// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) #include "disk_tool.h" #include "str_util.h" #include "osd_id.h" int disk_tool_t::prepare_one(std::map options, int is_hdd) { static const char *allow_additional_params[] = { "max_write_iodepth", "max_write_iodepth", "min_flusher_count", "max_flusher_count", "inmemory_metadata", "inmemory_journal", "journal_sector_buffer_count", "journal_no_same_sector_overwrites", "throttle_small_writes", "throttle_target_iops", "throttle_target_mbs", "throttle_target_parallelism", "throttle_threshold_us", }; if (options.find("force") == options.end()) { std::vector all_devs = { options["data_device"], options["meta_device"], options["journal_device"] }; for (int i = 0; i < all_devs.size(); i++) { const auto & dev = all_devs[i]; if (dev == "") continue; std::string real_dev = realpath_str(dev, false); if (real_dev == "") return 1; std::string parent_dev = get_parent_device(real_dev); if (parent_dev == "") return 1; if (parent_dev == real_dev) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a partition, not creating OSD without --force\n", dev.c_str()); return 1; } if (i == 0 && is_hdd == -1) is_hdd = read_file("/sys/block/"+parent_dev+"/queue/rotational") == "1"; std::string out; if (shell_exec({ "/sbin/blkid", "-D", "-p", dev }, "", &out, NULL) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s contains data, not creating OSD without --force. blkid -D -p says:\n%s", dev.c_str(), out.c_str()); return 1; } json11::Json sb = read_osd_superblock(dev, false); if (!sb.is_null()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s already contains Vitastor OSD superblock, not creating OSD without --force\n", dev.c_str()); return 1; } } } // Calculate offsets if the same device is used for two or more of data, meta, and journal if (options["journal_size"] == "") { if (options["journal_device"] == "") options["journal_size"] = "32M"; else if (is_hdd) options["journal_size"] = DEFAULT_HYBRID_JOURNAL; } if (is_hdd) { if (options["block_size"] == "") options["block_size"] = "1M"; if (options["throttle_small_writes"] == "") options["throttle_small_writes"] = "1"; } json11::Json::object sb; blockstore_disk_t dsk; try { dsk.parse_config(options); dsk.open_data(); dsk.open_meta(); dsk.open_journal(); dsk.calc_lengths(true); sb = json11::Json::object { { "data_device", options["data_device"] }, { "meta_device", options["meta_device"] }, { "journal_device", options["journal_device"] }, { "block_size", (uint64_t)dsk.data_block_size }, { "meta_block_size", dsk.meta_block_size }, { "journal_block_size", dsk.journal_block_size }, { "data_size", dsk.cfg_data_size }, { "disk_alignment", (uint64_t)dsk.disk_alignment }, { "bitmap_granularity", dsk.bitmap_granularity }, { "disable_device_lock", dsk.disable_flock }, { "journal_offset", 4096 }, { "meta_offset", 4096 + (dsk.meta_device == dsk.journal_device ? dsk.journal_len : 0) }, { "data_offset", 4096 + (dsk.data_device == dsk.meta_device ? dsk.meta_len : 0) + (dsk.data_device == dsk.journal_device ? dsk.journal_len : 0) }, { "journal_no_same_sector_overwrites", true }, { "journal_sector_buffer_count", 1024 }, { "disable_data_fsync", json_is_true(options["disable_data_fsync"]) }, { "disable_meta_fsync", json_is_true(options["disable_meta_fsync"]) }, { "disable_journal_fsync", json_is_true(options["disable_journal_fsync"]) }, { "immediate_commit", json_is_true(options["disable_data_fsync"]) ? (json_is_true(options["disable_journal_fsync"]) ? "all" : "small") : "none" }, }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(allow_additional_params)/sizeof(allow_additional_params[0]); i++) { auto it = options.find(allow_additional_params[i]); if (it != options.end()) { sb[it->first] = it->second; } } } catch (std::exception & e) { dsk.close_all(); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); return 1; } std::string osd_num_str; if (shell_exec({ "vitastor-cli", "alloc-osd" }, "", &osd_num_str, NULL) != 0) { dsk.close_all(); return 1; } osd_num_t osd_num = stoull_full(trim(osd_num_str), 10); if (!osd_num) { dsk.close_all(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not create OSD. vitastor-cli alloc-osd didn't return a valid OSD number:\n%s", osd_num_str.c_str()); return 1; } sb["osd_num"] = osd_num; // Zero out metadata and journal if (write_zero(dsk.meta_fd, dsk.meta_offset, dsk.meta_len) != 0 || write_zero(dsk.journal_fd, dsk.journal_offset, dsk.journal_len) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to zero out metadata or journal: %s\n", strerror(errno)); dsk.close_all(); return 1; } dsk.close_all(); // Write superblocks if (!write_osd_superblock(options["data_device"], sb) || options["meta_device"] != "" && options["meta_device"] != options["data_device"] && write_osd_superblock(options["meta_device"], sb) || options["journal_device"] != "" && options["journal_device"] != options["data_device"] && options["journal_device"] != options["meta_device"] && !write_osd_superblock(options["journal_device"], sb)) { return 1; } return 0; } std::vector disk_tool_t::collect_devices(const std::vector & devices) { std::vector devinfo; for (auto & dev: devices) { // Check if the device is a whole disk if (dev.substr(0, 5) != "/dev/") { fprintf(stderr, "%s does not start with /dev/, ignoring\n", dev.c_str()); continue; } struct stat dev_st, sys_st; if (stat(dev.c_str(), &dev_st) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s does not exist, skipping\n", dev.c_str()); return {}; } fprintf(stderr, "Error checking %s: %s\n", dev.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return {}; } if (stat(("/sys/block/"+dev.substr(5)).c_str(), &sys_st) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is probably a partition (no entry in /sys/block/), ignoring\n", dev.c_str()); continue; } fprintf(stderr, "Error checking /sys/block/%s: %s\n", dev.c_str()+5, strerror(errno)); return {}; } // Check if the device is an SSD bool is_hdd = read_file("/sys/block/"+dev.substr(5)+"/queue/rotational") == "1"; // Check if it has a partition table json11::Json pt = read_parttable(dev); if (pt.is_bool() && !pt.bool_value()) { // Error reading table return {}; } if (pt.is_null()) { // No partition table std::string out; int r = shell_exec({ "/sbin/blkid", "-p", dev }, "", &out, NULL); if (r == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s contains data, skipping:\n %s\n", dev.c_str(), str_replace(trim(out), "\n", "\n ").c_str()); continue; } } int osds = 0; for (const auto & p: pt["partitions"].array_items()) if (strtolower(p["type"].string_value()) == VITASTOR_PART_TYPE) osds++; devinfo.push_back((vitastor_dev_info_t){ .path = dev, .is_hdd = is_hdd, .pt = pt, .osd_part_count = osds, .size = (uint64_t)dev_st.st_size, .free = !pt.is_null() ? free_from_parttable(pt) : dev_st.st_size, }); } if (!devinfo.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "No suitable devices found\n"); } return devinfo; } // Return null in case of an error json11::Json disk_tool_t::add_partitions(vitastor_dev_info_t & devinfo, std::vector sizes) { std::string script = "label: gpt\n\n"; std::set is_old; for (auto part: devinfo.pt["partitions"].array_items()) { // Old partitions is_old.insert(part["uuid"].string_value()); script += part["node"].string_value()+": "; int n = 0; for (auto & kv: part.object_items()) { if (kv.first != "node") { script += kv.first+"="+(kv.second.is_string() ? kv.second.string_value() : kv.second.dump()); if (n++) script += ", "; } } script += "\n"; } for (auto size: sizes) { script += "+ "+size+" "+std::string(VITASTOR_PART_TYPE)+"\n"; } if (shell_exec({ "/sbin/sfdisk", devinfo.path }, script, NULL, NULL) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to add %lu partition(s) with sfdisk\n", sizes.size()); return {}; } // Get new partition table and find created partitions json11::Json newpt = read_parttable(devinfo.path); json11::Json::array new_parts; for (const auto & part: newpt["partitions"].array_items()) { if (is_old.find(part["uuid"].string_value()) == is_old.end()) { new_parts.push_back(part); } } if (new_parts.size() != sizes.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to add %lu partition(s) with sfdisk: new partitions not found in table\n", sizes.size()); return {}; } // Wait until device symlinks in /dev/disk/by-partuuid/ appear bool exists = false; int iter = 0; while (!exists && iter < 300) // max 30 sec { exists = true; for (const auto & part: newpt["partitions"].array_items()) { std::string link_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/"+strtolower(part["uuid"].string_value()); struct stat st; if (lstat(link_path.c_str(), &st) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) exists = false; else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to lstat %s: %s\n", link_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return {}; } } } if (!exists) { struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 100000000 }; // 100ms iter += (nanosleep(&ts, NULL) == 0); } } devinfo.pt = newpt; devinfo.osd_part_count += sizes.size(); devinfo.free = free_from_parttable(newpt); return new_parts; } std::vector disk_tool_t::get_new_data_parts(vitastor_dev_info_t & dev, uint64_t osd_per_disk, uint64_t max_other_percent) { std::vector use_parts; uint64_t want_parts = 0; if (dev.pt.is_null()) { want_parts = osd_per_disk; } else if (dev.pt["partitions"].array_items().size() > 0) { // Disk already has partitions. If these are empty Vitastor OSD partitions, we can use them uint64_t osds_exist = 0, osds_size = 0; for (const auto & part: dev.pt["partitions"].array_items()) { if (strtolower(part["type"].string_value()) == VITASTOR_PART_TYPE) { // Check if an existing Vitastor partition is empty json11::Json sb = read_osd_superblock(part["node"].string_value(), false); if (sb.is_null()) { // Use this partition use_parts.push_back(part["uuid"].string_value()); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s is already initialized for OSD %lu, skipping\n", part["node"].string_value().c_str(), sb["params"]["osd_num"].uint64_value() ); osds_exist++; osds_size += part["size"].uint64_value()*dev.pt["sectorsize"].uint64_value(); } } } // Still create OSD(s) if a disk has no more than (max_other_percent) other data if (osds_exist >= osd_per_disk || (dev.free+osds_size) < dev.size*(100-max_other_percent)/100) fprintf(stderr, "%s is already partitioned, skipping\n", dev.path.c_str()); else want_parts = osd_per_disk-osds_exist; } if (want_parts > 0) { // Disk is not partitioned yet - create OSD partition(s) std::vector sizes; auto each_size = std::to_string((dev.free - 1048576) / 1048576 / want_parts)+"MiB"; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < want_parts-1; i++) sizes.push_back(each_size); sizes.push_back("+"); auto new_parts = add_partitions(dev, sizes); for (const auto & part: new_parts.array_items()) use_parts.push_back(part["uuid"].string_value()); } return use_parts; } int disk_tool_t::get_meta_partition(std::vector & ssds, std::map & options) { uint64_t journal_size = parse_size(options["journal_size"]); journal_size = ((journal_size+1024*1024-1)/1024/1024)*1024*1024; // Calculate metadata size uint64_t meta_size = 0; try { blockstore_disk_t dsk; dsk.parse_config(options); dsk.open_data(); dsk.open_meta(); dsk.open_journal(); dsk.calc_lengths(true); dsk.close_all(); meta_size = dsk.meta_len; } catch (std::exception & e) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); return 1; } // Leave some extra space for future metadata formats and round metadata area size to multiples of 1 MB uint64_t meta_reserve_multiple = 2, min_meta_size = (uint64_t)1024*1024*1024; if (options.find("meta_reserve") != options.end()) { int p1 = options["meta_reserve"].find("x"), p2 = options["meta_reserve"].find(","); if (p1 >= 0 && p2 >= 0) { meta_reserve_multiple = stoull_full(options["meta_reserve"].substr(p1 < p2 ? 0 : p2, p1 - (p1 < p2 ? 0 : p2))); min_meta_size = parse_size(options["meta_reserve"].substr(p1 < p2 ? p2 : 0, p1 < p2 ? options["meta_reserve"].size()-p2 : p2)); } else if (p1 >= 0) meta_reserve_multiple = stoull_full(options["meta_reserve"].substr(0, p1)); else min_meta_size = parse_size(options["meta_reserve"]); } meta_size = ((meta_size+1024*1024-1)/1024/1024)*1024*1024; meta_size *= meta_reserve_multiple; if (meta_size < min_meta_size) meta_size = min_meta_size; // Pick an SSD for journal&meta, balancing the number of serviced OSDs across SSDs int sel = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ssds.size(); i++) if (ssds[i].free >= (meta_size+journal_size+4096*2) && (sel == -1 || ssds[sel].osd_part_count > ssds[i].osd_part_count)) sel = i; if (sel < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not find free space for new SSD journal and metadata (need %lu + %lu MiB)\n", meta_size/1024/1024, journal_size/1024/1024 ); return 1; } // Create partitions auto new_parts = add_partitions(ssds[sel], { std::to_string(journal_size/1024/1024)+"MiB", std::to_string(meta_size/1024/1024)+"MiB" }); if (new_parts.is_null()) { return 1; } ssds[sel].osd_part_count += 2; options["journal_device"] = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/"+strtolower(new_parts[0]["uuid"].string_value()); options["meta_device"] = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/"+strtolower(new_parts[1]["uuid"].string_value()); return 0; } int disk_tool_t::prepare(std::vector devices) { if (options.find("data_device") != options.end() && options["data_device"] != "") { if (options.find("hybrid") != options.end() || options.find("osd_per_disk") != options.end() || devices.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "Device list (positional arguments) and --hybrid are incompatible with --data_device\n"); return 1; } return prepare_one(options); } if (!devices.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "Device list missing\n"); return 1; } options.erase("data_device"); options.erase("meta_device"); options.erase("journal_device"); auto devinfo = collect_devices(devices); if (!devinfo.size()) { return 1; } bool hybrid = options.find("hybrid") != options.end(); uint64_t osd_per_disk = stoull_full(options["osd_per_disk"]); if (!osd_per_disk) osd_per_disk = 1; uint64_t max_other_percent = stoull_full(trim(options["max_other"], " \n\r\t%")); if (max_other_percent > 100) max_other_percent = 100; std::vector ssds; if (hybrid) { for (auto & dev: devinfo) if (!dev.is_hdd) ssds.push_back(dev); if (!ssds.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "No SSDs found\n"); return 1; } if (options["journal_size"] == "") options["journal_size"] = DEFAULT_HYBRID_JOURNAL; } for (auto & dev: devinfo) { if (!hybrid || dev.is_hdd) { // Select new partitions and create an OSD on each of them for (const auto & uuid: get_new_data_parts(dev, osd_per_disk, max_other_percent)) { options["force"] = true; options["data_device"] = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/"+strtolower(uuid); if (hybrid) { // Select/create journal and metadata partitions int r = get_meta_partition(ssds, options); if (r != 0) { return 1; } } prepare_one(options, dev.is_hdd ? 1 : 0); } } } return 0; }