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2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@zbackup.org>
// Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
#include "backup_creator.hh"
#include "backup_file.hh"
#include "backup_restorer.hh"
#include "debug.hh"
#include "dir.hh"
#include "encryption_key.hh"
#include "ex.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "mt.hh"
#include "sha256.hh"
#include "sptr.hh"
#include "storage_info_file.hh"
#include "zbackup.hh"
#include "backup_exchanger.hh"
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
using std::vector;
using std::bitset;
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
Paths::Paths( string const & storageDir ): storageDir( storageDir )
string Paths::getTmpPath()
return string( Dir::addPath( storageDir, "tmp" ) );
string Paths::getBundlesPath()
return string( Dir::addPath( storageDir, "bundles" ) );
string Paths::getStorageInfoPath()
return string( Dir::addPath( storageDir, "info" ) );
string Paths::getIndexPath()
return string( Dir::addPath( storageDir, "index" ) );
string Paths::getBackupsPath()
return string( Dir::addPath( storageDir, "backups" ) );
ZBackupBase::ZBackupBase( string const & storageDir, string const & password ):
Paths( storageDir ), storageInfo( loadStorageInfo() ),
encryptionkey( password, storageInfo.has_encryption_key() ?
&storageInfo.encryption_key() : 0 ),
tmpMgr( getTmpPath() ),
chunkIndex( encryptionkey, tmpMgr, getIndexPath() )
StorageInfo ZBackupBase::loadStorageInfo()
StorageInfo storageInfo;
StorageInfoFile::load( getStorageInfoPath(), storageInfo );
return storageInfo;
void ZBackupBase::initStorage( string const & storageDir,
string const & password,
bool isEncrypted )
StorageInfo storageInfo;
// TODO: make the following configurable
storageInfo.set_chunk_max_size( 65536 );
storageInfo.set_bundle_max_payload_size( 0x200000 );
if ( isEncrypted )
EncryptionKey::generate( password,
*storageInfo.mutable_encryption_key() );
Paths paths( storageDir );
if ( !Dir::exists( storageDir ) )
Dir::create( storageDir );
if ( !Dir::exists( paths.getBundlesPath() ) )
Dir::create( paths.getBundlesPath() );
if ( !Dir::exists( paths.getBackupsPath() ) )
Dir::create( paths.getBackupsPath() );
if ( !Dir::exists( paths.getIndexPath() ) )
Dir::create( paths.getIndexPath() );
string storageInfoPath( paths.getStorageInfoPath() );
if ( File::exists( storageInfoPath ) )
throw exWontOverwrite( storageInfoPath );
StorageInfoFile::save( storageInfoPath, storageInfo );
string ZBackupBase::deriveStorageDirFromBackupsFile( string const &
backupsFile )
// TODO: handle cases when there's a backup/ folder within the backup/ folder
// correctly
string realPath = Dir::getRealPath( Dir::getDirName( backupsFile ) );
size_t pos;
if ( realPath.size() >= 8 && strcmp( realPath.c_str() + realPath.size() - 8,
"/backups") == 0 )
pos = realPath.size() - 8;
pos = realPath.rfind( "/backups/" );
if ( pos == string::npos )
throw exCantDeriveStorageDir( backupsFile );
return realPath.substr( 0, pos );
ZBackup::ZBackup( string const & storageDir, string const & password,
size_t threads ):
ZBackupBase( storageDir, password ),
chunkStorageWriter( storageInfo, encryptionkey, tmpMgr, chunkIndex,
getBundlesPath(), getIndexPath(), threads )
void ZBackup::backupFromStdin( string const & outputFileName )
if ( isatty( fileno( stdin ) ) )
throw exWontReadFromTerminal();
if ( File::exists( outputFileName ) )
throw exWontOverwrite( outputFileName );
Sha256 sha256;
BackupCreator backupCreator( storageInfo, chunkIndex, chunkStorageWriter );
time_t startTime = time( 0 );
uint64_t totalDataSize = 0;
for ( ; ; )
size_t toRead = backupCreator.getInputBufferSize();
// dPrintf( "Reading up to %u bytes from stdin\n", toRead );
void * inputBuffer = backupCreator.getInputBuffer();
size_t rd = fread( inputBuffer, 1, toRead, stdin );
if ( !rd )
if ( feof( stdin ) )
dPrintf( "No more input on stdin\n" );
throw exStdinError();
sha256.add( inputBuffer, rd );
backupCreator.handleMoreData( rd );
totalDataSize += rd;
// Finish up with the creator
string serialized;
backupCreator.getBackupData( serialized );
BackupInfo info;
info.set_sha256( sha256.finish() );
info.set_size( totalDataSize );
// Shrink the serialized data iteratively until it wouldn't shrink anymore
for ( ; ; )
BackupCreator backupCreator( storageInfo, chunkIndex, chunkStorageWriter );
char const * ptr = serialized.data();
size_t left = serialized.size();
while( left )
size_t bufferSize = backupCreator.getInputBufferSize();
size_t toCopy = bufferSize > left ? left : bufferSize;
memcpy( backupCreator.getInputBuffer(), ptr, toCopy );
backupCreator.handleMoreData( toCopy );
ptr += toCopy;
left -= toCopy;
string newGen;
backupCreator.getBackupData( newGen );
if ( newGen.size() < serialized.size() )
serialized.swap( newGen );
info.set_iterations( info.iterations() + 1 );
dPrintf( "Iterations: %u\n", info.iterations() );
info.mutable_backup_data()->swap( serialized );
info.set_time( time( 0 ) - startTime );
// Commit the bundles to the disk before creating the final output file
// Now save the resulting BackupInfo
sptr< TemporaryFile > tmpFile = tmpMgr.makeTemporaryFile();
BackupFile::save( tmpFile->getFileName(), encryptionkey, info );
tmpFile->moveOverTo( outputFileName );
ZRestore::ZRestore( string const & storageDir, string const & password,
size_t cacheSize ):
ZBackupBase( storageDir, password ),
chunkStorageReader( storageInfo, encryptionkey, chunkIndex, getBundlesPath(),
cacheSize )
void ZRestore::restoreToStdin( string const & inputFileName )
if ( isatty( fileno( stdout ) ) )
throw exWontWriteToTerminal();
BackupInfo backupInfo;
BackupFile::load( inputFileName, encryptionkey, backupInfo );
string backupData;
// Perform the iterations needed to get to the actual user backup data
for ( ; ; )
backupData.swap( *backupInfo.mutable_backup_data() );
if ( backupInfo.iterations() )
struct StringWriter: public DataSink
string result;
virtual void saveData( void const * data, size_t size )
result.append( ( char const * ) data, size );
} stringWriter;
BackupRestorer::restore( chunkStorageReader, backupData, stringWriter );
backupInfo.mutable_backup_data()->swap( stringWriter.result );
backupInfo.set_iterations( backupInfo.iterations() - 1 );
struct StdoutWriter: public DataSink
Sha256 sha256;
virtual void saveData( void const * data, size_t size )
sha256.add( data, size );
if ( fwrite( data, size, 1, stdout ) != 1 )
throw exStdoutError();
} stdoutWriter;
BackupRestorer::restore( chunkStorageReader, backupData, stdoutWriter );
if ( stdoutWriter.sha256.finish() != backupInfo.sha256() )
throw exChecksumError();
DEF_EX( exExchangeWithLessThanTwoKeys, "Specify password flag (--non-encrypted or --password-file)"
" for import/export operation twice (first for source and second for destination)", std::exception )
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
DEF_EX( exNonEncryptedWithKey, "--non-encrypted and --password-file are incompatible", std::exception )
DEF_EX( exSpecifyEncryptionOptions, "Specify either --password-file or --non-encrypted", std::exception )
DEF_EX_STR( exInvalidThreadsValue, "Invalid threads value specified:", std::exception )
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
size_t const defaultThreads = getNumberOfCpus();
size_t threads = defaultThreads;
size_t const defaultCacheSizeMb = 40;
size_t cacheSizeMb = defaultCacheSizeMb;
vector< char const * > args;
vector< string > passwords;
bitset< BackupExchanger::Flags > exchange;
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
for( int x = 1; x < argc; ++x )
if ( strcmp( argv[ x ], "--password-file" ) == 0 && x + 1 < argc )
// Read the password
char const * passwordFile = argv[ x + 1 ];
string passwordData;
if ( passwordFile )
File f( passwordFile, File::ReadOnly );
passwordData.resize( f.size() );
f.read( &passwordData[ 0 ], passwordData.size() );
// If the password ends with \n, remove that last \n. Many editors will
// add \n there even if a user doesn't want them to
if ( !passwordData.empty() &&
passwordData[ passwordData.size() - 1 ] == '\n' )
passwordData.resize( passwordData.size() - 1 );
passwords.push_back( passwordData );
if ( strcmp( argv[ x ], "--exchange" ) == 0 && x + 1 < argc )
char const * exchangeValue = argv[ x + 1 ];
if ( strcmp( exchangeValue, "backups" ) == 0 )
exchange.set( BackupExchanger::backups );
if ( strcmp( exchangeValue, "bundles" ) == 0 )
exchange.set( BackupExchanger::bundles );
if ( strcmp( exchangeValue, "index" ) == 0 )
exchange.set( BackupExchanger::index );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid exchange value specified: %s. "
"Must be one of the following: backups, bundles, index\n",
exchangeValue );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
if ( strcmp( argv[ x ], "--non-encrypted" ) == 0 )
passwords.push_back( "" );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
if ( strcmp( argv[ x ], "--silent" ) == 0 )
verboseMode = false;
if ( strcmp( argv[ x ], "--threads" ) == 0 && x + 1 < argc )
int n;
if ( sscanf( argv[ x + 1 ], "%zu %n", &threads, &n ) != 1 ||
argv[ x + 1 ][ n ] || threads < 1 )
throw exInvalidThreadsValue( argv[ x + 1 ] );
if ( strcmp( argv[ x ], "--cache-size" ) == 0 && x + 1 < argc )
char suffix[ 16 ];
int n;
if ( sscanf( argv[ x + 1 ], "%zu %15s %n",
&cacheSizeMb, suffix, &n ) == 2 && !argv[ x + 1 ][ n ] )
// Check the suffix
for ( char * c = suffix; *c; ++c )
*c = tolower( *c );
if ( strcmp( suffix, "mb" ) != 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid suffix specified in cache size: %s. "
"The only supported suffix is 'mb' for megabytes\n",
argv[ x + 1 ] );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid cache size value specified: %s. "
"Must be a number with the 'mb' suffix, e.g. '100mb'\n",
argv[ x + 1 ] );
args.push_back( argv[ x ] );
if ( args.size() < 1 )
fprintf( stderr,
2013-08-18 10:59:25 +04:00
"ZBackup, a versatile deduplicating backup tool, version 1.2\n"
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
"Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@zbackup.org>\n"
"Comes with no warranty. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.\n"
"Visit the project's home page at http://zbackup.org/\n\n"
"Usage: %s [flags] <command> [command args]\n"
" Flags: --non-encrypted|--password-file <file>\n"
" password flag should be specified twice if import/export\n"
" command specified\n"
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
" --silent (default is verbose)\n"
" --threads <number> (default is %zu on your system)\n"
" --cache-size <number> MB (default is %zu)\n"
" --exchange [backups|bundles|index] (can be\n"
" specified multiple times)\n"
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
" Commands:\n"
" init <storage path> - initializes new storage;\n"
" backup <backup file name> - performs a backup from stdin;\n"
" restore <backup file name> - restores a backup to stdout;\n"
" export <source storage path> <destination storage path> -\n"
" performs export from source to destination storage;\n"
" import <source storage path> <destination storage path> -\n"
" performs import from source to destination storage.\n"
" For export/import storage path must be valid (initialized) storage.\n"
"", *argv,
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
defaultThreads, defaultCacheSizeMb );
if ( passwords.size() > 1 &&
( ( passwords[ 0 ].empty() && !passwords[ 1 ].empty() ) ||
( !passwords[ 0 ].empty() && passwords[ 1 ].empty() ) ) &&
( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "export" ) != 0 && strcmp( args[ 0 ], "import" ) != 0 ) )
throw exNonEncryptedWithKey();
if ( passwords.size() < 2 &&
( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "export" ) == 0 || strcmp( args[ 0 ], "import" ) == 0 ) )
throw exExchangeWithLessThanTwoKeys();
if ( passwords.size() < 1 )
throw exSpecifyEncryptionOptions();
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
if ( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "init" ) == 0 )
// Perform the init
if ( args.size() != 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s init <storage path>\n", *argv );
ZBackup::initStorage( args[ 1 ], passwords[ 0 ], !passwords[ 0 ].empty() );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
if ( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "backup" ) == 0 )
// Perform the backup
if ( args.size() != 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s backup <backup file name>\n",
*argv );
ZBackup zb( ZBackup::deriveStorageDirFromBackupsFile( args[ 1 ] ),
passwords[ 0 ], threads );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
zb.backupFromStdin( args[ 1 ] );
if ( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "restore" ) == 0 )
// Perform the restore
if ( args.size() != 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s restore <backup file name>\n",
*argv );
ZRestore zr( ZRestore::deriveStorageDirFromBackupsFile( args[ 1 ] ),
passwords[ 0 ], cacheSizeMb * 1048576 );
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
zr.restoreToStdin( args[ 1 ] );
if ( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "export" ) == 0 || strcmp( args[ 0 ], "import" ) == 0 )
if ( args.size() != 3 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s %s <source storage path> <destination storage path>\n",
*argv, args[ 0 ] );
if ( exchange.none() )
fprintf( stderr, "Specify any --exchange flag\n" );
if ( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "export" ) == 0 )
if ( strcmp( args[ 0 ], "import" ) == 0 )
2013-07-18 21:33:25 +04:00
fprintf( stderr, "Error: unknown command line option: %s\n", args[ 0 ] );
catch( std::exception & e )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", e.what() );