// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS // Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE #include "backup_exchanger.hh" #include "dir.hh" #include "debug.hh" namespace BackupExchanger { vector< string > recreateDirectories( string const & src, string const & dst, string const & relativePath ) { vector< string > files; Dir::Listing lst ( Dir::addPath( src, relativePath ) ); Dir::Entry entry; while ( lst.getNext( entry ) ) { string currentRelativePath ( relativePath ); if ( currentRelativePath.empty() ) currentRelativePath.assign( entry.getFileName() ); else currentRelativePath.assign( Dir::addPath( relativePath, entry.getFileName() ) ); if ( entry.isDir() ) { verbosePrintf( "Found directory %s...\n", currentRelativePath.c_str() ); string srcFullPath ( Dir::addPath( src, currentRelativePath ) ); string dstFullPath ( Dir::addPath( dst, currentRelativePath ) ); if ( !Dir::exists( dstFullPath.c_str() ) ) { verbosePrintf( "Directory %s not found in destination, creating...\n", currentRelativePath.c_str() ); Dir::create( dstFullPath.c_str() ); } vector< string > subFiles ( recreateDirectories( src, dst, currentRelativePath ) ); files.insert( files.end(), subFiles.begin(), subFiles.end() ); } else { verbosePrintf( "Found file %s...\n", currentRelativePath.c_str() ); files.push_back( currentRelativePath ); } } return files; } }