// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) #include "base64.h" #include "cluster_client.h" #include "cli.h" void cli_tool_t::change_parent(inode_t cur, inode_t new_parent) { auto cur_cfg_it = cli->st_cli.inode_config.find(cur); if (cur_cfg_it == cli->st_cli.inode_config.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "Inode 0x%lx disappeared\n", cur); exit(1); } inode_config_t new_cfg = cur_cfg_it->second; std::string cur_name = new_cfg.name; std::string cur_cfg_key = base64_encode(cli->st_cli.etcd_prefix+ "/config/inode/"+std::to_string(INODE_POOL(cur))+ "/"+std::to_string(INODE_NO_POOL(cur))); new_cfg.parent_id = new_parent; json11::Json::object cur_cfg_json = cli->st_cli.serialize_inode_cfg(&new_cfg); waiting++; cli->st_cli.etcd_txn_slow(json11::Json::object { { "compare", json11::Json::array { json11::Json::object { { "target", "MOD" }, { "key", cur_cfg_key }, { "result", "LESS" }, { "mod_revision", new_cfg.mod_revision+1 }, }, } }, { "success", json11::Json::array { json11::Json::object { { "request_put", json11::Json::object { { "key", cur_cfg_key }, { "value", base64_encode(json11::Json(cur_cfg_json).dump()) }, } } }, } }, }, [this, new_parent, cur, cur_name](std::string err, json11::Json res) { if (err != "") { fprintf(stderr, "Error changing parent of %s: %s\n", cur_name.c_str(), err.c_str()); exit(1); } if (!res["succeeded"].bool_value()) { fprintf(stderr, "Inode %s was modified during snapshot deletion\n", cur_name.c_str()); exit(1); } if (new_parent) { auto new_parent_it = cli->st_cli.inode_config.find(new_parent); std::string new_parent_name = new_parent_it != cli->st_cli.inode_config.end() ? new_parent_it->second.name : ""; printf( "Parent of layer %s (inode %lu in pool %u) changed to %s (inode %lu in pool %u)\n", cur_name.c_str(), INODE_NO_POOL(cur), INODE_POOL(cur), new_parent_name.c_str(), INODE_NO_POOL(new_parent), INODE_POOL(new_parent) ); } else { printf( "Parent of layer %s (inode %lu in pool %u) detached\n", cur_name.c_str(), INODE_NO_POOL(cur), INODE_POOL(cur) ); } waiting--; ringloop->wakeup(); }); } void cli_tool_t::etcd_txn(json11::Json txn) { waiting++; cli->st_cli.etcd_txn_slow(txn, [this](std::string err, json11::Json res) { waiting--; if (err != "") { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading from etcd: %s\n", err.c_str()); exit(1); } etcd_result = res; ringloop->wakeup(); }); } inode_config_t* cli_tool_t::get_inode_cfg(const std::string & name) { for (auto & ic: cli->st_cli.inode_config) { if (ic.second.name == name) { return &ic.second; } } fprintf(stderr, "Layer %s not found\n", name.c_str()); exit(1); } void cli_tool_t::parse_config(json11::Json cfg) { color = !cfg["no-color"].bool_value(); json_output = cfg["json"].bool_value(); iodepth = cfg["iodepth"].uint64_value(); if (!iodepth) iodepth = 32; parallel_osds = cfg["parallel_osds"].uint64_value(); if (!parallel_osds) parallel_osds = 4; log_level = cfg["log_level"].int64_value(); progress = cfg["progress"].uint64_value() ? true : false; list_first = cfg["wait-list"].uint64_value() ? true : false; }