// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) #include "osd_primary.h" #define SELF_FD -1 void osd_t::scrub_list(pool_pg_num_t pg_id, osd_num_t role_osd, object_id min_oid) { pool_id_t pool_id = pg_id.pool_id; pg_num_t pg_num = pg_id.pg_num; assert(!scrub_list_op); if (role_osd == this->osd_num) { // Self osd_op_t *op = new osd_op_t(); op->op_type = 0; op->peer_fd = SELF_FD; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &op->tv_begin); op->bs_op = new blockstore_op_t(); op->bs_op->opcode = BS_OP_LIST; op->bs_op->pg_alignment = st_cli.pool_config[pool_id].pg_stripe_size; if (min_oid.inode != 0 || min_oid.stripe != 0) op->bs_op->min_oid = min_oid; else { op->bs_op->min_oid.inode = ((uint64_t)pool_id << (64 - POOL_ID_BITS)); op->bs_op->min_oid.stripe = 0; } op->bs_op->max_oid.inode = ((uint64_t)(pool_id+1) << (64 - POOL_ID_BITS)) - 1; op->bs_op->max_oid.stripe = UINT64_MAX; op->bs_op->list_stable_limit = scrub_list_limit; op->bs_op->pg_count = pg_counts[pool_id]; op->bs_op->pg_number = pg_num-1; op->bs_op->callback = [this, op](blockstore_op_t *bs_op) { scrub_list_op = NULL; if (op->bs_op->retval < 0) { printf("Local OP_LIST failed: retval=%d\n", op->bs_op->retval); force_stop(1); return; } add_bs_subop_stats(op); scrub_cur_list = { .buf = (obj_ver_id*)op->bs_op->buf, .total_count = (uint64_t)op->bs_op->retval, .stable_count = op->bs_op->version, }; delete op->bs_op; op->bs_op = NULL; delete op; continue_scrub(); }; scrub_list_op = op; bs->enqueue_op(op->bs_op); } else { // Peer osd_op_t *op = new osd_op_t(); op->op_type = OSD_OP_OUT; op->peer_fd = msgr.osd_peer_fds.at(role_osd); op->req = (osd_any_op_t){ .sec_list = { .header = { .magic = SECONDARY_OSD_OP_MAGIC, .id = msgr.next_subop_id++, .opcode = OSD_OP_SEC_LIST, }, .list_pg = pg_num, .pg_count = pg_counts[pool_id], .pg_stripe_size = st_cli.pool_config[pool_id].pg_stripe_size, .min_inode = min_oid.inode ? min_oid.inode : ((uint64_t)(pool_id) << (64 - POOL_ID_BITS)), .max_inode = ((uint64_t)(pool_id+1) << (64 - POOL_ID_BITS)) - 1, .min_stripe = min_oid.stripe, .stable_limit = scrub_list_limit, }, }; op->callback = [this, role_osd](osd_op_t *op) { scrub_list_op = NULL; if (op->reply.hdr.retval < 0) { printf("Failed to get object list from OSD %lu (retval=%ld), disconnecting peer\n", role_osd, op->reply.hdr.retval); int fail_fd = op->peer_fd; delete op; msgr.stop_client(fail_fd); return; } scrub_cur_list = { .buf = (obj_ver_id*)op->buf, .total_count = (uint64_t)op->reply.hdr.retval, .stable_count = op->reply.sec_list.stable_count, }; // set op->buf to NULL so it doesn't get freed op->buf = NULL; delete op; continue_scrub(); }; scrub_list_op = op; msgr.outbox_push(op); } } int osd_t::pick_next_scrub(object_id & next_oid) { if (!pgs.size()) { if (scrub_cur_list.buf) { free(scrub_cur_list.buf); scrub_cur_list = {}; scrub_last_pg = {}; } return 0; } timespec tv_now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv_now); bool rescan = scrub_last_pg.pool_id != 0 || scrub_last_pg.pg_num != 0; // Restart scanning from the same PG as the last time auto pg_it = pgs.lower_bound(scrub_last_pg); if (pg_it == pgs.end() && rescan) { pg_it = pgs.begin(); rescan = false; } while (pg_it != pgs.end()) { if ((pg_it->second.state & PG_ACTIVE) && pg_it->second.next_scrub && pg_it->second.next_scrub < tv_now.tv_sec) { // Continue scrubbing from the next object if (scrub_last_pg == pg_it->first) { while (scrub_list_pos < scrub_cur_list.total_count) { auto oid = scrub_cur_list.buf[scrub_list_pos].oid; oid.stripe &= ~STRIPE_MASK; scrub_list_pos++; if (recovery_ops.find(oid) == recovery_ops.end() && scrub_ops.find(oid) == scrub_ops.end() && pg_it->second.write_queue.find(oid) == pg_it->second.write_queue.end()) { next_oid = oid; if (!(pg_it->second.state & PG_SCRUBBING)) { // Currently scrubbing this PG pg_it->second.state = pg_it->second.state | PG_SCRUBBING; report_pg_state(pg_it->second); } return 2; } } } if (scrub_last_pg == pg_it->first && scrub_list_pos >= scrub_cur_list.total_count && scrub_cur_list.stable_count < scrub_list_limit) { // End of the list, mark this PG as scrubbed and go to the next PG } else { // Continue listing object_id scrub_last_oid = {}; if (scrub_last_pg == pg_it->first && scrub_cur_list.stable_count > 0) { scrub_last_oid = scrub_cur_list.buf[scrub_cur_list.stable_count-1].oid; scrub_last_oid.stripe++; } osd_num_t scrub_osd = 0; for (osd_num_t pg_osd: pg_it->second.cur_set) { if (pg_osd == this->osd_num || scrub_osd == 0) scrub_osd = pg_osd; } if (!(pg_it->second.state & PG_SCRUBBING)) { // Currently scrubbing this PG pg_it->second.state = pg_it->second.state | PG_SCRUBBING; report_pg_state(pg_it->second); } if (scrub_cur_list.buf) { free(scrub_cur_list.buf); scrub_cur_list = {}; scrub_list_pos = 0; } scrub_last_pg = pg_it->first; scrub_list(pg_it->first, scrub_osd, scrub_last_oid); return 1; } if (pg_it->second.state & PG_SCRUBBING) { scrub_last_pg = {}; auto & pool_cfg = st_cli.pool_config.at(pg_it->first.pool_id); auto interval = pool_cfg.scrub_interval ? pool_cfg.scrub_interval : global_scrub_interval; pg_it->second.next_scrub = auto_scrub ? tv_now.tv_sec + interval : 0; pg_it->second.state = pg_it->second.state & ~PG_SCRUBBING; pg_it->second.history_changed = true; report_pg_state(pg_it->second); schedule_scrub(pg_it->second); } // The list is definitely not needed anymore if (scrub_cur_list.buf) { free(scrub_cur_list.buf); scrub_cur_list = {}; } } pg_it++; if (pg_it == pgs.end() && rescan) { // Scan one more time to guarantee that there are no PGs to scrub pg_it = pgs.begin(); rescan = false; } } // Scanned all PGs - no more scrubs to do return 0; } void osd_t::submit_scrub_op(object_id oid) { auto osd_op = new osd_op_t(); osd_op->op_type = OSD_OP_OUT; osd_op->peer_fd = -1; osd_op->req = (osd_any_op_t){ .rw = { .header = { .magic = SECONDARY_OSD_OP_MAGIC, .id = 1, .opcode = OSD_OP_SCRUB, }, .inode = oid.inode, .offset = oid.stripe, .len = 0, }, }; if (log_level > 2) { printf("Submitting scrub for %lx:%lx\n", oid.inode, oid.stripe); } osd_op->callback = [this](osd_op_t *osd_op) { object_id oid = { .inode = osd_op->req.rw.inode, .stripe = osd_op->req.rw.offset }; if (osd_op->reply.hdr.retval < 0 && osd_op->reply.hdr.retval != -ENOENT) { // Scrub error printf( "Scrub failed with object %lx:%lx (PG %u/%u): error %ld\n", oid.inode, oid.stripe, INODE_POOL(oid.inode), map_to_pg(oid, st_cli.pool_config.at(INODE_POOL(oid.inode)).pg_stripe_size), osd_op->reply.hdr.retval ); } else if (log_level > 2) { printf("Scrubbed %lx:%lx\n", oid.inode, oid.stripe); } delete osd_op; if (scrub_sleep_ms) { this->tfd->set_timer(scrub_sleep_ms, false, [this, oid](int timer_id) { scrub_ops.erase(oid); continue_scrub(); }); } else { scrub_ops.erase(oid); continue_scrub(); } }; scrub_ops[oid] = osd_op; exec_op(osd_op); } // Triggers scrub requests // Scrub reads data from all replicas and compares it // To scrub first we need to read objects listings bool osd_t::continue_scrub() { if (scrub_list_op) { return true; } while (scrub_ops.size() < scrub_queue_depth) { object_id oid; int r = pick_next_scrub(oid); if (r == 2) submit_scrub_op(oid); else return r; } return true; } void osd_t::schedule_scrub(pg_t & pg) { if (pg.next_scrub && (!scrub_nearest_ts || scrub_nearest_ts > pg.next_scrub)) { scrub_nearest_ts = pg.next_scrub; timespec tv_now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv_now); if (scrub_timer_id >= 0) { tfd->clear_timer(scrub_timer_id); scrub_timer_id = -1; } if (tv_now.tv_sec > scrub_nearest_ts) { scrub_nearest_ts = 0; peering_state = peering_state | OSD_SCRUBBING; ringloop->wakeup(); } else { scrub_timer_id = tfd->set_timer((scrub_nearest_ts-tv_now.tv_sec)*1000, false, [this](int timer_id) { scrub_timer_id = -1; scrub_nearest_ts = 0; peering_state = peering_state | OSD_SCRUBBING; ringloop->wakeup(); }); } } } void osd_t::continue_primary_scrub(osd_op_t *cur_op) { if (!cur_op->op_data && !prepare_primary_rw(cur_op)) return; osd_primary_op_data_t *op_data = cur_op->op_data; if (op_data->st == 1) goto resume_1; else if (op_data->st == 2) goto resume_2; { auto & pg = pgs.at({ .pool_id = INODE_POOL(op_data->oid.inode), .pg_num = op_data->pg_num }); // Determine version auto vo_it = pg.ver_override.find(op_data->oid); op_data->target_ver = vo_it != pg.ver_override.end() ? vo_it->second : UINT64_MAX; // PG may have degraded or misplaced objects op_data->prev_set = get_object_osd_set(pg, op_data->oid, &op_data->object_state); // Read all available chunks int n_copies = 0; op_data->degraded = false; for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { op_data->stripes[role].write_buf = NULL; op_data->stripes[role].read_start = 0; op_data->stripes[role].read_end = bs_block_size; if (op_data->prev_set[role] != 0) { n_copies++; } else if (op_data->scheme != POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED && role < op_data->pg_data_size) { op_data->degraded = true; } } if (n_copies <= op_data->pg_data_size) { // Nothing to compare, even if we'd like to finish_op(cur_op, 0); return; } cur_op->buf = alloc_read_buffer(op_data->stripes, op_data->pg_size, op_data->scheme != POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED ? bs_block_size*(op_data->pg_size-op_data->pg_data_size) : 0); // Submit reads osd_op_t *subops = new osd_op_t[n_copies]; op_data->fact_ver = 0; op_data->done = op_data->errors = op_data->errcode = 0; op_data->n_subops = n_copies; op_data->subops = subops; int sent = submit_primary_subop_batch(SUBMIT_SCRUB_READ, op_data->oid.inode, op_data->target_ver, op_data->stripes, op_data->prev_set, cur_op, 0, -1); assert(sent == n_copies); op_data->st = 1; } resume_1: return; resume_2: if (op_data->errors > 0) { if (op_data->errcode == -EIO || op_data->errcode == -EDOM) { // I/O or checksum error int n_copies = 0; for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { if (op_data->stripes[role].read_end != 0 && !op_data->stripes[role].read_error) { n_copies++; } } if (n_copies <= op_data->pg_data_size) { // Nothing to compare, just mark the object as corrupted auto & pg = pgs.at({ .pool_id = INODE_POOL(op_data->oid.inode), .pg_num = op_data->pg_num }); // FIXME: ref = true ideally... because new_state != state is not necessarily true if it's freed and recreated op_data->object_state = mark_object_corrupted(pg, op_data->oid, op_data->object_state, op_data->stripes, false); // Operation is treated as unsuccessful only if the object becomes unreadable finish_op(cur_op, n_copies < op_data->pg_data_size ? op_data->errcode : 0); return; } // Proceed, we can still compare chunks that were successfully read } else { finish_op(cur_op, op_data->errcode); return; } } if (op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_REPLICATED) { // Check that all chunks have returned the same data int total = 0; int eq_to[op_data->pg_size]; for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { eq_to[role] = -1; if (op_data->stripes[role].read_end != 0 && !op_data->stripes[role].missing) { total++; eq_to[role] = role; for (int other = 0; other < role; other++) { // Only compare with unique chunks (eq_to[other] == other) if (eq_to[other] == other && memcmp(op_data->stripes[role].read_buf, op_data->stripes[other].read_buf, bs_block_size) == 0) { eq_to[role] = eq_to[other]; break; } } } } int votes[op_data->pg_size]; for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) votes[role] = 0; for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { if (eq_to[role] != -1) votes[eq_to[role]]++; } int best = -1; for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { if (votes[role] > (best >= 0 ? votes[best] : 0)) best = role; } if (best >= 0 && votes[best] < total) { // FIXME Add a flag to allow to skip such objects and not recover them automatically bool unknown = false; for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { if (role != best && votes[role] == votes[best]) unknown = true; if (votes[role] > 0 && votes[role] < votes[best]) { printf( "[PG %u/%u] Object %lx:%lx copy on OSD %lu doesn't match %d other copies, marking it as corrupted\n", INODE_POOL(op_data->oid.inode), op_data->pg_num, op_data->oid.inode, op_data->oid.stripe, op_data->stripes[role].osd_num, votes[best] ); op_data->stripes[role].read_error = true; } } if (unknown) { // It's unknown which replica is good. There are multiple versions with no majority best = -1; } } } else { assert(op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_EC || op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_XOR); if (op_data->degraded) { // Reconstruct missing stripes // XOR shouldn't come here as it only has 1 parity chunk assert(op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_EC); reconstruct_stripes_ec(op_data->stripes, op_data->pg_size, op_data->pg_data_size, clean_entry_bitmap_size); } // Generate parity chunks and compare them with actual data osd_num_t fake_osd_set[op_data->pg_size]; for (int i = 0; i < op_data->pg_size; i++) { fake_osd_set[i] = 1; op_data->stripes[i].write_buf = i >= op_data->pg_data_size ? ((uint8_t*)cur_op->buf + (i-op_data->pg_data_size)*bs_block_size) : op_data->stripes[i].read_buf; } if (op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_XOR) { calc_rmw_parity_xor(op_data->stripes, op_data->pg_size, fake_osd_set, fake_osd_set, bs_block_size, clean_entry_bitmap_size); } else if (op_data->scheme == POOL_SCHEME_EC) { calc_rmw_parity_ec(op_data->stripes, op_data->pg_size, op_data->pg_data_size, fake_osd_set, fake_osd_set, bs_block_size, clean_entry_bitmap_size); } // Now compare that write_buf == read_buf for (int role = op_data->pg_data_size; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { if (op_data->stripes[role].osd_num != 0 && !op_data->stripes[role].read_error && memcmp(op_data->stripes[role].read_buf, op_data->stripes[role].write_buf, bs_block_size) != 0) { // Chunks don't match - something's wrong... but we don't know what :D // FIXME: Try to locate errors (may be possible with >= 2 parity chunks) printf( "[PG %u/%u] Object %lx:%lx parity chunk %d on OSD %lu doesn't match data, marking it as corrupted\n", INODE_POOL(op_data->oid.inode), op_data->pg_num, op_data->oid.inode, op_data->oid.stripe, role-op_data->pg_data_size, op_data->stripes[role].osd_num ); op_data->stripes[role].read_error = true; } } } for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_size; role++) { if (op_data->stripes[role].osd_num != 0 && !op_data->stripes[role].read_error) { // Got at least 1 read error or mismatch, mark the object as corrupted auto & pg = pgs.at({ .pool_id = INODE_POOL(op_data->oid.inode), .pg_num = op_data->pg_num }); // FIXME: ref = true ideally... because new_state != state is not necessarily true if it's freed and recreated op_data->object_state = mark_object_corrupted(pg, op_data->oid, op_data->object_state, op_data->stripes, false); break; } } finish_op(cur_op, 0); }