// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS // Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE // Protobuffers used in zbackup // This stores the key used for the encryption of all the blocks. The key itself // is stored in the encrypted form. A user supplies a password - it is used // together with salt and rounds to generate a decryption key for the actual // key used for block encryption. This way we can change the password without // re-encrypting all the blocks message EncryptionKeyInfo { // The decryption key is derived from the password, salt and rounds using // PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1 // Salt to use together with the user password required bytes salt = 1; // Rounds of hashing to apply when generating the key used to decrypt the // block key required uint32 rounds = 2; // Stores the block encryption key, in an encrypted form itself required bytes encrypted_key = 3; // Used to check that the key was decrypted correctly - see the next field required bytes key_check_input = 4; // HMAC of key_check_input using the decrypted key. Used to check that the // key was indeed decrypted correctly required bytes key_check_hmac = 5; } message StorageInfo { // Maximum chunk size used when storing chunks required uint32 chunk_max_size = 1 [deprecated = true]; // Maximum number of bytes a bundle can hold. Only real chunk bytes are // counted, not metadata. Any bundle should be able to contain at least // one arbitrary single chunk, so this should not be smaller than // chunk_max_size required uint32 bundle_max_payload_size = 2 [deprecated = true]; // If present, used for encryption/decryption of all data optional EncryptionKeyInfo encryption_key = 3; // Default compression for new bundles optional string default_compression_method = 4 [default = "lzma", deprecated = true]; } message ChunkConfigInfo { // Maximum chunk size used when storing chunks required uint32 max_size = 1 [default = 65536]; } message BundleConfigInfo { // Maximum number of bytes a bundle can hold. Only real chunk bytes are // counted, not metadata. Any bundle should be able to contain at least // one arbitrary single chunk, so this should not be smaller than // chunk_max_size required uint32 max_payload_size = 2 [default = 0x200000]; // Compression method for new bundles optional string compression_method = 3 [default = "lzma"]; } // Storable config values should always have default values message ConfigInfo { required ChunkConfigInfo chunk = 1; required BundleConfigInfo bundle = 2; } message ExtendedStorageInfo { // Config data storage optional ConfigInfo config = 1; } message BundleInfo { // Info about a single chunk stored message ChunkRecord { // Id of the chunk required bytes id = 1; // Size of the chunk required uint32 size = 2; } // A sequence of chunk records repeated ChunkRecord chunk_record = 1; } message FileHeader { // File format version required uint32 version = 1; } message BundleFileHeader { // File format version required uint32 version = 1; // Compression method that is used for this file // If the program doesn't support that field, it will try LZMA. If it is // LZMA, that will work. If it isn't, it will have aborted before because // the version in FileHeader is higher than it can support. optional string compression_method = 2 [default = "lzma"]; } message IndexBundleHeader { // Id of the bundle following in the stream. If not present, indicates the // end of log file optional bytes id = 1; } // A single instruction. Backups are made of a sequence of those instructions, // which are executed one after another message BackupInstruction { // Both fields can present simultaneously. They are evaluated in the same // order they are listed here // If present, the chunk with that id should be emitted to the data flow optional bytes chunk_to_emit = 1; // If present, the bytes contained in the field should be emitted to the // data flow optional bytes bytes_to_emit = 2; } message BackupInfo { // The backup data. Since usually the field is quite large for real life /// backups, we process its serialized data with the same backup algorithm // iteratively until it doesn't shrink. The content of this field represents // the last iteration of that process. If iterations = 0, it directly // represents the user's backup data. If iterations = 1, it represents the // backed up BackupData which would represent the user's backed up data once // it is restored, and so on. // The type is 'bytes' as the result is serialized required bytes backup_data = 1; // Number of times backup_data should be restored with the 'restore' algorithm // before we get what we need to restore for the end user optional uint32 iterations = 2 [default = 0]; // Number of bytes in the backup data required uint64 size = 3; // SHA-256 of the original data required bytes sha256 = 4; // Time spent creating the backup, in seconds optional int64 time = 5; }