// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #ifdef WITH_ISAL #include #endif } #include #include "allocator.h" #include "xor.h" #include "osd_rmw.h" #include "malloc_or_die.h" #define OSD_JERASURE_W 8 static inline void extend_read(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, osd_rmw_stripe_t & stripe) { if (stripe.read_end == 0) { stripe.read_start = start; stripe.read_end = end; } else { if (stripe.read_end < end && end != UINT32_MAX || // UINT32_MAX means that stripe only needs bitmap, end != 0 => needs also data stripe.read_end == UINT32_MAX && end != 0) stripe.read_end = end; if (stripe.read_start > start) stripe.read_start = start; } } static inline void cover_read(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, osd_rmw_stripe_t & stripe) { // Subtract write request from request if (start >= stripe.req_start && end <= stripe.req_end) { return; } if (start <= stripe.req_start && end >= stripe.req_start && end <= stripe.req_end) { end = stripe.req_start; } else if (start >= stripe.req_start && start <= stripe.req_end && end >= stripe.req_end) { start = stripe.req_end; } if (stripe.read_end == 0) { stripe.read_start = start; stripe.read_end = end; } else { if (stripe.read_end < end) stripe.read_end = end; if (stripe.read_start > start) stripe.read_start = start; } } void split_stripes(uint64_t pg_minsize, uint32_t bs_block_size, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes) { if (end == 0) { // Zero length request - offset doesn't matter return; } end = start+end; for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (start < (1+role)*bs_block_size && end > role*bs_block_size) { stripes[role].req_start = start < role*bs_block_size ? 0 : start-role*bs_block_size; stripes[role].req_end = end > (role+1)*bs_block_size ? bs_block_size : end-role*bs_block_size; } } } void reconstruct_stripes_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, uint32_t bitmap_size) { for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing) { // Reconstruct missing stripe (XOR k+1) int prev = -2; for (int other = 0; other < pg_size; other++) { if (other != role) { if (prev == -2) { prev = other; } else if (prev >= 0) { if (stripes[role].read_end != UINT32_MAX) { assert(stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[prev].read_start && stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[other].read_start); memxor( (uint8_t*)stripes[prev].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[prev].read_start), (uint8_t*)stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start), stripes[role].read_buf, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start ); } memxor(stripes[prev].bmp_buf, stripes[other].bmp_buf, stripes[role].bmp_buf, bitmap_size); prev = -1; } else { if (stripes[role].read_end != UINT32_MAX) { assert(stripes[role].read_start >= stripes[other].read_start); memxor( stripes[role].read_buf, (uint8_t*)stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start), stripes[role].read_buf, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start ); } memxor(stripes[role].bmp_buf, stripes[other].bmp_buf, stripes[role].bmp_buf, bitmap_size); } } } } } } struct reed_sol_erased_t { int *data; int size; }; inline bool operator < (const reed_sol_erased_t &a, const reed_sol_erased_t &b) { for (int i = 0; i < a.size && i < b.size; i++) { if (a.data[i] < b.data[i]) return true; else if (a.data[i] > b.data[i]) return false; } return false; } struct reed_sol_matrix_t { int refs = 0; int *je_data; uint8_t *isal_data; // 32 bytes = 256/8 = max pg_size/8 std::map, void*> subdata; std::map decodings; }; static std::map matrices; void use_ec(int pg_size, int pg_minsize, bool use) { uint64_t key = (uint64_t)pg_size | ((uint64_t)pg_minsize) << 32; auto rs_it = matrices.find(key); if (rs_it == matrices.end()) { if (!use) { return; } int *matrix = reed_sol_vandermonde_coding_matrix(pg_minsize, pg_size-pg_minsize, OSD_JERASURE_W); uint8_t *isal_table = NULL; #ifdef WITH_ISAL uint8_t *isal_matrix = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(pg_minsize*(pg_size-pg_minsize)); for (int i = 0; i < pg_minsize*(pg_size-pg_minsize); i++) { isal_matrix[i] = matrix[i]; } isal_table = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(pg_minsize*(pg_size-pg_minsize)*32); ec_init_tables(pg_minsize, pg_size-pg_minsize, isal_matrix, isal_table); free(isal_matrix); #endif matrices[key] = (reed_sol_matrix_t){ .refs = 0, .je_data = matrix, .isal_data = isal_table, }; rs_it = matrices.find(key); } rs_it->second.refs += (!use ? -1 : 1); if (rs_it->second.refs <= 0) { free(rs_it->second.je_data); if (rs_it->second.isal_data) free(rs_it->second.isal_data); for (auto sub_it = rs_it->second.subdata.begin(); sub_it != rs_it->second.subdata.end();) { void *data = sub_it->second; rs_it->second.subdata.erase(sub_it++); free(data); } for (auto dec_it = rs_it->second.decodings.begin(); dec_it != rs_it->second.decodings.end();) { void *data = dec_it->second; rs_it->second.decodings.erase(dec_it++); free(data); } matrices.erase(rs_it); } } static reed_sol_matrix_t* get_ec_matrix(int pg_size, int pg_minsize) { uint64_t key = (uint64_t)pg_size | ((uint64_t)pg_minsize) << 32; auto rs_it = matrices.find(key); if (rs_it == matrices.end()) { throw std::runtime_error("jerasure matrix not initialized"); } return &rs_it->second; } // jerasure_matrix_decode() decodes all chunks at once and tries to reencode all missing coding chunks. // we don't need it. also it makes an extra allocation of int *erased on every call and doesn't cache // the decoding matrix. // all these flaws are fixed in this function: static void* get_jerasure_decoding_matrix(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize) { int edd = 0; int erased[pg_size]; for (int i = 0; i < pg_size; i++) erased[i] = (stripes[i].read_end == 0 || stripes[i].missing ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < pg_minsize; i++) if (stripes[i].read_end != 0 && stripes[i].missing) edd++; if (edd == 0) return NULL; reed_sol_matrix_t *matrix = get_ec_matrix(pg_size, pg_minsize); auto dec_it = matrix->decodings.find((reed_sol_erased_t){ .data = erased, .size = pg_size }); if (dec_it == matrix->decodings.end()) { #ifdef WITH_ISAL int smrow = 0; uint8_t *submatrix = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(pg_minsize*pg_minsize*2); for (int i = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { if (!erased[i]) { if (i < pg_minsize) { for (int j = 0; j < pg_minsize; j++) submatrix[smrow*pg_minsize + j] = j == i; } else { for (int j = 0; j < pg_minsize; j++) submatrix[smrow*pg_minsize + j] = (uint8_t)matrix->je_data[(i-pg_minsize)*pg_minsize + j]; } smrow++; } } if (smrow < pg_minsize) { free(submatrix); throw std::runtime_error("failed to make an invertible submatrix"); } gf_invert_matrix(submatrix, submatrix + pg_minsize*pg_minsize, pg_minsize); smrow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pg_minsize; i++) { if (erased[i]) { memcpy(submatrix + pg_minsize*smrow, submatrix + (pg_minsize+i)*pg_minsize, pg_minsize); smrow++; } } uint8_t *rectable = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(32*smrow*pg_minsize + pg_size*sizeof(int)); ec_init_tables(pg_minsize, smrow, submatrix, rectable); free(submatrix); int *erased_copy = (int*)(rectable + 32*smrow*pg_minsize); memcpy(erased_copy, erased, pg_size*sizeof(int)); matrix->decodings.emplace((reed_sol_erased_t){ .data = erased_copy, .size = pg_size }, rectable); return rectable; #else int *dm_ids = (int*)malloc_or_die(sizeof(int)*(pg_minsize + pg_minsize*pg_minsize + pg_size)); int *decoding_matrix = dm_ids + pg_minsize; // we always use row_k_ones=1 and w=8 (OSD_JERASURE_W) if (jerasure_make_decoding_matrix(pg_minsize, pg_size-pg_minsize, OSD_JERASURE_W, matrix->je_data, erased, decoding_matrix, dm_ids) < 0) { free(dm_ids); throw std::runtime_error("jerasure_make_decoding_matrix() failed"); } int *erased_copy = dm_ids + pg_minsize + pg_minsize*pg_minsize; memcpy(erased_copy, erased, pg_size*sizeof(int)); matrix->decodings.emplace((reed_sol_erased_t){ .data = erased_copy, .size = pg_size }, dm_ids); return dm_ids; #endif } return dec_it->second; } #ifndef WITH_ISAL #define JERASURE_ALIGNMENT 16 // jerasure requires 16-byte alignment for SSE... // FIXME: jerasure/gf-complete should probably be patched to automatically choose non-sse version for unaligned buffers static void jerasure_matrix_encode_unaligned(int k, int m, int w, int *matrix, char **data_ptrs, char **coding_ptrs, int size) { bool unaligned = false; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) if (((unsigned long)data_ptrs[i]) % JERASURE_ALIGNMENT) unaligned = true; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) if (((unsigned long)coding_ptrs[i]) % JERASURE_ALIGNMENT) unaligned = true; if (!unaligned) { jerasure_matrix_encode(k, m, w, matrix, data_ptrs, coding_ptrs, size); return; } int aligned_size = ((size+JERASURE_ALIGNMENT-1)/JERASURE_ALIGNMENT)*JERASURE_ALIGNMENT; int copy_size = aligned_size*(k+m); char local_data[copy_size > 4096 ? 0 : copy_size]; char *data_copy = copy_size > 4096 || (unsigned long)local_data % JERASURE_ALIGNMENT ? (char*)memalign_or_die(JERASURE_ALIGNMENT, aligned_size*(k+m)) : local_data; char *aligned_ptrs[k+m]; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { memcpy(data_copy + i*aligned_size, data_ptrs[i], size); aligned_ptrs[i] = data_copy + i*aligned_size; } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) aligned_ptrs[k+i] = data_copy + (k+i)*aligned_size; jerasure_matrix_encode(k, m, w, matrix, aligned_ptrs, aligned_ptrs+k, size); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) memcpy(coding_ptrs[i], aligned_ptrs[k+i], size); if (copy_size > 4096 || (unsigned long)local_data % JERASURE_ALIGNMENT) free(data_copy); } #endif #ifdef WITH_ISAL void reconstruct_stripes_ec(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize, uint32_t bitmap_size) { uint8_t *dectable = (uint8_t*)get_jerasure_decoding_matrix(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize); if (!dectable) { return; } uint8_t *data_ptrs[pg_size]; int wanted_base = 0, wanted = 0; uint64_t read_start = 0, read_end = 0; auto recover_seq = [&]() { if (read_end != UINT32_MAX) { int orig = 0; for (int other = 0; other < pg_size && orig < pg_minsize; other++) { if (stripes[other].read_end != 0 && !stripes[other].missing) { assert(stripes[other].read_start <= read_start); assert(stripes[other].read_end >= read_end); data_ptrs[orig++] = (uint8_t*)stripes[other].read_buf + (read_start - stripes[other].read_start); } } ec_encode_data( read_end-read_start, pg_minsize, wanted, dectable + wanted_base*32*pg_minsize, data_ptrs, data_ptrs + pg_minsize ); } wanted_base += wanted; wanted = 0; }; for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing) { if (read_end && (stripes[role].read_start != read_start || stripes[role].read_end != read_end)) { recover_seq(); } read_start = stripes[role].read_start; read_end = stripes[role].read_end; data_ptrs[pg_minsize + (wanted++)] = (uint8_t*)stripes[role].read_buf; } } if (wanted > 0) { recover_seq(); } // Recover bitmaps if (bitmap_size > 0) { for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing) { data_ptrs[pg_minsize + (wanted++)] = (uint8_t*)stripes[role].bmp_buf; } } if (wanted > 0) { int orig = 0; for (int other = 0; other < pg_size && orig < pg_minsize; other++) { if (stripes[other].read_end != 0 && !stripes[other].missing) { data_ptrs[orig++] = (uint8_t*)stripes[other].bmp_buf; } } ec_encode_data( bitmap_size, pg_minsize, wanted, dectable, data_ptrs, data_ptrs + pg_minsize ); } } } #else void reconstruct_stripes_ec(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize, uint32_t bitmap_size) { int *dm_ids = (int*)get_jerasure_decoding_matrix(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize); if (!dm_ids) { return; } int *decoding_matrix = dm_ids + pg_minsize; char *data_ptrs[pg_size]; for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { data_ptrs[role] = NULL; } bool recovered = false; for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing) { recovered = true; if (stripes[role].read_end > stripes[role].read_start && stripes[role].read_end != UINT32_MAX) { for (int other = 0; other < pg_size; other++) { if (stripes[other].read_end != 0 && !stripes[other].missing) { assert(stripes[other].read_start <= stripes[role].read_start); assert(stripes[other].read_end >= stripes[role].read_end); data_ptrs[other] = (char*)stripes[other].read_buf + (stripes[role].read_start - stripes[other].read_start); } } data_ptrs[role] = (char*)stripes[role].read_buf; jerasure_matrix_dotprod( pg_minsize, OSD_JERASURE_W, decoding_matrix+(role*pg_minsize), dm_ids, role, data_ptrs, data_ptrs+pg_minsize, stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start ); } } } if (recovered && bitmap_size > 0) { bool unaligned = false; for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0) { data_ptrs[role] = (char*)stripes[role].bmp_buf; if (((unsigned long)stripes[role].bmp_buf) % JERASURE_ALIGNMENT) unaligned = true; } } if (!unaligned) { for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing) { jerasure_matrix_dotprod( pg_minsize, OSD_JERASURE_W, decoding_matrix+(role*pg_minsize), dm_ids, role, data_ptrs, data_ptrs+pg_minsize, bitmap_size ); } } } else { // jerasure_matrix_dotprod requires 16-byte alignment for SSE... int aligned_size = ((bitmap_size+JERASURE_ALIGNMENT-1)/JERASURE_ALIGNMENT)*JERASURE_ALIGNMENT; int copy_size = aligned_size*pg_size; char local_data[copy_size > 4096 ? 0 : copy_size]; bool alloc_copy = copy_size > 4096 || (unsigned long)local_data % JERASURE_ALIGNMENT; char *data_copy = alloc_copy ? (char*)memalign_or_die(JERASURE_ALIGNMENT, copy_size) : local_data; for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0) { data_ptrs[role] = data_copy + role*aligned_size; memcpy(data_ptrs[role], stripes[role].bmp_buf, bitmap_size); } } for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].missing) { jerasure_matrix_dotprod( pg_minsize, OSD_JERASURE_W, decoding_matrix+(role*pg_minsize), dm_ids, role, data_ptrs, data_ptrs+pg_minsize, bitmap_size ); memcpy(stripes[role].bmp_buf, data_ptrs[role], bitmap_size); } } if (alloc_copy) free(data_copy); } } } #endif int extend_missing_stripes(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, osd_num_t *osd_set, int pg_minsize, int pg_size) { for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && osd_set[role] == 0) { stripes[role].missing = true; // Stripe is missing. Extend read to other stripes. // We need at least pg_minsize stripes to recover the lost part. // FIXME: LRC EC and similar don't require to read all other stripes. int exist = 0; for (int j = 0; j < pg_size; j++) { if (osd_set[j] != 0) { extend_read(stripes[role].read_start, stripes[role].read_end, stripes[j]); exist++; if (exist >= pg_minsize) { break; } } } if (exist < pg_minsize) { // Less than pg_minsize stripes are available for this object return -1; } } } return 0; } void* alloc_read_buffer(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int read_pg_size, uint64_t add_size) { // Calculate buffer size uint64_t buf_size = add_size; for (int role = 0; role < read_pg_size; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].read_end != UINT32_MAX) { buf_size += stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start; } } // Allocate buffer void *buf = memalign_or_die(MEM_ALIGNMENT, buf_size); uint64_t buf_pos = add_size; for (int role = 0; role < read_pg_size; role++) { if (stripes[role].read_end != 0 && stripes[role].read_end != UINT32_MAX) { stripes[role].read_buf = (uint8_t*)buf + buf_pos; buf_pos += stripes[role].read_end - stripes[role].read_start; } } return buf; } void* calc_rmw(void *request_buf, osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t pg_size, uint64_t pg_minsize, uint64_t pg_cursize, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint64_t chunk_size, uint32_t bitmap_size) { // Generic parity modification (read-modify-write) algorithm // Read -> Reconstruct missing chunks -> Calc parity chunks -> Write // Now we always read continuous ranges. This means that an update of the beginning // of one data stripe and the end of another will lead to a read of full paired stripes. // FIXME: (Maybe) read small individual ranges in that case instead. uint32_t start = 0, end = 0; for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].req_end != 0) { start = !end || stripes[role].req_start < start ? stripes[role].req_start : start; end = std::max(stripes[role].req_end, end); stripes[role].write_start = stripes[role].req_start; stripes[role].write_end = stripes[role].req_end; } } int write_parity = 0; for (int role = pg_minsize; role < pg_size; role++) { if (write_osd_set[role] != 0) { write_parity++; if (write_osd_set[role] != read_osd_set[role]) { start = 0; end = chunk_size; for (int r2 = pg_minsize; r2 < role; r2++) { if (write_osd_set[r2] != 0) { stripes[r2].write_start = start; stripes[r2].write_end = end; } } } stripes[role].write_start = start; stripes[role].write_end = end; } } if (write_parity) { for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { cover_read(start, end, stripes[role]); } } if (write_osd_set != read_osd_set) { pg_cursize = 0; // Object is degraded/misplaced and will be moved to for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (role < pg_minsize && write_osd_set[role] != read_osd_set[role] && write_osd_set[role] != 0) { // We need to get data for any moved / recovered chunk // And we need a continuous write buffer so we'll only optimize // for the case when the whole chunk is ovewritten in the request if (stripes[role].req_start != 0 || stripes[role].req_end != chunk_size) { stripes[role].read_start = 0; stripes[role].read_end = chunk_size; // Warning: We don't modify write_start/write_end here, we do it in calc_rmw_parity() } } if (read_osd_set[role] != 0) { pg_cursize++; } } } if (pg_cursize < pg_size) { // Some stripe(s) are missing, so we need to read parity for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (read_osd_set[role] == 0) { stripes[role].missing = true; if (stripes[role].read_end != 0) { int found = 0; for (int r2 = 0; r2 < pg_size && found < pg_minsize; r2++) { // Read the non-covered range of from at least other stripes to reconstruct it if (read_osd_set[r2] != 0) { extend_read(stripes[role].read_start, stripes[role].read_end, stripes[r2]); found++; } } if (found < pg_minsize) { // Object is incomplete - refuse partial overwrite return NULL; } } } } } // Allocate read buffers void *rmw_buf = alloc_read_buffer(stripes, pg_size, write_parity * (end - start)); // Position write buffers uint64_t buf_pos = 0, in_pos = 0; for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (stripes[role].req_end != 0) { stripes[role].write_buf = (uint8_t*)request_buf + in_pos; in_pos += stripes[role].req_end - stripes[role].req_start; } else if (role >= pg_minsize && write_osd_set[role] != 0 && end != 0) { stripes[role].write_buf = (uint8_t*)rmw_buf + buf_pos; buf_pos += end - start; } } return rmw_buf; } static void get_old_new_buffers(osd_rmw_stripe_t & stripe, uint32_t wr_start, uint32_t wr_end, buf_len_t *bufs, int & nbufs) { uint32_t ns = 0, ne = 0, os = 0, oe = 0; if (stripe.write_end > wr_start && stripe.write_start < wr_end) { ns = std::max(stripe.write_start, wr_start); ne = std::min(stripe.write_end, wr_end); } if (stripe.read_end > wr_start && stripe.read_start < wr_end) { os = std::max(stripe.read_start, wr_start); oe = std::min(stripe.read_end, wr_end); } if (ne && (!oe || ns <= os)) { // NEW or NEW->OLD bufs[nbufs++] = { .buf = (uint8_t*)stripe.write_buf + ns - stripe.write_start, .len = ne-ns }; if (os < ne) os = ne; if (oe > os) { // NEW->OLD bufs[nbufs++] = { .buf = (uint8_t*)stripe.read_buf + os - stripe.read_start, .len = oe-os }; } } else if (oe) { // OLD or OLD->NEW or OLD->NEW->OLD if (ne) { // OLD->NEW or OLD->NEW->OLD bufs[nbufs++] = { .buf = (uint8_t*)stripe.read_buf + os - stripe.read_start, .len = ns-os }; bufs[nbufs++] = { .buf = (uint8_t*)stripe.write_buf + ns - stripe.write_start, .len = ne-ns }; if (oe > ne) { // OLD->NEW->OLD bufs[nbufs++] = { .buf = (uint8_t*)stripe.read_buf + ne - stripe.read_start, .len = oe-ne }; } } else { // OLD bufs[nbufs++] = { .buf = (uint8_t*)stripe.read_buf + os - stripe.read_start, .len = oe-os }; } } } static void xor_multiple_buffers(buf_len_t *xor1, int n1, buf_len_t *xor2, int n2, void *dest, uint32_t len) { assert(n1 > 0 && n2 > 0); int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; uint32_t start1 = 0, start2 = 0, end1 = xor1[0].len, end2 = xor2[0].len; uint32_t pos = 0; while (pos < len) { // We know for sure that ranges overlap uint32_t end = std::min(end1, end2); memxor((uint8_t*)xor1[i1].buf + pos-start1, (uint8_t*)xor2[i2].buf + pos-start2, (uint8_t*)dest+pos, end-pos); pos = end; if (pos >= end1) { i1++; if (i1 >= n1) { assert(pos >= end2); return; } start1 = end1; end1 += xor1[i1].len; } if (pos >= end2) { i2++; start2 = end2; end2 += xor2[i2].len; } } } static void calc_rmw_parity_copy_mod(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size, uint32_t bitmap_granularity, uint32_t &start, uint32_t &end) { bool required = false; for (int role = pg_minsize; role < pg_size; role++) { if (write_osd_set[role] != 0) { // Whole parity chunk is needed when we move the object if (write_osd_set[role] != read_osd_set[role]) end = chunk_size; required = true; } } if (required && end != chunk_size) { // start & end are required for calc_rmw_parity for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].req_end != 0) { start = !end || stripes[role].req_start < start ? stripes[role].req_start : start; end = std::max(stripes[role].req_end, end); } } } // Set bitmap bits accordingly if (bitmap_granularity > 0) { for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (stripes[role].req_end != 0) { bitmap_set( stripes[role].bmp_buf, stripes[role].req_start, stripes[role].req_end-stripes[role].req_start, bitmap_granularity ); } } } if (write_osd_set != read_osd_set) { for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++) { if (write_osd_set[role] != read_osd_set[role] && write_osd_set[role] != 0 && (stripes[role].req_start != 0 || stripes[role].req_end != chunk_size)) { // Copy modified chunk into the read buffer to write it back memcpy( (uint8_t*)stripes[role].read_buf + stripes[role].req_start, stripes[role].write_buf, stripes[role].req_end - stripes[role].req_start ); stripes[role].write_buf = stripes[role].read_buf; stripes[role].write_start = 0; stripes[role].write_end = chunk_size; } } } } static void calc_rmw_parity_copy_parity(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { if (write_osd_set != read_osd_set) { for (int role = pg_minsize; role < pg_size; role++) { if (write_osd_set[role] != read_osd_set[role] && (start != 0 || end != chunk_size)) { // Copy new parity into the read buffer to write it back memcpy( (uint8_t*)stripes[role].read_buf + start, stripes[role].write_buf, end - start ); stripes[role].write_buf = stripes[role].read_buf; stripes[role].write_start = 0; stripes[role].write_end = chunk_size; } } } #ifdef RMW_DEBUG printf("calc_rmw_parity:\n"); for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { auto & s = stripes[role]; printf( "Tr=%lu Tw=%lu Q=%x-%x R=%x-%x W=%x-%x Rb=%lx Wb=%lx\n", read_osd_set[role], write_osd_set[role], s.req_start, s.req_end, s.read_start, s.read_end, s.write_start, s.write_end, (uint64_t)s.read_buf, (uint64_t)s.write_buf ); } #endif } void calc_rmw_parity_xor(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size, uint32_t bitmap_size) { uint32_t bitmap_granularity = bitmap_size > 0 ? chunk_size / bitmap_size / 8 : 0; int pg_minsize = pg_size-1; reconstruct_stripes_xor(stripes, pg_size, bitmap_size); uint32_t start = 0, end = 0; calc_rmw_parity_copy_mod(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, bitmap_granularity, start, end); if (write_osd_set[pg_minsize] != 0 && end != 0) { // Calculate new parity (XOR k+1) int parity = pg_minsize, prev = -2; for (int other = 0; other < pg_minsize; other++) { if (prev == -2) { prev = other; } else { int n1 = 0, n2 = 0; buf_len_t xor1[3], xor2[3]; if (prev == -1) { xor1[n1++] = { .buf = stripes[parity].write_buf, .len = end-start }; memxor(stripes[parity].bmp_buf, stripes[other].bmp_buf, stripes[parity].bmp_buf, bitmap_size); } else { memxor(stripes[prev].bmp_buf, stripes[other].bmp_buf, stripes[parity].bmp_buf, bitmap_size); get_old_new_buffers(stripes[prev], start, end, xor1, n1); prev = -1; } get_old_new_buffers(stripes[other], start, end, xor2, n2); xor_multiple_buffers(xor1, n1, xor2, n2, stripes[parity].write_buf, end-start); } } } calc_rmw_parity_copy_parity(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, start, end); } void calc_rmw_parity_ec(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize, uint64_t *read_osd_set, uint64_t *write_osd_set, uint32_t chunk_size, uint32_t bitmap_size) { uint32_t bitmap_granularity = bitmap_size > 0 ? chunk_size / bitmap_size / 8 : 0; reed_sol_matrix_t *matrix = get_ec_matrix(pg_size, pg_minsize); reconstruct_stripes_ec(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, bitmap_size); uint32_t start = 0, end = 0; calc_rmw_parity_copy_mod(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, bitmap_granularity, start, end); if (end != 0) { int write_parity = 0; bool is_seq = true; for (int i = pg_size-1; i >= pg_minsize; i--) { if (write_osd_set[i] != 0) write_parity++; else if (write_parity != 0) is_seq = false; } if (write_parity > 0) { // First get the coding matrix or sub-matrix void *matrix_data = #ifdef WITH_ISAL matrix->isal_data; #else matrix->je_data; #endif if (!is_seq) { // We need a coding sub-matrix std::array missing_parity = {}; for (int i = pg_minsize; i < pg_size; i++) { if (!write_osd_set[i]) missing_parity[(i-pg_minsize) >> 3] |= (1 << ((i-pg_minsize) & 0x7)); } auto sub_it = matrix->subdata.find(missing_parity); if (sub_it == matrix->subdata.end()) { int item_size = #ifdef WITH_ISAL 32; #else sizeof(int); #endif void *subm = malloc_or_die(item_size * write_parity * pg_minsize); for (int i = pg_minsize, j = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { if (write_osd_set[i]) { memcpy((uint8_t*)subm + item_size*pg_minsize*j, (uint8_t*)matrix_data + item_size*pg_minsize*(i-pg_minsize), item_size*pg_minsize); j++; } } matrix->subdata[missing_parity] = subm; matrix_data = subm; } else matrix_data = sub_it->second; } // Calculate new coding chunks buf_len_t bufs[pg_size][3]; int nbuf[pg_size], curbuf[pg_size]; uint32_t positions[pg_size]; void *data_ptrs[pg_size]; for (int i = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { data_ptrs[i] = NULL; nbuf[i] = 0; curbuf[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < pg_minsize; i++) { get_old_new_buffers(stripes[i], start, end, bufs[i], nbuf[i]); positions[i] = start; } for (int i = pg_minsize; i < pg_size; i++) { if (write_osd_set[i] != 0) { bufs[i][nbuf[i]++] = { .buf = stripes[i].write_buf, .len = end-start }; positions[i] = start; } } uint32_t pos = start; while (pos < end) { uint32_t next_end = end; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { if (i < pg_minsize || write_osd_set[i] != 0) { assert(curbuf[i] < nbuf[i]); assert(bufs[i][curbuf[i]].buf); data_ptrs[j++] = (uint8_t*)bufs[i][curbuf[i]].buf + pos-positions[i]; uint32_t this_end = bufs[i][curbuf[i]].len + positions[i]; if (next_end > this_end) next_end = this_end; } } assert(next_end > pos); for (int i = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { if (i < pg_minsize || write_osd_set[i] != 0) { uint32_t this_end = bufs[i][curbuf[i]].len + positions[i]; if (next_end >= this_end) { positions[i] += bufs[i][curbuf[i]].len; curbuf[i]++; } } } #ifdef WITH_ISAL ec_encode_data( next_end-pos, pg_minsize, write_parity, (uint8_t*)matrix_data, (uint8_t**)data_ptrs, (uint8_t**)data_ptrs+pg_minsize ); #else jerasure_matrix_encode( pg_minsize, write_parity, OSD_JERASURE_W, (int*)matrix_data, (char**)data_ptrs, (char**)data_ptrs+pg_minsize, next_end-pos ); #endif pos = next_end; } for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { if (i < pg_minsize || write_osd_set[i] != 0) data_ptrs[j++] = stripes[i].bmp_buf; } #ifdef WITH_ISAL ec_encode_data( bitmap_size, pg_minsize, write_parity, (uint8_t*)matrix_data, (uint8_t**)data_ptrs, (uint8_t**)data_ptrs+pg_minsize ); #else jerasure_matrix_encode_unaligned( pg_minsize, write_parity, OSD_JERASURE_W, (int*)matrix_data, (char**)data_ptrs, (char**)data_ptrs+pg_minsize, bitmap_size ); #endif } } calc_rmw_parity_copy_parity(stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, read_osd_set, write_osd_set, chunk_size, start, end); } // Generate subsets of k items each in {0..n-1} static bool first_combination(int *subset, int k, int n) { if (k > n) return false; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) subset[i] = i; return true; } static bool next_combination(int *subset, int k, int n) { int pos = k-1; while (true) { subset[pos]++; if (subset[pos] >= n-(k-1-pos)) { if (pos == 0) return false; pos--; } else break; } for (pos++; pos < k; pos++) { subset[pos] = subset[pos-1]+1; } return true; } static int c_n_k(int n, int k) { int c = 1; for (int i = n; i > k; i--) c *= i; for (int i = 2; i <= (n-k); i++) c /= i; return c; } std::vector ec_find_good(osd_rmw_stripe_t *stripes, int pg_size, int pg_minsize, bool is_xor, uint32_t chunk_size, uint32_t bitmap_size, int max_bruteforce) { std::vector found_valid; int cur_live[pg_size], live_count = 0, exists_count = 0; osd_num_t fake_osd_set[pg_size]; for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) { if (!stripes[role].missing) { if (!stripes[role].not_exists) exists_count++; cur_live[live_count++] = role; fake_osd_set[role] = role+1; } } if (live_count <= pg_minsize) { return std::vector(); } if (exists_count <= pg_minsize) { // Special case: user manually deleted some chunks for (int role = 0; role < pg_size; role++) if (!stripes[role].missing && !stripes[role].not_exists) found_valid.push_back(role); return found_valid; } // Try to locate errors using brute force if there isn't too many combinations osd_rmw_stripe_t brute_stripes[pg_size]; int out_count = live_count-pg_minsize; bool brute_force = out_count > 1 && c_n_k(live_count-1, out_count-1) <= max_bruteforce; int subset[pg_minsize], outset[out_count]; // Select all combinations with items except the last one (== anything to compare) first_combination(subset, pg_minsize, live_count-1); uint8_t *tmp_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(pg_size*chunk_size); do { memcpy(brute_stripes, stripes, sizeof(osd_rmw_stripe_t)*pg_size); int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; for (; i < pg_minsize; i++, j++) while (j < subset[i]) outset[k++] = j++; while (j < pg_size) outset[k++] = j++; for (int i = 0; i < out_count; i++) { brute_stripes[cur_live[outset[i]]].missing = true; brute_stripes[cur_live[outset[i]]].read_buf = tmp_buf+cur_live[outset[i]]*chunk_size; } for (int i = 0; i < pg_minsize; i++) { brute_stripes[i].write_buf = brute_stripes[i].read_buf; brute_stripes[i].req_start = 0; brute_stripes[i].req_end = chunk_size; } for (int i = pg_minsize; i < pg_size; i++) { brute_stripes[i].write_buf = tmp_buf+i*chunk_size; } if (is_xor) { assert(pg_size == pg_minsize+1); reconstruct_stripes_xor(brute_stripes, pg_size, bitmap_size); } else { reconstruct_stripes_ec(brute_stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, bitmap_size); calc_rmw_parity_ec(brute_stripes, pg_size, pg_minsize, fake_osd_set, fake_osd_set, chunk_size, bitmap_size); } for (int i = pg_minsize; i < pg_size; i++) { brute_stripes[i].read_buf = brute_stripes[i].write_buf; } int valid_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < out_count; i++) { if (memcmp(brute_stripes[cur_live[outset[i]]].read_buf, stripes[cur_live[outset[i]]].read_buf, chunk_size) == 0) { brute_stripes[cur_live[outset[i]]].missing = false; valid_count++; } } if (valid_count > 0) { if (found_valid.size()) { // Check if we found the same set from the different point of view, // like 1 2 3 -> valid 4 5 and 1 3 4 -> valid 2 5 for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { if (!brute_stripes[i].missing) { if (j >= found_valid.size() || found_valid[j] != i) { // Ambiguity: we found multiple valid sets and don't know which one is correct found_valid.clear(); break; } j++; } } if (!found_valid.size()) { break; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < pg_size; i++) { if (!brute_stripes[i].missing) { found_valid.push_back(i); } } } if (valid_count == out_count) { // All chunks are good break; } } if (!brute_force) { // Do not attempt brute force if there are too many combinations because even // if we find it we won't be able to check that it's the only good one break; } } while (out_count > 1 && next_combination(subset, pg_minsize, live_count-1)); free(tmp_buf); return found_valid; }