// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) // // NFS proxy over VitastorKV database - READ #include #include "nfs_proxy.h" #include "nfs_kv.h" struct nfs_kv_read_state { nfs_client_t *self = NULL; rpc_op_t *rop = NULL; bool allow_cache = true; inode_t ino = 0; uint64_t offset = 0, size = 0; std::function cb; // state int res = 0; int eof = 0; json11::Json ientry; uint64_t aligned_size = 0, aligned_offset = 0; uint8_t *aligned_buf = NULL; cluster_op_t *op = NULL; uint8_t *buf = NULL; }; #define align_down(size) ((size) & ~(st->self->parent->kvfs->pool_alignment-1)) #define align_up(size) (((size) + st->self->parent->kvfs->pool_alignment-1) & ~(st->self->parent->kvfs->pool_alignment-1)) static void nfs_kv_continue_read(nfs_kv_read_state *st, int state) { if (state == 0) {} else if (state == 1) goto resume_1; else if (state == 2) goto resume_2; else if (state == 3) goto resume_3; else { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: invalid state in nfs_kv_continue_read()"); abort(); } resume_0: if (st->offset + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) < st->self->parent->kvfs->shared_inode_threshold) { kv_read_inode(st->self->parent, st->ino, [st](int res, const std::string & value, json11::Json attrs) { st->res = res; st->ientry = attrs; nfs_kv_continue_read(st, 1); }, st->allow_cache); return; resume_1: if (st->res < 0 || kv_map_type(st->ientry["type"].string_value()) != NF3REG) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res < 0 ? st->res : -EINVAL); return; } if (st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value() != 0) { if (st->offset >= st->ientry["size"].uint64_value()) { st->size = 0; st->eof = 1; auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(0); return; } st->op = new cluster_op_t; { st->op->opcode = OSD_OP_READ; st->op->inode = st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value(); // Always read including header to react if the file was possibly moved away auto read_offset = st->ientry["shared_offset"].uint64_value(); st->op->offset = align_down(read_offset); if (st->op->offset < read_offset) { st->op->iov.push_back(st->self->parent->kvfs->scrap_block.data(), read_offset-st->op->offset); } auto read_size = st->offset+st->size; if (read_size > st->ientry["size"].uint64_value()) { st->eof = 1; st->size = st->ientry["size"].uint64_value()-st->offset; read_size = st->ientry["size"].uint64_value(); } read_size += sizeof(shared_file_header_t); assert(!st->aligned_buf); st->aligned_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(read_size); st->buf = st->aligned_buf + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) + st->offset; st->op->iov.push_back(st->aligned_buf, read_size); st->op->len = align_up(read_offset+read_size) - st->op->offset; if (read_offset+read_size < st->op->offset+st->op->len) { st->op->iov.push_back(st->self->parent->kvfs->scrap_block.data(), st->op->offset+st->op->len - (read_offset+read_size)); } } st->op->callback = [st, state](cluster_op_t *op) { st->res = op->retval == op->len ? 0 : op->retval; delete op; nfs_kv_continue_read(st, 2); }; st->self->parent->cli->execute(st->op); return; resume_2: if (st->res < 0) { free(st->aligned_buf); st->aligned_buf = NULL; auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res); return; } auto hdr = ((shared_file_header_t*)st->aligned_buf); if (hdr->magic != SHARED_FILE_MAGIC_V1 || hdr->inode != st->ino) { // Got unrelated data - retry from the beginning free(st->aligned_buf); st->aligned_buf = NULL; st->allow_cache = false; goto resume_0; } auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(0); return; } } st->aligned_offset = align_down(st->offset); st->aligned_size = align_up(st->offset+st->size) - st->aligned_offset; assert(!st->aligned_buf); st->aligned_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(st->aligned_size); st->buf = st->aligned_buf + st->offset - st->aligned_offset; st->op = new cluster_op_t; st->op->opcode = OSD_OP_READ; st->op->inode = st->ino; st->op->offset = st->aligned_offset; st->op->len = st->aligned_size; st->op->iov.push_back(st->aligned_buf, st->aligned_size); st->op->callback = [st](cluster_op_t *op) { st->res = op->retval; delete op; nfs_kv_continue_read(st, 3); }; st->self->parent->cli->execute(st->op); return; resume_3: if (st->res < 0) { free(st->aligned_buf); st->aligned_buf = NULL; } auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res < 0 ? st->res : 0); return; } int kv_nfs3_read_proc(void *opaque, rpc_op_t *rop) { READ3args *args = (READ3args*)rop->request; READ3res *reply = (READ3res*)rop->reply; auto ino = kv_fh_inode(args->file); if (args->count > MAX_REQUEST_SIZE || !ino) { *reply = (READ3res){ .status = NFS3ERR_INVAL }; rpc_queue_reply(rop); return 0; } auto st = new nfs_kv_read_state; st->self = (nfs_client_t*)opaque; st->rop = rop; st->ino = ino; st->offset = args->offset; st->size = args->count; st->cb = [st](int res) { READ3res *reply = (READ3res*)st->rop->reply; *reply = (READ3res){ .status = vitastor_nfs_map_err(res) }; if (res == 0) { xdr_add_malloc(st->rop->xdrs, st->aligned_buf); reply->resok.data.data = (char*)st->buf; reply->resok.data.size = st->size; reply->resok.count = st->size; reply->resok.eof = st->eof; } rpc_queue_reply(st->rop); delete st; }; if (st->self->parent->trace) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] READ %ju %ju+%ju\n", st->self->nfs_fd, st->ino, st->offset, st->size); nfs_kv_continue_read(st, 0); return 1; }