// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) // // NFS proxy over VitastorKV database - WRITE #include #include "nfs_proxy.h" #include "nfs_kv.h" struct nfs_rmw_t { nfs_kv_write_state *st = NULL; int continue_state = 0; uint64_t ino = 0; uint64_t offset = 0; uint8_t *buf = NULL; uint64_t size = 0; uint8_t *part_buf = NULL; }; struct nfs_kv_write_state { nfs_client_t *self = NULL; rpc_op_t *rop = NULL; uint64_t ino = 0; uint64_t offset = 0, size = 0; bool stable = false; uint8_t *buf = NULL; std::function cb; // state bool allow_cache = true; int res = 0, res2 = 0; int waiting = 0; std::string ientry_text; json11::Json ientry; uint64_t new_size = 0; uint64_t aligned_size = 0; uint8_t *aligned_buf = NULL; uint64_t shared_inode = 0, shared_offset = 0; bool was_immediate = false; nfs_rmw_t rmw[2]; kv_inode_extend_t *ext = NULL; ~nfs_kv_write_state() { if (aligned_buf) { free(aligned_buf); aligned_buf = NULL; } } }; static void nfs_kv_continue_write(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state); static void finish_allocate_shared(nfs_client_t *self, int res) { std::vector waiting; waiting.swap(self->parent->kvfs->allocating_shared); for (auto & w: waiting) { w.st->res = res; if (res == 0) { w.st->shared_inode = self->parent->kvfs->cur_shared_inode; w.st->shared_offset = self->parent->kvfs->cur_shared_offset; self->parent->kvfs->cur_shared_offset += (w.size + self->parent->pool_alignment-1) & ~(self->parent->pool_alignment-1); } nfs_kv_continue_write(w.st, w.state); } } static void allocate_shared_inode(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state, uint64_t size) { if (st->self->parent->kvfs->cur_shared_inode == 0) { st->self->parent->kvfs->allocating_shared.push_back({ st, state, size }); if (st->self->parent->kvfs->allocating_shared.size() > 1) { return; } allocate_new_id(st->self, [st](int res, uint64_t new_id) { if (res < 0) { finish_allocate_shared(st->self, res); return; } st->self->parent->kvfs->cur_shared_inode = new_id; st->self->parent->kvfs->cur_shared_offset = 0; st->self->parent->db->set( kv_inode_key(new_id), json11::Json(json11::Json::object{ { "type", "shared" } }).dump(), [st](int res) { if (res < 0) { st->self->parent->kvfs->cur_shared_inode = 0; } finish_allocate_shared(st->self, res); }, [](int res, const std::string & old_value) { return res == -ENOENT; } ); }); } } uint64_t align_shared_size(nfs_client_t *self, uint64_t size) { return (size + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) + self->parent->pool_alignment-1) & ~(self->parent->pool_alignment-1); } static void nfs_do_write(uint64_t ino, uint64_t offset, uint8_t *buf, uint64_t size, nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state) { auto op = new cluster_op_t; op->opcode = OSD_OP_WRITE; op->inode = st->self->parent->fs_base_inode + ino; op->offset = offset; op->len = size; op->iov.push_back(buf, size); st->waiting++; op->callback = [st, state](cluster_op_t *op) { if (op->retval != op->len) { st->res = op->retval >= 0 ? -EIO : op->retval; } delete op; st->waiting--; if (!st->waiting) { nfs_kv_continue_write(st, state); } }; st->self->parent->cli->execute(op); } static void nfs_do_shared_write(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state) { nfs_do_write(st->shared_inode, st->shared_offset, st->aligned_buf, st->aligned_size, st, state); } static void nfs_do_unshare_write(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state) { nfs_do_write(st->ino, 0, st->aligned_buf + sizeof(shared_file_header_t), st->aligned_size - sizeof(shared_file_header_t), st, state); } static void nfs_do_rmw(nfs_rmw_t *rmw) { auto parent = rmw->st->self->parent; auto align = parent->pool_alignment; bool is_begin = (rmw->offset % align); bool is_end = ((rmw->offset+rmw->size) % align); // RMW either only at beginning or only at end and within a single block assert(is_begin != is_end); assert((rmw->offset/parent->pool_block_size) == ((rmw->offset+rmw->size-1)/parent->pool_block_size)); if (!rmw->part_buf) { rmw->part_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(align); } auto op = new cluster_op_t; op->opcode = OSD_OP_READ; op->inode = parent->fs_base_inode + rmw->ino; op->offset = (rmw->offset + (is_begin ? 0 : rmw->size)) & ~(align-1); op->len = align; op->iov.push_back(rmw->part_buf, op->len); rmw->st->waiting++; op->callback = [rmw](cluster_op_t *rd_op) { if (rd_op->retval != rd_op->len) { free(rmw->part_buf); rmw->part_buf = NULL; rmw->st->res = rd_op->retval >= 0 ? -EIO : rd_op->retval; rmw->st->waiting--; if (!rmw->st->waiting) { nfs_kv_continue_write(rmw->st, rmw->continue_state); } } else { auto parent = rmw->st->self->parent; auto align = parent->pool_alignment; bool is_begin = (rmw->offset % align); auto op = new cluster_op_t; op->opcode = OSD_OP_WRITE; op->inode = rmw->st->self->parent->fs_base_inode + rmw->ino; op->offset = rmw->offset & ~(align-1); op->len = (rmw->size + align-1) & ~(align-1); op->version = rd_op->version+1; if (is_begin) { op->iov.push_back(rmw->part_buf, rmw->offset % align); } op->iov.push_back(rmw->buf, rmw->size); if (!is_begin) { auto tail = ((rmw->offset+rmw->size) % align); op->iov.push_back(rmw->part_buf + tail, align - tail); } op->callback = [rmw](cluster_op_t *op) { if (op->retval == -EAGAIN) { // CAS failure - retry rmw->st->waiting--; nfs_do_rmw(rmw); } else { free(rmw->part_buf); rmw->part_buf = NULL; if (op->retval != op->len) { rmw->st->res = (op->retval >= 0 ? -EIO : op->retval); } rmw->st->waiting--; if (!rmw->st->waiting) { nfs_kv_continue_write(rmw->st, rmw->continue_state); } } delete op; }; parent->cli->execute(op); } delete rd_op; }; parent->cli->execute(op); } static void nfs_do_shared_read(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state) { auto op = new cluster_op_t; op->opcode = OSD_OP_READ; op->inode = st->self->parent->fs_base_inode + st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value(); op->offset = st->ientry["shared_offset"].uint64_value(); op->len = align_shared_size(st->self, st->ientry["size"].uint64_value()); op->iov.push_back(st->aligned_buf, op->len); op->callback = [st, state](cluster_op_t *op) { st->res = op->retval == op->len ? 0 : op->retval; delete op; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, state); }; st->self->parent->cli->execute(op); } static void nfs_do_fsync(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state) { // Client requested a stable write. Add an fsync auto op = new cluster_op_t; op->opcode = OSD_OP_SYNC; op->callback = [st, state](cluster_op_t *op) { delete op; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, state); }; st->self->parent->cli->execute(op); } static bool nfs_do_shared_readmodify(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int base_state, int state, bool unshare) { assert(state <= base_state); if (state < base_state) {} else if (state == base_state) goto resume_0; assert(!st->aligned_buf); st->aligned_size = unshare ? sizeof(shared_file_header_t) + (st->new_size + st->self->parent->pool_alignment-1) & ~(st->self->parent->pool_alignment-1) : align_shared_size(st->self, st->new_size); st->aligned_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc_or_die(st->aligned_size); memset(st->aligned_buf + sizeof(shared_file_header_t), 0, st->offset); if (st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value() != 0) { // Read old data if shared non-empty nfs_do_shared_read(st, base_state); return false; resume_0: if (st->res < 0) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res); return true; } auto hdr = ((shared_file_header_t*)st->aligned_buf); if (hdr->magic != SHARED_FILE_MAGIC_V1 || hdr->inode != st->ino || align_shared_size(st->self, hdr->size) > align_shared_size(st->self, st->ientry["size"].uint64_value())) { // Got unrelated data - retry from the beginning st->allow_cache = false; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, 0); return false; } } *((shared_file_header_t*)st->aligned_buf) = { .magic = SHARED_FILE_MAGIC_V1, .inode = st->ino, .size = st->new_size, }; memcpy(st->aligned_buf + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) + st->offset, st->buf, st->size); memset(st->aligned_buf + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) + st->offset + st->size, 0, st->aligned_size - sizeof(shared_file_header_t) - st->offset - st->size); return true; } static void nfs_do_align_write(nfs_kv_write_state *st, uint64_t ino, uint64_t offset, int state) { auto alignment = st->self->parent->pool_alignment; uint8_t *good_buf = st->buf; uint64_t good_offset = offset; uint64_t good_size = st->size; st->waiting++; if (offset % alignment) { // Requires read-modify-write in the beginning auto s = (alignment - (offset % alignment)); if (good_size > s) { good_buf += s; good_offset += s; good_size -= s; } else good_size = 0; s = s > st->size ? st->size : s; st->rmw[0] = { .st = st, .continue_state = state, .ino = ino, .offset = offset, .buf = st->buf, .size = s, }; nfs_do_rmw(&st->rmw[0]); } if ((offset+st->size-1) % alignment) { // Requires read-modify-write in the end auto s = ((offset+st->size-1) % alignment); if (good_size > s) good_size -= s; else good_size = 0; if (((offset+st->size-1) / alignment) > (offset / alignment)) { st->rmw[1] = { .st = st, .continue_state = state, .ino = ino, .offset = offset + st->size-s, .buf = st->buf + st->size-s, .size = s, }; nfs_do_rmw(&st->rmw[1]); } } if (good_size > 0) { // Normal write nfs_do_write(ino, good_offset, good_buf, good_size, st, state); } st->waiting--; if (!st->waiting) { nfs_kv_continue_write(st, state); } } static std::string new_normal_ientry(nfs_kv_write_state *st) { auto ni = st->ientry.object_items(); ni.erase("empty"); ni.erase("shared_ino"); ni.erase("shared_offset"); ni.erase("shared_alloc"); ni.erase("shared_ver"); ni["size"] = st->ext->cur_extend; return json11::Json(ni).dump(); } static std::string new_moved_ientry(nfs_kv_write_state *st) { auto ni = st->ientry.object_items(); ni.erase("empty"); ni["shared_ino"] = st->shared_inode; ni["shared_offset"] = st->shared_offset; ni["shared_alloc"] = st->aligned_size; ni.erase("shared_ver"); ni["size"] = st->new_size; return json11::Json(ni).dump(); } static std::string new_shared_ientry(nfs_kv_write_state *st) { auto ni = st->ientry.object_items(); ni.erase("empty"); ni["size"] = st->new_size; ni["shared_ver"] = ni["shared_ver"].uint64_value()+1; return json11::Json(ni).dump(); } static void nfs_kv_extend_inode(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state) { if (state == 1) { goto resume_1; } st->ext->cur_extend = st->ext->next_extend; st->ext->next_extend = 0; st->res2 = -EAGAIN; st->self->parent->db->set(kv_inode_key(st->ino), new_normal_ientry(st), [st](int res) { st->res = res; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, 13); }, [st](int res, const std::string & old_value) { if (res != 0) { return false; } if (old_value == st->ientry_text) { return true; } std::string err; auto ientry = json11::Json::parse(old_value, err).object_items(); if (err != "") { st->res2 = -EINVAL; return false; } else if (ientry.size() == st->ientry.object_items().size()) { for (auto & kv: st->ientry.object_items()) { if (kv.first != "size" && ientry[kv.first] != kv.second) { // Something except size changed return false; } } // OK, only size changed if (ientry["size"] >= st->new_size) { // Already extended st->res2 = 0; return false; } // size is different but can still be extended, other parameters don't differ return true; } return false; }); return; resume_1: if (st->res == -EAGAIN) { // EAGAIN may be OK in fact (see above) st->res = st->res2; } if (st->res == 0) { st->ext->done_extend = st->ext->cur_extend; } st->ext->cur_extend = 0; // Wake up other extenders anyway auto waiters = std::move(st->ext->waiters); for (auto & cb: waiters) { cb(); } } // Packing small files into "shared inodes". Insane algorithm... // Write: // - If (offset+size <= threshold): // - Read inode from cache // - If inode does not exist - stop with -ENOENT // - If inode is not a regular file - stop with -EINVAL // - If it's empty (size == 0 || empty == true): // - If preset size is larger than threshold: // - Write data into non-shared inode // - In parallel: clear empty flag // - If CAS failure: re-read inode and restart // - Otherwise: // - Allocate/take a shared inode // - Allocate space in its end // - Write data into shared inode // - If CAS failure: allocate another shared inode and retry // - Write shared inode reference, set size // - If CAS failure: free allocated shared space, re-read inode and restart // - If it's not empty: // - If non-shared: // - Write data into non-shared inode // - In parallel: check if data fits into inode size and extend if it doesn't // - If CAS failure: re-read inode and retry to extend the size // - If shared: // - Read whole file from shared inode // - If the file header in data doesn't match: re-read inode and restart // - If data doesn't fit into the same shared inode: // - Allocate space in a new shared inode // - Write data into the new shared inode // - If CAS failure: allocate another shared inode and retry // - Update inode metadata (set new size and new shared inode) // - If CAS failure: free allocated shared space, re-read inode and restart // - If it fits: // - Write updated data into the shared inode // - Update inode entry in any case to block parallel non-shared writes // - If CAS failure: re-read inode and restart // - Otherwise: // - Write data into non-shared inode // - Read inode in parallel // - If not a regular file: // - Remove data // - Stop with -EINVAL // - If shared: // - Read whole file from shared inode // - Write data into non-shared inode // - If CAS failure (block should not exist): restart // - Update inode metadata (make non-shared, update size) // - If CAS failure: restart // - Zero out the shared inode header // - If CAS failure: restart // - Check if size fits // - Extend if it doesn't // Read: // - If (offset+size <= threshold): // - Read inode from cache // - If empty: return zeroes // - If shared: // - Read the whole file from shared inode, or at least data and shared inode header // - If the file header in data doesn't match: re-read inode and restart // - If non-shared: // - Read data from non-shared inode // - Otherwise: // - Read data from non-shared inode static void nfs_kv_continue_write(nfs_kv_write_state *st, int state) { if (state == 0) {} else if (state == 1) goto resume_1; else if (state == 2) goto resume_2; else if (state == 3) goto resume_3; else if (state == 4) goto resume_4; else if (state == 5) goto resume_5; else if (state == 6) goto resume_6; else if (state == 7) goto resume_7; else if (state == 8) goto resume_8; else if (state == 9) goto resume_9; else if (state == 10) goto resume_10; else if (state == 11) goto resume_11; else if (state == 12) goto resume_12; else if (state == 13) goto resume_13; else { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: invalid state in nfs_kv_continue_write()"); abort(); } resume_0: if (!st->size) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(0); return; } kv_read_inode(st->self, st->ino, [st](int res, const std::string & value, json11::Json attrs) { st->res = res; st->ientry_text = value; st->ientry = attrs; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, 1); }, st->allow_cache); return; resume_1: if (st->res < 0 || st->ientry["type"].uint64_value() != 0 && st->ientry["type"].uint64_value() != NF3REG) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res == 0 ? -EINVAL : st->res); return; } st->was_immediate = st->self->parent->cli->get_immediate_commit(st->self->parent->fs_base_inode + st->ino); st->new_size = st->ientry["size"].uint64_value(); if (st->new_size < st->offset + st->size) { st->new_size = st->offset + st->size; } if (st->offset + st->size + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) < st->self->parent->shared_inode_threshold) { if (st->ientry["size"].uint64_value() == 0 || st->ientry["empty"].bool_value() && st->ientry["size"].uint64_value() + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) < st->self->parent->shared_inode_threshold || st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value() != 0 && st->ientry["size"].uint64_value() < st->offset+st->size && st->ientry["shared_alloc"].uint64_value() < align_shared_size(st->self, st->offset+st->size)) { // Either empty, or shared and requires moving into a larger place (redirect-write) allocate_shared_inode(st, 2, st->new_size); return; resume_2: if (st->res < 0) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res); return; } resume_3: if (!nfs_do_shared_readmodify(st, 3, state, false)) return; nfs_do_shared_write(st, 4); // FIXME assemble from parts, do not copy? return; resume_4: if (st->res < 0) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res); return; } st->self->parent->db->set(kv_inode_key(st->ino), new_moved_ientry(st), [st](int res) { st->res = res; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, 5); }, [st](int res, const std::string & old_value) { return res == 0 && old_value == st->ientry_text; }); return; resume_5: if (st->res < 0) { st->res2 = st->res; memset(st->aligned_buf, 0, st->aligned_size); nfs_do_shared_write(st, 6); return; resume_6: free(st->aligned_buf); st->aligned_buf = NULL; if (st->res2 == -EAGAIN) { goto resume_0; } else { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res2); return; } } auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(0); return; } else if (st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value() > 0) { // Non-empty, shared, can be updated in-place nfs_do_align_write(st, st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value(), st->ientry["shared_offset"].uint64_value() + sizeof(shared_file_header_t) + st->offset, 7); return; resume_7: if (st->res == 0 && st->stable && !st->was_immediate) { nfs_do_fsync(st, 8); return; } // We always have to change inode entry on shared writes st->self->parent->db->set(kv_inode_key(st->ino), new_shared_ientry(st), [st](int res) { st->res = res; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, 8); }, [st](int res, const std::string & old_value) { return res == 0 && old_value == st->ientry_text; }); return; resume_8: if (st->res == -EAGAIN) { goto resume_0; } auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res); return; } // Fall through for non-shared } // Non-shared write if (st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value() != 0) { // Unshare resume_9: if (!nfs_do_shared_readmodify(st, 9, state, true)) return; nfs_do_unshare_write(st, 10); return; } else { // Just write nfs_do_align_write(st, st->ino, st->offset, 10); } resume_10: if (st->res == 0 && st->stable && !st->was_immediate) { nfs_do_fsync(st, 11); return; } resume_11: if (st->res < 0) { auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res); return; } if (st->ientry["empty"].bool_value() || st->ientry["size"].uint64_value() < st->new_size || st->ientry["shared_ino"].uint64_value() != 0) { st->ext = &st->self->parent->kvfs->extends[st->ino]; st->ext->refcnt++; resume_12: if (st->ext->next_extend < st->new_size) { // Aggregate inode extension requests st->ext->next_extend = st->new_size; } if (st->ext->cur_extend > 0) { // Wait for current extend which is already in progress st->ext->waiters.push_back([st](){ nfs_kv_continue_write(st, 12); }); return; } if (st->ext->done_extend < st->new_size) { nfs_kv_extend_inode(st, 0); return; resume_13: nfs_kv_extend_inode(st, 1); } st->ext->refcnt--; assert(st->ext->refcnt >= 0); if (st->ext->refcnt == 0) { st->self->parent->kvfs->extends.erase(st->ino); } } if (st->res == -EAGAIN) { // Restart goto resume_0; } auto cb = std::move(st->cb); cb(st->res); } int kv_nfs3_write_proc(void *opaque, rpc_op_t *rop) { nfs_kv_write_state *st = new nfs_kv_write_state; st->self = (nfs_client_t*)opaque; st->rop = rop; WRITE3args *args = (WRITE3args*)rop->request; WRITE3res *reply = (WRITE3res*)rop->reply; st->ino = kv_fh_inode(args->file); st->offset = args->offset; st->size = (args->count > args->data.size ? args->data.size : args->count); if (!st->ino || st->size > MAX_REQUEST_SIZE) { *reply = (WRITE3res){ .status = NFS3ERR_INVAL }; rpc_queue_reply(rop); delete st; return 0; } st->buf = (uint8_t*)args->data.data; st->stable = (args->stable != UNSTABLE); st->cb = [st](int res) { WRITE3res *reply = (WRITE3res*)st->rop->reply; *reply = (WRITE3res){ .status = vitastor_nfs_map_err(res) }; if (res == 0) { reply->resok.count = (unsigned)st->size; reply->resok.committed = st->stable || st->was_immediate ? FILE_SYNC : UNSTABLE; *(uint64_t*)reply->resok.verf = st->self->parent->server_id; } rpc_queue_reply(st->rop); delete st; }; nfs_kv_continue_write(st, 0); return 1; }