// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 or GNU GPL-2.0+ (see README.md for details) // C-C++ proxy for the QEMU driver // (QEMU headers don't compile with g++) #include #include "cluster_client.h" typedef void* AioContext; #include "qemu_proxy.h" extern "C" { // QEMU typedef void IOHandler(void *opaque); void aio_set_fd_handler(AioContext *ctx, int fd, int is_external, IOHandler *fd_read, IOHandler *fd_write, void *poll_fn, void *opaque); } struct QemuProxyData { int fd; std::function callback; }; class QemuProxy { std::map handlers; public: timerfd_manager_t *tfd; cluster_client_t *cli; AioContext *ctx; QemuProxy(AioContext *ctx, const char *config_path, const char *etcd_host, const char *etcd_prefix, const char *rdma_device, int rdma_port_num, int rdma_gid_index, int rdma_mtu) { this->ctx = ctx; json11::Json::object cfg; if (config_path) cfg["config_path"] = std::string(config_path); if (etcd_host) cfg["etcd_address"] = std::string(etcd_host); if (etcd_prefix) cfg["etcd_prefix"] = std::string(etcd_prefix); if (rdma_device) cfg["rdma_device"] = std::string(rdma_device); if (rdma_port_num) cfg["rdma_port_num"] = rdma_port_num; if (rdma_gid_index) cfg["rdma_gid_index"] = rdma_gid_index; if (rdma_mtu) cfg["rdma_mtu"] = rdma_mtu; json11::Json cfg_json(cfg); tfd = new timerfd_manager_t([this](int fd, bool wr, std::function callback) { set_fd_handler(fd, wr, callback); }); cli = new cluster_client_t(NULL, tfd, cfg_json); } ~QemuProxy() { delete cli; delete tfd; } void set_fd_handler(int fd, bool wr, std::function callback) { if (callback != NULL) { handlers[fd] = { .fd = fd, .callback = callback }; aio_set_fd_handler(ctx, fd, false, &QemuProxy::read_handler, wr ? &QemuProxy::write_handler : NULL, NULL, &handlers[fd]); } else { handlers.erase(fd); aio_set_fd_handler(ctx, fd, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } static void read_handler(void *opaque) { QemuProxyData *data = (QemuProxyData *)opaque; data->callback(data->fd, EPOLLIN); } static void write_handler(void *opaque) { QemuProxyData *data = (QemuProxyData *)opaque; data->callback(data->fd, EPOLLOUT); } }; extern "C" { void* vitastor_proxy_create(AioContext *ctx, const char *config_path, const char *etcd_host, const char *etcd_prefix, const char *rdma_device, int rdma_port_num, int rdma_gid_index, int rdma_mtu) { QemuProxy *p = new QemuProxy(ctx, config_path, etcd_host, etcd_prefix, rdma_device, rdma_port_num, rdma_gid_index, rdma_mtu); return p; } void vitastor_proxy_destroy(void *client) { QemuProxy *p = (QemuProxy*)client; delete p; } void vitastor_proxy_rw(int write, void *client, uint64_t inode, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, VitastorIOHandler cb, void *opaque) { QemuProxy *p = (QemuProxy*)client; cluster_op_t *op = new cluster_op_t; op->opcode = write ? OSD_OP_WRITE : OSD_OP_READ; op->inode = inode; op->offset = offset; op->len = len; for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { op->iov.push_back(iov[i].iov_base, iov[i].iov_len); } op->callback = [cb, opaque](cluster_op_t *op) { cb(op->retval, opaque); delete op; }; p->cli->execute(op); } void vitastor_proxy_sync(void *client, VitastorIOHandler cb, void *opaque) { QemuProxy *p = (QemuProxy*)client; cluster_op_t *op = new cluster_op_t; op->opcode = OSD_OP_SYNC; op->callback = [cb, opaque](cluster_op_t *op) { cb(op->retval, opaque); delete op; }; p->cli->execute(op); } void vitastor_proxy_watch_metadata(void *client, char *image, VitastorIOHandler cb, void *opaque) { QemuProxy *p = (QemuProxy*)client; p->cli->on_ready([=]() { auto watch = p->cli->st_cli.watch_inode(std::string(image)); cb((long)watch, opaque); }); } void vitastor_proxy_close_watch(void *client, void *watch) { QemuProxy *p = (QemuProxy*)client; p->cli->st_cli.close_watch((inode_watch_t*)watch); } uint64_t vitastor_proxy_get_size(void *watch_ptr) { inode_watch_t *watch = (inode_watch_t*)watch_ptr; return watch->cfg.size; } uint64_t vitastor_proxy_get_inode_num(void *watch_ptr) { inode_watch_t *watch = (inode_watch_t*)watch_ptr; return watch->cfg.num; } int vitastor_proxy_get_readonly(void *watch_ptr) { inode_watch_t *watch = (inode_watch_t*)watch_ptr; return watch->cfg.readonly; } }