// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS // Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE #include #include #include #include #include #if defined( __APPLE__ ) || defined( __OpenBSD__ ) #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include "file.hh" #include "utils.hh" enum { // We employ a writing buffer to considerably speed up file operations when // they consists of many small writes. The default size for the buffer is 64k WriteBufferSize = 65536 }; bool File::exists( char const * filename ) throw() { #ifdef __WIN32 struct _stat buf; return _stat( filename, &buf ) == 0; #else struct stat buf; // EOVERFLOW rationale: if the file is too large, it still does exist return stat( filename, &buf ) == 0 || errno == EOVERFLOW; #endif } void File::erase( std::string const & filename ) throw( exCantErase ) { if ( remove( filename.c_str() ) != 0 ) throw exCantErase( filename ); } void File::rename( std::string const & from, std::string const & to ) throw( exCantRename, exCantErase ) { int res = 0; res = ::rename( from.c_str(), to.c_str() ); if ( 0 != res ) { if ( EXDEV == errno ) { int read_fd; int write_fd; struct stat stat_buf; off_t offset = 0; /* Open the input file. */ read_fd = ::open( from.c_str(), O_RDONLY ); /* Stat the input file to obtain its size. */ if ( fstat( read_fd, &stat_buf ) != 0 ) throw exCantRename( from + " to " + to ); /* Open the output file for writing, with the same permissions as the source file. */ write_fd = ::open( to.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, stat_buf.st_mode ); /* Blast the bytes from one file to the other. */ #if defined( __APPLE__ ) if ( -1 == sendfile( write_fd, read_fd, offset, &stat_buf.st_size, NULL, 0 ) ) throw exCantRename( from + " to " + to ); #elif defined( __OpenBSD__ ) size_t BUFSIZE = 4096, size; char buf[BUFSIZE]; while ( ( size = ::read( read_fd, buf, BUFSIZE ) ) != -1 && size != 0 ) ::write( write_fd, buf, size ); if ( size == -1 ) throw exCantRename( from + " to " + to ); #else if ( -1 == sendfile( write_fd, read_fd, &offset, stat_buf.st_size ) ) throw exCantRename( from + " to " + to ); #endif /* Close up. */ ::close( read_fd ); ::close( write_fd ); File::erase ( from ); } else throw exCantRename( from + " to " + to ); } } void File::open( char const * filename, OpenMode mode ) throw( exCantOpen ) { char const * m; switch( mode ) { case Update: m = "r+b"; break; case WriteOnly: m = "wb"; break; default: m = "rb"; } f = fopen( filename, m ); if ( !f ) throw exCantOpen( std::string( filename ) + ": " + strerror( errno ) ); } void File::open( int fd, OpenMode mode ) throw( exCantOpen ) { char const * m; switch( mode ) { case Update: m = "r+b"; break; case WriteOnly: m = "wb"; break; default: m = "rb"; } f = fdopen( fd, m ); if ( !f ) throw exCantOpen( "fd#" + Utils::numberToString( fd ) + ": " + strerror( errno ) ); } File::File( char const * filename, OpenMode mode ) throw( exCantOpen ): writeBuffer( 0 ) { open( filename, mode ); } File::File( std::string const & filename, OpenMode mode ) throw( exCantOpen ): writeBuffer( 0 ) { open( filename.c_str(), mode ); } File::File( int fd, OpenMode mode ) throw( exCantOpen ): writeBuffer( 0 ) { open( fd, mode ); } void File::read( void * buf, size_t size ) throw( exReadError, exWriteError ) { if ( !size ) return; if ( writeBuffer ) flushWriteBuffer(); size_t result = fread( buf, size, 1, f ); if ( result != 1 ) { if ( !ferror( f ) ) throw exShortRead(); else throw exReadErrorDetailed( f ); } } size_t File::readRecords( void * buf, size_t size, size_t count ) throw( exWriteError ) { if ( writeBuffer ) flushWriteBuffer(); return fread( buf, size, count, f ); } void File::write( void const * buf, size_t size ) throw( exWriteError ) { if ( !size ) return; if ( size >= WriteBufferSize ) { // If the write is large, there's not much point in buffering flushWriteBuffer(); size_t result = fwrite( buf, size, 1, f ); if ( result != 1 ) throw exWriteError(); return; } if ( !writeBuffer ) { // Allocate the writing buffer since we don't have any yet writeBuffer = new char[ WriteBufferSize ]; writeBufferLeft = WriteBufferSize; } size_t toAdd = size < writeBufferLeft ? size : writeBufferLeft; memcpy( writeBuffer + ( WriteBufferSize - writeBufferLeft ), buf, toAdd ); size -= toAdd; writeBufferLeft -= toAdd; if ( !writeBufferLeft ) // Out of buffer? Flush it { flushWriteBuffer(); if ( size ) // Something's still left? Add to buffer { memcpy( writeBuffer, (char const *)buf + toAdd, size ); writeBufferLeft -= size; } } } size_t File::writeRecords( void const * buf, size_t size, size_t count ) throw( exWriteError ) { flushWriteBuffer(); return fwrite( buf, size, count, f ); } char * File::gets( char * s, int size, bool stripNl ) throw( exWriteError ) { if ( writeBuffer ) flushWriteBuffer(); char * result = fgets( s, size, f ); if ( result && stripNl ) { size_t len = strlen( result ); char * last = result + len; while( len-- ) { --last; if ( *last == '\n' || *last == '\r' ) *last = 0; else break; } } return result; } std::string File::gets( bool stripNl ) throw( exReadError, exWriteError ) { char buf[ 1024 ]; if ( !gets( buf, sizeof( buf ), stripNl ) ) { if ( !ferror( f ) ) throw exShortRead(); else throw exReadErrorDetailed( f ); } return std::string( buf ); } void File::seek( long offset ) throw( exSeekError, exWriteError ) { if ( writeBuffer ) flushWriteBuffer(); if ( fseek( f, offset, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) throw exSeekError(); } void File::seekCur( long offset ) throw( exSeekError, exWriteError ) { if ( writeBuffer ) flushWriteBuffer(); if ( fseek( f, offset, SEEK_CUR ) != 0 ) throw exSeekError(); } void File::seekEnd( long offset ) throw( exSeekError, exWriteError ) { if ( writeBuffer ) flushWriteBuffer(); if ( fseek( f, offset, SEEK_END ) != 0 ) throw exSeekError(); } void File::rewind() throw( exSeekError, exWriteError ) { seek( 0 ); } size_t File::tell() throw( exSeekError ) { long result = ftell( f ); if ( result == -1 ) throw exSeekError(); if ( writeBuffer ) result += ( WriteBufferSize - writeBufferLeft ); return ( size_t ) result; } size_t File::size() throw( exSeekError, exWriteError ) { size_t cur = tell(); seekEnd( 0 ); size_t result = tell(); seek( cur ); return result; } bool File::eof() throw( exWriteError ) { if ( writeBuffer ) flushWriteBuffer(); return feof( f ); } int File::error() throw( exReadError ) { int result = ferror( f ); return result; } FILE * File::file() throw( exWriteError ) { flushWriteBuffer(); return f; } FILE * File::release() throw( exWriteError ) { releaseWriteBuffer(); FILE * c = f; f = 0; return c; } void File::close() throw( exWriteError ) { fclose( release() ); } File::~File() throw() { if ( f ) { try { releaseWriteBuffer(); } catch( exWriteError & ) { } fclose( f ); } } void File::flushWriteBuffer() throw( exWriteError ) { if ( writeBuffer && writeBufferLeft != WriteBufferSize ) { size_t result = fwrite( writeBuffer, WriteBufferSize - writeBufferLeft, 1, f ); if ( result != 1 ) throw exWriteError(); writeBufferLeft = WriteBufferSize; } } void File::releaseWriteBuffer() throw( exWriteError ) { flushWriteBuffer(); if ( writeBuffer ) { delete [] writeBuffer; writeBuffer = 0; } } File::exReadErrorDetailed::exReadErrorDetailed( int fd ) { buildDescription( fd ); } File::exReadErrorDetailed::exReadErrorDetailed( FILE * f ) { buildDescription( fileno( f ) ); } void File::exReadErrorDetailed::buildDescription( int fd ) { description = "Error reading from file "; char path[ PATH_MAX ]; char procFdLink[ 48 ]; sprintf( procFdLink, "/proc/self/fd/%d", fd ); int pathChars = readlink( procFdLink, path, sizeof( path ) ); if ( pathChars < 0 ) description += "(unknown)"; else description.append( path, pathChars ); } const char * File::exReadErrorDetailed::what() const throw() { return description.c_str(); } File::exReadErrorDetailed::~exReadErrorDetailed() throw () { }