// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 or GNU GPL-2.0+ (see README.md for details) #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include #include "messenger.h" #include #ifndef MSG_ZEROCOPY #define MSG_ZEROCOPY 0 #endif void osd_messenger_t::outbox_push(osd_op_t *cur_op) { assert(cur_op->peer_fd); osd_client_t *cl = clients.at(cur_op->peer_fd); if (cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_OUT) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &cur_op->tv_begin); } else { // Check that operation actually belongs to this client // FIXME: Review if this is still needed bool found = false; for (auto it = cl->received_ops.begin(); it != cl->received_ops.end(); it++) { if (*it == cur_op) { found = true; cl->received_ops.erase(it, it+1); break; } } if (!found) { delete cur_op; return; } } auto & to_send_list = cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen ? cl->next_send_list : cl->send_list; auto & to_outbox = cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen ? cl->next_outbox : cl->outbox; auto & to_size = cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen ? cl->next_outbox_size : cl->outbox_size; if (cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_IN) { measure_exec(cur_op); to_send_list.push_back((iovec){ .iov_base = cur_op->reply.buf, .iov_len = OSD_PACKET_SIZE }); } else { to_send_list.push_back((iovec){ .iov_base = cur_op->req.buf, .iov_len = OSD_PACKET_SIZE }); cl->sent_ops[cur_op->req.hdr.id] = cur_op; } to_size += OSD_PACKET_SIZE; to_outbox.push_back((msgr_sendp_t){ .op = cur_op, .flags = MSGR_SENDP_HDR }); // Bitmap if (cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_IN && cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_READ && cur_op->reply.sec_rw.attr_len > 0) { to_send_list.push_back((iovec){ .iov_base = cur_op->bitmap, .iov_len = cur_op->reply.sec_rw.attr_len, }); to_outbox.push_back((msgr_sendp_t){ .op = cur_op, .flags = 0 }); to_size += cur_op->reply.sec_rw.attr_len; } else if (cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_OUT && (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_WRITE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_WRITE_STABLE) && cur_op->req.sec_rw.attr_len > 0) { to_send_list.push_back((iovec){ .iov_base = cur_op->bitmap, .iov_len = cur_op->req.sec_rw.attr_len, }); to_outbox.push_back((msgr_sendp_t){ .op = cur_op, .flags = 0 }); to_size += cur_op->req.sec_rw.attr_len; } // Operation data if ((cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_IN ? (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_READ || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_READ || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_LIST || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SHOW_CONFIG || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_DESCRIBE) : (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_WRITE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_WRITE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_WRITE_STABLE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_STABILIZE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_ROLLBACK || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SHOW_CONFIG)) && cur_op->iov.count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < cur_op->iov.count; i++) { if (cur_op->iov.buf[i].iov_len > 0) { assert(cur_op->iov.buf[i].iov_base); to_send_list.push_back(cur_op->iov.buf[i]); to_outbox.push_back((msgr_sendp_t){ .op = cur_op, .flags = 0 }); to_size += cur_op->iov.buf[i].iov_len; } } } if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_READ_BMP) { if (cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_IN && cur_op->reply.hdr.retval > 0) { to_send_list.push_back((iovec){ .iov_base = cur_op->buf, .iov_len = (size_t)cur_op->reply.hdr.retval }); to_size += cur_op->reply.hdr.retval; } else if (cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_OUT && cur_op->req.sec_read_bmp.len > 0) { to_send_list.push_back((iovec){ .iov_base = cur_op->buf, .iov_len = (size_t)cur_op->req.sec_read_bmp.len }); to_size += cur_op->req.sec_read_bmp.len; } to_outbox.push_back((msgr_sendp_t){ .op = cur_op, .flags = 0 }); } if (cur_op->op_type == OSD_OP_IN) { to_outbox[to_outbox.size()-1].flags |= MSGR_SENDP_FREE; } #ifdef WITH_RDMA if (cl->peer_state == PEER_RDMA) { try_send_rdma(cl); return; } #endif if (!ringloop) { // FIXME: It's worse because it doesn't allow batching while (cl->outbox.size()) { try_send(cl); } } else { if ((cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen > 0 || !try_send(cl)) && (cl->write_state == 0)) { cl->write_state = CL_WRITE_READY; write_ready_clients.push_back(cur_op->peer_fd); } ringloop->wakeup(); } } void osd_messenger_t::measure_exec(osd_op_t *cur_op) { // Measure execution latency if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode > OSD_OP_MAX) { return; } if (!cur_op->tv_end.tv_sec) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &cur_op->tv_end); } stats.op_stat_count[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode]++; if (!stats.op_stat_count[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode]) { stats.op_stat_count[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode]++; stats.op_stat_sum[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode] = 0; stats.op_stat_bytes[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode] = 0; } stats.op_stat_sum[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode] += ( (cur_op->tv_end.tv_sec - cur_op->tv_begin.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur_op->tv_end.tv_nsec - cur_op->tv_begin.tv_nsec)/1000 ); if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_READ || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_WRITE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SCRUB) { // req.rw.len is internally set to the full object size for scrubs stats.op_stat_bytes[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode] += cur_op->req.rw.len; } else if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_READ || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_WRITE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SEC_WRITE_STABLE) { stats.op_stat_bytes[cur_op->req.hdr.opcode] += cur_op->req.sec_rw.len; } } bool osd_messenger_t::try_send(osd_client_t *cl) { int peer_fd = cl->peer_fd; if (!cl->send_list.size() || cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen > 0) { return true; } if (ringloop && !use_sync_send_recv) { io_uring_sqe* sqe = ringloop->get_sqe(); if (!sqe) { return false; } cl->write_msg.msg_iov = cl->send_list.data(); cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen = cl->send_list.size() < IOV_MAX ? cl->send_list.size() : IOV_MAX; cl->write_msg.msg_flags = (cl->zerocopy_send && (cl->outbox_size/cl->send_list.size()) >= 4096 ? MSG_ZEROCOPY : 0); cl->refs++; ring_data_t* data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data); data->callback = [this, cl](ring_data_t *data) { handle_send(data->res, cl); }; my_uring_prep_sendmsg(sqe, peer_fd, &cl->write_msg, cl->write_msg.msg_flags); } else { cl->write_msg.msg_iov = cl->send_list.data(); cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen = cl->send_list.size() < IOV_MAX ? cl->send_list.size() : IOV_MAX; cl->write_msg.msg_flags = (cl->zerocopy_send && (cl->outbox_size/cl->send_list.size()) >= 4096 ? MSG_ZEROCOPY : 0); cl->refs++; int result = sendmsg(peer_fd, &cl->write_msg, MSG_NOSIGNAL | cl->write_msg.msg_flags); if (result < 0) { result = -errno; } handle_send(result, cl); } return true; } void osd_messenger_t::handle_zerocopy_notification(osd_client_t *cl, int res) { cl->refs--; if (cl->peer_state == PEER_STOPPED) { if (cl->refs <= 0) { delete cl; } return; } if (res != 0) { return; } if (cl->zerocopy_notification_msg.msg_flags & MSG_CTRUNC) { fprintf(stderr, "zero-copy send notification truncated on client socket %d\n", cl->peer_fd); return; } for (struct cmsghdr *cm = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&cl->zerocopy_notification_msg); cm; cm = CMSG_NXTHDR(&cl->zerocopy_notification_msg, cm)) { if (cm->cmsg_level == SOL_IP && cm->cmsg_type == IP_RECVERR) { struct sock_extended_err *serr = (struct sock_extended_err*)CMSG_DATA(cm); if (serr->ee_errno == 0 && serr->ee_origin == SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY) { // completed sends numbered serr->ee_info .. serr->ee_data int start = 0; while (start < cl->zerocopy_sent.size() && cl->zerocopy_sent[start].nsend < serr->ee_info) start++; int end = start; if (serr->ee_data < serr->ee_info) { // counter has wrapped around while (end < cl->zerocopy_sent.size() && cl->zerocopy_sent[end].nsend >= cl->zerocopy_sent[start].nsend) end++; } while (end < cl->zerocopy_sent.size() && cl->zerocopy_sent[end].nsend <= serr->ee_data) end++; if (end > start) { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { delete cl->zerocopy_sent[i].op; } cl->zerocopy_sent.erase( cl->zerocopy_sent.begin() + start, cl->zerocopy_sent.begin() + end ); } } } } } void osd_messenger_t::send_replies() { for (int i = 0; i < write_ready_clients.size(); i++) { int peer_fd = write_ready_clients[i]; auto cl_it = clients.find(peer_fd); if (cl_it != clients.end() && !try_send(cl_it->second)) { write_ready_clients.erase(write_ready_clients.begin(), write_ready_clients.begin() + i); return; } } write_ready_clients.clear(); } void osd_messenger_t::handle_send(int result, osd_client_t *cl) { cl->write_msg.msg_iovlen = 0; cl->refs--; if (cl->peer_state == PEER_STOPPED) { if (cl->refs <= 0) { delete cl; } return; } if (result < 0 && result != -EAGAIN && result != -EINTR && result != -ENOBUFS) { // this is a client socket, so don't panic. just disconnect it fprintf(stderr, "Client %d socket write error: %d (%s). Disconnecting client\n", cl->peer_fd, -result, strerror(-result)); stop_client(cl->peer_fd); return; } bool used_zerocopy = false; if (result >= 0) { used_zerocopy = (cl->write_msg.msg_flags & MSG_ZEROCOPY) ? true : false; int done = 0; int bytes_written = result; while (result > 0 && done < cl->send_list.size()) { iovec & iov = cl->send_list[done]; if (iov.iov_len <= result) { if (cl->outbox[done].flags & MSGR_SENDP_FREE) { // Reply fully sent if (!used_zerocopy) { delete cl->outbox[done].op; } else { // With zero-copy send the difference is that we must keep the buffer (i.e. the operation) // allocated until we get send notification from MSG_ERRQUEUE cl->zerocopy_sent.push_back((msgr_zc_not_t){ .op = cl->outbox[done].op, .nsend = cl->zerocopy_notification_idx, }); } } result -= iov.iov_len; done++; } else { iov.iov_len -= result; iov.iov_base = (uint8_t*)iov.iov_base + result; break; } } if (used_zerocopy) { cl->zerocopy_notification_idx++; } cl->outbox_size -= bytes_written; if (done > 0) { cl->send_list.erase(cl->send_list.begin(), cl->send_list.begin()+done); cl->outbox.erase(cl->outbox.begin(), cl->outbox.begin()+done); } if (cl->next_send_list.size()) { cl->send_list.insert(cl->send_list.end(), cl->next_send_list.begin(), cl->next_send_list.end()); cl->outbox.insert(cl->outbox.end(), cl->next_outbox.begin(), cl->next_outbox.end()); cl->outbox_size += cl->next_outbox_size; cl->next_send_list.clear(); cl->next_outbox.clear(); cl->next_outbox_size = 0; } cl->write_state = cl->outbox.size() > 0 ? CL_WRITE_READY : 0; #ifdef WITH_RDMA if (cl->rdma_conn && !cl->outbox.size() && cl->peer_state == PEER_RDMA_CONNECTING) { // FIXME: Do something better than just forgetting the FD // FIXME: Ignore pings during RDMA state transition if (log_level > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Successfully connected with client %d using RDMA\n", cl->peer_fd); } cl->peer_state = PEER_RDMA; tfd->set_fd_handler(cl->peer_fd, false, NULL); // Add the initial receive request try_recv_rdma(cl); } #endif } if (cl->write_state != 0) { write_ready_clients.push_back(cl->peer_fd); } if (used_zerocopy && (cl->zerocopy_notification_idx-cl->zerocopy_notification_prev) >= 16 && cl->zerocopy_sent.size() > 0) { cl->zerocopy_notification_prev = cl->zerocopy_notification_idx; cl->zerocopy_notification_msg = { .msg_control = cl->zerocopy_notification_buf, .msg_controllen = sizeof(cl->zerocopy_notification_buf), }; cl->refs++; io_uring_sqe* sqe = NULL; if (ringloop && !use_sync_send_recv) { sqe = ringloop->get_sqe(); } if (!sqe) { int res = recvmsg(cl->peer_fd, &cl->zerocopy_notification_msg, MSG_ERRQUEUE|MSG_DONTWAIT); if (res < 0) { res = -errno; } handle_zerocopy_notification(cl, res); } else { ring_data_t* data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data); data->callback = [this, cl](ring_data_t *data) { handle_zerocopy_notification(cl, data->res); }; my_uring_prep_recvmsg(sqe, cl->peer_fd, &cl->zerocopy_notification_msg, MSG_ERRQUEUE); } } }