet).\n"
" 4) dead netlink-mapped devices can be 'revived' (however, old I/O may hang forever without timeout).\n"
" 5) netlink-map supports additional options:\n"
" --nbd_conn_timeout 0\n"
" Disconnect a dead device automatically after this number of seconds.\n"
" --nbd_destroy_on_disconnect 1\n"
" Delete the nbd device on disconnect.\n"
" --nbd_disconnect_on_close 1\n"
" Disconnect the nbd device on close by last opener.\n"
" --nbd_ro 1\n"
" Set device into read only mode.\n"
"vitastor-nbd netlink-unmap /dev/nbdN\n"
" Unmap a device using netlink interface. Works with both netlink and ioctl mapped devices.\n"
"vitastor-nbd netlink-revive /dev/nbdN (--image <image> | --pool <pool> --inode <inode> --size <size in bytes>)\n"
" Restart a dead NBD device without removing it. Supports the same options as netlink-map.\n"
"Use vitastor-nbd --help <command> for command details or vitastor-nbd --help --all for all details.\n"
"All usual Vitastor config options like --config_file <path_to_config> may also be specified in CLI.\n"
class nbd_proxy
std::string image_name;
uint64_t inode = 0;
uint64_t device_size = 0;
uint64_t nbd_lease = 0;
int nbd_timeout = 300;
uint64_t nbd_conn_timeout = 0;
int nbd_timeout = 0;
int nbd_max_devices = 64;
int nbd_max_part = 3;
inode_watch_t *watch = NULL;
@ -283,19 +365,19 @@ public:
if (!strcmp(args[i], "-h") || !strcmp(args[i], "--help"))
cfg["help"] = 1;
else if (args[i][0] == '-' && args[i][1] == '-')
const char *opt = args[i]+2;
cfg[opt] = !strcmp(opt, "json") || i == narg-1 ? "1" : args[++i];
cfg[opt] = !strcmp(opt, "json") || !strcmp(opt, "all") || i == narg-1 ? "1" : args[++i];
else if (pos == 0)
cfg["command"] = args[i];
else if (pos == 1 && (cfg["command"] == "map" || cfg["command"] == "unmap"))
else if (pos == 1)
int n = 0;
if (sscanf(args[i], "/dev/nbd%d", &n) > 0)
@ -310,9 +392,13 @@ public:
void exec(json11::Json cfg)
if (cfg["help"].bool_value())
goto help;
if (cfg["command"] == "map")
start(cfg, false, false);
else if (cfg["command"] == "unmap")
@ -323,18 +409,26 @@ public:
if (cfg["netlink"].is_null())
fprintf(stderr, "netlink support is disabled in this build\n");
else if (cfg["command"] == "netlink-map")
start(cfg, true, false);
else if (cfg["command"] == "netlink-revive")
start(cfg, true, true);
else if (cfg["command"] == "netlink-unmap")
else if (cfg["command"] == "ls" || cfg["command"] == "list" || cfg["command"] == "list-mapped")
auto mapped = list_mapped();
@ -342,55 +436,13 @@ public:
print_help(help_text, "vitastor-nbd", cfg["command"].string_value(), cfg["all"].bool_value());
static void help()
"Vitastor NBD proxy\n"
"(c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2020+ (VNPL-1.1)\n\n"
" %s map [OPTIONS] (--image <image> | --pool <pool> --inode <inode> --size <size in bytes>)\n"
" %s unmap /dev/nbd0\n"
" %s ls [--json]\n"
" All usual Vitastor config options like --config_file <path_to_config> plus NBD-specific:\n"
" --nbd_timeout 300\n"
" Timeout for I/O operations in seconds after exceeding which the kernel stops\n"
" the device. You can set it to 0 to disable the timeout, but beware that you\n"
" won't be able to stop the device at all if vitastor-nbd process dies.\n"
" --nbd_max_devices 64 --nbd_max_part 3\n"
" Options for the \"nbd\" kernel module when modprobing it (nbds_max and max_part).\n"
" Maximum allowed (nbds_max)*(1+max_part) is 2^20.\n"
" Note that nbd_timeout, nbd_max_devices and nbd_max_part options may also be specified\n"
" in /etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf or in other configuration file specified with --config_file.\n"
" --nbd_lease 60\n"
" Timeout in seconds which is waited at max before nbd device\n"
" is returned after no I/O is performed on device.\n"
" By default is not set.\n"
" --nbd_destroy_on_disconnect 1\n"
" Delete the nbd device on disconnect.\n"
" --nbd_disconnect_on_close 1\n"
" Disconnect the nbd device on close by last opener.\n"
" --nbd_ro 1\n"
" Set device into read only mode.\n"
" --logfile /path/to/log/file.txt\n"
" Write log messages to the specified file instead of dropping them (in background mode)\n"
" or printing them to the standard output (in foreground mode).\n"
" --dev_num N\n"
" Use the specified device /dev/nbdN instead of automatic selection.\n"
" --foreground 1\n"
" Stay in foreground, do not daemonize.\n"
" --netlink 1\n"
" Use netlink to configure NBD device.\n",
exe_name, exe_name, exe_name
void unmap(int dev_num)
void ioctl_unmap(int dev_num)
char path[64] = { 0 };
sprintf(path, "/dev/nbd%d", dev_num);
@ -409,7 +461,7 @@ public:
void start(json11::Json cfg)
void start(json11::Json cfg, bool netlink, bool revive)
// Check options
if (cfg["image"].string_value() != "")
@ -439,24 +491,6 @@ public:
auto file_config = osd_messenger_t::read_config(cfg);
if (file_config["nbd_max_devices"].is_number() || file_config["nbd_max_devices"].is_string())
nbd_max_devices = file_config["nbd_max_devices"].uint64_value();
if (file_config["nbd_max_part"].is_number() || file_config["nbd_max_part"].is_string())
nbd_max_part = file_config["nbd_max_part"].uint64_value();
if (file_config["nbd_timeout"].is_number() || file_config["nbd_timeout"].is_string())
nbd_timeout = file_config["nbd_timeout"].uint64_value();
if (cfg["nbd_lease"].is_number() || cfg["nbd_lease"].is_string())
nbd_lease = cfg["nbd_lease"].uint64_value();
if (cfg["client_writeback_allowed"].is_null())
// NBD is always aware of fsync, so we allow write-back cache
@ -465,6 +499,7 @@ public:
obj["client_writeback_allowed"] = true;
cfg = obj;
// Create client
ringloop = new ring_loop_t(RINGLOOP_DEFAULT_SIZE);
epmgr = new epoll_manager_t(ringloop);
@ -489,6 +524,24 @@ public:
// cli->config contains merged config
if (cli->config.find("nbd_max_devices") != cli->config.end())
nbd_max_devices = cli->config["nbd_max_devices"].uint64_value();
if (cli->config.find("nbd_max_part") != cli->config.end())
nbd_max_part = cli->config["nbd_max_part"].uint64_value();
if (cli->config.find("nbd_timeout") != cli->config.end())
nbd_timeout = cli->config["nbd_timeout"].uint64_value();
if (cli->config.find("nbd_conn_timeout") != cli->config.end())
nbd_conn_timeout = cli->config["nbd_conn_timeout"].uint64_value();
// Initialize NBD
int sockfd[2];
if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sockfd) < 0)
@ -502,7 +555,7 @@ public:
bool bg = cfg["foreground"].is_null();
if (!cfg["netlink"].is_null())
if (netlink)
int devnum = -1;
@ -524,13 +577,14 @@ public:
if (!cfg["nbd_disconnect_on_close"].is_null())
int err = netlink_configure(sockfd + 1, 1, devnum, device_size, 4096, flags, cflags, nbd_timeout, nbd_lease);
int err = netlink_configure(sockfd + 1, 1, devnum, device_size, 4096, flags, cflags, nbd_timeout, nbd_conn_timeout, NULL, revive);
if (err < 0)
errno = (err == -NLE_BUSY ? EBUSY : EIO);
fprintf(stderr, "netlink_configure failed: %s (code %d)\n", nl_geterror(err), err);
printf("/dev/nbd%d\n", err);
fprintf(stderr, "netlink support is disabled in this build\n");
@ -647,9 +701,10 @@ public:
int r;
// Kernel built-in default is 16 devices with up to 16 partitions per device which is a big shit
// 64 also isn't too high, but the possible maximum is nbds_max=256 max_part=0 and it won't reserve
// any block device minor numbers for partitions
// NBD module creates ALL <nbd_max_devices> devices in /dev/ when loaded
// Kernel built-in default is 16 devices with up to 16 partitions per device which is a bit too low.
// ...and ioctl setup method can't create additional devices.
// netlink setup method, however, CAN create additional devices.
if ((r = system(("modprobe nbd nbds_max="+std::to_string(nbd_max_devices)+" max_part="+std::to_string(nbd_max_part)).c_str())) != 0)
if (r < 0)

View File

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ void print_help(const char *help_text, std::string exe_name, std::string cmd, bo
const char *var_end = var_start;
while (*var_end && !isspace(*var_end))
if ((std::string(var_start, var_end-var_start)+"|").find(cmd+"|") != std::string::npos)
if (("|"+std::string(var_start, var_end-var_start)+"|").find("|"+cmd+"|") != std::string::npos)
found = matched = true;
else if (*next_line && isspace(*next_line))