// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) // // NFS proxy over VitastorKV database - CREATE, MKDIR, SYMLINK, MKNOD #include #include "str_util.h" #include "nfs_proxy.h" #include "nfs/nfs.h" #include "cli.h" void allocate_new_id(nfs_client_t *self, std::function cb) { if (self->parent->fs_next_id <= self->parent->fs_allocated_id) { cb(0, self->parent->fs_next_id++); return; } else if (self->parent->fs_next_id > self->parent->fs_inode_count) { cb(-ENOSPC, 0); return; } self->parent->db->get(KV_NEXT_ID_KEY, [=](int res, const std::string & prev_str) { if (res < 0 && res != -ENOENT) { cb(res, 0); return; } uint64_t prev_val = stoull_full(prev_str); if (prev_val >= self->parent->fs_inode_count) { cb(-ENOSPC, 0); return; } if (prev_val < 1) { prev_val = 1; } uint64_t new_val = prev_val + self->parent->id_alloc_batch_size; if (new_val >= self->parent->fs_inode_count) { new_val = self->parent->fs_inode_count; } self->parent->db->set(KV_NEXT_ID_KEY, std::to_string(new_val), [=](int res) { if (res == -EAGAIN) { // CAS failure - retry allocate_new_id(self, cb); } else if (res < 0) { cb(res, 0); } else { self->parent->fs_next_id = prev_val+2; self->parent->fs_allocated_id = new_val; cb(0, prev_val+1); } }, [prev_val](int res, const std::string & value) { // FIXME: Allow to modify value from CAS callback? ("update" query) return res < 0 || stoull_full(value) == prev_val; }); }); } struct kv_create_state { nfs_client_t *self = NULL; rpc_op_t *rop = NULL; bool exclusive = false; uint64_t verf = 0; uint64_t dir_ino = 0; std::string filename; uint64_t new_id = 0; json11::Json::object attrobj; json11::Json attrs; std::string direntry_text; uint64_t dup_ino = 0; std::function cb; }; static void kv_do_create(kv_create_state *st) { if (st->self->parent->trace) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] CREATE %ju/%s ATTRS %s\n", st->self->nfs_fd, st->dir_ino, st->filename.c_str(), json11::Json(st->attrobj).dump().c_str()); if (st->filename == "" || st->filename.find("/") != std::string::npos) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(-EINVAL); return; } // Generate inode ID allocate_new_id(st->self, [st](int res, uint64_t new_id) { if (res < 0) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(res); return; } st->new_id = new_id; auto direntry = json11::Json::object{ { "ino", st->new_id } }; if (st->attrobj["type"].string_value() == "dir") { direntry["type"] = "dir"; } st->attrs = std::move(st->attrobj); st->direntry_text = json11::Json(direntry).dump().c_str(); // Set direntry st->self->parent->db->set(kv_direntry_key(st->dir_ino, st->filename), st->direntry_text, [st](int res) { if (res < 0) { st->self->parent->unallocated_ids.push_back(st->new_id); if (res == -EAGAIN) { if (st->dup_ino) { st->new_id = st->dup_ino; res = 0; } else res = -EEXIST; } else fprintf(stderr, "create %ju/%s failed: %s (code %d)\n", st->dir_ino, st->filename.c_str(), strerror(-res), res); auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(res); } else { st->self->parent->db->set(kv_inode_key(st->new_id), st->attrs.dump().c_str(), [st](int res) { if (res == -EAGAIN) { res = -EEXIST; } if (res < 0) { st->self->parent->db->del(kv_direntry_key(st->dir_ino, st->filename), [st, res](int del_res) { if (!del_res) { st->self->parent->unallocated_ids.push_back(st->new_id); } auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(res); }, [st](int res, const std::string & value) { return res != -ENOENT && value == st->direntry_text; }); } else { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(0); } }, [st](int res, const std::string & value) { return res == -ENOENT; }); } }, [st](int res, const std::string & value) { // CAS compare - check that the key doesn't exist if (res == 0) { std::string err; auto direntry = json11::Json::parse(value, err); if (err != "") { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid JSON in direntry %s = %s: %s, overwriting\n", kv_direntry_key(st->dir_ino, st->filename).c_str(), value.c_str(), err.c_str()); return true; } if (st->exclusive && direntry["verf"].uint64_value() == st->verf) { st->dup_ino = direntry["ino"].uint64_value(); return false; } return false; } return true; }); }); } static void kv_create_setattr(json11::Json::object & attrobj, sattr3 & sattr) { if (sattr.mode.set_it) attrobj["mode"] = (uint64_t)sattr.mode.mode; if (sattr.uid.set_it) attrobj["uid"] = (uint64_t)sattr.uid.uid; if (sattr.gid.set_it) attrobj["gid"] = (uint64_t)sattr.gid.gid; if (sattr.atime.set_it) attrobj["atime"] = nfstime_to_str(sattr.atime.atime); if (sattr.mtime.set_it) attrobj["mtime"] = nfstime_to_str(sattr.mtime.mtime); } template static void kv_create_reply(kv_create_state *st, int res) { T *reply = (T*)st->rop->reply; if (res < 0) { *reply = (T){ .status = vitastor_nfs_map_err(-res) }; } else { *reply = (T){ .status = NFS3_OK, .resok = (Tok){ .obj = { .handle_follows = 1, .handle = xdr_copy_string(st->rop->xdrs, kv_fh(st->new_id)), }, .obj_attributes = { .attributes_follow = 1, .attributes = get_kv_attributes(st->self, st->new_id, st->attrs), }, }, }; } rpc_queue_reply(st->rop); delete st; } int kv_nfs3_create_proc(void *opaque, rpc_op_t *rop) { kv_create_state *st = new kv_create_state; st->self = (nfs_client_t*)opaque; st->rop = rop; auto args = (CREATE3args*)rop->request; st->exclusive = args->how.mode == NFS_EXCLUSIVE; st->verf = st->exclusive ? *(uint64_t*)&args->how.verf : 0; st->dir_ino = kv_fh_inode(args->where.dir); st->filename = args->where.name; if (args->how.mode == NFS_EXCLUSIVE) { st->attrobj["verf"] = *(uint64_t*)&args->how.verf; } else if (args->how.mode == NFS_UNCHECKED) { kv_create_setattr(st->attrobj, args->how.obj_attributes); if (args->how.obj_attributes.size.set_it) { st->attrobj["size"] = (uint64_t)args->how.obj_attributes.size.size; st->attrobj["empty"] = true; } } st->cb = [st](int res) { kv_create_reply(st, res); }; kv_do_create(st); return 1; } int kv_nfs3_mkdir_proc(void *opaque, rpc_op_t *rop) { kv_create_state *st = new kv_create_state; st->self = (nfs_client_t*)opaque; st->rop = rop; auto args = (MKDIR3args*)rop->request; st->dir_ino = kv_fh_inode(args->where.dir); st->filename = args->where.name; st->attrobj["type"] = "dir"; st->attrobj["parent_ino"] = st->dir_ino; kv_create_setattr(st->attrobj, args->attributes); st->cb = [st](int res) { kv_create_reply(st, res); }; kv_do_create(st); return 1; } int kv_nfs3_symlink_proc(void *opaque, rpc_op_t *rop) { kv_create_state *st = new kv_create_state; st->self = (nfs_client_t*)opaque; st->rop = rop; auto args = (SYMLINK3args*)rop->request; st->dir_ino = kv_fh_inode(args->where.dir); st->filename = args->where.name; st->attrobj["type"] = "link"; st->attrobj["symlink"] = (std::string)args->symlink.symlink_data; kv_create_setattr(st->attrobj, args->symlink.symlink_attributes); st->cb = [st](int res) { kv_create_reply(st, res); }; kv_do_create(st); return 1; } int kv_nfs3_mknod_proc(void *opaque, rpc_op_t *rop) { kv_create_state *st = new kv_create_state; st->self = (nfs_client_t*)opaque; st->rop = rop; auto args = (MKNOD3args*)rop->request; st->dir_ino = kv_fh_inode(args->where.dir); st->filename = args->where.name; if (args->what.type == NF3CHR || args->what.type == NF3BLK) { st->attrobj["type"] = (args->what.type == NF3CHR ? "chr" : "blk"); st->attrobj["major"] = (uint64_t)args->what.chr_device.spec.specdata1; st->attrobj["minor"] = (uint64_t)args->what.chr_device.spec.specdata2; kv_create_setattr(st->attrobj, args->what.chr_device.dev_attributes); } else if (args->what.type == NF3SOCK || args->what.type == NF3FIFO) { st->attrobj["type"] = (args->what.type == NF3SOCK ? "sock" : "fifo"); kv_create_setattr(st->attrobj, args->what.sock_attributes); } else { *(MKNOD3res*)rop->reply = (MKNOD3res){ .status = NFS3ERR_INVAL }; rpc_queue_reply(rop); delete st; return 0; } st->cb = [st](int res) { kv_create_reply(st, res); }; kv_do_create(st); return 1; }