
142 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File

// Upgrade tool for OSD units generated with and make-osd-hybrid.js
const fsp = require('fs').promises;
upgrade_osd(process.argv[2]).catch(e =>
async function upgrade_osd(unit)
if (!unit)
throw new Error('USAGE: '+process.argv[0]+' '+process.argv[1]+' /etc/systemd/system/vitastor-osd<NUMBER>.service');
let service_name = /^.*\/(vitastor-osd\d+)\.service$/.exec(unit);
if (!service_name)
throw new Error(unit+' is not a service named vitastor-osd<number>');
service_name = service_name[1];
// Parse the unit
const text = await fsp.readFile(unit, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
let cmd = /\nExecStart\s*=[^\n]+vitastor-osd\s*(([^\n&>\d]+|\\[ \t\r]*\n|\d[^>])+)/.exec(text);
if (!cmd)
throw new Error('Failed to extract ExecStart command from '+unit);
cmd = cmd[1].replace(/\\[ \t\r]*\n/g, '');
const options = {};
for (let i = 0; i < cmd.length-1; i += 2)
if (cmd[i].substr(0, 2) == '--')
options[cmd[i].substr(2)] = cmd[i+1];
if (!options['osd_num'] || !options['data_device'])
throw new Error('osd_num or data_device are missing in '+unit);
if (options['data_device'].substr(0, '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/'.length) != '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/' ||
options['meta_device'] && options['meta_device'].substr(0, '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/'.length) != '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/' ||
options['journal_device'] && options['journal_device'].substr(0, '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/'.length) != '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/')
throw new Error(
'data_device, meta_device and journal_device must begin with'+
' /dev/disk/by-partuuid/ i.e. they must be GPT partitions identified by UUIDs'
// Stop and disable the service
system_or_die("systemctl disable --now "+service_name);
const j_o = BigInt(options['journal_offset'] || 0);
const m_o = BigInt(options['meta_offset'] || 0);
const d_o = BigInt(options['data_offset'] || 0);
const m_is_d = !options['meta_device'] || options['meta_device'] == options['data_device'];
const j_is_m = !options['journal_device'] || options['journal_device'] == options['meta_device'];
const j_is_d = (options['journal_device'] || options['meta_device'] || options['data_device']) == options['data_device'];
if (d_o < 4096 || j_o < 4096 || m_o < 4096)
// Resize data
let blk = BigInt(options['block_size'] || 128*1024);
let resize = {};
if (d_o < 4096 || m_is_d && m_o < 4096 && m_o < d_o || j_is_d && j_o < 4096 && j_o < d_o)
resize.new_data_offset = d_o+blk;
if (m_is_d && m_o < d_o)
resize.new_meta_offset = m_o+blk;
if (j_is_d && j_o < d_o)
resize.new_journal_offset = j_o+blk;
if (!m_is_d && m_o < 4096)
resize.new_meta_offset = m_o+4096n;
if (j_is_m && m_o < j_o)
resize.new_journal_offset = j_o+4096n;
if (!j_is_d && !j_is_m && j_o < 4096)
resize.new_journal_offset = j_o+4096n;
const resize_opts = Object.keys(resize).map(k => ` --${k} ${resize[k]}`).join('');
console.log('Resize options:'+resize_opts);
await system_or_die(
'vitastor-disk resize'+
Object.keys(options).map(k => ` --${k} ${options[k]}`).join('')+resize_opts
for (let k in resize)
options[k.substr(4)] = resize[k];
// Write superblock
const sb = JSON.stringify(options);
await system_or_die('vitastor-disk write-sb '+options['data_device'], sb);
if (!m_is_d)
await system_or_die('vitastor-disk write-sb '+options['meta_device'], sb);
if (!j_is_d && !j_is_m)
await system_or_die('vitastor-disk write-sb '+options['journal_device'], sb);
// Change partition type
if (!m_is_d)
if (!j_is_d && !j_is_m)
// Enable the new unit
system_or_die("systemctl enable --now vitastor-osd@"+options['osd_num']);
async function fix_partition_type(dev)
const uuid = dev.replace(/^.*\//, '').toLowerCase();
const parent_dev = (await fsp.realpath(dev)).replace(/((\d)p|(\D))?\d+$/, '$2$3');
const pt = JSON.parse(await system_or_die('sfdisk --dump '+parent_dev+' --json')).partitiontable;
let script = 'label: gpt\n\n';
for (const part of pt.partitions)
if (part.uuid.toLowerCase() == uuid)
part.type = 'e7009fac-a5a1-4d72-af72-53de13059903';
script += part.node+': '+Object.keys(part).map(k => k == 'node' ? '' : k+'='+part[k]).filter(k => k).join(', ')+'\n';
await system_or_die('sfdisk '+dev.path, script);
async function system_or_die(cmd, input = '')
let [ exitcode, stdout, stderr ] = await system(cmd, input);
if (exitcode != 0)
throw new Error(cmd+' failed: '+stderr);
return stdout;
async function system(cmd, input = '')
if (options.debug)
process.stderr.write('+ '+cmd+(input ? " <<EOF\n"+input.replace(/\s*$/, '\n')+"EOF" : '')+'\n');
const cp = child_process.spawn(cmd, { shell: true });
let stdout = '', stderr = '', finish_cb;
cp.stdout.on('data', buf => stdout += buf.toString());
cp.stderr.on('data', buf => stderr += buf.toString());
cp.on('exit', () => finish_cb && finish_cb());
if (cp.exitCode == null)
await new Promise(ok => finish_cb = ok);
return [ cp.exitCode, stdout, stderr ];