
413 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+
// License: VNPL-1.1 (see for details)
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "str_util.h"
std::string base64_encode(const std::string &in)
std::string out;
unsigned val = 0;
int valb = -6;
for (unsigned char c: in)
val = (val << 8) + c;
valb += 8;
while (valb >= 0)
out.push_back("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"[(val>>valb) & 0x3F]);
valb -= 6;
if (valb > -6)
out.push_back("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"[((val<<8)>>(valb+8)) & 0x3F]);
while (out.size() % 4)
return out;
static char T[256] = { 0 };
std::string base64_decode(const std::string &in)
std::string out;
if (T[0] == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
T[i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
T[(unsigned char)("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"[i])] = i;
unsigned val = 0;
int valb = -8;
for (unsigned char c: in)
if (T[c] == -1)
val = (val<<6) + T[c];
valb += 6;
if (valb >= 0)
out.push_back(char((val >> valb) & 0xFF));
valb -= 8;
return out;
std::string strtoupper(const std::string & in)
std::string s = in;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
s[i] = toupper(s[i]);
return s;
std::string strtolower(const std::string & in)
std::string s = in;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
return s;
std::string trim(const std::string & in, const char *rm_chars)
int begin = in.find_first_not_of(rm_chars);
if (begin == -1)
return "";
int end = in.find_last_not_of(rm_chars);
return in.substr(begin, end+1-begin);
std::string str_replace(const std::string & in, const std::string & needle, const std::string & replacement)
std::string res;
int pos = 0, p2;
while ((p2 = in.find(needle, pos)) >= 0)
res += in.substr(pos, p2-pos);
res += replacement;
pos = p2 + replacement.size();
if (!pos)
return in;
return res + in.substr(pos);
uint64_t stoull_full(const std::string & str, int base)
if (isspace(str[0]))
return 0;
char *end = NULL;
uint64_t r = strtoull(str.c_str(), &end, base);
if (end != str.c_str()+str.length())
return 0;
return r;
uint64_t parse_size(std::string size_str, bool *ok)
if (!size_str.length())
if (ok)
*ok = false;
return 0;
uint64_t mul = 1;
char type_char = tolower(size_str[size_str.length()-1]);
if (type_char == 'k' || type_char == 'm' || type_char == 'g' || type_char == 't')
if (type_char == 'k')
mul = (uint64_t)1<<10;
else if (type_char == 'm')
mul = (uint64_t)1<<20;
else if (type_char == 'g')
mul = (uint64_t)1<<30;
else /*if (type_char == 't')*/
mul = (uint64_t)1<<40;
size_str = size_str.substr(0, size_str.length()-1);
uint64_t size = stoull_full(size_str, 0) * mul;
if (ok)
*ok = !(size == 0 && size_str != "0" && (size_str != "" || mul != 1));
return size;
static uint64_t size_thresh[] = { (uint64_t)1024*1024*1024*1024, (uint64_t)1024*1024*1024, (uint64_t)1024*1024, 1024, 0 };
static uint64_t size_thresh_d[] = { (uint64_t)1000000000000, (uint64_t)1000000000, (uint64_t)1000000, (uint64_t)1000, 0 };
static const int size_thresh_n = sizeof(size_thresh)/sizeof(size_thresh[0]);
static const char *size_unit = "TGMKB";
std::string format_size(uint64_t size, bool nobytes)
uint64_t *thr = nobytes ? size_thresh_d : size_thresh;
char buf[256];
for (int i = 0; i < size_thresh_n; i++)
if (size >= thr[i] || i >= size_thresh_n-1)
double value = thr[i] ? (double)size/thr[i] : size;
int l = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f", value);
assert(l < sizeof(buf)-2);
if (buf[l-1] == '0')
l -= 2;
buf[l] = i == size_thresh_n-1 && nobytes ? 0 : ' ';
buf[l+1] = i == size_thresh_n-1 && nobytes ? 0 : size_unit[i];
buf[l+2] = 0;
return std::string(buf);
void print_help(const char *help_text, std::string exe_name, std::string cmd, bool all)
if (cmd == "" && all)
fwrite(help_text, strlen(help_text), 1, stdout);
std::string filtered_text = "";
const char *head_end = strstr(help_text, "COMMANDS:\n");
if (head_end)
filtered_text += std::string(help_text, head_end-help_text);
head_end += strlen("COMMANDS:\n");
const char *next_line = head_end ? head_end : help_text;
if (cmd != "")
const char *cmd_start = NULL;
bool matched = false, started = true, found = false;
while ((next_line = strchr(next_line, '\n')))
if (*next_line && !strncmp(next_line, exe_name.c_str(), exe_name.size()))
if (started)
if (cmd_start && matched)
filtered_text += std::string(cmd_start, next_line-cmd_start);
cmd_start = next_line;
matched = started = false;
const char *var_start = next_line+exe_name.size()+1;
const char *var_end = var_start;
while (*var_end && !isspace(*var_end))
if ((std::string(var_start, var_end-var_start)+"|").find(cmd+"|") != std::string::npos)
found = matched = true;
else if (*next_line && isspace(*next_line))
started = true;
else if (cmd_start && matched)
filtered_text += std::string(cmd_start, next_line-cmd_start);
matched = started = false;
while (filtered_text.size() > 1 &&
filtered_text[filtered_text.size()-1] == '\n' &&
filtered_text[filtered_text.size()-2] == '\n')
if (!found)
filtered_text = "Unknown command: "+cmd+". Use "+exe_name+" --help for usage\n";
filtered_text += "COMMANDS:\n\n";
while ((next_line = strchr(next_line, '\n')))
if (*next_line && !strncmp(next_line, exe_name.c_str(), exe_name.size()))
const char *line_end = strchr(next_line, '\n');
line_end = line_end ? line_end : next_line+strlen(next_line);
filtered_text += " "+(line_end ? std::string(next_line, line_end-next_line) : std::string(next_line));
filtered_text += "\n";
else if (*next_line && !isspace(next_line[0]))
filtered_text += "\n"+std::string(next_line);
fwrite(, filtered_text.size(), 1, stdout);
uint64_t parse_time(std::string time_str, bool *ok)
if (!time_str.length())
if (ok)
*ok = false;
return 0;
uint64_t mul = 1;
char type_char = tolower(time_str[time_str.length()-1]);
if (type_char == 's' || type_char == 'm' || type_char == 'h' || type_char == 'd' || type_char == 'y')
if (type_char == 's')
mul = 1;
else if (time_str[time_str.length()-1] == 'M')
mul = 30*86400;
else if (type_char == 'm')
mul = 60;
else if (type_char == 'h')
mul = 3600;
else if (type_char == 'd')
mul = 86400;
else /*if (type_char == 'y')*/
mul = 86400*365;
time_str = time_str.substr(0, time_str.length()-1);
uint64_t ts = stoull_full(time_str, 0) * mul;
if (ok)
*ok = !(ts == 0 && time_str != "0" && (time_str != "" || mul != 1));
return ts;
std::string read_all_fd(int fd)
int res_size = 0, res_alloc = 0;
std::string res;
while (1)
if (res_size >= res_alloc)
res.resize((res_alloc = (res_alloc ? res_alloc*2 : 1024)));
int r = read(fd, (char*), res_alloc-res_size);
if (r > 0)
res_size += r;
else if (!r || errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR)
return res;
std::string str_repeat(const std::string & str, int times)
std::string r;
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
r += str;
return r;
size_t utf8_length(const std::string & s)
size_t len = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
len += (s[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80;
return len;
size_t utf8_length(const char *s)
size_t len = 0;
for (; *s; s++)
len += (*s & 0xC0) != 0x80;
return len;
std::vector<std::string> explode(const std::string & sep, const std::string & value, bool trim)
std::vector<std::string> res;
size_t prev = 0;
while (prev < value.size())
while (trim && prev < value.size() && isspace(value[prev]))
size_t pos = value.find(sep, prev);
if (pos == std::string::npos)
pos = value.size();
size_t next = pos+sep.size();
while (trim && pos > prev && isspace(value[pos-1]))
if (!trim || pos > prev)
res.push_back(value.substr(prev, pos-prev));
prev = next;
return res;
// extract possibly double-quoted part of string with escape characters
std::string scan_escaped(const std::string & cmd, size_t & pos)
std::string key;
auto pos2 = cmd.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n", pos);
if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
pos = cmd.size();
return "";
pos = pos2;
if (cmd[pos] != '"')
pos2 = cmd.find_first_of(" \t\r\n", pos);
pos2 = pos2 == std::string::npos ? cmd.size() : pos2;
key = cmd.substr(pos, pos2-pos);
pos2 = cmd.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n", pos2);
pos = pos2 == std::string::npos ? cmd.size() : pos2;
return key;
while (pos < cmd.size())
auto pos2 = cmd.find_first_of("\\\"", pos);
pos2 = pos2 == std::string::npos ? cmd.size() : pos2;
if (pos2 > pos)
key += cmd.substr(pos, pos2-pos);
pos = pos2;
if (pos >= cmd.size())
if (cmd[pos] == '"')
if (cmd[pos] == '\\')
if (pos < cmd.size()-1)
key += cmd[++pos];
return key;
std::string auto_addslashes(const std::string & str)
auto pos = str.find_first_of("\\\"");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return str;
std::string res = "\""+str.substr(0, pos)+"\\"+str[pos];
while (pos < str.size()-1)
auto pos2 = str.find_first_of("\\\"", pos+1);
if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
return res + str.substr(pos) + "\"";
res += str.substr(pos, pos2-pos)+"\\"+str[pos2];
pos = pos2;
return res+"\"";