#include #include #include #include #include #include "osd.h" #include "json11/json11.hpp" #include "osd_http.h" #define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 9000 static int extract_port(std::string & host); static std::string strtolower(const std::string & in); static std::string trim(const std::string & in); static std::string ws_format_frame(int type, uint64_t size); static bool ws_parse_frame(std::string & buf, int & type, std::string & res); struct http_co_t { ring_loop_t *ringloop; timerfd_manager_t *tfd; int epoll_fd; std::map> *epoll_handlers; int request_timeout = 0; std::string host; std::string request; std::string ws_outbox; std::string response; bool want_streaming; http_response_t parsed; uint64_t target_response_size = 0; int state = 0; int peer_fd = -1; int timeout_id = -1; int epoll_events = 0; ring_data_t *send_data = NULL, *read_data = NULL; int sent = 0; std::vector rbuf; iovec read_iov, send_iov; msghdr read_msg = { 0 }, send_msg = { 0 }; int waiting_read_sqe = 0, waiting_send_sqe = 0; std::function callback; websocket_t ws; ~http_co_t(); void start_connection(); void handle_connect_result(); void submit_read(); void submit_send(); void handle_read(); void post_message(int type, const std::string & msg); }; #define HTTP_CO_CONNECTING 1 #define HTTP_CO_SENDING_REQUEST 2 #define HTTP_CO_REQUEST_SENT 3 #define HTTP_CO_HEADERS_RECEIVED 4 #define HTTP_CO_WEBSOCKET 5 #define HTTP_CO_CHUNKED 6 void osd_t::http_request(std::string host, std::string request, bool streaming, std::function callback) { http_co_t *handler = new http_co_t(); handler->ringloop = ringloop; handler->epoll_fd = epoll_fd; handler->epoll_handlers = &epoll_handlers; handler->request_timeout = http_request_timeout; handler->tfd = tfd; handler->want_streaming = streaming; handler->host = host; handler->request = request; handler->callback = callback; handler->ws.co = handler; handler->start_connection(); } void osd_t::http_request_json(std::string host, std::string request, std::function callback) { http_request(host, request, false, [this, callback](const http_response_t* res) { if (res->error_code != 0) { callback("Error code: "+std::to_string(res->error_code)+" ("+std::string(strerror(res->error_code))+")", json11::Json()); return; } if (res->status_code != 200) { callback("HTTP "+std::to_string(res->status_code)+" "+res->status_line+" body: "+trim(res->body), json11::Json()); return; } std::string json_err; json11::Json data = json11::Json::parse(res->body, json_err); if (json_err != "") { callback("Bad JSON: "+json_err+" (response: "+trim(res->body)+")", json11::Json()); return; } callback(std::string(), data); }); } websocket_t* osd_t::open_websocket(std::string host, std::string path, std::function callback) { std::string request = "GET "+path+" HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: "+host+"\r\n" "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" "Connection: upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n" "\r\n"; http_co_t *handler = new http_co_t(); handler->ringloop = ringloop; handler->epoll_fd = epoll_fd; handler->epoll_handlers = &epoll_handlers; handler->request_timeout = http_request_timeout; handler->tfd = tfd; handler->want_streaming = false; handler->host = host; handler->request = request; handler->callback = callback; handler->ws.co = handler; handler->start_connection(); return &handler->ws; } void websocket_t::post_message(int type, const std::string & msg) { co->post_message(type, msg); } void websocket_t::close() { delete co; } http_co_t::~http_co_t() { if (timeout_id >= 0) { tfd->clear_timer(timeout_id); timeout_id = -1; } if (read_data) { // Ignore CQE result read_data->callback = [](ring_data_t *data) {}; } else if (waiting_read_sqe) { ringloop->cancel_wait_sqe(waiting_read_sqe); } if (send_data) { // Ignore CQE result send_data->callback = [](ring_data_t *data) {}; } else if (waiting_send_sqe) { ringloop->cancel_wait_sqe(waiting_send_sqe); } if (peer_fd >= 0) { epoll_handlers->erase(peer_fd); epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, peer_fd, NULL); close(peer_fd); peer_fd = -1; } if (parsed.headers["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked") { int prev = 0, pos = 0; while ((pos = response.find("\r\n", prev)) >= prev) { uint64_t len = strtoull(response.c_str()+prev, NULL, 16); parsed.body += response.substr(pos+2, len); prev = pos+2+len+2; } } else { std::swap(parsed.body, response); } parsed.eof = true; callback(&parsed); } void http_co_t::start_connection() { int port = extract_port(host); struct sockaddr_in addr; int r; if ((r = inet_pton(AF_INET, host.c_str(), &addr.sin_addr)) != 1) { parsed.error_code = ENXIO; delete this; return; } addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port ? port : 80); peer_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (peer_fd < 0) { parsed.error_code = errno; delete this; return; } fcntl(peer_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(peer_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); if (request_timeout > 0) { timeout_id = tfd->set_timer(1000*request_timeout, false, [this](int timer_id) { if (response.length() == 0) { parsed.error_code = EIO; } delete this; }); } (*epoll_handlers)[peer_fd] = [this](int peer_fd, int epoll_events) { this->epoll_events |= epoll_events; if (state == HTTP_CO_CONNECTING) { handle_connect_result(); } else { if (this->epoll_events & EPOLLIN) { submit_read(); } else if (this->epoll_events & (EPOLLRDHUP|EPOLLERR)) { delete this; } } }; // Add FD to epoll (EPOLLOUT for tracking connect() result) epoll_event ev; ev.data.fd = peer_fd; ev.events = EPOLLOUT | EPOLLIN | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET; if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, peer_fd, &ev) < 0) { parsed.error_code = errno; delete this; return; } epoll_events = 0; // Finally call connect r = ::connect(peer_fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if (r < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS) { parsed.error_code = errno; delete this; return; } state = HTTP_CO_CONNECTING; } void http_co_t::handle_connect_result() { if (epoll_events & (EPOLLOUT | EPOLLERR)) { int result = 0; socklen_t result_len = sizeof(result); if (getsockopt(peer_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &result, &result_len) < 0) { result = errno; } if (result != 0) { parsed.error_code = result; delete this; return; } int one = 1; setsockopt(peer_fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one)); state = HTTP_CO_SENDING_REQUEST; submit_send(); } else { delete this; } } void http_co_t::submit_read() { if (!read_data && !waiting_read_sqe) { if (rbuf.size() != READ_BUFFER_SIZE) { rbuf.resize(READ_BUFFER_SIZE); } io_uring_sqe *sqe = ringloop->get_sqe(); if (!sqe) { waiting_read_sqe = ringloop->wait_sqe([this]() { waiting_read_sqe = 0; submit_read(); }); return; } read_data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data); read_iov = { .iov_base = rbuf.data(), .iov_len = READ_BUFFER_SIZE }; read_msg.msg_iov = &read_iov; read_msg.msg_iovlen = 1; epoll_events = epoll_events & ~EPOLLIN; read_data->callback = [this](ring_data_t *data) { read_data = NULL; if (data->res == -EAGAIN) { data->res = 0; } if (data->res < 0) { delete this; return; } response += std::string(rbuf.data(), data->res); if (data->res == READ_BUFFER_SIZE) { submit_read(); } handle_read(); if (data->res < READ_BUFFER_SIZE && (epoll_events & (EPOLLRDHUP|EPOLLERR))) { delete this; return; } }; my_uring_prep_recvmsg(sqe, peer_fd, &read_msg, 0); } } void http_co_t::submit_send() { if (sent < request.size() && !send_data && !waiting_send_sqe) { io_uring_sqe *sqe = ringloop->get_sqe(); if (!sqe) { waiting_send_sqe = ringloop->wait_sqe([this]() { waiting_send_sqe = 0; submit_send(); }); return; } send_data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data); send_iov = (iovec){ .iov_base = (void*)(request.c_str()+sent), .iov_len = request.size()-sent }; send_msg.msg_iov = &send_iov; send_msg.msg_iovlen = 1; send_data->callback = [this](ring_data_t *data) { send_data = NULL; if (data->res == -EAGAIN) { data->res = 0; } else if (data->res < 0) { delete this; return; } sent += data->res; if (state == HTTP_CO_SENDING_REQUEST) { if (sent >= request.size()) state = HTTP_CO_REQUEST_SENT; else submit_send(); } else if (state == HTTP_CO_WEBSOCKET) { request = request.substr(sent); sent = 0; submit_send(); } }; my_uring_prep_sendmsg(sqe, peer_fd, &send_msg, 0); } } void http_co_t::handle_read() { if (state == HTTP_CO_REQUEST_SENT) { int pos = response.find("\r\n\r\n"); if (pos >= 0) { if (timeout_id >= 0) { tfd->clear_timer(timeout_id); timeout_id = -1; } state = HTTP_CO_HEADERS_RECEIVED; parse_http_headers(response, &parsed); if (parsed.status_code == 101 && parsed.headers.find("sec-websocket-accept") != parsed.headers.end() && parsed.headers["upgrade"] == "websocket" && parsed.headers["connection"] == "upgrade") { // Don't care about validating the key state = HTTP_CO_WEBSOCKET; request = ws_outbox; ws_outbox = ""; sent = 0; submit_send(); } else if (parsed.headers["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked") { state = HTTP_CO_CHUNKED; } else if (parsed.headers["connection"] != "close") { target_response_size = stoull_full(parsed.headers["content-length"]); if (!target_response_size) { // Sorry, unsupported response delete this; return; } } } } if (state == HTTP_CO_HEADERS_RECEIVED && target_response_size > 0 && response.size() >= target_response_size) { delete this; return; } if (state == HTTP_CO_CHUNKED && response.size() > 0) { int prev = 0, pos = 0; while ((pos = response.find("\r\n", prev)) >= prev) { uint64_t len = strtoull(response.c_str()+prev, NULL, 16); if (!len) { // Zero length chunk indicates EOF delete this; return; } if (response.size() < pos+2+len+2) { break; } parsed.body += response.substr(pos+2, len); prev = pos+2+len+2; } if (prev > 0) { response = response.substr(prev); } if (want_streaming && parsed.body.size() > 0) { callback(&parsed); parsed.body = ""; } } if (state == HTTP_CO_WEBSOCKET && response.size() > 0) { while (ws_parse_frame(response, parsed.ws_msg_type, parsed.body)) { callback(&parsed); parsed.body = ""; } } } void http_co_t::post_message(int type, const std::string & msg) { if (state == HTTP_CO_WEBSOCKET) { request += ws_format_frame(type, msg.size()); request += msg; submit_send(); } else { ws_outbox += ws_format_frame(type, msg.size()); ws_outbox += msg; } } uint64_t stoull_full(const std::string & str, int base) { if (isspace(str[0])) { return 0; } char *end = NULL; uint64_t r = strtoull(str.c_str(), &end, base); if (end != str.c_str()+str.length()) { return 0; } return r; } void parse_http_headers(std::string & res, http_response_t *parsed) { int pos = res.find("\r\n"); pos = pos < 0 ? res.length() : pos+2; std::string status_line = res.substr(0, pos); int http_version; char *status_text = NULL; sscanf(status_line.c_str(), "HTTP/1.%d %d %ms", &http_version, &parsed->status_code, &status_text); if (status_text) { parsed->status_line = status_text; // %ms = allocate a buffer free(status_text); status_text = NULL; } int prev = pos; while ((pos = res.find("\r\n", prev)) >= prev) { if (pos == prev) { res = res.substr(pos+2); break; } std::string header = res.substr(prev, pos-prev); int p2 = header.find(":"); if (p2 >= 0) { std::string key = strtolower(header.substr(0, p2)); int p3 = p2+1; while (p3 < header.length() && isblank(header[p3])) p3++; parsed->headers[key] = key == "connection" || key == "upgrade" || key == "transfer-encoding" ? strtolower(header.substr(p3)) : header.substr(p3); } prev = pos+2; } } static std::string ws_format_frame(int type, uint64_t size) { // Always zero mask std::string res; int p = 0; res.resize(2 + (size >= 126 ? 2 : 0) + (size >= 65536 ? 6 : 0) + /*mask*/4); res[p++] = 0x80 | type; if (size < 126) res[p++] = size | /*mask*/0x80; else if (size < 65536) { res[p++] = 126 | /*mask*/0x80; res[p++] = (size >> 8) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 0) & 0xFF; } else { res[p++] = 127 | /*mask*/0x80; res[p++] = (size >> 56) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 48) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 40) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 32) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 24) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 16) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 8) & 0xFF; res[p++] = (size >> 0) & 0xFF; } res[p++] = 0; res[p++] = 0; res[p++] = 0; res[p++] = 0; return res; } static bool ws_parse_frame(std::string & buf, int & type, std::string & res) { uint64_t hdr = 2; if (buf.size() < hdr) { return false; } type = buf[0] & ~0x80; bool mask = !!(buf[1] & 0x80); hdr += mask ? 4 : 0; uint64_t len = ((uint8_t)buf[1] & ~0x80); if (len == 126) { hdr += 2; if (buf.size() < hdr) { return false; } len = ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[2] << 8) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[3] << 0); } else if (len == 127) { hdr += 8; if (buf.size() < hdr) { return false; } len = ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[2] << 56) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[3] << 48) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[4] << 40) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[5] << 32) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[6] << 24) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[7] << 16) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[8] << 8) | ((uint64_t)(uint8_t)buf[9] << 0); } if (buf.size() < hdr+len) { return false; } if (mask) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) buf[hdr+i] ^= buf[hdr-4+(i & 3)]; } res += buf.substr(hdr, len); buf = buf.substr(hdr+len); return true; } std::vector getifaddr_list(bool include_v6) { std::vector addresses; ifaddrs *list, *ifa; if (getifaddrs(&list) == -1) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("getifaddrs: ") + strerror(errno)); } for (ifa = list; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (!ifa->ifa_addr) { continue; } int family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family; if ((family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6 && include_v6) && (ifa->ifa_flags & (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING | IFF_LOOPBACK)) == (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING)) { void *addr_ptr; if (family == AF_INET) addr_ptr = &((sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr; else addr_ptr = &((sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr; char addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if (!inet_ntop(family, addr_ptr, addr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("inet_ntop: ") + strerror(errno)); } addresses.push_back(std::string(addr)); } } freeifaddrs(list); return addresses; } static int extract_port(std::string & host) { int port = 0; int pos = 0; if ((pos = host.find(':')) >= 0) { port = strtoull(host.c_str() + pos + 1, NULL, 10); if (port >= 0x10000) { port = 0; } host = host.substr(0, pos); } return port; } static std::string strtolower(const std::string & in) { std::string s = in; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { s[i] = tolower(s[i]); } return s; } static std::string trim(const std::string & in) { int begin = in.find_first_not_of(" \n\r\t"); if (begin == -1) return ""; int end = in.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t"); return in.substr(begin, end+1-begin); }