const { select_murmur3 } = require('./murmur3.js'); const NO_OSD = 'Z'; class SimpleCombinator { constructor(flat_tree, pg_size, max_combinations, ordered) { this.osd_tree = flat_tree; this.pg_size = pg_size; this.max_combinations = max_combinations; this.ordered = ordered; } random_combinations() { return random_combinations(this.osd_tree, this.pg_size, this.max_combinations, this.ordered); } check_combinations(pgs) { return check_combinations(this.osd_tree, pgs); } } // Convert multi-level osd_tree = { level: number|string, id?: string, size?: number, children?: osd_tree }[] // levels = { string: number } // to a two-level osd_tree suitable for all_combinations() function flatten_tree(osd_tree, levels, failure_domain_level, osd_level, domains = {}, i = { i: 1 }) { osd_level = levels[osd_level] || osd_level; failure_domain_level = levels[failure_domain_level] || failure_domain_level; for (const node of osd_tree) { if ((levels[node.level] || node.level) < failure_domain_level) { flatten_tree(node.children||[], levels, failure_domain_level, osd_level, domains, i); } else { domains['dom'+(i.i++)] = extract_osds([ node ], levels, osd_level); } } return domains; } function extract_osds(osd_tree, levels, osd_level, osds = {}) { for (const node of osd_tree) { if ((levels[node.level] || node.level) >= osd_level) { osds[] = node.size; } else { extract_osds(node.children||[], levels, osd_level, osds); } } return osds; } // ordered = don't treat (x,y) and (y,x) as equal function random_combinations(osd_tree, pg_size, count, ordered) { const osds = Object.keys(osd_tree).reduce((a, c) => { a[c] = Object.keys(osd_tree[c]).sort(); return a; }, {}); const hosts = Object.keys(osd_tree).sort().filter(h => osds[h].length > 0); const r = {}; // Generate random combinations including each OSD at least once for (let h = 0; h < hosts.length; h++) { for (let o = 0; o < osds[hosts[h]].length; o++) { const pg = [ osds[hosts[h]][o] ]; const cur_hosts = [ ...hosts ]; cur_hosts.splice(h, 1); for (let i = 1; i < pg_size && i < hosts.length; i++) { const next_host = select_murmur3(cur_hosts.length, i => pg[0]+':i:'+cur_hosts[i]); const next_osd = select_murmur3(osds[cur_hosts[next_host]].length, i => pg[0]+':i:'+osds[cur_hosts[next_host]][i]); pg.push(osds[cur_hosts[next_host]][next_osd]); cur_hosts.splice(next_host, 1); } while (pg.length < pg_size) { pg.push(NO_OSD); } r['pg_'+pg.join('_')] = pg; } } // Generate purely random combinations while (count > 0) { let host_idx = []; const cur_hosts = [, i) => i) ]; const max_hosts = pg_size < hosts.length ? pg_size : hosts.length; if (ordered) { for (let i = 0; i < max_hosts; i++) { const r = select_murmur3(cur_hosts.length, i => count+':h:'+cur_hosts[i]); host_idx[i] = cur_hosts[r]; cur_hosts.splice(r, 1); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < max_hosts; i++) { const r = select_murmur3(cur_hosts.length - (max_hosts - i - 1), i => count+':h:'+cur_hosts[i]); host_idx[i] = cur_hosts[r]; cur_hosts.splice(0, r+1); } } let pg = => osds[hosts[h]][select_murmur3(osds[hosts[h]].length, i => count+':o:'+osds[hosts[h]][i])]); while (pg.length < pg_size) { pg.push(NO_OSD); } r['pg_'+pg.join('_')] = pg; count--; } return r; } // Super-stupid algorithm. Given the current OSD tree, generate all possible OSD combinations // osd_tree = { failure_domain1: { osd1: size1, ... }, ... } // ordered = return combinations without duplicates having different order function all_combinations(osd_tree, pg_size, ordered, count) { const hosts = Object.keys(osd_tree).sort(); const osds = Object.keys(osd_tree).reduce((a, c) => { a[c] = Object.keys(osd_tree[c]).sort(); return a; }, {}); while (hosts.length < pg_size) { osds[NO_OSD] = [ NO_OSD ]; hosts.push(NO_OSD); } let host_idx = []; let osd_idx = []; for (let i = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { host_idx.push(i); osd_idx.push(0); } const r = []; while (!count || count < 0 || r.length < count) { r.push(, i) => osds[hosts[hi]][osd_idx[i]])); let inc = pg_size-1; while (inc >= 0) { osd_idx[inc]++; if (osd_idx[inc] >= osds[hosts[host_idx[inc]]].length) { osd_idx[inc] = 0; inc--; } else { break; } } if (inc < 0) { // no osds left in the current host combination, select the next one inc = pg_size-1; same_again: while (inc >= 0) { host_idx[inc]++; for (let prev_host = 0; prev_host < inc; prev_host++) { if (host_idx[prev_host] == host_idx[inc]) { continue same_again; } } if (host_idx[inc] < (ordered ? hosts.length-(pg_size-1-inc) : hosts.length)) { while ((++inc) < pg_size) { host_idx[inc] = (ordered ? host_idx[inc-1]+1 : 0); } break; } else { inc--; } } if (inc < 0) { break; } } } return r; } function check_combinations(osd_tree, pgs) { const hosts = Object.keys(osd_tree).sort(); const host_per_osd = {}; for (const host in osd_tree) { for (const osd in osd_tree[host]) { host_per_osd[osd] = host; } } const res = []; skip_pg: for (const pg of pgs) { const seen_hosts = {}; for (const osd of pg) { if (!host_per_osd[osd] || seen_hosts[host_per_osd[osd]]) { continue skip_pg; } seen_hosts[host_per_osd[osd]] = true; } res.push(pg); } return res; } function compat(params) { return { ...params, osd_weights: Object.assign({}, ...Object.values(params.osd_tree)), combinator: new SimpleCombinator(params.osd_tree, params.pg_size, params.max_combinations||10000), }; } module.exports = { flatten_tree, SimpleCombinator, compat, NO_OSD, };