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2014-12-11 10:50:15 +03:00
// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@zbackup.org> and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS
// Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "check.hh"
#include "encrypted_file.hh"
#include "endian.hh"
#include "page_size.hh"
#include "random.hh"
#include "debug.hh"
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
namespace EncryptedFile {
using Encryption::BlockSize;
InputStream::InputStream( char const * fileName, EncryptionKey const & key,
void const * iv_ ):
file( fileName, UnbufferedFile::ReadOnly ), filePos( 0 ), key( key ),
// Our buffer must be larger than BlockSize, as otherwise we won't be able
// to handle PKCS#7 padding properly
buffer( std::max( getPageSize(), ( unsigned ) BlockSize * 2 ) ),
fill( 0 ), remainder( 0 ), backedUp( false )
dPrintf( "Loading %s, hasKey: %s\n", fileName, key.hasKey() ? "true" : "false" );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
if ( key.hasKey() )
memcpy( iv, iv_, sizeof( iv ) );
// Since we use padding, file size should be evenly dividable by the cipher
// block size, and we should have at least one block
UnbufferedFile::Offset size = file.size();
if ( !size || size % BlockSize )
throw exIncorrectFileSize();
bool InputStream::Next( void const ** data, int * size )
// If we backed up, return the unconsumed data
if ( backedUp )
backedUp = false;
// Update adler32 for the previous block
adler32.add( start, fill );
// Read more data
if ( filePos && !remainder )
// Once we're read a full block, we always have a remainder. If not,
// this means we've hit the end of file already
fill = 0;
return false;
// If we have a remainder, move it to the beginning of buffer and make
// it start the next block
memmove( buffer.data(), start + fill, remainder );
start = buffer.data();
fill = file.read( start + remainder, buffer.size() - remainder ) +
// remainder should techically be 0 now, but decrypt() will update it
// anyway
// remainder = 0;
catch( UnbufferedFile::exReadError & )
fill = 0; // To make sure state is remaining consistent
return false;
*data = start;
*size = fill;
filePos += fill;
return *size;
void InputStream::BackUp( int count )
CHECK( count >= 0, "count is negative" );
if ( !backedUp )
CHECK( (size_t) count <= fill, "Backing up too much" );
size_t consumed = fill - count;
adler32.add( start, consumed );
start += consumed;
fill = count;
filePos -= count;
backedUp = fill; // Don't make the next Next() return 0 bytes
CHECK( count == 0, "backing up after being backed up already" );
bool InputStream::Skip( int count )
CHECK( count >= 0, "count is negative" );
// We always need to read and decrypt data, as otherwise both the state of
// CBC and adler32 would be incorrect
void const * data;
int size;
while( count )
if ( !Next( &data, &size ) )
return false;
if ( size > count )
BackUp( size - count );
count -= size;
return true;
int64_t InputStream::ByteCount() const
return filePos;
Adler32::Value InputStream::getAdler32()
// This makes all data consumed, if not already
BackUp( 0 );
return adler32.result();
void InputStream::read( void * buf, size_t size )
void const * data;
int avail;
char * n = ( char * ) buf;
while( size )
if ( !Next( &data, &avail ) )
throw exReadFailed();
if ( avail > ( ssize_t ) size )
memcpy( n, data, size );
BackUp( avail - size );
memcpy( n, data, avail );
n += avail;
size -= avail;
void InputStream::checkAdler32()
Adler32::Value ours = getAdler32();
Adler32::Value r;
read( &r, sizeof( r ) );
if ( ours != fromLittleEndian( r ) )
throw exAdlerMismatch();
void InputStream::consumeRandomIv()
if ( key.hasKey() )
char iv[ Encryption::IvSize ];
read( iv, sizeof( iv ) ); // read() can throw exceptions, Skip() can't
void InputStream::decrypt()
if ( fill == buffer.size() )
// When we have the full buffer, we set the last block of it aside and
// treat the rest as the normal CBC sequence. The last block in the buffer
// may be the last block of file, in which case we would need to handle
// padding. That may happen the next time the function is called
remainder = BlockSize;
fill -= BlockSize;
// This is an end of file. Decrypt data treating the last block being
// padded
// Since we always have padding in the file and the last block is always
// set apart when reading full buffers, we must have at least one block
// to decrypt here
// Unpad the last block
if ( key.hasKey() )
fill -= BlockSize - Encryption::unpad( start + fill - BlockSize );
// We have not left any remainder this time
remainder = 0;
void InputStream::doDecrypt()
if ( !key.hasKey() )
// Since we use padding, file size should be evenly dividable by the cipher's
// block size, and we should always have at least one block. When we get here,
// we would always get the proper fill value unless those characteristics are
// not met. We check for the same condition on construction, but the file
// size can change while we are reading it
// We don't throw an exception here as the interface we implement doesn't
// support them
CHECK( fill > 0 && !( fill % BlockSize ), "incorrect size of the encrypted "
"file - must be non-zero and in multiples of %u",
( unsigned ) BlockSize );
// Copy the next iv prior to decrypting the data in place, as it will
// not be available afterwards
char newIv[ Encryption::IvSize ];
memcpy( newIv, Encryption::getNextDecryptionIv( start, fill ),
sizeof( newIv ) );
// Decrypt the data
Encryption::decrypt( iv, key.getKey(), start, start, fill );
// Copy the new iv
memcpy( iv, newIv, sizeof( iv ) );
OutputStream::OutputStream( char const * fileName, EncryptionKey const & key,
void const * iv_ ):
file( fileName, UnbufferedFile::WriteOnly ), filePos( 0 ), key( key ),
buffer( getPageSize() ), start( buffer.data() ), avail( 0 ), backedUp( false )
dPrintf( "Saving %s, hasKey: %s\n", fileName, key.hasKey() ? "true" : "false" );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
if ( key.hasKey() )
memcpy( iv, iv_, sizeof( iv ) );
bool OutputStream::Next( void ** data, int * size )
// If we backed up, return the unconsumed data
if ( backedUp )
backedUp = false;
// Update adler32 for the previous block
adler32.add( start, avail );
// Encrypt and write the buffer if it had data
if ( filePos )
encryptAndWrite( buffer.size() );
start = buffer.data();
avail = buffer.size();
catch( UnbufferedFile::exWriteError & )
avail = 0; // To make sure state is remaining consistent
return false;
*data = start;
*size = avail;
filePos += avail;
return *size;
void OutputStream::BackUp( int count )
CHECK( count >= 0, "count is negative" );
if ( !backedUp )
CHECK( (size_t) count <= avail, "Backing up too much" );
size_t consumed = avail - count;
adler32.add( start, consumed );
start += consumed;
avail = count;
filePos -= count;
backedUp = avail; // Don't make the next Next() return 0 bytes
CHECK( count == 0, "backing up after being backed up already" );
int64_t OutputStream::ByteCount() const
return filePos;
Adler32::Value OutputStream::getAdler32()
// This makes all data consumed, if not already
BackUp( 0 );
return adler32.result();
void OutputStream::write( void const * buf, size_t size )
void * data;
int avail;
char const * n = ( char const * ) buf;
while( size )
if ( !Next( &data, &avail ) )
throw exReadFailed();
if ( avail > ( ssize_t ) size )
memcpy( data, n, size );
BackUp( avail - size );
memcpy( data, n, avail );
n += avail;
size -= avail;
void OutputStream::writeAdler32()
Adler32::Value v = toLittleEndian( getAdler32() );
write( &v, sizeof( v ) );
void OutputStream::writeRandomIv()
if ( key.hasKey() )
char iv[ Encryption::IvSize ];
Random::generatePseudo( iv, sizeof( iv ) );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
write( iv, sizeof( iv ) );
void OutputStream::encryptAndWrite( size_t bytes )
if ( key.hasKey() )
CHECK( bytes > 0 && !( bytes % BlockSize ), "incorrect number of bytes to "
"encrypt and write - must be non-zero and in multiples of %u",
( unsigned ) BlockSize );
void const * nextIv = Encryption::encrypt( iv, key.getKey(), buffer.data(),
buffer.data(), bytes );
memcpy( iv, nextIv, sizeof( iv ) );
file.write( buffer.data(), bytes );
// This makes all data consumed, if not already
BackUp( 0 );
// If we have the full buffer, write it first
if ( start == buffer.data() + buffer.size() )
encryptAndWrite( buffer.size() );
start = buffer.data();
size_t bytesToWrite = start - buffer.data();
if ( key.hasKey() )
// Perform padding
size_t remainderSize = bytesToWrite % BlockSize;
Encryption::pad( start - remainderSize, remainderSize );
bytesToWrite += BlockSize - remainderSize;
encryptAndWrite( bytesToWrite );