#!/bin/bash -ex if [ ! "$BASH_VERSION" ] ; then echo "Use bash to run this script ($0)" 1>&2 exit 1 fi format_error() { echo $(echo -n -e "\033[1;31m")"$0 $1"$(echo -n -e "\033[m") $ETCDCTL get --prefix /vitastor > ./testdata/etcd-dump.txt exit 1 } format_green() { echo $(echo -n -e "\033[1;32m")"$1"$(echo -n -e "\033[m") } cd `dirname $0`/.. trap 'kill -9 $(jobs -p)' EXIT ETCD=${ETCD:-etcd} ETCD_IP=${ETCD_IP:-} ETCD_PORT=${ETCD_PORT:-12379} ETCD_COUNT=${ETCD_COUNT:-1} if [ "$KEEP_DATA" = "" ]; then rm -rf ./testdata mkdir -p ./testdata fi ETCD_URL="http://$ETCD_IP:$ETCD_PORT" ETCD_CLUSTER="etcd1=http://$ETCD_IP:$((ETCD_PORT+1))" for i in $(seq 2 $ETCD_COUNT); do ETCD_URL="$ETCD_URL,http://$ETCD_IP:$((ETCD_PORT+2*i-2))" ETCD_CLUSTER="$ETCD_CLUSTER,etcd$i=http://$ETCD_IP:$((ETCD_PORT+2*i-1))" done ETCDCTL="${ETCD}ctl --endpoints=$ETCD_URL --dial-timeout=5s --command-timeout=10s" start_etcd() { local i=$1 ionice -c2 -n0 $ETCD -name etcd$i --data-dir ./testdata/etcd$i \ --advertise-client-urls http://$ETCD_IP:$((ETCD_PORT+2*i-2)) --listen-client-urls http://$ETCD_IP:$((ETCD_PORT+2*i-2)) \ --initial-advertise-peer-urls http://$ETCD_IP:$((ETCD_PORT+2*i-1)) --listen-peer-urls http://$ETCD_IP:$((ETCD_PORT+2*i-1)) \ --initial-cluster-token vitastor-tests-etcd --initial-cluster-state new \ --initial-cluster "$ETCD_CLUSTER" \ --max-txn-ops=100000 --auto-compaction-retention=10 --auto-compaction-mode=revision &>./testdata/etcd$i.log & eval ETCD${i}_PID=$! } for i in $(seq 1 $ETCD_COUNT); do start_etcd $i done for i in {1..30}; do ${ETCD}ctl --endpoints=$ETCD_URL --dial-timeout=1s --command-timeout=1s member list >/dev/null && break if [[ $i = 30 ]]; then format_error "Failed to start etcd" fi done echo leak:fio >> testdata/lsan-suppress.txt echo leak:tcmalloc >> testdata/lsan-suppress.txt echo leak:ceph >> testdata/lsan-suppress.txt echo leak:librbd >> testdata/lsan-suppress.txt echo leak:_M_mutate >> testdata/lsan-suppress.txt echo leak:_M_assign >> testdata/lsan-suppress.txt export LSAN_OPTIONS=report_objects=true:suppressions=`pwd`/testdata/lsan-suppress.txt export ASAN_OPTIONS=verify_asan_link_order=false:abort_on_error=1