// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS // Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE #ifndef ADLER32_HH_INCLUDED__ #define ADLER32_HH_INCLUDED__ #include #include #include /// A simple wrapper to calculate adler32 class Adler32 { public: typedef uint32_t Value; Adler32(): value( ( Value ) adler32( 0, 0, 0 ) ) {} void add( void const * data, size_t size ) { // When size is 0, we assume a no-op was requested and 'data' should be // ignored. However, adler32() has a special semantic for NULL 'data'. // Therefore we check the size before calling it if ( size ) value = ( Value ) adler32( value, ( Bytef const * ) data, size ); } Value result() const { return value; } private: Value value; }; #endif